Mated To My Doom

By xX_Jada_Xx

6.7M 207K 75.6K

Mate. One little word. One big concept. A belief that someone, somewhere, is holding the key to your heart... More

Mated To My Doom
Flash Forward
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 ( The End)
Sequel + Contest (CLOSED)
'Mated To My Doom'- SEQUEL

Chapter 7

227K 7.2K 2.1K
By xX_Jada_Xx

Dedicated to lisannemeijs for the amazing cover! 

Thank you so much for every comment, read, vote and just thank you! 

  ~You've got a heart at loud as lions so why let your voice be tamed?

        ~You've got the light to fight the shadows so stop hiding it away.

Chapter 7


I could hear my sisters voice, it was so distant yet there she was in front of me.

"R-Rose.. Is that b-blood?" I attempt to calm down by taking deep breaths.

"I-I-I d-don't k-k-know-"

"Calm down," my sister demanded.

She grabbed my upper arm and shoved me towards the bed.

"Sit, breathe, calm down."

I wanted to yell at her for telling me to calm down. I hate when people tell me to calm if, or chill, however at this time I knew soph was saying it for my gain.

"Okay. Okay. I'm calm."

"Alright, now mind telling me what this is?"

Her arm stretched out, the letter in her hand.

"Dear my beloved Rose, I'm watching you. Who is this creep?"

I grabbed the letter from her hand and crumpled it.

"N-Nothing. Don't worry about it." She didn't believe me, and I don't blame her.

I was shivering yet I wasn't cold. I couldn't even say a sentence with out stuttering.

"It's one in the morning, Rose. It's not nothing. What's going on with you? You're never home, you're skipping school, and now this?"

The room filled with silence. If I told Soph everything, would she believe me? I mean, my own mother laughed in my face.

Ignoring her question, I ask, "Where's mom?"

"She's at work. She's working late these past two weeks."


"Hey! Don't try to change the subject. Tell me everything. I'm you're sister, you can trust me."

"It's just stupid, soph. You won't understand."

"Try me," she challenged.

"Go to bed Sophia."

"Are you honestly telling me that you can sleep after what just happened? Just tell me one thing, was your window open or close last night?"

"Closed. Or open. I don't know, okay! It's late, I want to sleep."

"Alright then, if you can honestly sleep on your bed after someone sneaked in and smothered their blood everywhere then go ahead."

Sighing, I reply. "Blood isn't smothered everywhere."

"I can see right through your act, Rosalyn," Her attempt at using my long name to sound more mature, failed.

I ignore her and instead start ruffling through my bed sheets. 

"I know you try to hide your fear, your pain, and your worry. But do you really think you can fool me? I've spent my whole life with you, not that I had a choice, and I think I picked up a little about you through out the years." Soph finished her rant then sat down beside me on my bed.

"David asked me out today." Startled from her random confession, I look at her dumbfounded.

"Wait.. David.. asked. you out?" Who the hell is David!?


"What! Sophia Edwards! You know you're not allowed to date. You're only thirteen for crying out loud! Moms gonna kill you, and you know what? I'm gonna help." Soph's confession made me so angry, I couldn't control my self and I just burst.

"Soph- I'm sorry. 'm just in a really bad mood right now and-"

"I said no." She interrupted.


"I told David, no." Se burst out laughing, and for some odd reason, I joined.

"What was the point in telling me then? Trying to make me angry at a time like this?"

"Well, are you angry right now?" Thinking about her question, I realized sophia's words did calm me. Maybe I did need to burst.

"Here, you can come sleep with me in my room. We'll ask mom about locks for the windows tomorrow. Just rest for today."

I smiled at her kind gesture.

"You know, for a thirteen year old, you're really good at cheering someone up." She smiled, then told me to follow her out the door.

"Oh wait, almost forgot!" Walking towards my window, I shut it quickly and didn't spend a second looking out. Darkness always scared me, though I guess it's the thing inside of the darkness that scare me the most. You never know what's out there.

"Hey, Soph, none of this to mom, okay?"

She nodded then left to her room.

Once we we're both resting on her bed, I made my self forget the previous incident, thought of course that easier said then done.

"Hey soph, about that David kid." I turned my body so I was laying on my side, facing the wall.

"Eww don't worry about it. Boys have cooties anyways."

Chuckling, I reply, "You're not going to be thinking that in a couple years."
Soph muttered under her breath, then Turned to her side.

"Goodnight Rose."

"Goodnight Soph."

*        *        *
I woke up to Soph shaking me.
"Wake up. You gotta got to school today, moms orders."

Groaning from my tired body, I turned to the other side and slammed a pillow on my ear to drown out her voice.

"Go to school!" The pillow was yanked out and replacing it was cold water.

"SOPHIA! " A cold breeze came by to top it off. 

Shivering, I walk towards the bathroom. As I pass Soph I make sure to spray some of my wet hair on her. 

"Hey!" She screamed. "Just meet me downstairs in five minutes." 

Following her direction, I went to the bathroom and combed my damp hair. I brushed my teeth then made my way to get clothes from my room. 

My bedroom door was shut closed. Slowly, I turned the knob and pushed. The room was just like it had been last night, the window still closed. My blanket sprawled half on the be and half on the floor. 

At the very end of my bed was the small black box. Shreds of the red ribbon traced the bow. 

Gulping, I took a big step in. 

No-ones gonna get you, Rose. Stop acting so stupid, the boogeyman doesn't exist. 

Taking my own advice, I shut away my fear and take a wide steps in. Putting the shreds of red ribbon in the garbage, I take the box it self and stood above the trash can.

My grip on the box was tight. I tried to let go, to just throw the stupid thing in the garbage, but I couldn't. 

What if I get another one? How would I know if it's the same person with out keeping this one? 

Attempting it one more time, I came to a conclusion. I'd lock the box away and never think about it unless I must. And most of all, no one will find out. 

"Rose, what are you doing?" Startled by my sisters voice, I push the box in my bottom drawer and pull out a sweater and jeans from the first. 

"I'm coming!"

"Rose, this is my friend Eric." 

Looking down at my sister, I see a boy beside her about the same age. He was a few inches taller then soph, had brown hair and freckles on his face.

"Hello, Eric, Sophia has never talked about you. Like ever." 

Soph blushed from embarrassment, and quickly ushered Eric out. "We'll meet you in the car." She told him.

 "Hey! Don't do that! Don't embarrass me like you always do." She scowled. 

Laughing, I reply, "And here I thought you said boys had cooties." 

"I was joking, duh! Plus, Eric and I are only friends. He's giving us a ride to school." 

"Oh, so your so called 'friend' has a car now?"

"What? No! His brother does, he driving us. He'll even dop you off."

"I don't need a ride from a stranger, Soph, and you don't either. Does mom know about this?" 

"Yes." Knowing she wasn't lying, I only gave her a look.

"I'll take mom's truck, she shouldn't have work till late anyways."  I was about to look for the truck keys when Sophia interrupted me.

"Mom's truck is broken. Would'nt break properly so she took it in to get fixed."

"It looked fine yesterday, when she picked us up." 

"It broke last night- or well this morning on her way home. Jake picked her up." 

I mentally smiled. Of course Jake picked her up. 

"Alright, well I guess your friend's brother will have to drive me too." 

Sophia directed me to a black 4-door car with the Windows so tinted you couldn't see who was inside. 

"Well that's creepy." Soph rolled her eyes, and opened the back door to take a seat beside Eric. 

"You can sit in the front." 

Opening the passenger door, I quickly sat, and put my backpack on my lap. 

"Hey, sorry about thi- Greg?" I was not expecting that.

Greg was sitting right there in the drivers seat. Black jeans on, with a white t shirt that showed off his musles. One hand out stretched over the seat and the other on the steering wheel. 

"Hey, Rose." Greg greeted not surprised at all. 

He was about to start the car when I told him not to. 

"I'm need to leave." Trying to open the car door, I failed. 

"Unlock it Greg."

He didn't reply, but instead started driving. 

"Greg!" I yelled, his hands tightened around the steering wheel. 

"There are two kids in the back, do you really want to cause a scene?" Feeling very insulted by his words, I reply but easily get cut off. 

"Who you calling a kid?" Eric asked with lots of attitude. 

"We are THIRTEEN! We are teenagers." Soph added. 

"Pfft barely"

Looking very appalled, she replies, "Whatever!"

No one spoke after that.

I wasted no time as Eric and Sophia ran towards their middle school.

"You have a little brother?" 

"Yeah. Its just my parents, Eric and I." I nod.

"I can actually walk from here-" Greg started the car driving away. 

"Do you even know what school I go to?" 

Pain flashed in his eyes but a second later it was gone.

"How old are you, Rosalyn Edwards?" 

I started getting a weird feeling. Like the weird feeling you get when someone tells you 'We need to talk'. 

Yup. That bad. 

"Ouu look at you, you know my full name, aren't you cool?" I taunted. 

"So immature," He muttered under his breath. 

"Excuse me?" Another insult straight to the heart.

"You heard me. You're so immature, Rose." 

"Immature? How am I immature? And even if I am, I'm still in high school. I'm not old like you. 

"I am not old!" His hands turned white from their tight clench, his eyes set dead straight. 

"Hmm lemme guess.. mid 30's? Or is that too generous?"

"I am not old! 21 is not old!"  

A look of shock passed through my face, not being quick enough to hide it, Greg saw clearly. 

"T-That's not bad. I mean, I'm eighteen." 

Greg looked emotionless. 

"I-I didn't mean to hurt your feeling or anything by calling you old, I just-" Greg's dark laugh rang out. 

"Do you really think I'm upset because a teenager called me old?" 

"Hey! I'm a legal adult." 

"Pfft barely." 

"I heard that," I remarked. 

"You were supposed to." 

I wanted to smile at how childish we both were acting, but memories of last night flashed in my mind. I should be angry at Greg. His mood is like an elevator, one minute it's gong up, the next its going down. 

I don't need someone like Greg in my life. Just yesterday, he yelled at me. I don't like being yelled at.

Thinking back to Greg's age, he really wasn't old. It was just surprising that a delta would be so young, yet so strong as well.

If Greg is 21, how old is Hunter?

Hunter. Oh god, I really shouldn't be thinking about him, and for this whole day, I hadn't. Until now. After what Emily told me about Hunter, I lost all hope. It seems that everyone I'v met so far in the Dark moon pack.. which I guess is my pack now, has disappointed me.

Actually, I take that back. Eric hasn't disappointed me. He actually seemed like a good kid.  


I didn't realize we were at my school until Greg said it. 

"How- did you know what school I went to?" 

He gave me a look that made me feel like the stupidest person In the world. 

"There's only one school that all the wolves go to around here." 


He stopped right at the front in front of the school. 

"Goodbye, Rosalyn."

"Don't call me Rosalyn." I shut the car door and began my journey to the office. 

I didn't bother saying bye, to Greg. I'm mad at him. I know, very mature. 

I planned out that I will go to the office, sort out why I was absence, and just try my best in school. 

Though, honestly if it wasn't my last year, I would give up my dreams of moving to a far, far away to a university and studying business. 

"Hello miss, how can I help you?" Looking back at the kind lady behind the counter, I gave her my name and she told me to wait at the side until I could talk to the Principle.

*        *        *

Just like the days before, today was no better. I got everything straightened out at school, however, I also got packs of work to do. 

Yawning, I tossed my bag onto the floor.

Tempted to lay down, even just for a second, I pull up the covers and quickly snuggle in.

I don't care if i'm wearing jeans, from all thats happned this past week I'd be lucky to get any sleep at all. Contrary to my words, the second my head hit my pillow, I was out cold.

"Where is she?"



"In her room." 

"Get her." 

"Why, what are you going to do?" 

"I'm not gonna hurt my own mate. As my beta, you should know that."

"What your doing right now is going to hurt her. As your beta, and best friend, do you really want to mess this up?" 

"Shut up. Is everything set?" 

"Yes, Alpha." 

"Good. I carry her there. Now go." 

"Yes, Alpha." 

I could hear two voices talking back and forth until suddenly one voice disappeared. Knowing by just his voice that is was Hunter, it must have been Jaxon, his Beta that he was talking to. 

I felt two large hands gently scoop me up and then press me to them. 

Hunter. I could smell him so strongly, though that probably because my face is smashed to his chest. 

I knew that what ever was going on, I wouldn't like. Even Jaxon said so. Is Hunter really going to Hurt me? 

I force my body to move, to open my eyes to move my arms but it seems as though I've lost control.

Like I'm sleeping in reality.. but wouldn't that just be sleeping? 

As Hunter went down stairs, I flt my body jump up and down. I guess at one point the motion seemed soothing and especially with the comfort of my mate being so close to me, I just dozed off. 

Sleeping so heavily that I get lost in my dreams. 

*        *        *

There was a sharp pain in my foot. Like needles picking at my ankle, the more I move, the more it hurts.

With all my might, I finally got to open my eyes. 

Instead of being pressed to my mate like I previously was, I was now pressed flat against the cold cement floor. My eyes blurred when I opened them. 

Once I got my eyes to focus, I was frozen. 

I.. I.. I am.. 

I am in a jail cell. But not just any jail cell. 

I am in the Dark Moon Prison. The small building at a great distance away from the pack house, but far from the forest. 

I'm trapped, and I can't help but to blame Hunter for all of this. 

"Hey, girly, aren't you a pretty thing?" 

A rusty voice of a smoker brought my gaze to the front. Right across from my cell, was another. 

And in that cell was an old lady with an evil grimace, trapped, with a cuff around her hands. 

Looking down at my right ankle, there's a big black cuff, sinking into my skin. 

I'm trapped in Hunters personal zoo. 

Like the animal I am. 


I feel like everyone's gonna read this chapter and be so confused..

If you're confused about anything, don't be afraid to inbox me right here on watty or post you questions in the comment section. 

Other than that, I hope you liked the chapter!

Things will be explained in the next chapter, like where exactly she is and why she's there. 

Hmm who's your favorite character so far? 

Out of curiosity, I'm curious to know the diversity of my readers.. so if you can, please comment the country your from! 

I'll go first.. I'm from CANADA!! WOO HOO! lool .. 

Please VOTE ----->


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