Glee-done (Discontinued)

By haleyandthejets

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Do you ever wonder what Glee would've been like if some of the episode storylines had been kept while new epi... More

Season 2, Episode 1 - Audition (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 2 - Britney/Brittany (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 3 - Believer (Grilled Cheesus Redone)
Season 2, Episode 4 - Duets (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 5 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 6 - Never Been Kissed (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Substitute (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 8 - A Glee Wedding (Furt Redone)
Season 2, Episode 9 - Starts With Goodbye (Special Education Redone Part 1)
Season 2, Episode 10 - Back to December (Special Education Redone Part 2)
Season 2, Episode 11 - A Very Glee Christmas (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 12 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 13 - Silly Love Songs (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 14 - Comeback (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 15 - Blame It on the Alcohol (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 16 - Sexy (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 17 - Loser Like Me (Original Song Redone)
Season 2, Episode 18 - The Funerals (A Night of Neglect/Funeral Redone)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Born This Way (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 20 - Rumours (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 21 - Prom Queen (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 22 - New York (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 1 - Senior Year (Purple Piano Project Redone)
Season 3, Episode 2 - Somewhere (I Am Unicorn Redone)
Season 3, Episode 3 - Run the World (Asian F Redone)
Season 3, Episode 4 - Pot 'O Gold (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 5 - Mash Off (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 6 - We Are Who We Are (I Kissed a Girl Redone)
Season 3, Episode 7 - You Can't Stop the Beat (The First Time Redone)
Season 3, Episode 8 - We Are Young (Hold onto Sixteen Redone)
Season 3, Episode 9 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 10 - The Proposal (Yes/No Redone)
Season 3, Episode 11 - Michael (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 12 - Future Drama (The Spanish Teacher Redone)
Season 3, Episode 13 - Valentine's Day (Heart Redone)
Season 3, Episode 14 - On My Way (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 15 - Recovery Road (Big Brother Redone)
Season 3, Episode 16 - 50 (Saturday Night Glee-ver Redone)
Season 3, Episode 17 - Dance With Somebody (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 18 - Choke (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 19 - Senior Prom (Prom-a-sarus Redone)
Season 3, Episode 20 - Neglected (Props Redone)
Season 3, Episode 21 - Nationals (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 22 - Goodbye (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 1 - The New Kids (The New Rachel Redone)
Season 4, Episode 2 - Britney 2.0 (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 3 - Changes (Makeover Redone)
Season 4, Episode 4 - The Break-Up (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 5 - Juke Box Hero (The Role You Were Born to Play Redone)
Season 4, Episode 7 - Dynamic Duets (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 8 - Thanksgiving (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 9 - Swan Song (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 10 - Glee, Actually (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 11 - Made It Through the Rain (Sadie Hawkins Redone)
Season 4, Episode 12 - Diva (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 13 - Acceptance (Naked Redone)
Season 4, Episode 14 - I Do (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 15 - Feature Film [Girls (And Boys) on Film (Redone)]
Season 4, Episode 16 - Feud (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 17 - Guilty Pleasures (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 18 - Last Chance (Shooting Star Redone)
Season 4, Episode 19 - Sweet Dreams (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 20 - Lights Out (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 21 - Wonder-ful (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 22 - All or Nothing (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 1 - The Quarterback (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 2 - Love, Love, Love (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 3 - Let It Be (Tina in the Sky with Diamonds Redone)
Season 5, Episode 4 - Pamela Lansbury (A Katy or A Gaga Redone)

Season 4, Episode 6 - Glease (Redone)

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By haleyandthejets

Author's Note: Whoa Guys how fitting is it that Glease is my 50th episode. It's cool that I actually get to do something so special for the 50th episode of the story. I hope you guys enjoy the changes I make and thank you all so much for the support it really means a lot :)

"So here's what you missed on the Glee. The cast list for Grease went up and Kitty isn't too happy," the narrator said as we cut to Kitty's pissed reaction about being Patty Simcox. Who the hell is Patty Simcox?" Kitty scoffed. "And neither is Jake because Ryder got Danny and Marley got Sandy," the narrator said as a clip of Ryder and Marley during Born to Hand Jive Played as Jake looked on jealously. "Unique's paying Rizzo, which totally confused Principal Figgins," the narrator said as we cut to Figgins office. "Unique Adams is nothing more than an attractive, buxom young woman who has got it going on in all the right places. She's a brick house, Sue," Principal Figgins said as Will and Finn cringed and Sue looked horrified. "And Blaine's the Teen Angel, and he's totally broken up about breaking up with Kurt," the narrator said as a clip of Blaine looking saddened as well as a clip of his breakup with Kurt played. "Sue's out for Finn, because had the nerve to stand up to her," the narrator said as a clip of Sue glaring at Finn played. "You can't threaten me, Sue. I've already lost my girlfriend, my future, my pride. I've nothing more to lose. I'm casting Unique, and that's all there is to it," Finn said storming out of Figgins office as Sue did not look please, not in the least. "And now he's gonna take over Glee Club because Will's going to Washington on sabbatical. And that's what you missed on," the narrator said. "Glee," the voices sang out as we cut to Marley and Ryder practicing 'Summer Nights' onstage.

"Summer loving had me a blast," Ryder sang to the guys. "Summer loving happened so fast," Marley sang to the girls. "I met a girl crazy for me," Ryder sang. "Met a boy cute as can be," Marley sang. "Summer days drifting away to oh oh the summer nights," Ryder and Marley harmonized. "Oh well, oh well, oh well, oh well oh. Tell me more, tell me more," Jake, Joe, Sam, and Mike sang. "Did you get very far?" Joe sang. "Tell me more, tell me more," Sugar, Kitty, Harmony, Unique, and Tina sang. "Like does he have a car," Harmony sang. "She swam by me she got a cramp," Ryder sang. "He ran by me got my suit damp," Marley sang. "I saved her life she nearly drowned," Ryder sang. "He showed off splashing around," Marley sang. "Summer sun somethings begun but oh oh the summer nights," Ryder and Marley harmonized. "Oh well, oh well, oh well, oh well oh," Jake, Joe, Sam, and Mike sang. "Tell me more, tell me more," Sugar, Kitty, Harmony, Unique, and Tina sang. "Was it love at first sight?" Sugar sang. "Tell me more, tell me more," Jake, Joe, Sam, and Mike sang. "Did she put up a fight?" Sam sang. "Took her bowling in the arcade," Ryder sang. "We went strolling drank lemonade," Marley sang. "We made out under the dock," Ryder sang. "We stayed out till 10 o'clock," Marley sang. "Summer fling don't mean a thing but oh oh the summer nights," Ryder and Marley sang. "Oh well, oh well, oh well, oh well oh. Tell me more, tell me more," Jake, Joe, Sam, and Mike sang. "But you don't gotta brag," Jake sang. "Tell me more, tell me more," Sugar, Kitty, Harmony, Unique, and Tina sang. "Cause he sounds like a drag," Unique said rolling her eyes. "He got friendly holding my hand," Marley sang. "She got friendly down in the sand," Ryder sang. "He was sweet just turned eighteen," Marley sang. "Well she was good you know what I mean," Ryder sang. "Summer heat boy and girl meet but oh oh the summer nights," Ryder and Marley sang. "Tell me more, tell me more," Sugar, Kitty, Harmony, Unique, and Tina sang. "How much dough did he spend?" Tina sang. "Tell me more, tell me more," Jake, Joe, Sam, and Mike sang. "Could she get me a friend?" Jake sang. "It turned colder that's where it ends," Marley sang. "So I told her we'd still be friends," Ryder sang. "Then we made our true love vow," Marley sang. "Wonder what she's doing now," Ryder sang as he and Marley stood by each other onstage. "Summer dreams ripped at the seams but oh those summer nights," Ryder and Marley sang as the song ended as Finn cheered for the group. "That was awesome you guys! We're totally going to have a killer opening night," Finn grinned as everyone hugged.

Cut to the choir room where the New Directions are all seated as Will took a deep breath knowing he had to reveal his departure to the club. "All right, guys, listen up. I have an announcement to make," Will said. "Adele is dead," Brittany said in a matter of fact tone as everyone shot her a look. "No. I have been asked to join a blue ribbon panel to rewrite the arts curriculum nationwide," Will smiled as the New Directions cheered for him. "Thank you. I'll be taking a short sabbatical, which means I'm leaving McKinley at the end of the week," Will said as the New Directions faces fell. "Wait what? This is crazy," Tina said. "But Glee Club is your life," Artie said confused. "Which is why this is only temporary. I'll be back right after sectionals," Will said honestly. "Wait after sectionals?!" Tina shouted outraged. "Whoa!" Sam said shocked. "I mean, it's not like we know him that well or anything," Unique shrugged to Jake and Marley. "Guys, guys, calm down. Look, I knew I needed to find a replacement, which is why I brought in Finn Hudson," Will said pointing towards Finn as everyone didn't look thrilled as Tina stood up. "Mr. Schue, Finn cannot take over Glee Club. He doesn't know what he's doing at all. Sorry, Finn," Tina frowned. "Guys, I know I can do this. And I've got some really great ideas for sectionals," Finn smiled a bit. "We'll all be dead by then!" Tina shouted as some of the others also showed their displeasure. "Tina..." Artie began. "Finn doesn't know how to direct a musical!" Tina shouted. "No, that's fine," Artie said. "No, we can't win without him," Brittany said. "Who's going to drive the bus?" Sugar asked as Sue then entered the choir room. "Finn Hudson, Schuester. Figgins' office, right now," Sue said narrowing her eyes at Finn and Will.

Cut to Figgins office as Will looks confused. "I-I don't even understand how you found out," Will said shaking his head. "Oh, William, I have the choir room bugged. That plaque with the dead fat lady on it her eyes are cameras," Sue smirked. "Okay, Sue, this is none of your business, and besides, I've already cleared this with Figgins, so, I don't see what the problem is," Will said shaking his head. "Will, of course, you don't, because this is just another one of your ill-conceived, bizarrely sentimental schemes that displays absolutely no forethought and appears immediately ridiculous to everyone in America except you. Finn Hudson barely graduated high school less than six months ago, he has no bachelor's degree, nor the certification to teach in the state of Ohio," Sue huffed. "Sue, Glee Club is not a class. It an extracurricular activity," Figgins said. "Which is why it is perfectly legal for Finn to volunteer his talents temporarily," Will said honestly. "I promise, this is the right thing to do. I can take this glee club to sectionals, and I know we can win. I'll work just as hard as Mr. Schue does, and do it all for free," Finn said as Figgins nodded approvingly as Sue narrowed her eyes "Okay, let me just remind everyone of something. For the past year, I have shown the glee club mercy, and this school has enjoyed an unprecedented era of peace, but if Bloaty the Gravy Clown is allowed to take over Glee Club, my dentant with the art in this school will be over," Sue exclaimed as she stormed out of Figgins office as Finn and Will exchanged concerned looks, knowing what Sue was like when against the Glee Club.

That afternoon Tina was trying to get Marley into her Sandy costume but was having an issue. "Okay, hold on and suck in..." Tina said. "I am," Marley frowned as she sighed "I don't understand. This fit yesterday." "Maybe it's stress bloating. I get it all the time," Tina suggested as Sugar and Brittany walked over. "Hey," Sugar grinned. "Tina. I love it so much. I promise I won't pee in it," Brittany said as Marley, Sugar, and Tina looked at each other as Kitty entered. "I'm here for my fitting. Where is Harajuku Girl?" Kitty smirked as Tina rolled her eyes. "I thought you quit because your part was too small," Sugar said. "Well, Spray Tan Hawk Nose, to quote Shakespeare, "There's no small parts, only fat actresses." Oh, I'm sorry. Did I just say "fat?" I was distracted by Marley's unfortunate and very noticeable weight gain," Kitty said as Brittany and Sugar both made faces, Marley looked fine to them. "I'm sorry are you playing the lead in Grease or Hairspray?" Kitty asked cattily. "No, Hairspray was the play last year. I was Penny," Brittany smiled innocently as Kitty shot her back a fake smile as Sugar took Brittany's hand and walked off with her. "I swear, I'm not eating any differently. How is this happening?" Marley frowned upset as we cut to Kitty using her sewing skills to make Marley's costume smaller as she smirks. "I usually don't believe in the lamestream media's definition of "science," but it just makes sense that your metabolism is grinding to a halt. You're getting the body you were destined to have. I had to accept how I am," Kitty shrugged as Marley looked upset "I spend almost every weekend alone because everyone just assumes that the popular girl's busy. I'm doing this play because I could use some friends. Real ones. So, in the spirit of Grease, I thought it would be good way for us to get to know each other, if we had a sleepover," Kitty smiled in a fake kind way. "Sleepover?" Sugar said all took excitedly. "Tomorrow night, my place. Just us girls," Kitty said. "Can I come?" Unique asked innocently as Marley quickly stood up for her. "I'm not going if Unique's not invited," Marley said. "Please?" Sugar begged. "Ladyboy can come," Kitty said as the others celebrated "But if I catch you hiding your dinky between your legs and prancing around like Silence of the Lambs, you're out." Unique just shot her back a fake smile as well as she turned to leave. She didn't like Kitty but wanted to make sure Marley would be okay.

Marley then went to the cafeteria defeated. "Rough day at Rydell High?" Mrs. Rose asked noticing the frown on her daughters face. "Mom, when did you start to get?" Marley began. "Big?" Her mother completed her thoughts "Well, I battled my weight all through high school. And when your daddy and I had you, and I thought that it would fix everything that was wrong between us, and it didn't, that's when I started eating and didn't stop," Mrs. Rose said honestly as she looked at Marley concerned "Why are you asking me this?" "I didn't fit into my Sandy costume again," Marley frowned "Every time I try it on, it just gets tighter. So, I thought maybe it's starting to happen to me. You know, my my genetics." "I didn't raise a victim or a quitter. I raised a star," Mrs. Rose told Marley seriously "You have control over your life and your body. And you are thin and beautiful. But you won't stay that way unless you fight for. So, starting now, we are on a strict new diet. Together." Marley smiled a bit grateful for her mom's support but still feeling like she needed to much more than a diet.

Also after school the boys in the Grease play made their way to Hummel Tires and Lube. "You sure you wrote down the right address?" Ryder asked Sam concerned. "Yeah, oh, Finn works here," Sam said honestly. "And we're supposed to rehearse here?" Joe asked confused as he looked around. "Guys, it's perfect. I got to overhaul this jalopy, and you guys need to figure out how to be convincing grease monkeys," Finn grinned. "We're going full on method rehearsal," Mike said. "I've never even changed the oil in my car I can't fix this," Ryder said shaking his head. "I cannot believe you got this part over me," Jake said rolling his eyes. "Right, right. Look, acting is about knowing the material, right? The themes. So, what is Grease all about? Well, it's about fixing cars and getting, getting grease under your fingernails, and about signing a blood oath with your brothers to the very end," Finn smiled. "Preach Brother, it's totally the theme," Artie agreed. "Okay, but where should we? I mean, there's no stage or anything," Joe said confused. "Look out there. Imagine an audience anxiously awaiting your arrival. And look up there. Spotlights. And look right here," Finn said as he began to open the car "And what do you see?" "An old clunker," Ryder said honestly. "Yeah, it an old clunker. Tell me what Danny Zuko sees," Finn smiled at Ryder who seemed to get the idea, knowing exactly what he needed to do as he, Sam, Mike, Joe, Artie, and Finn began to perform 'Greased Lightning'. 

Ryder and Sam began singing 'Greased Lightning' and soon found themselves fantasizing about being in the play fixing up the old clunker into the Greased Lightning of their dreams. They snap back to reality as they finished the performance as Artie and Finn applauded them. "Wow. Good start. Now, uh, let's try it again with, like, double the energy," Finn grinned as the guys nodded feeling even more like they truly were getting into character and were more ready than ever to take on the play.

Cut to the "Alright people, since your egregious ineptitude is making me lose my will to live, I decided to bring in some of my best upperclassmen to help you up your game," Cassandra smirked as Rachel's face lit up as she saw Brody enter. "Let's partner up. We're going to go across the floor. Let's start with some jetes." "Hey," Rachel grinned as Brody walked over to her "How are you? Haven't seen you much the last..." "How have you been?" Brody asked. "I'm good. You know, up and down. Now that Finn and are officially-officially broken up, I feel like I can just focus on really why I came to New York, which is my work," Rachel said. "Good," Brody smiled. "Use the floor, ladies," Cassandra commented to the students who were performing. "Speaking of work, guess who go to the first Off-Broadway play audition?" Rachel grinned "What?" Brody asked shocked. "I know. I'm really excited," Rachel grinned. "Watch your shoulder," Cassandra commented. "So, do you know the director Ivan van Hoven? Yeah. He's doing this, like, amazing avant-garde production of The Glass Menagerie. It's going to be, like, set in a zoo, and Peter Dinklidge is playing the gentlemen caller. So, he's looking for just a fresh face to play his Laura Wingfield," Rachel grinned. "Wow, great role," Brody said surprised as he then walked over to Rachel whispering in her ear "But you're too hot play Laura." Brody and Rachel then did their jetes together. As they danced together Cassandra looked less than thrilled. "So, I'm going to be spending the week just getting off book do you think you can help me," Rachel asked. "Yeah," Brody said as Cassandra interrupted their conversation. "Hey, some advice. You're not ready for Ivan. You're not tough enough yet. You don't have enough wounds. Look, I auditioned for him for his Heta, and he made me recite my monologue in a slip, standing on one foot, pouring tomato juice all over myself. Skip it, Schwimmer. Ivan will eat you alive," Cassandra said honestly as she walked off. "I can take it," Rachel said nodding as she approached Cassandra "And look, I was thinking, maybe you should audition, too. For Amanda Wingfield." "You mean the faded Southern belle who spends her haggy days selling magazines over the phone," Cassandra said in disbelief. "I thought that you maybe might want to get back in the game," Rachel whispered to Cassandra who just smirked at her. "Juniors, take five. Freshmen I don't know just, honey, do something," Cassandra said as Rachel joined the others in taking a break as Cassandra pulled Brody over. "Brody, sidebar. I'm looking for a new TA I think you'd be perfect, but it's going to mean a lot of late nights, lot of time at the school, you're going to have to help me prep lessons..." "Yeah, it-it doesn't matter. I'm in," Brody said as Cassandra smiled. "Good decision. We'll start this weekend," Cassandra said. "Uh, actually could we could we start on Monday?" Brody asked as Cassandra made a face "I-I promised Rachel that I would help her out." "Yeah. I understand. Start next week," Cassandra said in a fake understanding tone as she walked off. 

Cut to the dance studio as Kurt and Rachel are warming up. "I can't believe you have a dance audition for The Glass Menagerie," Kurt said shaking his head. "Well, Ivan is a very physical director. All of his work is very movement-driven," Rachel said as she and Kurt stretched together as Kurt's phone went off. "Oh. Grease update from Tina," Kurt grinned as he then frowned "Apparently the girl playing Sandy has gained so much weight, she can't fit into her clothes." "No. That's unfortunate," Rachel shrugged "But it doesn't really have anything to do with us." Kurt looked at Rachel with a longing look. "No. We're not. We are not going to see it," Rachel scolded. "Not gonna see what?" Cassandra asked as she entered the studio "What are you doing in my studio, Schwimmer? Practicing for your big audition?" "Yeah, this is actually my roommate Kurt. He's helping me with it," Rachel said introducing Kurt to Cassandra. "It's an honor to meet you, Ms. July," Kurt said as Cassandra rolled her eyes "And ooh, y-you've got some abs!" Cassandra then patted her abs as she walked over. "That's sweet," Cassandra said to Kurt as she then turned to Rachel "Can you get the bar?" Rachel rushed off to get Cassandra the bar as she began to do some stretches. "So, you were saying. Not gonna see what?" Cassandra asked. "Her recently broken-up-with ex-boyfriend is directing my recently broken-up-with ex-boyfriend in a school production of Grease, and we've a bunch of friends in it, so we were debating whether or not we should go," Kurt said honestly. "When is it?" Cassandra asked. "This weekend," Kurt said as Cassandra couldn't believe her luck, Rachel was supposed to be working with Brody over the weekend she knew this was her opportunity. "Oh. You need to go. I mean if you're both not over your exes it's a perfect opportunity for closure," Cassandra said. "I have closure," Rachel said seriously. "Okay. Then go have fun, Schwim. Or go because it's Grease. Go because it's your friends, it's your high school," Cassandra said. "Rachel, I'm going. I need to see him. I haven't seen him since. I'm not sleeping. I'm living off of Ambien and The Notebook. Please come with me. I can't do it alone," Kurt frowned. "Look, even if I wanted to go, which I don't, we don't have the money," Rachel said shaking her head as she turned to face Casandra "Kurt's an intern and I spent all of my money on my last trip home, so..." "Well I could give you my JetBlue frequent flyer miles," Cassandra shrugged as Kurt nodded largely indicating he wanted to go, bad. "I can't use them, ever since I was banned from my Bloody Mary-fueled panic attack at 30,000 feet, which resulted in the hospitalization of three flight attendants. And don't go if you don't want to. But I just think you'll regret missing it." Cassandra said as Kurt and Rachel exchanged looks wondering if they should take Cassandra up on her all too generous offer.

Cut to Kitty's room as Kitty is showing Marley some of her trophies. "Here's my first-place trophy for "Most Tongues Spoken" at Bible camp," Kitty smiled as she and Marley went down to a picture of a horse "And this is Mr. Jo Jo. I rode him for six years until he broke my hymen." Marley made a horrified face as they were interrupted by the other girls bursting into the room. "Triple-layer fudge cake, yo!" Sugar grinned. "Kettle Corn and pizza!" Tina exclaimed "And chocolate donuts! Unique loves her delicious, chocolatey Krispy Kreme," Unique grinned as she began to eat her donut. "Dig in, everybody, and then we'll have pillow fights and ghost stories and prayer circles and back rubs," Kitty smiled as the girls celebrated eating the donuts as Marley looked worriedly at all the food. "Want a donut, Marley?" Kitty asked. "Are there any healthy snacks?" Marley asked concerned. "You can eat Kleenex. They taste like clouds," Brittany shrugged trying to be helpful as Marley looked at her horrified. "Honey, we need to have a little talk," Kitty said as she ushered Marley into the bathroom as Marley followed her. "These are called fingers," Kitty said holding them up to her mouth "Just stick them in your pie hole and bingo, you're magically supermodel-thin forever." Marley looked horrified, was Kitty suggesting what she thought she was suggesting. "I don't seems sort of....gross," Marley said hesitantly. "You know what's more gross? Having your gelatinous, corpulent, six-ton stomach explode blood and pudding and sour cream and chili cheese fries just because you didn't love yourself enough to binge and purge," Kitty said. "Do you do it?" Marley asked as Kitty shrugged. "When I'm bloating. Which you've been doing an awful lot of this week," Kitty said as Marley still looked hesitant but thought Kitty might have a point. "Just think about it," Kitty said as she exited the bathroom to rejoin the girls as Marley pondered whether or not she should purge.

"Hey. Where's Marley?" Sugar asked as Kitty put on a brunette wig. "Why, I'm right here, wearing my signature Newsies cap with my mud brown hair," Kitty smirked as she put a cap on. "I'm gonna bat my bargain-basement eyes and steal your boyfriends, just like I stole the lead in the fall musical," Kitty smirked as the other girls looked horrified as Kitty snapped indicating to Sugar to play the song on her iPod as Sugar did so 'Look at Me I'm Sandra Dee' played as Kitty began to sing.

Kitty continued to make fun of Marley, much like Rizzo had done to Sandy in Grease as the song began to end Marley walked out of the bathroom. "Are you making fun of me, Kitty?" Marley asked in a hurt tone. "Some people are so touchy," Kitty said rolling her eyes as the girls went back to their sleepover.

The next day Principal Figgins called Finn into his office as Finn looked confused walking in. "You wanted to see me?" Finn asked. "Finn Hudson, this is Rob and Betty Adams," Figgins said introducing Finn to Unique's parents "I took the liberty of calling them to congratulate them on their son landing the big role of Rizzo in Grease, and lo and behold, it was the first they'd heard of it." "Look, ever since Wade was a little boy, we knew that he was different," Betty said honestly. "Most little boys don't want to dress as Shirley Hemphill for Halloween. I mean, it's just so specific," Rob said. "When Wade performed as a girl at Nationals, we were really proud," Betty smiled. "But Chicago is a very liberal city I mean, we live in Ohio, and to be perfectly honest, we're worried about Wade's safety," Rob said honestly. "I think you're overreacting," Unique said honestly. "Are we? Well, I've personally seen you physically assaulted in the hallway. This concerns me," Sue said as Finn looked shocked to see Sue there. "Wait, is that true?" Finn asked horrified as we flash back to Unique walking down the hallway in her dress as a jock shoves her. "Ooh, put some pants on, Mo'Nique!" the jock smirked as Unique sighed.

Cut back to Figgins office. "We're pulling Wade out of the play, and we're asking Wade not to dress like a girl during school hours," Rob said. "Once he gets home, he can be whoever he wants to be," Betty said honestly as Unique put her head down. "Wade Adams, you can return to your sewing exam in Home Ec," Figgins said as Unique got up and exited the office as Finn looked horrified. "I can't believe you would do something like this," Finn said. "You mean do something like conveniently protect the welfare of a student, so that it just happens to derail the school musical? I think that sounds exactly like something I'd do classic Sue Sylvester," Sue smirked at Finn "If you don't have a Rizzo, you don't have a show." "Well, who says I can't find another Rizzo?" Finn asked. "Me," Sue said seriously as Finn became even more determined to find a new Rizzo, now more than ever.

"Hey Harmony, can I talk to you about something?" Finn asked as Harmony nodded as Finn pulled her aside. "I want to talk to you about playing Rizzo," Finn said. "I thought I was Marty?" Harmony said confused. "You's just...Wade's parents pulled him out of the play...and I was kind of hoping you would take on the role," Finn asked as Harmony nodded enthusically. "It would be an honor," Harmony grinned as Finn celebrated a little too happy that Harmony was so willing to switch roles. Unique watched the exchange heartbroken that she had her dream role just taken from her.

Cut to the McKinley High hallway as Kurt and Rachel arrive. "All right, well, just remember, no matter how many times people ask, we have to stick to our five autograph limit," Rachel told Kurt. "Right. I'm more concerned about running into you-know-who," Kurt sighed honestly. "You'll be fine," Rachel told Kurt as they then approached their old lockers. "Oh, look, it's your locker next to my locker," Kurt grinned feeling sentimental. "Remember that time you got out of that date with Mercedes by saying that you had a thing for me?" Rachel chuckled. "Oh..." Kurt began. "Yeah, it still burns my ass to this day," Mercedes joked as she hugged Kurt and Rachel happy to see them. "It's amazing you guys came to see the musical. Look, these kids are ready to bring the house down," Mercedes said honestly. "How are you? Tell us everything," Rachel smiled. "Oh, life is crazy busy. You know, it's not easy balancing UCLA classes and recording backup vocals or having Puckerman always hit me up for sugar mamas' phone numbers," Mercedes said as Kurt chuckled "But life is good." "Oh, you guys have to come backstage and say hi. They're gonna freak when they see who's here," Mercedes grinned as Kurt and Rachel both looked somewhat nervous at the possibility of seeing their exes.

Cut to backstage as Marley rushes over to Tina upset. "Tina! I'm sorry I've been starving myself all week," Marley frowned. "How could you have gained two inches in one day?" Tina asked in disbelief. "I don't know," Marley said upset. "Maybe we can hot glue an elastic band on," Tina said as she rushed off to get an elastic band. "Marley, do not worry. We're gonna get those two inches off you before curtain. Scout's honor," Kitty said making a signal with her hand as Marley knew what she had to do. Ryder watched her rush off as he looked concerned. She seemed so frazzled the last few days especially with her costume not fitting and he was concerned it would take a toll on her as this was happening Mercedes walked backstage with Kurt and Rachel as everyone seemed thrilled to see them.

Blaine came walking out as he seemed stunned to see "Kurt? I-I didn't think I'd see you this weekend." "We wouldn't miss it for the world. Would we Kurt?" Rachel said taking Kurt's hand for support. Kurt shook his head as Finn then walked over. "Rachel," Finn said stunned. "Finn, hey. How are you?" Rachel smiled. "Good. A little surprised to see you, but..." Finn began. "I'm gonna go put the kids through their warm-up," Mercedes said rushing off not wanting any part of this awkward conversation. "How are you?" Finn asked. "I'm good.

I'm really good. Just busy," Rachel said honestly. "Rachel has her first big audition for an off-Broadway show next week," Kurt said. "Wow. That's awesome. Congratulations," Finn smiled. "Thanks," Rachel said in barely a whisper as the four of them exchanged glances. "Look, this is this is really, really weird but the four of us had a lot of history between us, so I just want to say it's cool you came to see our show. I'm pretty proud of it," Finn said honestly as he walked off as Blaine then followed him, Kurt teared up. "You were right. It was a mistake to come. I'm not gonna get direct to you," Kurt frowned. "Oh, no. Look, you're gonna be fine, all right? I'm gonna be sitting right next to you. And we're gonna be holding hands and laughing and applauding, and we are never, ever gonna let them see us sweat. Okay?" Rachel said in a reassuring voice as Kurt nodded. "Okay," Rachel said as she and Kurt hugged tightly as they then took their seats for the show.

As the show went on Blaine appeared onstage as Teen Angel performing 'Beauty School Dropout' to Sugar who was playing Frenchy as the other girls sang background on the song.

As Blaine performed and got closer to the edge of the stage he couldn't help but look out towards Kurt, feeling incredibly heartbroken but pulled himself together and completed the song as Sugar pretended to faint. The crowd cheered impressed by Blaine's performance as Blaine looked out at Kurt wishing he could take it all back and be in love again.

Ryder rushed into the girls bathroom looking for "Marley?" He called out before hearing exactly what he feared he would hear, Marley forcing herself to puke. "Marley, stop. Why are you doing that?" Ryder frowned as Marley sobbed. "Why do you think? My mom's the town joke, and I'm going to end up just like her," Marley said emotionally. "Well, sticking your fingers down your throat is only gonna make things worse," Ryder said honestly as Marley stormed out of the stall. "Spare me the lecture. I've seen the health films," Marley huffed. "Okay. Then Google "Johnny Pappas." He's my second cousin. He was a wrestler at Bowling Green, and the coach was always making him drop weight. So Johnny did all the crazy diets and puked every day when that stopped working, he used laxatives. Then last March, in the middle of a match...." Ryder said. "He died?" Marley asked horrifed. "He crapped himself in front of the whole school," Ryder said as Marley couldn't help but laugh as Ryder also chuckled as he approached Marley. "I don't want to kiss a girl who's got puke on her breath. Either on stage or later," Ryder said as Marley couldn't help but feel so much better about herself just by hearing Ryder say that to her "Now, come on, we're on in five." Ryder then left the girls bathroom as Marley walked out feeling more confident as she began to sing the 'Look at Me I'm Sandra Dee Reprise'. 

Marley walked back performing, feeling more confident then before, feeling every word she was singing as she wiped her eyes knowing she needed to pull herself together and continue to diet, maybe everything would be okay if she just tried to stay healthy.

Meanwhile Harmony got onstage to perform her big number 'There Are Worse Things I Could Do'. Kurt and Rachel looked at Harmony in awe as she performed remembering how good she was when they competed against her and were glad the New Directions had her as their new secret weapon.

As the performance went on Unique took her seat watching Harmony perform, wishing it was her instead. Cut to the NYADA dance hall as Cassandra takes over singing as she dances with Brody. We cut back to Harmony performing onstage as Unique joins in on the performance looking longingly at the stage. Cut back to the NYADA dance studio as Cassandra once again sings her part as she is dancing sexily with Brody. We cut back to the auditorium as Unique sings approaching the stage as Harmony sings the final line as the crowd goes wild as Harmony tries to hold her excitement from getting the standing O she so desperately wanted. Meanwhile Cassandra kisses Brody passionately, finally getting her way.

Cut to backstage as Marley comes walking out in the final Sandy costume as Ryder looks at her in awe of how gorgeous she looks. "Whoa. I mean Whoa," Ryder said honestly as Marley rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "Are you sure? This doesn't look ridiculous?" Marley asked nervously. "Not the word that comes to mind," Ryder replied honestly. "It's just so tight. I feel like I'm going to shake out of the seams in the Shake Shack," Marley said worriedly. "You have nothing to worry about. You're going to destroy this," Ryder told Marley seriously as Marley took a deep breath. "I'll tell you who's going to destroy us, y'all. Fletcher Mantini. He's in the audience," Kitty said. "Who's that?" Marley asked confused. "He's the theater critic for The McKinley Muckraker. He hates everything, and his brutal deconstruction of your performances is gonna be posted on-line before you're even forklifted out of your costume. See you on the ice," Kitty smirked as she walked away as Marley once again looked incredibly nervous. "Hey, you can't listen to her," Ryder told Marley seriously. "I know. Uh, it's-it's just..." Marley began. "Hey, hey, hey, look at me. Take a deep breath," Ryder said as Marley took a deep breath "You look amazing. You sound amazing. This is going to be amazing." "Yeah," Marley nodded still feeling somewhat unsure as Ryder then pulled her in for a kiss. Marley kissed him back they soon pulled away from each other as Jake watched feeling completely hurt, realizing he really blew his chances with Marley.

Ryder and Marley come out onstage for the final number with the rest of the cast performing 'You're the One That I Want' as Rachel has major flashbacks to when she first sang the song with Finn, soon picturing the two of them performing the song. 

 As the song ended the crowd stood up and applauded the production as Rachel sat there frozen. "Thanks for dragging me into this, dude," Finn said shaking his head as he looked out at Rachel. Rachel soon snaps back to reality as the cast took their bows as Kurt looks over at Rachel concerned. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I just need a minute," Rachel said emotionally as she rushed out of the auditorium and headed into the restroom. She then dialed Brody's number, hoping he could help her through this tough time. "Well hello Schwimmer, how's Ohio?" A female voice rang out as Rachel looked shocked, it couldn't be... "Cassandra? I was calling for Brody," Rachel said honestly. "Yeah, he's in the shower soaping up his incredibly chiseled physique. You want me to leave a message?" Cassandra said. "I'm sorry, I don't, I-I don't understand," Rachel said confused. "Uh, let's see you blew off your playdate with the hottest piece of ass at NYADA to go visit your loser ex-boyfriend. Said hot ass was lonely, distraught, didn't know what to do with himself, and was more than happy to come help me choreograph a new routine when I called him up, and then one thing led to another and next thing you know he's at my place and, you know," Cassandra shrugged as Rachel cringed. "So you and Brody...Why?" Rachel frowned. "Why don't we consider this one of those little nasty life lessons? Auditioning for an off-Broadway play, throwing yourself at an upperclassman, and telling me that I need to get back in the game. I need to get back in the game? I think you were overreaching and needed a little bit of a reminder. I am the game, Schwimmer and you are what you've always been: A privileged, self-indulgent, dime-a..." Cassandra said as Rachel hung up on her tearfully letting herself have a good cry.

 Rachel then exited the girls restroom as Finn approached her. "Hey you missed the curtain call," Finn said innocently as he noticed a teary-eyed Rachel "Have you been crying?" "No, I'm fine," Rachel lied. "For two years, I was the guy you came to with every little problem. Are we just going to pretend we're not even friends anymore?" Finn asked as Rachel turned around "I just I shouldn't have come here. It's just it's too weird," Rachel said honestly. "Then why'd you come?" Finn asked. "For Kurt and...." Rachel began as Finn looked down "And for you. You know, everything was really, really good, and I had a couple of notes, but they were small." Finn chuckled a bit "Well, thank you for coming. Means a lot to me. Believe me, the whole time I was directing it, I was basically thinking, what would Rachel do? You're kind of my moose," Finn smiled. "It's "muse"," Rachel smiled a bit charmed by Finn messing up the word muse. "I know. Just wanted to see you smile," Finn said honestly as Rachel smiled back at him "Now, will you tell me what you're so upset about?" " I'd rather not," Rachel sighed. "Were you crying about me?" Finn asked. "I wasn't crying about you," Rachel said in definite tone as Finn's face fell "Oh. It's about him, isn't it? Brody? I just didn't think you'd move on that fast," Finn frowned. "You don't know that," Rachel said defensively. "I know you," Finn said honestly as Rachel looked up at him "I know you have four different kinds of crying. You've got the fake crying when you want something, which always involves a tissue, you've got the singing crying, which this can't be, the disappointed crying, which involves sobbing, and the crying over a guy, which I know very well because it used to be reserved for me." "Told you we shouldn't talk about this," Rachel sighed. "Well, maybe we shouldn't talk about anything anymore," Finn said. "Is that really what you want?" Rachel asked. "Yeah," Finn nodded "No contact, not even in song. When you come back to visit, I don't want to know about it." "Yeah, I think that's good," Rachel nodded in agreement "You know, I don't really know what's going to happen between us but, I know that you used to be the guy who would make me feel like the most special girl in the whole world, and it doesn't feel that way anymore. Now it just feels sad and confusing. And the worst part is is that doesn't even really feel that bad anymore." "And whatever happened with this Brody guy made you cry, and this doesn't," Finn sighed as Kurt then walked out. "Hey," Kurt called as Rachel and Finn turned to face him "Mr. Schuester said he wanted to see you in the choir room." "Bye," Finn said as he left.

"Are you ok?" Kurt asked Rachel worriedly. "I just want to go home," Rachel sighed emotionally. "I thought this was home," Kurt said as Rachel shook her head. "Doesn't feel like it anymore," she said honestly as Blaine then approached Kurt. "Kurt, I need to talk to you," Blaine said as Rachel left them alone. "I'm not interested," Kurt said as he began to walk away. "I-I never told you about what happened," Blaine frowned "I need you to know everything." "What are you gonna tell me, that it wasn't serious? That you only made out? That you didn't care about him?" Kurt asked in a hurt tone "Do you think any of that matters to me? Relationships are about trust and I don't trust you anymore. I was stupid to come back. Rachel's right, this isn't home anymore." Kurt walked off tearfully as Blaine watched him leave feeling completely emotional realizing he made a huge mistake.

Cut to the choir room where the New Directions are reading the latest Muckraker. "Watching the skill, the nuance," "this reviewer was forced to ask himself," 'Is this not how it felt. 'And might the directing team of Mr. Hudson and Mr. Abrams be headed for careers at NASA?' "They should be, because last night "they plucked stars from the firmament "and named them Marley Rose and Ryder Lynn has ever an audience been so enraptured? Mayhap. "But when the last breath of life crosses this reviewer's lips," 'Grease, McKinley, "Bravo.," Artie read as the New Directions cheered. "Guys, Fletcher Mantini's just a sophomore, but he's a notoriously tough critic. And that's what I call a rave review," Will smiled as the New Directions cheered. "Man, this week hasn't been easy, knowing it was the last time I was gonna see you guys for a while. But one thing that's helped is knowing that I'm leaving you in good hands. Here's one person who loves the Glee Club as much as I do, it's Finn. And I know in my heart that he has what it takes to get you guys a win at sectionals. I have so much to thank you guys for. But for giving me this chance to share that joy with others. I'm gonna see you guys in a few months, but hopefully, there'll he a brand-new sectionals trophy in that case over there. I love you guys. I'm really gonna miss you," Will said emotionally saying goodbye to the New Directions for the last time.

Will and Finn then walked out of the choir room together. "I'm serious you can call me anytime, day or night," Will said honestly. "I know," Finn said. "You okay?" Will asked. "Yeah," Finn nodded "You okay?" "Yeah," Will said as he then tapped Finn on the back "Oh, one more thing for sectionals, don't be afraid to open with a ballad. Yeah, sure we got a lot of great dancers now, but the judges at sectionals always reward the best singers. So what you gotta do..." Will began. "Mr. Schue, I got this," Finn told Will seriously as Will nodded approvingly. "Yeah," Will smiled as he and Finn embraced "Go get 'em." "You, too," Finn smiled a bit as Will left McKinley High for the last time for a few months as Finn then realized it was all on him to make the New Directions succeed and he felt more ready than ever to make that happen.

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