Broken Tears

By sallys-gearboi-

150K 3.6K 1.8K

Sal Fisher has constant nightmares and flashbacks from 'the incident' but ever since he moved to nockfell, he... More

Authors note
Heartbeat // chapter 1
Muse // chapter 2
His Jacket // chapter 3
Sleepover // chapter 4
Freak // chapter 5
Morning // chapter 6
The Party // CHAPTER 7
Authors note
Voices // Chapter 8
Wake up, please // Chapter 9
I miss you. // CHAPTER 10
Click // Chapter 11
Skip // Chapter 12
The note //Chapter 13
Answer. // chapter 14
Rumors // chapter 15
Blue (part 1)// chapter 16
Blue (part 2)// chapter 17
Knock // chapter 18
Not a chapter
Please? // Chapter 19
Sorry// chapter 20
Progress// chapter 21
Scared// chapter 22
Blood red//Chapter 23
Red eyes// chapter 24
Praying// chapter 25
Cheetos // chapter 26
Strong // chapter 27
Not a chapter
Gear boy// chapter 28
Burning// 29
Scabs// chapter 30
Moving boxes// chapter 31
Too fucking normal// chapter 32
Early// chapter 33
Skip//chapter 34
Get out// chapter 35
Terrance//chapter 36
Knife//chapter 37
Kill me// Chapter 38
Vessel// chapter 39
Scream//chapter 40
End. Not a chapter

Yes//chapter 41

2.1K 54 105
By sallys-gearboi-

Here is the last chapter :')
Tw: self harm kinda, slight smut but not really
Sally's pov:
Three and a half years later.

Larry and I just moved out. We've been together three years. Todd and Neil bought a house and had another room to rent out so me and Larry are living together with them.

Larry and Neil went out to the store to grab some drinks while me and Todd stayed here to unpack.
I decided to start small and grab the smallest box. It was a shoebox labeled 'sally'.

I cut off the tape and took off the lid. Inside was pictures of me and Larry. I looked through all of them and at the end of the pile were four pieces of paper. I open the first one.

"Sal, I know this is gonna be hard for you to understand. I'm sorry. Please don't blame yourself and please don't hate me. I was lucky to have you in my life. I couldn't have asked for a better friend than you dude. I know you're gonna do great things. You gotta keep going. Keep fighting the darkness. It's coming closer now, I can hear it whispering in my head. It's getting louder. I just need this to end I can't take it anymore. I'm not strong like you are. I love you Sally face. Always. See you on the other side.


I put the letter down and start crying and looking at the pictures again. I almost lost him, the love of my life, and it would have been my fault. Trying to shake these thoughts out of my head, I pick up the other letter.

"Sally, I love you. Like really love you. When I'm around you, I get butterflies. I don't know what it is. Dude I don't know anything about feelings or how any of this works but I just wanted you to know. Whenever I'm with you I feel so happy, I feel like I could be with you. I know it wouldn't work, we are great as friends, a part of me just wants to be more. I have no idea if this is how I feel or if I'm just delusional, maybe it's the meds. I've felt this way since the party, like I needed to protect you. Let everyone laugh at us. I don't care. Their all idiots. I love you Sal Fisher."

That letter. The letter that started the best thing to ever happen to me. There are two more letters. I don't think I've ever seen them.
The first one I pick up is dated the night we were in the blank room with Terrance.
"Sally, if we don't make it, if I don't make it, I want you to know, I love you. I know sometimes you feel like a burden or something less than you are. I want to tell you that you are exceptional and perfect. You complete me"
before crying I open up the next letter

"Hey Sal! I'm writing because I just found this box under your bed. We've been dating for almost two years. I love you Sal Fisher. You make me so happy. Every time I'm with you I realize just how in love with you I am. I can't see the future but I hope that you're in it. Whenever you're reading this, just know I love you. I want you in my life forever. I know what you are thinking 'jesus Larry is such a dork.' Well to that I say: you still love me you nerd ;) I love you sal. Never forget that."

Holy fuck. I didn't know he knew about this box. I'm kind of embarrassed, but mostly I feel loved. I put away the letters and drop the box onto the mattress on the floor. Larry was supposed to put the bed frame together this morning. That lazy bastard. I grab another box and set it down on my desk so I can put in my headphones. I look through my music. Let's choose something I can dance to, no sanity's fall because I would just get distracted and start head banging. I turn on my music and open the box. A few songs play as I put away the stuff in the box. That's when "Hips don't lie" by Shakira started playing. (lmao I'm sorry 😂 Issa bop tho).

I have to dance to this song. I started dancing while putting away my stuff, let's just say I got a little bit carried away while dancing ;). I pretty much stopped unpacking and was now just dancing. Just when I was moving my hips, I felt two hands grab my hips and stared grinding against me. I jumped before realizing it was Larry.

"Jeez Lar! You scared me!" I said, taking out one of my earbuds.

"Haha sorry, I saw you in here and, well, those hips don't lie" he joked acknowledging my music.

"You're an idiot Larry Johnson"

"And You were listening to Shakira"
"What ever, you know her music is great"
I took off my prosthetic and gave him a peck on the lips. When I pulled away I set my prosthetic down on my desk. He pulled me in while turning me around, and kissing me again. It was a long and passionate kiss. We pulled away for air.

"I love you Larry Johnson"

"I love you more Sal Fisher"

He picked me up and sat me on the desk, kissing me again. God I love him. He went to unzip my jeans when we heard a knock and someone turning the doorknob. I hopped off the desk and strapped on my mask. It was Todd.

"I'm not going to ask what was happening in here but um... Neil made us sandwiches if you want to come upstairs."

"Yeah we'll be there in a second"

Todd left and me and Larry BURST out in laughter.

"Ahah lets go get some food" I said.
Me and Larry walked upstairs and to the kitchen. There were only three chairs and Neil and Todd were already sitting in two of them so I sat on Larry's lap. We all ate our sandwiches.

"Neil these sandwiches are really good" I said, my mouth stuffed with the best turkey sandwich I've ever had.

"Thanks Sal" Neil responded.

"What are your guys' plans for the day" Todd asked.

"Well I think we're just gonna unpa-" I started.
"We're gonna go somewhere special" Larry said interrupting me.

"What?" I said to him.

"You'll see sal"
——(time skip)——

After I made Larry set up the bed, We visited the apartments visiting my dad, Lisa, and then going to go see soda and maple and chug. We were going to show soda the treehouse, we attached a rope from the top so she wouldn't fall from the ladder.

"Uncle sawy face!"

"Hi soda!"

"Can I wide yow showderws!?"

"Yes but you gotta put on this blindfold"

Larry and maple came outside following me, with soda on my shoulders. We got to the tree house and I sent her down, taking off her blindfold. She squeezed in happiness and began climbing the ladder, maple ready to catch her if she fell. Me and Larry climbed up after to show her around the treehouse. Soda played around and me and Larry came back down.

"Thanks guys, this is really cool. I remember hanging out up here in high school. Soda loves it" maple said.

"No problem" Larry replied.

After saying goodbye to maple and soda, we were on our way to our mysterious date that Larry still wouldn't tell me about. We drove for a while and stopped at a gross motel. Larry looked at me.

"You better not have you mother fucker!"

"Nah I'm just kidding, I just have to use the toilet, be right back"

Thank god. I thought we'd be staying here for the night. I looked down at my arms and at the faded scars that covered them. Larry got in the car and saw me staring at my arms. He grabbed my hands and looked in my eyes.

"You are my entire world, sal Fisher"

He said, kissing the top of my prosthetic. With that we were back on the road. We stopped at the bottom of this hill. Larry got out from the back. I looked around, still in the car. Larry came to my door and took my hand, guiding me to the top of the hill. In his other hand he was carrying a blanket. We got to the top of the hill. Larry laid the blanket down on a flat part of the hill and we stood there, looking out over the view.


I looked at him. He was looking in my eyes. One hand in his pocket, The other mine. He kneeled down and took a box out of his pocket, letting go of my hand. He opened the box.

"Sal Fisher, will you-"


I said, tackling him onto the blanket. He took my hand and put the ring on it. Oh my god. It's so beautiful. I hugged Larry again. During the hug he took off my prosthetic. No one was here so I was fine with it. He pulled away from the hug and pulled me into a kiss.

"I I love you Larry" I said breathlessly. I sat next to him, we both looked at Nockfell. A beautiful sunset painted the sky. We stared at the sky until the sun had set. We laid back looking up at the stars. Next thing I knew I was In my bed at home with Larry. I must have fallen asleep. I fall asleep again in Larry's arms.


I woke up and the lights were on. Larry was painting. I looked at what he was painting. It was the sunset from last night. I sat up, still looking at the painting in awe. Larry must've noticed me.

"Morning sleeping beauty"

"I think I need a kiss from my Prince Charming" I say before yawning. Larry walked over and gave me a peck on the lips.

"I love you" said Larry before returning to painting. I got up and changed into some of Larry's clothes, all of mine were still packed up. I put on some shorts and one of his sanity's fall shirts that went past the shorts. I brushed my hair, put on my prosthetic, and went upstairs. Todd was upstairs pouring some creamer into his coffee.

"Hey Sal, how was your and Larry's date last night?" Todd said taking a big sip of his coffee.

"Oh, it was great, yeah, uh , were engaged"

I said as casually as possible. Tod spit out his coffee on the floor.

"Uh, wHat?"
I held out my hand to show him the ring.

"Congrats sal! That's awesome,you told ash right?"

"Oh uh, no I should probably do that"

I called Ashley right there in the kitchen, putting her on speaker so Todd could hear too.

"Hi ash how are you?"

"Good sal! You?"

"Oh yeah everything is great, I'm great, uh, me and Larry are engaged"


"Yeah he proposed last night"

All that you could hear on the other end was screeching. Good thing it's on speaker phone.

"Ok ash I have to go"

I hung up while she was still screaming.

Larry came up after and hugged me from behind. We all had breakfast and then went to go visit everyone at the apartments to show them the ring 😂
Me and Larry got to Lisa's apartment in the basement. We showed her the ring and she hugged me and gave us a talk about how proud she was of us and how much she loved us and was happy for us. Lisa really is the best mom. We showed maple and she was amazed. Chug had proposed to her with a ring pop the day after graduation. We went upstairs to see my dad, he said how he loved me and was proud of the man I've become, even though I'm still as tall as a sixth grader. Thanks dad. We had to leave after that but we decided to pay Travis a visit first. Travis seemed to be significantly happier since his father died. Even though he let him move out to avoid the towns people to talk, Travis still hated his dad. That was understandable though, he abused him his whole life, it was fucked up.

"Hey Travis" I said after walking into his room. He was sitting at his desk writing something, probably an essay for college. "Hey sal, hey Larry, what brings you two here?" Travis said turning around in his chair.

"We were just coming up and saying hi to everyone here, we thought we'd say hi to you too."

"Well hi, how are you guys"

"Great actually, we uh, just got engaged"

Travis's eyes shot up.

"That's great dudes!" Travis said, giving both of us a hug.
We left shortly after that and got back home to pack. I put away box after box and our room started looking like home. The bed, desk, easel, bookshelf, dresser, and couch were all in here now, the room was pretty big. I picked up a box labeled "treehouse"

I opened it. It was, as you could guess, a box full of stuff from the treehouse. All of this stuff had so many memories. My Jason mask, dozens of pictures Ashley took at sleepovers we had over the years, Posters, cds, video games, gear boy cartridges. Good times. Larry left the room for a moment, he closed the door and I turned around. I looked in the mirror. Blood. Blood is coming from under my mask? I took it off and looked at my face. Blood was coming from my eyes. What? Everything feels like it's spinning. It's all fading. Fading away into black. I haven't this happen to me since I started those meds like three years ago. It's ringing. Louder and louder until is stops.

I'm falling, the ground is coming closer and closer. I'm trying to land on my feat. It works. I'm in a forest. A dog is barking in the background. It's getting closer and closer. Louder and louder. It's right in front of me. Come here sal. Pet me, I'm harmless. I'm walking up to it. I can't stop myself. I put my hand on the dog. His eyes seem to melt from his skull and drip to the dirt. It bit into my arm. Instead of creating a bite. It disappeared. I'm back in the all black room. My cuts are open and all of them are bleeding, both of my arms are dripping onto the floor.

Larry. I see him, everything around is fading back into the room. I'm sitting on the floor, my cuts all bleeding, my prosthetic off and tears streaming from my eyes. This hasn't happened in over two years.
Larry wrapped a towel around my arms and went to get some bandages. He wrapped up my arms, my eyes streaming tears all the while. I can't stop my eyes from crying. We're on the bed now. He's holding me. I'm still crying but I'm not sad, the tears just won't stop. I'm happy to have someone who cares about me so much. He keeps his arms wrapped tightly around me, I feel safe and happy. I cry until can't cry anymore. My eyes still trying to cry. Trying to cry out Broken Tears.


Ok, here's the end of the story :') I'm not crying you are. I am done with this story but I really don't want to make it a finished story. I'm not ready for that. Tell me if you'd be interested in a sequel because Im still undecided. Trust me I tried REALLY hard to not have Larry propose but I couldn't just not. I hope you like this (and like that Travis's dad is ded)

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