Yes//chapter 41

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Here is the last chapter :')
Tw: self harm kinda, slight smut but not really
Sally's pov:
Three and a half years later.

Larry and I just moved out. We've been together three years. Todd and Neil bought a house and had another room to rent out so me and Larry are living together with them.

Larry and Neil went out to the store to grab some drinks while me and Todd stayed here to unpack.
I decided to start small and grab the smallest box. It was a shoebox labeled 'sally'.

I cut off the tape and took off the lid. Inside was pictures of me and Larry. I looked through all of them and at the end of the pile were four pieces of paper. I open the first one.

"Sal, I know this is gonna be hard for you to understand. I'm sorry. Please don't blame yourself and please don't hate me. I was lucky to have you in my life. I couldn't have asked for a better friend than you dude. I know you're gonna do great things. You gotta keep going. Keep fighting the darkness. It's coming closer now, I can hear it whispering in my head. It's getting louder. I just need this to end I can't take it anymore. I'm not strong like you are. I love you Sally face. Always. See you on the other side.


I put the letter down and start crying and looking at the pictures again. I almost lost him, the love of my life, and it would have been my fault. Trying to shake these thoughts out of my head, I pick up the other letter.

"Sally, I love you. Like really love you. When I'm around you, I get butterflies. I don't know what it is. Dude I don't know anything about feelings or how any of this works but I just wanted you to know. Whenever I'm with you I feel so happy, I feel like I could be with you. I know it wouldn't work, we are great as friends, a part of me just wants to be more. I have no idea if this is how I feel or if I'm just delusional, maybe it's the meds. I've felt this way since the party, like I needed to protect you. Let everyone laugh at us. I don't care. Their all idiots. I love you Sal Fisher."

That letter. The letter that started the best thing to ever happen to me. There are two more letters. I don't think I've ever seen them.
The first one I pick up is dated the night we were in the blank room with Terrance.
"Sally, if we don't make it, if I don't make it, I want you to know, I love you. I know sometimes you feel like a burden or something less than you are. I want to tell you that you are exceptional and perfect. You complete me"
before crying I open up the next letter

"Hey Sal! I'm writing because I just found this box under your bed. We've been dating for almost two years. I love you Sal Fisher. You make me so happy. Every time I'm with you I realize just how in love with you I am. I can't see the future but I hope that you're in it. Whenever you're reading this, just know I love you. I want you in my life forever. I know what you are thinking 'jesus Larry is such a dork.' Well to that I say: you still love me you nerd ;) I love you sal. Never forget that."

Holy fuck. I didn't know he knew about this box. I'm kind of embarrassed, but mostly I feel loved. I put away the letters and drop the box onto the mattress on the floor. Larry was supposed to put the bed frame together this morning. That lazy bastard. I grab another box and set it down on my desk so I can put in my headphones. I look through my music. Let's choose something I can dance to, no sanity's fall because I would just get distracted and start head banging. I turn on my music and open the box. A few songs play as I put away the stuff in the box. That's when "Hips don't lie" by Shakira started playing. (lmao I'm sorry 😂 Issa bop tho).

I have to dance to this song. I started dancing while putting away my stuff, let's just say I got a little bit carried away while dancing ;). I pretty much stopped unpacking and was now just dancing. Just when I was moving my hips, I felt two hands grab my hips and stared grinding against me. I jumped before realizing it was Larry.

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