Now Or Never

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[COMPLETED] Jackson Hale is a mythical werewolf that rules the school as the future Alpha. But when the curr... Daha Fazla

Now or Never


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sup3rnatura1g33kk tarafından



I looked around at the cemetery and watched the wolves fight the humans. The vampires attack the humans. The call of the sirens turns the humans against each other. They were no match for us. We outnumbered them all.

I spotted a wolf injured on the floor and I jogged to it. The large wolf had the golden colors of the sun and a dark mysterious outline around its muscles. It whimpered terrified making my heartache. Kneeling to the dirt next to it, I put my hand gently on his snout as it growled at me.

"It's okay," I whispered and his burnt orange eyes look at me with recognition. "I've got you."

It whimpered in my hand and I pet it softly. Looking at its wound I felt sick. This wolf isn't going to survive. With no warning, my eyes prickled with tears. I could feel the agonizing fear radiating off of it.

I lifted the injured dying wolf's heavy head and set in my lap. Petting its head with a soft sad smile and tears running down my puffy cheeks. Sniffling, trying to hold back my sadness. The wolf looked at me with a painful whimper and it started to close its eyes. It shifted into its human form. A naked boy lay before me. He couldn't be over 21 years old.

"Luna." He whispered. His voice was hoarse and full of fear.

"I'm here." I sniffled. "I'm here. What's your name?" I pet his hair.

"Noah." He whimpered.

"You did good, Noah. Thank you for your service." I cried, feeling embarrassed that his last memory is going to be of my snot-nosed self.

He smiled at me hopefully before his smile became calm and still. His eyes stayed open but never blinked and his facial muscles relaxed. He's gone, no warning, just dead. His last words were his name.

I looked up with tears falling uncontrollably down my face. I caught my reflection in the car window and looked at my face. My mascara ran down my cheeks and my ponytail was falling apart. My skin was dirtied and scarred with dry blood. I held the body of a teenage boy in my hands.

This needs to stop. All of it.

I gently set his head on the floor and stood up wiping my mascara away with my tears. The sweat on my brow sat coldly against my skin. My cheeks are heated from the warm tears and became as red as my eyes. But I didn't care if I didn't look as beautiful as the women in the pack when they fought to save their people. I believed in my ability and determination to see these godforsaken people rot in hell. My beauty was never my only weapon... it was my love for the people that I care about. And I would do anything to protect my pack.

The closer I got to the fight the more afraid I became. I wasn't going to let fear hold me back, even if it was for me. I don't want my boyfriend to live without his mate but I always won't turn my back on my people.

There was a fight between a familiar wolf and one of the humans. A silver dagger fell beside them but it didn't matter to the human, he has other methods of hurting the wolf. I snatched the dagger from the floor and stomped toward the human whose attention caught me. Before he could react, I kicked the crease behind his knee with the back of my foot making him kneel on it. I punched him in the throat and pulled off his helmet. A man with a large scar was revealed but it didn't give me any hesitation before I slit the silver dagger in the thin skin at the side of his neck.

He began to choke on his blood, gurgling in pain and I let him fall onto the ground. He bled out almost instantly and a small dangerous smile played on my lips for a quick second. It didn't scare me as much as it should have. I looked at the wolf and recognized her eyes.

"Tori." I gave her a nod which she returned. With satisfaction, I walked away from her. Tori's wolf ran past me and attacked another human who was harassing a young pup that didn't make it out.

Suddely, I heard a loud whine like a dog getting kicked and my head instantly shot to the noise. A large black wolf stood before me and all of its glory. The thrash on its eye to its snout bled thinly. But its beautiful light hazel eyes with a surge of dark blood red were unmistakable. Jackson.

I went running to him but halfway there I was tackled to the ground. The man on top of me threw a hard punch to my face. A splitting pain erupted in my nose and blood trickled down. Thankfully, the guy was straddling me letting me bring my knee up into his crotch.

He groaned on top of me and I went to push him off before I heard a loud angry roar. It made everything freeze in time. The fight stopped and everyone looked over in shock. Even the human couldn't believe their ears and their eyes filled with pure fear. For some reason, I wasn't afraid. I felt saved.

I pushed the man off of me and quickly stood up. The black wolf, my boyfriend, standing growling over him. Silva drooled from his vicious teeth and on the man who attacked me. His eyes glowed fully red and threatened the man before him.

"Okay, okay." A man's voice yelled into the cemetery making me freeze in my spot. I know that voice. "I'm sure you guys sent the message clearly. I was waiting for an introduction but now seems like the best time than never."

I hesitantly turned around to see the one person I did not want to. The man who killed the Alpha. The one who rained down horror on children. Who did all of this? The mysterious man. My father.

"D-dad?" I stuttered. "W-What- how?"

He looked at me sadly, he looked away from me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I whipped my head toward the owner. Jackson shifted into his naked human body and he looked at me with shock in my eyes.

"I wanted to tell you for so long, Mija." My father said, he walked towards us but the wolves growled in front of me making him stand back. "Okay, I understand. That's your Luna."  

"What are you doing?" I breathe out.

"Spencer, I need you to listen." He calmly said.

"Yes, Father! I'll listen to the reason why you're killing people! Kids! Tell me why!" I screamed.

"They aren't human, just monsters. They need to die." He says, his eyes look at me for forgiveness but I'll never give it to him.

"Look around!" I cried. "They aren't a threat! They haven't been! It's you that's a monster!"

"They killed your mother!" He roared angrily. I stumbled back at the vicious tone of his words. 

"What?" I choked.

"She was traveling through their territory and a car ran a red light. It completely crushed her car but she could have lived, Spencer." His head whipped to Jackson who was next to me. "His father choose to put the life of his drunk werewolf ahead of my wife in his stupid shitty pack house!"

"Father," I couldn't say a word. "I-I-"

A hand grabbed mine and intertwined our fingers. This gave me an overwhelming sense of safety. I looked at Jackson who stared at me with his hazel brown eyes that glimmered with tears. He was afraid I was going to leave him. He didn't know what his father did, he was a child. I looked around at everyone. Even as wolves, they too looked afraid. I don't know what it was like 10 years ago but it's different now. Jackson will change it for the better. I shouldn't hold the rest of them accountable for their alpha's mistake.

"I don't care," I told my father. "I do care about all of them, these wolves here. They are my family now and you're hurting them. You can't get away with it!"

"It's because of that mutt you've taken a liking to. I should have killed him when I first met him." My father threatened.

The wolves growled to protect their current alpha. Some looked ready to pounce on my father.

"Spencer, you can do so much better. Do so much more without him. It's because of him that you're dormant!" He yelled.

"What? Damnit! Stop beating around the bush and tell me!" I screamed. The air around me grew colder.

"You're part of a powerful line of witches and warlocks. Ones specially designed to become hunters of the supernatural. To find those besides humans and witches and kill them. You're a doppelgänger! It's in your blood, Mija. It's in your mother's maiden name. Her powers weakened when she took my last name in marriage." He stepped closer. "I was only human but she trained me to help her. She was a dedicated hunter and after her death, I didn't want you to be involved and end up like her. So I prepared you just in case, and then Jackson came into your life. You're so powerful but you live in his shadow. Keeping you from the truth. "

"You-" I was angry. "You kept me from the truth! How could you not tell me!" I wasn't human. I'm NOT completely human and he didn't tell me. He kept the one thing that made my life interesting a secret. I could have had an entirely different life.

"You needed to figure it out for yourself." He told me like it was the easiest thing in the world. It's not, I thought I was human.

I had this power inside of me and I never knew. The moon goddess never wanted humans and werewolves to mate. It wasn't a mistake. Humans were cruel hateful creatures who despise everyone different from them. That isn't me. I have powers that I never knew I had. A different path I can take. A new way to protect the people I love.

"You need to leave this town and never come back." I grit my teeth.

"Not going to happen." He smirked. "I will kill your boyfriend and then maybe you'll see." Suddenly, a gun is pulled out from behind him. Someone would be stupid if they didn't know it was loaded with silver bullets.

My heart thumped in my chest and he pointed the barrel towards Jackson. Wolves standing in front of us to block my father from getting their alpha. Growls erupt between all of them as they challenged my dad. There wasn't a muscle in my body that could move properly. I felt utterly useless, I couldn't understand how someone related to me could be this evil. The image of Noah ran through my mind. I went to call out to my dad but the scene before made the words get caught in my throat. 

My father didn't move, he couldn't. There was a hand sticking out of him. There was blood dripping from the fingers that penetrated his stomach. And it was pulled out. It was like slow motion when he fell to the floor with a thud and Derek stood behind him with a smile on his face and blood dripping from his hand. He was proud that he killed my father; that smirk told it all.

"No!" I screamed. I yanked my hand out of Jackson's and began to sprint to the only parent I had left. "Dad!" I cried.

I felt my knees hit the floor harshly and a strong gust of air whooshed around me knocked Derek to the floor. Knocking everyone to the floor. But I didn't care, I couldn't question it. My father was dying before me.

"Dad." I cried to him.

"Spencer," he mumbled hoarsely. "Spencer."

"Dad-" I couldn't believe this. I need him to live, he needs to live. I don't care about anything else. I need my father; my heart clenched and my eyes burned from unwanted tears. Everything was collapsing on me and I don't know if I could survive.

"I love you, baby girl."

"I love you too."



"Diego." He groaned into the phone. "No. Diego."

I smirk at my husband as he looks through the neat stacks of paper on his desk. His annoyance grew once he catches the smug look on my face. Rolling his eyes he continues looking for a certain paper of information making me chuckle. I rub my big stomach that contains my second child. I've gotten huge and plump. The only upside are my big breast but even that has some downside including soreness.

"Diego, for the last time, do not give Ryan any Temazepam before bed." He groans.

I smile at Jackson. "Because he's only two for fuck's sake!" He yells.

"Oh my god! You're infuriating! I have to go. Do NOT overdose my child." He let out a breath. "Bye, love you." He hung up.

"Did you just tell Diego that you love him?" I asked.

"Fuck!" He yells slamming his hand down on the desk. "I'm so stressed about the fucking baby that I told a vamp that I love him."

I sigh, getting up from my seat with a small struggle. "Not just any vamp," I say "Diego."

"That's worse." He groans. I snake my arms around his waist and pull him towards me.

"Babe," I murmur making him look at me. "Ryan will be fine," I say kissing his lips.

"I know."

"Diego loves the kid and Ryan is having fun chasing him around in his wolf form," I tell him chuckling at my son's puppy-looking wolf. I never knew that werewolves can shift as low as the age of 1.

Jackson kisses my lips one last time. "I trust him and Jeff. I mean that humans can't handle both of them but at least he's got a stable mind." I chuckle once more.

Jackson holds me in his arms as we reminisce about our friends.

Tori and Kate ended up moving to England for a little while. They're planning on coming back, they just needed a small normal break from the supernatural. Kate became a police officer before moving but her job is on standby once she moves back. Benefits of being the best police officer in a precinct of humans. Tori never really stuck with a career but instead freelanced jobs however she chooses. Never stopped being Jackson's right-hand man. They aren't planning on adopting any children any time soon but they've taken a liking to a small werewolf child abandoned by her family in England. We've been getting updates about taking her back to America.

Jeff and Diego have been on and off for a while. Finding out that Diego took a toll on Jeff. He had been dealing with being a fragile human. Mortality isn't fun, according to him. And to know that your lover will outlive you. It took a toll on both of them. But they love each other too much to break it off permanently. Diego had suggested the idea to turn Jeff into a vampire but he wasn't ready for that yet. Diego's family wasn't too fond of Diego being interested in men much less a human but they've tried to support him.

Camilla had a shameful drunken moment with Cayden one night. It was a huge drama situation. Jackson wasn't happy with Cayden for a while since Claire came to him crying about it. It hurt the mate bond a little and Camilla was always being blamed. She eventually apologized to Claire, one on one, and eventually, they made up. Cayden spent months trying to make it up to Claire. It was hard when they couldn't be together due to her age. But after all of that, Camilla decided to travel to Asia with Stacie. That was a big surprise. Jackson admitted that they had a fling together and I confronted her but during the talk, I realized that Stacie never had feelings for Jackson in the first place. It was just a fling. Camilla and Stacie both bonded oddly but they've been doing well.

Claire finally turned 18 this year, she was well content with mating with Cayden at 17 but he wanted to wait on a moral stand. Claire enrolled in a community college and is planning on transferring to a UC later. She wants to be a high school teacher so she's going to study for that. Cayden took over his father's place as Beta and his business. His father was happy to retire and guide his son to greatness.

"What are you thinking about?" Jackson asks softly breaking the comfortable silence.

"Our friends," I answer. He let out a soft hum. "Jackson."


"I think my water broke," I say; Jackson jerks me away from him and looks down. I had been feeling contractions for a while but I ignore it. I thought maybe the baby was kicking. He was not. He wants to come out now.

"Babe!" He exclaimed looking down at the large wet puddle under me. "Babe! He's coming!"


"One last push!" Jackson yelled.

"Stop fucking screaming!" I screamed gripping his hand hard.

"Okay, as long as you get this baby out." Jackson agrees.

"Okay, okay," the doctor repeats as he takes my son in his arms. "You have a beautiful son. Dad, would you like to cut the cord."

After all the process I finally got to hold my own damn child in my arms. I held him close to my sweaty body and felt tears form in my eyes as I mesmerized his handsome face. I could tear my eyes away from him even as Jackson wrapped his arms around me.

"He's beautiful," Jackson muttered under his breath distracted as I was.

"Carter," I whisper.

He holds the baby's little hand. "Carter Hale is perfect."

"I swear, Jackson. No more kids."


"Luna." A male voice called into the packhouse hospital room. I looked over at the doctor.

"Yes?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know how to say this, um-" he stutters. My husbands and I look at the man worriedly.

"What's wrong? Is it Carter?"

"Luna, you're son is- well, he's pure human." He told us, I looked at Jackson confused. "It isn't uncommon. Of course, Ryan is a werewolf, Alpha passed that one to him but your newborn isn't. Sometimes the human genes can overtake the werewolf ones. It's really a gamble, nothing we can do about it."

I looked at Jackson. "Thank you, doctor." He left the room to leave me and my husband alone.

"I still love him," Jackson says.

"We will always love him, no matter what."

He nods his head. "But we can't tell him about us. He should able to live in a world without the threat of werewolves and vampires and everything that goes bump in the night."

I nod my head in agreement. "Okay."

The end.

Okumaya devam et

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