Glee-done (Discontinued)

By haleyandthejets

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Do you ever wonder what Glee would've been like if some of the episode storylines had been kept while new epi... More

Season 2, Episode 1 - Audition (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 2 - Britney/Brittany (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 3 - Believer (Grilled Cheesus Redone)
Season 2, Episode 4 - Duets (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 5 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 6 - Never Been Kissed (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Substitute (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 8 - A Glee Wedding (Furt Redone)
Season 2, Episode 9 - Starts With Goodbye (Special Education Redone Part 1)
Season 2, Episode 10 - Back to December (Special Education Redone Part 2)
Season 2, Episode 11 - A Very Glee Christmas (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 12 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 13 - Silly Love Songs (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 14 - Comeback (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 15 - Blame It on the Alcohol (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 16 - Sexy (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 17 - Loser Like Me (Original Song Redone)
Season 2, Episode 18 - The Funerals (A Night of Neglect/Funeral Redone)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Born This Way (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 20 - Rumours (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 21 - Prom Queen (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 22 - New York (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 1 - Senior Year (Purple Piano Project Redone)
Season 3, Episode 2 - Somewhere (I Am Unicorn Redone)
Season 3, Episode 3 - Run the World (Asian F Redone)
Season 3, Episode 4 - Pot 'O Gold (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 5 - Mash Off (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 6 - We Are Who We Are (I Kissed a Girl Redone)
Season 3, Episode 7 - You Can't Stop the Beat (The First Time Redone)
Season 3, Episode 8 - We Are Young (Hold onto Sixteen Redone)
Season 3, Episode 9 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 10 - The Proposal (Yes/No Redone)
Season 3, Episode 11 - Michael (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 12 - Future Drama (The Spanish Teacher Redone)
Season 3, Episode 13 - Valentine's Day (Heart Redone)
Season 3, Episode 14 - On My Way (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 15 - Recovery Road (Big Brother Redone)
Season 3, Episode 16 - 50 (Saturday Night Glee-ver Redone)
Season 3, Episode 17 - Dance With Somebody (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 18 - Choke (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 19 - Senior Prom (Prom-a-sarus Redone)
Season 3, Episode 20 - Neglected (Props Redone)
Season 3, Episode 21 - Nationals (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 22 - Goodbye (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 1 - The New Kids (The New Rachel Redone)
Season 4, Episode 2 - Britney 2.0 (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 4 - The Break-Up (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 5 - Juke Box Hero (The Role You Were Born to Play Redone)
Season 4, Episode 6 - Glease (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 7 - Dynamic Duets (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 8 - Thanksgiving (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 9 - Swan Song (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 10 - Glee, Actually (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 11 - Made It Through the Rain (Sadie Hawkins Redone)
Season 4, Episode 12 - Diva (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 13 - Acceptance (Naked Redone)
Season 4, Episode 14 - I Do (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 15 - Feature Film [Girls (And Boys) on Film (Redone)]
Season 4, Episode 16 - Feud (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 17 - Guilty Pleasures (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 18 - Last Chance (Shooting Star Redone)
Season 4, Episode 19 - Sweet Dreams (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 20 - Lights Out (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 21 - Wonder-ful (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 22 - All or Nothing (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 1 - The Quarterback (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 2 - Love, Love, Love (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 3 - Let It Be (Tina in the Sky with Diamonds Redone)
Season 5, Episode 4 - Pamela Lansbury (A Katy or A Gaga Redone)

Season 4, Episode 3 - Changes (Makeover Redone)

201 1 0
By haleyandthejets

"So here's what you missed on Glee. Kurt's in New York where he's rooming with Rachel and planning to interview for," the narrator said as a clip of Kurt and Rachel becoming roommates played "Rachel's friend, Brody, totally wants to date her, but she's still confused about Finn who hasn't called Rachel even though he's out of the army now," the narrator said as a clip of Brody trying to kiss Rachel played as well as a clip of Finn working at the Lima Bean played. "Back at McKinley, Brittany went a little crazy and tried to stage her fall from grace to make a comeback but it turns out that might be a little more complicated than she expected," the narrator said as a clip of Brittany during the 'Gimme More' performance played. "You're pregnant," the nurse said as Brittany shook her head. "Impossible. The stork hasn't been around to build its nest yet," Brittany said. "Pregnancy tests don't lie Ms. Pierce. You are most definitely pregnant," the nurse said. "Sam and Brittany had a fling over the summer and he thinks he's falling for her even though all Brittany can talk about is," the narrator said as clip of Sam looking longingly at Brittany played. "Santana," Brittany said. "And that's what you missed on," the narrator said. "GLEE!" The voices sang out.

Cut to the hallway of McKinley High as Blaine is walking down eagerly. "All right, Blaine Anderson, time to change things up. Last year, it was all about letting the seniors shine. But this year it's your turn," Blaine said in a voice over as he began signing up for many of the clubs at the school including 'Sewing Club' and 'Superheros and Side Kicks' as he performs the Tears for Fears hit 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World'.

Blaine is performing onstage as well as in the hallway as he is shown being apart of the different clubs enjoying himself. " Of course, part of the reason I'm doing all these extracurriculars is to fill my days now that Kurt's in New York," Blaine said in a voice over as we cut to Blaine and Kurt talking over Skype "We talk and Skype and text as much as possible, but the only time we're really in sync is when we're hate-watching Treme together." Blaine said in a voice over. "These songs go on forever, and why isn't there more zydeco?" Kurt asked annoyed as the two ate popcorn and watched Treme together. Cut to Blaine in a few more clubs as he continues to perform 'Everybody Wants to Rule the World' trying to fill his void without Kurt. Blaine then walks up to sign up to run for senior class president as Brittany walks over. "What do you think you're doing, Blaine Warbler?" Brittany asked concerned. "I'm running for president," Blaine grinned as Brittany didn't look pleased, especially since she really wanted to be senior class president this time around.

Cut to the choir room as the New Directions are seated as Will is sitting on the piano. "Okay, as you all know, as national champions we get to host the annual Show Choir Rules Committee meeting," Will grinned a bit. "Please tell me you're gonna ask what 1/3 vintage meant last year?" Tina said as the other members of the New Directions nodded to agree. "Speaking of competitions, shouldn't we start like, preparing for ours?" Jake asked. "I have some ideas which I am working on very hard," Will began talking as a voice over took over "Um I don't really want to give anything away right now I have no ideas. I'm tapped out. I spent all last weekend trying to think of something for us to perform, and all I came up with was a scat version of "Carmina Burana"," As Will babbled Brittany's hand shot up. "Yes Brittany?" Will said calling on her. "I'm not sure if what You were saying was actually important 'cause I wasn't listening but I'd like to make an announcement," Brittany grinned as Will gave Brittany the floor.

"I, Brittany S. Pierce am having a miracle lesbian love baby," Brittany said as the New Directions looked confused. "Wait wait?" Sam said in a shocked tone. "Brittany....the last time you thought you were pregnant was because a stork build it's nest are you actually sure this time?" Artie asked as Brittany nodded. "Definitely. The nurse confirmed it," Brittany said as everyone looked shocked. "Wait did you cheat on Santana?" Tina asked her eyes growing wide. "Impossible. You can't cheat by getting pregnant. The plumbing is different so it's not cheating. Santana told me that," Brittany said as everyone exchanged concerned looks wondering what in the world Brittany was talking about. "O...kay on that note let's get back to rehearsal," Will said awkwardly as everyone broke into whispers as Sam's eyes grew wide knowing that there was a very strong chance Brittany was having his child.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sam asked Brittany pulling her aside. "Tell you what?" Brittany asked confused. "That you're pregnant," Sam said as Brittany just looked at him. "Why would that be important for you to know. I told you when I told the club," Brittany said in a confused tone as Sam sighed. " and I both know what happened between us this summer and I want to be there for you and our kid.." Sam began as Brittany chuckled. "Santana is the father Sam," Brittany said in a confirming tone. "That's...not possible..." Sam began. "Are you saying I'm a liar?" Brittany said upset. "No not at all. It's just..." Sam began. "I know this is confusing for you but I know deep down that I'm pregnant because Santana and I are on the rocks and we need something new to spice up our life and what's better than a baby?" Brittany grinned as in that moment Sam knew Brittany didn't get what was going on, not at all. He was slightly solemn especially since he knew he had to be the father and wanted a relationship with Brittany but it seemed like she was disregarding his feelings once again.

Sam pictures himself in a fantasy performing 'Lego House' by Ed Sheeran expressing his feelings for Brittany, wishing that she would want to be with him instead of Santana.

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a Lego house. When things go wrong we can knock it down," Sam sang emotionally as he followed Brittany out of the choir room. "My three words have two meanings. There's one thing on my mind, it's all for you. And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya to keep me warm and if you're broken I'll mend ya and keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now," Sam sang as we cut to Brittany who is still trying to desperately get a hold of Santana. "I'm out of touch, I'm out of love. I'll pick you up when you're getting down and out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now. I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind. I'll do it all for you in time and out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now," Sam sang as Brittany is still oblivious to how Sam is feeling as she is seen smiling at her locker at the photos of her and Santana. "Don't hold me down. I think my braces are breaking and it's more than I can take. And if it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya to keep me warm. And if you're broken I'll mend ya. And keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now," Sam sang as we cut to him performing in the auditorium to Brittany. "I'm out of touch, I'm out of love. I'll pick you up when you're getting down and out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now. I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind. I'll do it all for you in time and out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now. I'm out of touch, I'm out of love. I'll pick you up when you're getting down and out of all these things I've done, I'll love you better now," Sam sang as he finished the song as the New Directions seemed to understand exactly what Sam was singing about, wanting to be there for Brittany, that is everyone but Brittany who is back to being oblivious to her surroundings.

Cut to Kurt and Rachel's apartment where Kurt is trying on different outfits trying to decide what to wear for his Vogue interview. "I've spent the entire weekend trying to choose the absolute perfect outfit because I've snagged an interview at-- drum roll, please..." Kurt said in a voice over as he tried on clothes. "Hi, I'm Kurt Hummel," Kurt said to himself in the mirror in one of his outfits ". Yes, it's just for an internship, but I haven't been this nervous since I auditioned for NYADA and if it wasn't for my change of song I don't know if I would've been accepted," Kurt said in a voice over as he is walking out of the subway station into 's headquarters. "I'm meeting with the new senior editor and designer extraordinaire. Isabelle Wright, and her stellar reputation precedes her," Kurt said in a voice over as we cut to people talking about Isabelle. "She's a style maverick," one woman said. "She double-majored in fashion design and dead romance languages," another woman said. "An iconoclast," a third woman said. "Rumor has it, She gave Steve Jobs his first black turtleneck," a guy said. "She's Vogue's rogue," the third woman said again. "Miss Wright will see you now," the receptionist told Kurt unimpressed as she filed her nails as Kurt got up anxious about his interview.

Kurt entered Isabelle's office and began to look her. "Hello?" Kurt called out. "Columbus," a woman said coming out from behind a rack of clothes. "Excuse me?" Kurt asked confused. "You're from Lima. I'm from Columbus," the woman said simply as she thought about something "And actually, I once got food poisoning in Lima at some Italian place, It was Bread..." "Stix?" Kurt asked. "Breadstix, yes," the woman grinned. "I can't believe you ate at Breadstix," Kurt said in awe. "Well, I wish I hadn't," the woman chuckled as she then introduced herself "Isabelle Wright." "Kurt Hummel," Kurt smiled shaking Isabelle's hand as he stood across from her. "So, Mr. Hummel, I have to tell you, I am very impressed with your online resume, especially this gallery of you and your rather bold clothing choices. Where did you find all this?" Isabelle smiled impressed at Kurt's online gallery of clothes which she has pulled up on her iPad. "Well, I. I made most of them, And searched the Internet for bargains," Kurt explained as he pointed out a few outfits "And, uh, that half-sweater there at the bottom, that belonged to my dead aunt, and I found it in her attic. And the embroidered calico vest was actually inspired by one of your designs." "Oh, yes, my quilted micro skirt collection," Isabelle said as she sighed "It was an epic fail." "But like you said in Vanity Fair, "I don't trust anyone who hasn't failed big at least once"," Kurt said as Isabelle couldn't help but feel charmed by him. "Have a seat," Isabelle smiled a bit as Kurt took a seat in her office. "So, I'm just gonna ask you a couple of routine questions I ask all potential hires," Isabelle said as Kurt nodded. "Who are your fashion icons?" Isabelle asked. "Audrey Hepburn, Michelle Obama, and not to kiss up or anything, but you," Kurt said honestly. "And have you done any writing on fashion?" Isabelle asked as Kurt hesitated. "Self journaling, mostly. I did weekly updates and, um, blogs on Project Runway since season one, and...." Kurt began. "Wave your magic wand, Where would you be in four years?" Isabelle asked. "Working here part-time, graduating from NYADA and, uh, starting my first Broadway show," Kurt said as Isabelle seemed impressed "I know that sounds presumptuous." "No. Frankly, you should be more presumptuous, you know?" Isabelle smiled a bit. "This is New York; It's for dreamers. It's for people like you, who are just starting out, and people like me who very much want to re-invent themselves. No, you should dream. You should dream very, very big. And then you should work incredibly hard and make sure you do everything in your power to make it happen."

Kurt couldn't help but feel supported by Isabelle who was a lot less intimidating then he thought she would be. "Look, Anna hired me because she said that the Web sites that I designed for my collections were inspired. So neither myself nor my team can let her down, and that includes you," Isabelle smiled a bit as Kurt looked stunned. "Me?" He asked surprised. "Well, listen, My friend, anybody who can pull off a hippo brooch deserves to be here," Isabelle smiled a bit indicating Kurt's hippo brooch and she put her hand out for him to shake "So welcome to ." "Thank you. Thank you so..." Kurt grinned shaking her hand. "Oh, you're very welcome," Isabelle smiled a bit as Kurt's brooch almost got caught on her. "Sorry," Kurt frowned. "It's okay. It's okay. That should come with a warning," Isabelle chuckled a bit. "Oh, it did," Kurt said honestly as Isabelle couldn't help but feel more impressed by him, excited to have Kurt on her team at .

Cut to the McKinley High hallway as Brittany approaches Artie at his locker. "Artie, can I talk to you for a second?" Brittany asked as Artie nodded "Okay, so I'm running for senior class president again, and I want you to be my VP." Artie looked at her confused "And why do you want me to run as your VP?" Artie asked her. "Well since I didn't win last year I thought having someone with a lot more knowledge running with me would make me seem like a better candidate. I just want the title of president and you can make all the boring decisions," Brittany said honestly as Artie thought about it. "So I could be Cheney to your Bush," Artie said in awe. "I'd rather be landing strip," Brittany said honestly. "I mean, it's no secret that a woman loves a man in power, and don't take this personally, but before I graduate, I would like to have a relationship that lasts longer than a couple weeks," Artie said honestly. "Why would I take that personally?" Brittany asked confused. "You and I dated," Artie said. "We did?" Brittany said confused. "Look, you've got yourself a deal," Artie smiled a bit shaking Brittany's hand. "Cool," Brittany grinned.

 Cut to the teacher's lounge as Will is approached by Sue. "Hey, butt-chin," Sue commented. "Hey, Sue," Will smiled a bit "I'm making a list of potential themes for our set list at sectionals, and right now I can't decide between classic TV theme songs or a salute to autumn." "William, those are terrible," Sue said shaking her head as Will sighed. "I don't know what's wrong with me. What happened to all my good ideas?" Will asked. "Oh, don't kid yourself; you never had any good ideas," Sue said as Will gave her a look "You just didn't notice because you were too busy chasing your bizarre childhood dream of a glee club national championship. And now that that's over, well, you're waking up to the incessant mind-numbing tedium that is the day-to-day life of a schoolteacher. Take a look around you, William, at this sad panoply of walking human garbage. This is what you have to look forward to." Will looked at the other teachers shaking his head as Sue began to point out the different types of teachers. "In a few short years, you'll either be an alcoholic, morbidly obese, or both," Sue said indicating 3 different faculty members "That's what I like to call the Full Charlotte Rae. Personally, William, I think you should take this opportunity to bow out gracefully and explore other job opportunities. Now, your penchant for bland, simplistic aphorisms could give you a leg up in the motivational hot-air balloon poster business, and of course, your complete lack of adult friends means you're well on your way to a career as a pedophile birthday clown." "But I love my job," Will frowned a bit. "William, you had a dream, and you achieved it. Now move on," Sue commented as Will looked saddened "Otherwise, you'll end up like that. Quietly smirking because you just did a little crop-dusting," Sue said indicating another faculty member as Will made a face. "Oh, and now you're enjoying the sneaky tickle of your own stink as it ripples up your enormous, soupy butt crack," Sue said as Will shook his head. Sue had to be wrong about this. He needed to find a way to get his inspiration back but how was the question.

Cut to the choir room as Will is still trying to come up with ideas. "Alright guys let's get down to business," Will said as Brittany's hand shot up again as Will called on her. "Yes Brittany?" "I have another announcement," Brittany grinned as Will gave her the floor "I'm wrapping up the election by selecting Artie as my running mate." "Ah! All right," Will said nodding as Artie smiled a bit. "I think by bridging the human-slash-robot divide, we'll ensure that both students and vending machines will be voting for us," Brittany grinned. "Still not a robot," Artie commented as Blaine frowned. "Brittany, that's not fair. This isn't a popularity contest, it's about who's got the best ideas. It's about believing you can make a change, right?" Blaine said as Artie shook his head "What is that taste in my mouth? Is that sour grapes," Artie said as Blaine rolled his eyes seeming incredibly disappointed in Artie and Brittany running together for president and vice president. Sam also looked somewhat hurt that Brittany hadn't asked him to help her. After all they had been close over the summer. Didn't that mean anything to her?

Cut to the hallway as Sam rushes after Brittany. "Hey, why didn't you ask me to be your running mate? I'm like the perfect candidate," Sam frowned a bit. "Well, I didn't want it to ruin our friendship," Brittany shrugged "I mean, look at Sarah Palin. She and her grandfather, they were super close, and then he asked her to be his running mate, and they lost, and now they're not even speaking." Sam gave her a concerned look knowing Brittany was once again way off. "But I do think you'd be a great vice president, so I'm going to help you out. Come here," Brittany grinned as she took Sam to Blaine at his locker. "Blaine Warbler? I'd like to introduce you to Sam Evans," Brittany grinned. "Um, we've actually met several times," Blaine said confused. "He's your candidate for vice president," Brittany grinned. "Thanks Brittany but I'm picking my own running mate," Blaine said as Brittany frowned a bit. "But..." Brittany began. "It's cool Brittany. Blaine has a right to pick who he wants to run with," Sam said honestly as Blaine nodded seeming to appreciate Sam's support. "Thank you," Blaine said. "Of course," Sam smiled back. "Fine. Be that way but don't be surprised when Artie and I win," Brittany said as she walked off as Blaine shook his head laughing a bit.

"I had no idea she was going to bring me over here and try to get me to be your VP," Sam said honestly. "Oh I know. If there's one thing I've learned about Brittany it's that you can't predict what she's going to do next," Blaine said as he could see Sam looked hurt "You okay man?" Sam sighed "Not really. I mean Brittany and I kind of had a thing over the summer and I just feel like it meant nothing to her," Sam said honestly. " you two..." Blaine said as Sam nodded. "I'm trying to be a good guy and be there for her, especially since I'm pretty sure Santana didn't get her pregnant but she keeps shutting me out. Her not picking me for her running mate just proved it even more so," Sam sighed as Blaine looked at Sam sympathetically. He knew what it was like to feel alone and like your feelings didn't matter. "You know maybe Brittany was right," Blaine said. "About shutting me out?" Sam asked confused. "No about you being a good candidate for Vice President. I really think we could work well together. If you want to," Blaine suggested as Sam smiled back at Blaine. "You've got yourself a deal," Sam grinned as he and Blaine shook hands ultimately deciding to be running mates.

Cut to the Vogue board room where Isabelle is meeting with a few of her co-workers as Kurt is handing out their drinks. "I think it's time we tackled something that we have been avoiding for far too long, and I think you all know exactly what I'm talking about," Isabelle said as she looked at her co-workers "Leather. Leather, but in unexpected ways. Pitch me." "Okay, it's coming to me. It's coming to me. It's Italy. Salo, 1944. Belts as punishment. Belts as reward. "You can't have a belt! You: put a belt on!" It's faux-fascist. It's pair it with a chunky boot," Chase said. "Okay, belts were two years ago, and chunky boots were five years ago," Isabelle said shaking her head. "While we're on the topic of the verboten, I would beg all of you to please, please not offer up a leather platform. Chase, you know I love you, and I and I love that you're filled with so much passion, so I'm definite I'm going to I'll keep thinking about it, of course." "Okay," Chase nodded. "Um Daphne," Isabelle said calling on another co-worker. "Leather socks. Suede underpants. Cowhide brassieres," Daphne suggested. "Daphne, did you go off your meds again?" Isabelle asked. "Yes," Daphne said awkwardly. "Then I want you to stay off because that is sick. I mean good sick. That's the that's the kind of sick I want you to be. You know, that's exactly what I'm talking about, everybody. I don't want any rules-- just toss them. You know, let's think out of the box," Isabelle said as she looked at Kurt who didn't seem impressed "Or maybe I don't know. Maybe that's maybe that's too far out of the box." Isabelle then took a deep breath. "Okay, why don't we do this? Let's, uh we'll we're going to take a a little break, and then we will we'll revisit the topic of leather, okay?" Isabelle said as her co-workers nodded getting up. "Kurt, can I can I see you in my office?" Isabelle asked as Kurt nodded making his way to Isabelle's office.

"So, what did you think of the ideas in there?" Isabelle asked as she and Kurt entered her office. "Fascinating," Kurt said nodding as Isabelle gave him a look "I hated them. Look, I-I know I'm just an intern, but I feel like "unexpected leather" should be in the back pages of The Village Voice." "No, I know, I agree," Isabelle sighed as she shut the door to her office "But Mand Mandy, you know, the receptionist, every time I walk by her, she suggests that I do an article on trends in animal hide. And then her cat died. Did you know her cat died? So, what, am I going to say no?" Isabelle said emotionally "So now I'm stuck with leather." "No, you're not. There are a million different ideas. Uh, we could do a music video that pays tribute to the most cutting-edge fashion, right?" Kurt suggested. "Well, I told Chase Madison that I would do his piece on Spanx for cankles: "Spankles."," Isabelle frowned a bit. "Oh, God," Kurt cringed. "I'm an artist, not a manager. I...I can't say no to anybody. I can't bear it," Isabelle sighed "You know, I'm used to knocking on doors, not bolting them shut. Back in the day, if I had an idea-- a crazy idea-- I knew if it was good based on my instinct. And now crazy ideas just seem crazy to me. You know, like, uh, uh uh, high-heeled galoshes or, um, equestrian underwear-- what? And I can't I can't land anything." Isabelle sighed "I just feel like I lucked into a job that I don't deserve, and I honestly, I-I-I I have no idea what I'm doing. My collection was a failure. I can't fail at this. And I just rented a one-bedroom apartment in Midtown so I could walk to work. But now I'm not going to have a job to walk to or an apartment to walk from. I'm going to be homeless," Isabelle frowned as Kurt interrupted her thoughts "Hey, hey. You are not going to be homeless. All right? You can always come stay with me and my roommate in Bushwick," Kurt said honestly as Isabelle cringed at the thought. "Oh, God," Isabelle cried out as Kurt looked at her concerned for her.

 Cut to Sue's office as Brittany enters. "Coach Sylvester, I need to talk with you," Brittany said. "Have a seat Brittany," Sue said as Brittany took a seat. "I know you kicked me off the cheerios because I was setting a bad example but I really want to end my high school career the way it started, back on the Cheerios," Brittany frowned a bit as Sue thought about it. "Tell you what. I'll let you back on the squad on one condition," Sue said as Brittany looked at her. "If you want to be back on the Cheerios, I want you to graduate by the end of the year. And that means you're going to have to turn those grades around." "I'm already working on that," Brittany said honestly "Ever since I found out I'm having my lesbian love child I made it my goal to graduate." "Your what?" Sue said. "You didn't know? Santana and I are having a baby," Brittany grinned. "I don't know how you can think that's possible," Sue said shaking her head. "But it is," Brittany frowned "Anyways, Mr. Schue and Miss Pillsbury are spending one afternoon a week tutoring me so I can graduate."

Cut to Brittany in Miss Pillsbury's office as Will and Emma are showing her pictures of historical people. "Barack Obama," Brittany grinned. "Yes," Will smiled as Emma held up the next card. "Glenn Close," Brittany said as Emma frowned. "Oh, good effort, Britt. Baby steps," Will smiled a bit as we cut back to Sue's office as Brittany is showing her the test. "I got a C-minus on my U.S. History exam, which the teacher bumped up two whole letter grades because I wrote in English instead of my secret language I invented in middle school," Brittany said as Sue nodded impressed. "Brittany, welcome back," Sue said. "Meep-zorp flurm-gloob," Brittany grinned happy to back on the Cheerios.

Cut to the choir room as Brittany enters back in her cheerios uniform as Blaine approaches her. "Shouldn't you be looking for a running mate Blaine Warbler?" Brittany asked as Blaine smiled a bit. "I have one and I have you to thank," Blaine said as Brittany grinned. "You're running with Sam! Awesome," Brittany said excited. "Yeah I think we could work really well together on this campaign," Blaine said honestly. "First order of business, Artie and I challenge you and Sam to a debate," Brittany said. "You're on," Blaine said shaking Brittany's hand as Brittany walked off all too excited for the upcoming debate as Artie rolled over to her. "Brittany, I just got a copy of Jacob Ben Israel's latest presidential poll," Artie said. "Mhmm," Brittany said in a hopeful tone. "The good news is 90% of respondents said they're planning on attending Friday's debate," Artie said. "That's cool. So what's the bad news?" Brittany asked. "They were coming to hear you say something st..stu..." Artie began as Brittany frowned. "They think I'm going to say something stupid," Brittany sighed. "But, see, you're not stupid. You're really creative. Your brain exists in this magical other dimension where anything is possible. It's really amazing. We just need to focus on a little preparation," Artie told Brittany seriously as Brittany grinned. "I knew your robot expertise would come in handy," Brittany said as she and Artie walked off to prepare. "Again...not a robot," Artie said shaking his head as he wheeled off with Brittany to help her prepare for the debate.

Blaine and Sam are walking down the hall together after Glee Club "So Brittany and Artie challenged us to a debate," Blaine said as Sam looked confused. "What's a debate?" Sam asked as Blaine was taken aback by the question. "It's where we discuss what we're going to do to help the school if we get in power and Artie and Brittany will respond to same questions," Blaine said as Sam nodded. "Oh cool. I mean I'm not really great with words or anything but I'll do my best," Sam said honestly. "That's all I need," Blaine smiled a bit as he and Sam went to work on their campaign.

Cut to the math classroom as Artie is asking Brittany questions. "Test scores at McKinley have gone down six percent every year for the past decade. What would you do to fix the problem?" Artie asked Brittany. "Stop giving tests. They're hard, and there's way too many of them," Brittany said honestly as Artie looked concerned. "Okay...What is your favorite color?" Artie asked. "Filipino," Brittany said in a definite tone "They're very hard workers, and family is very important to them." "You know what? Let's talk wardrobe," Artie said shaking his head as Brittany went into a fantasy as she began to perform 'Celebrity Skin' by Hole.

As Brittany begins to sing she pictures herself and Sam jamming out onstage together to the song as they are made over to look more political. Sam then takes over as Blaine tries to help him with his wardrobe as well. As the song ended Sam and Brittany shook hands pleased with their new looks.

Cut to the teacher's lounge where Will is meeting with the other show choir directors for the committee meeting as he pounds the gavel. "First off, I'd just like to say what an honor it is to have been asked to lead the annual Show Choir Committee meeting," Will smiled a bit. "Which of these snacks are gluten free?" Mr. Rumba asked. "I guess the carrots are," Will shrugged. "Did it state so on the package? Because you do not want to deal with me if I've got gluten in my system," Mr. Rumba said. "We really need to get started, Mr. Rumba," Will said. "What?" Mr. Rumba asked not hearing Will. "We really need to get started," Will said speaking louder. "Well, why didn't you say so?" Mr. Rumba asked. "I did-- several times," Will said. "Well, I didn't hear you. You know I have complete loss of hearing in my left ear," Mr. Rumba said pointing to his left ear. "Scarlet fever." "Uh, Birdie, You had mentioned you wanted to discuss some of the redistricting bylaws," Will began as Birdie nodded. "I've been doing some research, and it turns out in Article 12..." Birdie began speaking as Will tuned out. "I'm so bored. What is wrong with me? This is what I've always wanted. I won Nationals. I'm in charge of this committee. But it feels so meaningless. Do all teachers feel this at some point?" Will said in a voice over as we cut back to what Birdie was saying. "When Regionals occur in a leap year...." Birdie said.

"Oh, this is pointless!" Mr. Rumba exclaimed cutting Birdie off "I didn't know how to tell you guys - but my glee club lost its funding." "Oh, my God," another male teacher frowned. "We're done. We can't even complete the season," Mr. Rumba complained "I know that everybody likes to make fun of the deaf choir, but my kids have a song in their heart; they're not going to be able to sing it. For some of them, it's the only thing that brings them any happiness. It's the only thing that brings me any happiness besides my extreme couponing and muscle relaxers." "I'm so sorry. Is there anything we can do?" Will asked. "Yeah. You can watch your back, because you're next. We're all dead. The money for the arts has dried up," Mr. Rumba said upset. "What we need is representation on that blue-ribbon government panel to get arts back in the schools," Birdie said. "There was a huge debate over that in Congress," the other male teacher agreed. "Oh, they don't care about us. They don't want to have anything to do with show choir directors; They want bigwigs like Meryl Streep or Demi Lovato," Mr. Rumba said shaking his head. "Maybe they'll take a show choir director who just won Nationals and wants to make a difference in this world," Will suggested as Birdie seemed to love the idea. "Go for it," Birdie smiled. "Highly unlikely," the other male teacher said. "I'm going to have a shame Triscuit. I don't care if I have to spend all night on the potty," Mr. Rumba huffed as he went to get a Triscuit as Will then knew he found his calling.

Cut to Kurt and Rachel's apartment as Rachel looked sad. " okay?" Kurt asked as Rachel shook her head. "I had an awful day at NYADA," Rachel sighed as we flashback to her in the dance room. "I didn't know Lena Dunham was joining us today," One dancer smirked. "I'm sorry, but did I do something to offend you?" Rachel asked confused. "Your outfit did. It's at least a decade away from even being considered for ironic-retro," another dancer smirked. "It's a tragedy What Not to Wear doesn't do two-hour specials," the first dancer cackled as the two walked off leaving Rachel upset. "You know, part of why I was so excited to come to New York was because I thought it would be a chance for me to start over, reinvent myself. I had no idea that it was going to be so exactly the same," Rachel sighed. "You know why you feel exactly the same?" Kurt asked. "Hmm?" Rachel said. "Because you're still dressing exactly the same," Kurt said indicating Rachel's attire "We're not in Ohio any more, Rachel. And even then, it's not like we were on trend. I hate to say this, but life is like high school. Styles and clothes determine the pecking order." "Well, I don't know what you expect me to do. It's not like I can afford an entire new wardrobe," Rachel sighed. "Who says you'll have to pay for it?" Kurt said as Rachel looked confused. "Put down your chopsticks and follow me. I got an idea." "It's almost midnight. What are you talking about?" Rachel asked confused. "I'm about to change your life. And maybe mine, too," Kurt grinned as Rachel seemed intrigued to see what in the world Kurt had planned.

Cut to the Vogue office as Kurt and Rachel are sneaking in. "Oh, my God, this is crazy," Rachel muttered under her breath as she and Kurt rushed in as Rachel stopped to pose by the sign "Take a picture of me." "No," Kurt muttered. "Come on, quick, quick, quick," Rachel frowned. "Check this out," Kurt whispered. "This is unbelievable," Rachel grinned looking around as Kurt rushed off. "Wait, I'm scared. Don't leave me," Rachel rushed up to Kurt as they arrived at a huge closet full of clothes. "Oh, my God. I can't even breathe," Rachel said breathlessly. "They call this the Couture Vault. It supposedly can withstand a nuclear blast," Kurt said as Rachel looked around in awe "Okay, I'll set up the camera." "Freeze!" Isabelle exclaimed as she arrived with two security guards. "Kurt," Isabelle gasped seeing Kurt there. "Oh, uh I thought you were going to be At dinner with Steve Buscemi and Yoko Ono," Kurt said confused. "Well, they canceled again. What are you doing here? And who is that?" Isabelle asked confused. "I'm Rachel Berry-- I'm Kurt's roommate. He...." Rachel began. "We were going to do a music video for the Web site," Kurt said honestly. "He adores you," Rachel agreed. "Rachel was going to get a makeover, And she was going to model some clothes," Kurt began explaining. "Stop, stop. Stop, stop, stop," Isabelle said cutting them off. "You had me at "makeover."" Kurt and Rachel couldn't help but grin as they began to give Rachel a makeover while performing a mashup of 'The Way You Look Tonight' by Fred Astaire and 'You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile' from Annie.

Kurt was then showing the video to Blaine over the phone who seemed incredibly impressed. "And that was just the rough cut," Kurt said. "No, it's genius. And Rachel looks so gorgeous, the whole looks so like, professional, like a real fashion video that you'd seen on TV or something," Blaine smiled a bit "So what's the next step?" "Well, uh, ideally the dream would be that Isabelle would see it, and love it, and then put it on . But I mean, she's already committed to so many other concepts that..." Kurt began. "No, Kurt, of course she's going to choose yours. She's gonna pick yours," Blaine smiled a bit. "And then, after we made over Rachel, Isabelle took us to this place called Gray's Papaya and we had guava juice and hot dogs," Kurt grinned. "Wow," Blaine said clearly impressed. "It was amazing," Kurt grinned as Blaine shook his head. "You're hanging out with fashion goddess Isabelle Wright. And I'm running for Student Body President with Sam," Blaine said. "Oh my gosh, I forgot about that! How's it going?" Kurt asked excitedly. "It's going okay. But, um, I did want to ask you what bow tie you thought I should wear for tomorrow's debate. I have narrowed it down to five, but mainly I have...." Blaine said as he began trying to show Kurt his bow ties but Kurt cut him off. "Bow ties are your signature, whatever you choose is gonna look great on you," Kurt assured Blaine. "Hi, Blaine, we miss you!" Rachel called out. "Oh, Rachel says hi," Kurt grinned. "Oh, hi, Rachel," Blaine smiled a bit as Kurt cut him off again. "By the way, one more question about the video. That scene where she plays the East Village It Girl-- did you think that was too much?" Kurt asked. "No, it's I don't know," Blaine shrugged. "Oh, good, good, good. 'Cause I didn't either, but she was a little skeptical. But I said she was very Chloe Sevigny chic, right?" Kurt asked clearly wanting to talk about what was going on with him instead of Blaine which made Blaine feel like he didn't care. "Yeah," Blaine said unenthusiactically. "And then, oh my God, I found this sweater in the vault that was to die for!" Kurt grinned as Blaine tried to fake a smile realizing Kurt had a whole new life and quite possibly wasn't interested in him anymore which hurt, deeply.

Cut to Emma's office as Will enters. "Hi," Will smiled. "Hi," Emma smiled back. "I know I don't have an appointment, but, uh I really needed to speak to my guidance counselor, and not my fiancé," Will said honestly. " Well, please have a seat, Mr. Schuester," Emma smiled a bit as Will took a seat. "As you know, all I've ever wanted was to make a difference. Change people's lives. Make them better. I'd like to think that I've done that in my time here," Will began. "Mm-hmm," Emma said nodding. "Winning Nationals, Seeing most of the kids graduate," Will said. "Right, you have a lot to be proud of here," Emma agreed. "But now I have this once in a lifetime opportunity in front of me. A chance to make a difference on a whole new level," Will said. "Okay," Emma said unsure of where this was going. "So they're assembling a blue-ribbon panel to improve arts education around the country. I filled out the application, but I haven't sent it in yet," Will said nervously handing Emma the application as she looked through it. "This looks amazing," Emma said shaking her head. "If I were to get this I would have to leave McKinley for several months," Will sighed "Paid for by the District, but I'd be away from the kids." "Oh. Um Okay. I..." Emma began "You know we've been telling these kids for years to follow their dreams no matter what, so.." "Yeah," Will agreed. "I'm not going to tell you to do the opposite," Emma said honestly. "I just don't want to do anything to jeopardize this-this new life we're about to begin together," Will frowned a bit. "It's not gonna change a thing. Okay? Weddings can wait. You have to apply for this position. And if you get it, we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Together," Emma told Will seriously as she handed him a pen as Will signed the application. Will couldn't help but feel incredibly grateful for Emma's support it was all he needed to make a real difference in the world.

Cut to the auditorium where the 2012 class president debate is taking place as the students of McKinley High are seated to hear what Brittany, Blaine, Sam, and Artie had to say. "Attention, minuscule segment of the student body. Principal Figgins is out this week, with what he describes as religious fever. And I am forced to moderate these proceedings," Sue said annoyed as we cut to backstage as Blaine is getting ready when Sam approaches him. "Hey, dude, uh, now that you made me over, can I give you some advice?" Sam asked. "Yeah, sure," Blaine said confused. "Lose the bow tie," Sam suggested. "What?" Blaine asked confused. "Yeah, trust me, it makes you look uptight and a little like a young Orville Redenbacher. Just take it off," Sam suggested. "Okay," Blaine said awkwardly as he took the bow tie off, realizing he looked more professional without it "You know what? Actually, it's you're actually right. Thank you." "You're welcome," Sam smiled a bit as Blaine couldn't help but feel a connection with Sam, something he hadn't felt in awhile from Kurt. "There are two new utterly disheartening wrinkles to this year's absolutely pointless contest. First, the horrifying fact that this year's slate of candidates consists entirely of Glee Club members. And secondly, the inexplicable introduction of a vice presidential field for no discernable reason whatsoever," Sue said rolling her eyes "Separation of powers! Whoo!" Stoner Brett cheered. "So let's meet these second-tiered losers. You know them as the pimp and the gimp. Artie Abrams and Sam Evans," Sue said as Artie and Sam made their way out onstage for their debate. 

 "Stumbles, my first question is for you. Who, in God's name, gives a hot, wet, steamy dump about student government?" Sue asked. "I do," Artie said honestly "And I think everyone in this room should, too." Sugar nodded in agreement. "First of all, student government isn't just a way for us to pad our college resumes. It's a way for us to take an active role in our own education. Study after study shows that an active student body is a successful student body," Artie said as Sue looked annoyed. "Okay, moving on...." Sue began. "Student government is just the beginning. We need more after-school programs, and better-qualified staff to support our teachers, who are overworked and underpaid," Artie continued. "Oh, dear God," Sue said annoyed. "And that's just the beginning. I want to talk about the cafeteria, 'cause I believe at the beginning of every year to see if enough to support our brain activity..." Artie began as we cut to the end of his speech "...That's one of the many goals I promise to reach by the midway point of my first term, as outlined in my 96-point Pierce-Abrams Road map To Restore McKinley's Future." "Merciful sweet Jesus, thank you," Sue said thankful Artie's ramble was over "Sam Evans, your response?" "I wasn't really listening. Whatever Artie said, I agree with that," Sam said sheepishly as Blaine cringed backstage, this wasn't going well for them, not at all.

It was then Blaine and Brittany's turn for their debate. "Last year's senior class was run successfully by my boyfriend Kurt and I want to do the same for the school. Let's make history, Titans. And vote Anderson-Evans. Thank you," Blaine said honestly as Sue then turned to Brittany. "Sweet, simple Brittany. What say you?" Sue asked. "Uh I love you. I love you so much, McKinley High School. Simple as that," Brittany smiled as Sue thought she was done but Brittany had more to say "In fact I think that everyone should love this school as much as I do. If you elect me as president, I promise to outlaw summer vacation, so we'll have school all year round. That means we'll spend every day of every summer indoors with all our friends, in McKinley High School's award-winning air conditioning. Also, I promise to end McKinley High School's policy of having weekends. If you make me your president, Saturday and Sunday will be illegal, so that Monday will come right after Friday, which is the funnest day anyways. Vote Brittany and Artie," Brittany grinned as the students looked stunned by her promises "Thank you so much." "We just lost the election," Artie frowned as Brittany made her way back to him happy.

Cut to Rachel practicing in the dance room of NYADA as Brody walks in. "Wow," Brody said breathlessly "You look incredible." Brody said as Rachel smiled back at him. "They say that you haven't settled into New York City until you've had your first makeover," Rachel said honestly. "Mine took six months," Brody admitted. "Oh, really? Like you need a makeover? Every girl in school wants to date you," Rachel said shaking her head. "True. But four years ago, I was a scrawny kid from backwater Montana, with a bad haircut and a unibrow. And seniors took me under their wing, introduced me to waxes and the gym, - and they changed my life," Brody said honestly. "Yeah. It's pretty amazing what a good makeover can do. It's like you change the outside, and then the inside just follows," Rachel said honestly. "I think it's the other way around. I think now your outside has caught up to how you feel about yourself," Brody said. "Hmm. I like that," Rachel smiled a bit. "I like you," Brody said honestly as Rachel turned away to go to the piano. "So what are you working on?" Brody asked approaching Rachel . "Just a new number. I like to do something every day, just to keep my machine well-oiled," Rachel said honestly. "Oh, me too," Brody smiled a bit as Rachel showed him the sheet music to 'A Change Would Do You Good' by Sheryl Crowe "I love that song." "Do you, uh want to sing it with me?" Rachel asked as Brody grinned as the two began to perform.

Rachel and Brody danced around the studio as well as the streets of New York City as they sang the song. As the song ended Brody dipped Rachel. They were both breathless from the performance. "That was amazing," Brody said breathlessly as he was inches away from kissing Rachel but turned her upright "You're amazing." "What are you doing tomorrow night?" Rachel asked "I want to cook you dinner." 

Cut to the office where Isabelle is making her way out to Kurt. "Hey Kurt, can I see you for a minute?" Isabelle said as Kurt entered her office. "You might want to sit down for this," Isabelle said as Kurt took a seat unsure of what was to come next "I saw your video, and I forwarded it to Anna." "Am I fired?" Kurt asked nervously as Isabelle showed him an E-mail from Anna that simply read 'Great'. "That is the first time that I've heard "great" from Anna. I am gonna print that and frame it," Isabelle grinned excitedly. "Does does this mean they're gonna put the video on the Web site?" Kurt asked. "Sort of," Isabelle said "We're gonna reshoot the whole thing in Bali with Karolina Kurkvova but you're getting credit for the idea," "Oh, my Oh, thank you, thank you so much," Kurt grinned hugging Isabelle. "Thank you," Isabelle smiled. "And thank you so much for helping out with Rachel. She went home that night and threw away her reindeer sweater, which is a huge deal for her," Kurt said as Isabelle chuckled "Ah, she already seems so much more confident, you know? It's so funny how a new image can change everything.' "Oh I sure hope you never lose that," Isabelle said. "What?" Kurt asked. "Oh, just your unbridled, wide-eyed, Lima, Ohio optimism," Isabelle said as Kurt seemed beamed "You know, I had an instinct about you, Kurt Hummel, and so far, it's proven to be correct. I feel like we're real kindred spirits, don't you?" "I agree," Kurt smiled a bit as their conversation was interrupted by Daphne. "So which "leather" pitch are we running with?" Daphne asked. "Oh, actually, you know what? We're gonna toss the whole thing and start from scratch. We're gonna meet here in two hours," Isabelle said as Daphne nodded. "Oh, and, um Kurt will be joining us," Isabelle said as Daphne looked stunned as did Kurt who hadn't expected to be called into a meeting this soon. "I'm famished. Let's go to Indochine," Isabelle grinned to Kurt as they got up.

Cut to Sue's office at McKinley High as Becky is playing the xylophone as Sue cuts her off. "Attention lazy idiots of McKinley High school. Your record-low election votes have been tallied, and we have a winner. Becky, can I get a xylophone flourish?" Sue asked as Becky just sat there "No? Not feeling it? Okay." Sue chuckled "This year's Senior Class President and Vice President are....Blaine Anderson and Sam Evans!" Cut to the classroom where Blaine is in shock as Sam hugs him tightly. "We did it dude," Sam grinned. "Yeah...we did," Blaine said still overwhelmed by how little winning seemed to matter to him, especially since he didn't really have anyone to share it with.

 Cut to Breadstix where they are having a celebration for Blaine and Sam with a sign that reads 'Congratulations Blam! Let Freedom Sing!' Everyone was in the mood for celebration, everyone that is except for Blaine who didn't seem to care so much that he won as he tried to call Kurt, Kurt ignored the call, not picking up since he was too busy with his new job at . Blaine sighed solemnly as Sam approached Blaine at his table "There's the man of the hour," Sam grinned as Blaine still looked upset "You all right?" "You know, it didn't hit me until right now I came to McKinley for Kurt...that's it," Blaine sighed "And now he's gone, and even with Glee Club, it just I feel really, really alone." "I know the feeling. I mean I've tried everything I can with Brittany to get her to realize I want to be there for her and all she can talk about is Santana," Sam said honestly as Blaine sighed "I'm sorry I'm making this about me aren't I?" "No..." Blaine sighed "It's just that I did all of this for him, I did all of this for him. And now he's not here. And so it just kind of feels like none of it matters." "Hey of course it matters. You worked on hard on your campaign and helped me really get what the election was about. If you hadn't given me a chance I would never have gotten in office with you," Sam said as Blaine smiled a bit "We're like Wolverine and Cyclops, you know, show people how we're cool with each other. And you know, if you ask me, that's what matters." "Thanks, man. You're right," Blaine smiled a bit feeling grateful for Sam's friendship "But just so we're clear..." Blaine said as he got up. "I'm Wolverine," Blaine and Sam said at the same time "I'm..." Blaine said. "I said it first," Sam smirked as Blaine shook his head laughing, maybe there was something here for him at McKinley after all, the only problem was shouldn't it be Kurt who made him feel that way?

Cut to Rachel's apartment as Rachel is trying to cook dinner for Brody as it goes up in flames as Rachel tries to put it out as Brody arrives. "You're smokin'," Brody smiled. "Oh, it's actually the duck," Rachel said awkwardly. "No, no. It's, it's you," Brody said seriously as Rachel smiled a bit. "Come in," Rachel invited Brody in as they soon ordered in. "I really wanted to cook you dinner, but this is what you get," Rachel chuckled. "This is, this is good," Brody said honestly. "Pizza," Rachel said. "Food is food. It's, it's the effort that counts. A girl has never cooked me dinner before," Brody said honestly. "I don't believe you," Rachel said shaking her head. "No. No one has ever even tried," Brody said honestly. "I'm trying new things. Doing new things, it's all part of you know, the new me. And I like it. I like, I like the new me. I've never been the cook-a-guy-dinner type. I've always been the just annoy-a-guy-for-a-year until-he-finally- gives-in type," Rachel said honestly. "Well, tell, tell me about this old Rachel," Brody said taking a sip of his drink "Tell me a secret." "A secret?" Rachel asked. "Something that you don't want anyone else to know," Brody said. "Okay, but you first," Rachel said. "Okay," Brody said taking a deep breath. "Think of something very good," Rachel chuckled. "Okay, so, um, when I was a kid.." Brody began. "Mm-hmm," Rachel said. "I was obsessed with Ace of Base," Brody said as Rachel chuckled. "No," Rachel said. "Yes," Brody laughed "I was-- seriously, I had the posters on my wall." "Wait. I thought you said you were straight," Rachel teased giggling. "Oh, come on. Hot girls playing all their own instruments is straighter than straight," Brody said as refilled Rachel's glass. "Thank you," Rachel smiled. "You're welcome. Your turn," Brody said. "My turn, okay," Rachel said thinking about it "Um, I have a good one. When I was eight years old, I got my first love letter from a guy named Tony. And he was very cute. And when he gave it to me, I corrected all of the grammatical errors and his spelling errors and gave it back to him." Brody and Rachel couldn't help but share a laugh over what Rachel had done. "That's so embarrassing. I've never told anybody that before, not even Finn," Rachel said shaking her head as Brody looked surprised. "Well, just so you know, no matter how lovely this is, I'm hands-off. Just friends," Brody said honestly as Rachel smiled back at him as the two then pulled each other in for a kiss, Rachel finally letting herself move on. As the two continued to kiss their was a knock at the door as Rachel pulled away. "It's Kurt. He keeps forgetting his keys," Rachel said thinking it was Kurt but much to her surprise she opened the door and there he was, Finn.

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