Another World

By sesshomaru_itachi

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This is a sequel to A Demon's Curse. Jade, your average american teen who happens to be Sota Higurashi's gra... More

Chapter One: Secrets of the Shrine
Chapter Two: Giving Into Fate
Chapter Three: Let the Training Begin
Chapter Four: Trail of Blood
Chapter Five: Fight of Wills
Chapter Six: Baring New Marks
Chapter Seven: Enter Hychi the Fox Demon
Chapter Eight: The Double Crescent Moon
Chapter Nine: Fears From the Past
Chapter Ten: A New Member
Chapter Eleven: Staff of Hate
Chapter Twelve: New Information
Chapter Thirteen: Fight! Lady Mother vs. Nayumi!
Chapter Fourteen: Mount Wassami
Chapter Fifteen: Dead....ALIVE!!...dead again...
Chapter Sixteen: Sakura's True Intentions
Chapter Seventeen: Homebound
Chapter Eighteen: Tempting Offer
Chapter Nineteen: Borrowed Strength
Chapter Twenty: The Battle Comes to an End
Chapter Twenty-One: A Deal With The Devil
Chapter Twenty-Three: Home Sweet Home
Chapter Twenty-Four: One Step Closer
Chapter Twenty-Five: Jade's First Kiss
Chapter Twenty-Six: Suspicion Arises
Chapter Twenty-Seven: One Piece Down
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Snow Storm Diversion
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Akio's Sword
Chapter 30: Fallen Palace
Chapter 31: The Last Piece
Chapter 32: Traitor
Chapter 33: Final Battle
Chapter 34: The End

Chapter Twenty-Two: A Separated Soul

839 37 1
By sesshomaru_itachi

(Jade POV)

        "NAYUMI!" I had been yelling her name for hours now, but for some reason I just couldn't reach her. I was completely trapped in the darkness. 

"Dammit!" I cursed. I punched out into the darkness, but my fist met nothing. I didn't know how long I had been here, but I knew it was too long for comfort. 

A light? I thought as a small speck of white appeared in the distance, and started to grow more. I looked at it, but there wasn't much I could do. I was suspended in air; my feet met nothing, but I didn't fall. This darkness was never ending, and that light was merely false hope. 

"Nayumi?" a familiar voice asked. 

"Who's there?" I snapped; turning away from the light. 

"You're not Nayumi." a figured appeared in front of me. 

"You look like!" I gasped. 

"Yes. I am Sesshomaru's father." he smiled. 

"Inu no Taisho." I mumbled. 

"Yes. Where is Nayumi?" he asked. 

"She's controlling my body."I sighed. 

"I see- get back!" he hissed; grabbing my arm, and turning around so his body was blocking me from whatever he saw. 

"What's wrong?" I asked, but light burst around us. 

"This isn't good." he growled. 

"What's not good?" I asked. 

"We can't let that light find you." he said; confusing me even more. 

"Why not? What is it?" I asked. 

"Come on." he grabbed my arm, and pulled me deeper into the dark. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, but continued to follow him. 

"Towards the bridge." was all he said. 

"Bridge? We're in my subconscious! How is there a bridge?' I questioned. 

"Nayumi is a reborn priestess that already had a connection the the Underworld. Trust me, there's a bridge." he chuckled. 

"It's creepy knowing dead people can wonder into my mind." I mumbled. 

"Most don't dare. The Underworld has a majority of demons, so most aren't dumb enough to cross Nayumi." he laughed. 

"What about you?'" I asked. 

"I've helped her out in the past. We've reached middle ground." he stammered over how to say it. "Get down." he pushed me to the ground, and threw his robe over me just in time for the light to pass us again. 

"What is that?" I asked. 

"That girl Sakura is trying extract your soul." he replied. 

"WHAT?!" I yelled. 

"Don't scream. She will hear you." he barked; covering my mouth with his hand. 

"Sorry." I mumbled against it. 

"I don't konw what they have planned, but-"

"I do. They're trying to put my soul in a different body. It's a deal Enma was trying to get Nayumi to agree to." I sighed, but something caught my eye. It was black too, but it was an even darker shade. 

I walked over to it, and rubbed my hand across it. 

Smooth? I thought. I pulled my fist back, and punched it. 

"Shit!" I cursed under my breath, but I manged to break whatever it was. 

"You're more like Nayumi than you think." he sighed while shaking his head. 

"Nayumi wouldn't have broke her hand." I said; holding up my bruised and swollen fist. 

"Considering that's the-" he never got to finish. The light swept over me before either of us noticed it was close. 

(Nayumi POV)

        "AHHH!" I yelled in pain as if felt like someone punched me in the stomach. 

"Got her." Sakura smirked, but her eyes were still closed. I stayed still as she back away from me. 

"What the?" I exclaimed as her hand pulled a bright light from my chest. 

"That's Jade. Don't worry. She'll be fine. I even decided to make her body real. All we'll need is some of your blood, and her body will be human instead of clay. What do you say? She can live a normal life. Aging, and all." Enma whispered in my ear. 

"I'll do it." I shrugged him off me, and held my arm out. 

"Just hold up." Sakura snapped; her sweat was now turning into blood. 

"You're bleeding." I muttered. She didn't bother a response. I gasped when Sakura slammed the light into the clay body. 

"Interesting right." Enma purred as he suddenly cut my forearm. 

"Warning next time!" I hissed, and he merely chuckled. 

"Now watch as the clay takes form." he smiled. I watched. 

The clay started to take on Jade's shape, and what I saw in the middle of her forehead shocked me. 

A piece of the Necklace of Death? I knew only I could see it, so I didn't say a word. 

"Sakura. Take her back to the Great Dog Demon." Enma snapped. 

"Why me? That manegy mutt will try to rip my head off. I might end up with some disease." she muttered, but picked Jade up. I quickly grabbed her by the Necklace of Life. 

"Do anything to hurt her, and I'll be the one ripping your head off." I promised. 

"Whatever!" she snapped, but I saw fear in her eyes. 

"Leave her by the lake if you don't want to encounter the dog. He'll be there later tonight after Rin goes to bed." I told her, and released my grip. 

"Do as she says. If its a trap, then kill the girl." Enma said. 

"It's not a trap." I growled. "And before you take her anywhere, at least put some clothes on her." 

"Sakura, give her one of you kimonos." Enma sighed. 

"Fine." she growled, and then was surrounded by pink leaves. When they died down, her and Jade were gone. 

"Now, why don't you make yourself comfortable." Enma said with a smile. 

"One wrong move, and I won't hesitate to kill you." I said, then walked away. 

"If you weren't human, then you would have something to worry about." he laughed. 

(Jade POV)

        I slowly opened my eyes. I couldn't remember what happened to me, but I felt like it had something to do with Nayumi. 

"Jade? Are you okay?" Sesshomaru's worried voice met my ears. 

"Why do you sound worried?" my voice was hoarse and weak. 

"We're all worried about you!" Hychi exclaimed. 

"Hychi?" my vision was blurry, but I could mostly tell who was who. 

"I'm just glad that she's finally waking up." Kagome sighed. 

"How long.." I trailed off as I started to drift into darkness again. 

"Enma took you 3 days ago, and we found you the next day by the lake." Kiyoshi said; shaking my shoulder. 

"Nayumi!" I instantly sat up as everything came back to me. 

"What about her?" Sesshomaru asked. 

"She's still with Enma and Sakura." I said; burrying my face in my hands. 

"What?" everyone exclaimed. 

"How?" Lady Kaede asked. 

"They extracted my soul. This isn't my body." my voice was muffled, but everyone heard me. 

"It smells like you." I heard Inuyasha's gruff voice next to my ear. 

"Don't sniff me!" I exclaimed. 

"Half-breed." Sesshomaru warned. 

"Sorry, sorry." Inuyasha held his hands up defensively. 

"We need to go save her." I said; trying to stand up, but falling back to my knees. I tried again; making it outside,but falling to my stomach in the dirt. 

"Jade! You shouldn't move yet! Especially if that's not you body." Kagome reprimanded. 

"I need to help her." I whispered; dirt getting in my mouth. "Before he raises her family." 

"She made the deal?!" Hychi exclaimed. 

"Since I'm here, then I'm assuming she did." I sighed; pushing myself up to where I was sitting on my knees. 

"I'm sure she had no other choice." Kiyoshi said. 

"Yeah." I nodded, but wasn't sure. 

Having your family brought back is a tempting off. I would do anything to have my father brought back.  I thought. 

"You should go back to your time for a few." Sesshomaru suddenly said. 

"What! No!" I exclaimed. 

"You can barely walk. Go home, and rest." this one was a suggestion. It was an order. 

I glared at him, but finally nodded. "Fine." I sighed. 

"I'll be back." he said, then picked me up bridal style. 

"Hmph. I could've walked." I mumbled, but I knew it was a lie. 

"Hn." he replied. 

        Before I knew it, we were jumping into the well. 

He's faster than I remember. I thought; looking up at him. 

        "Punch me." he said as we were walking towards the shrine door. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Just do it." he sighed. 

"Um, okay." I mumbled. "OW!" I exclaimed when my fist connected with his jaw. 

"You don't have Nayumi's strength anymore, nor do you have Katana. I'll come back for you in 3 days. Don't come back through this well until then." he said, then was gone. 

"Damn, I can't even follow his movements anymore." I cursed. 

"Jade!" my mother yelled as I walked out of the shrine. 

"Mom!" tears streaked my cheeks the minutes I saw her. 

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