Glee-done (Discontinued)

By haleyandthejets

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Do you ever wonder what Glee would've been like if some of the episode storylines had been kept while new epi... More

Season 2, Episode 1 - Audition (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 2 - Britney/Brittany (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 3 - Believer (Grilled Cheesus Redone)
Season 2, Episode 4 - Duets (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 5 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 6 - Never Been Kissed (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Substitute (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 8 - A Glee Wedding (Furt Redone)
Season 2, Episode 9 - Starts With Goodbye (Special Education Redone Part 1)
Season 2, Episode 10 - Back to December (Special Education Redone Part 2)
Season 2, Episode 11 - A Very Glee Christmas (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 12 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 13 - Silly Love Songs (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 14 - Comeback (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 15 - Blame It on the Alcohol (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 16 - Sexy (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 17 - Loser Like Me (Original Song Redone)
Season 2, Episode 18 - The Funerals (A Night of Neglect/Funeral Redone)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Born This Way (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 20 - Rumours (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 21 - Prom Queen (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 22 - New York (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 1 - Senior Year (Purple Piano Project Redone)
Season 3, Episode 2 - Somewhere (I Am Unicorn Redone)
Season 3, Episode 3 - Run the World (Asian F Redone)
Season 3, Episode 4 - Pot 'O Gold (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 5 - Mash Off (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 6 - We Are Who We Are (I Kissed a Girl Redone)
Season 3, Episode 7 - You Can't Stop the Beat (The First Time Redone)
Season 3, Episode 8 - We Are Young (Hold onto Sixteen Redone)
Season 3, Episode 9 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 10 - The Proposal (Yes/No Redone)
Season 3, Episode 11 - Michael (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 12 - Future Drama (The Spanish Teacher Redone)
Season 3, Episode 13 - Valentine's Day (Heart Redone)
Season 3, Episode 15 - Recovery Road (Big Brother Redone)
Season 3, Episode 16 - 50 (Saturday Night Glee-ver Redone)
Season 3, Episode 17 - Dance With Somebody (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 18 - Choke (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 19 - Senior Prom (Prom-a-sarus Redone)
Season 3, Episode 20 - Neglected (Props Redone)
Season 3, Episode 21 - Nationals (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 22 - Goodbye (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 1 - The New Kids (The New Rachel Redone)
Season 4, Episode 2 - Britney 2.0 (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 3 - Changes (Makeover Redone)
Season 4, Episode 4 - The Break-Up (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 5 - Juke Box Hero (The Role You Were Born to Play Redone)
Season 4, Episode 6 - Glease (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 7 - Dynamic Duets (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 8 - Thanksgiving (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 9 - Swan Song (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 10 - Glee, Actually (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 11 - Made It Through the Rain (Sadie Hawkins Redone)
Season 4, Episode 12 - Diva (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 13 - Acceptance (Naked Redone)
Season 4, Episode 14 - I Do (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 15 - Feature Film [Girls (And Boys) on Film (Redone)]
Season 4, Episode 16 - Feud (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 17 - Guilty Pleasures (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 18 - Last Chance (Shooting Star Redone)
Season 4, Episode 19 - Sweet Dreams (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 20 - Lights Out (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 21 - Wonder-ful (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 22 - All or Nothing (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 1 - The Quarterback (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 2 - Love, Love, Love (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 3 - Let It Be (Tina in the Sky with Diamonds Redone)
Season 5, Episode 4 - Pamela Lansbury (A Katy or A Gaga Redone)

Season 3, Episode 14 - On My Way (Redone)

283 5 0
By haleyandthejets

"So here's what you missed on Glee. Finn and Rachel got engaged and decided to get married after Nationals," the narrator said as a clip of Rachel holding up her engagement ring played. "We're getting married in May!" Finn exclaimed. "Right-Right after Nationals! It's gonna be a spring wedding," Rachel grinned. "Kurt had a secret admirer on Valentine's Day which turned out to be Karofsky but Kurt turned him down," the narrator said as a clip of Karofsky taking off the gorilla mask played. "And I'm flattered, I I-I really am, but David, you just think that you love me. You don't really love me," Kurt said honestly. "Quinn started dating Puck but they broke up because Puck felt like Quinn was too good for him," the narrator said as a clip of Quinn and Puck together played as well as Puck storming off from Quinn. "Now she's kind of in a relationship with Sam and Puck wants her back," the narrator said as a clip of Sam and Quinn singing together at the Sugar Shack played as well as a clip of Puck looking longingly at Quinn. "And that's what you missed on," the narrator said. "GLEE!" The voice sang.

Cut to Quinn at her locker where Sam approaches her with a bouquet of flowers. "What's this?" Quinn asked. "I just wanted to say thank you, you know for being my date to the Sugar Shack," Sam said as Quinn took the flowers. "They're beautiful," Quinn smiled a bit. "Just like you," Sam said as he tried to pull Quinn in for a kiss which she backed out of. "Sam...I think you misread what us going to Valentine's Day at Breadstix meant," Quinn sighed as Sam looked down "I like you. A lot but in a few short months I'm going to Yale and you'll be starting your senior year. I just don't want to start something I can't finish." Sam nodded understandingly "It's cool. I just really thought we had something," Sam said. "Sam..." Quinn called after him as Sam walked away, saddened by the fact that he and Quinn weren't back together.

Cut to the choir room where the New Directions are preparing to rehearse once again. "Regionals," Will said as the New Directions cheered. "I know it's been a long road for some of you but Regionals is happening this weekend and we need to finalize our set list," Mr. Schue said as the others nodded. "Now let's hear suggestions, go," Mr. Schue said. "I was hoping the Troubletones could do that new Kelly Clarkson song, 'Stronger'," Mercedes suggested as Santana, Brittany, Sugar, Quinn, and Tina all seemed to be in agreement with me. "Well you'll have to talk to Miss Corcoran about that Mercedes," Mr. Schue said. "Is she back?" Quinn asked. "I am," Shelby said as she entered the choir room as the Troubletones walked over to her excitedly. "I'm sorry I've been MIA for the last few rehearsals. Duty called. Beth's caretaker after school quit unexpectedly and I had to come straight home after school. Now that I found someone else to take over I feel good coming back," Shelby smiled. "Let's give it up for Miss Corcoran," Mr. Schue smiled as everyone seemed to cheer for Shelby's return.

"Can all members of the Troubletones come with me," Shelby smiled as Santana, Brittany, Sugar, Mercedes, Tina, and Quinn headed into Shelby's classroom to rehearse. "Okay so Mercedes, you wanted to sing 'Stronger'?" Shelby asked. "Yeah I thought it would really highlight our voices," Mercedes smiled a bit. "We could give it a try," Shelby said as she began assigning the parts to Santana, Brittany, and Mercedes as the Troubletones began to rehearse.

 As the Troubletones performed the song Quinn couldn't help but feel like she wanted more. This was after all her senior year. After the Troubletones finished rehearsal Quinn approached Shelby. "Excuse me...Miss Corcoran," Quinn said as Shelby looked up. "Yes Quinn?" she asked. "I would maybe like a chance for a solo in this song," Quinn said in a determined fashion. "Quinn, while you have a lovely voice I heard you perform at Sectionals. I just don't think it's quite strong enough for a song like this, okay?" Miss Corcoran said as Quinn frowned, feeling completely defeated.

Cut to the Lima Bean as Rachel and Kurt are looking through wedding magazines together. "Oh, this is good. Oh, this look at this one. Oh, it's so timeless. It's perfect," Rachel said showing Kurt different wedding dresses. "Yeah, timeless, meaning you can wait two or five years to wear it," Kurt said sarcastically. "Don't be jealous," Rachel frowned as their conversation was interrupted by a familiar voice. "Well, well, well. If it isn't a young Barbra Streisand and an old Betty White," Sebastian smirked as Rachel and Kurt looked at each other "Where is Gay Cyclops? Still trying to stumble his way in?" "We can't come here anymore," Kurt muttered under his breath. "Rachel, I, uh, brought an engagement gift for you," Sebastian smirked as he handed Rachel what looked like a wrapped present but as Rachel opened it, she soon found out everything wasn't what it seemed.

"Oh my God!" Kurt exclaimed looking at what Sebastian had given Rachel. "This is clearly photoshopped. Finn would never take a picture like this," Rachel said upset as she looked at the clearly photoshopped picture of a naked Finn. "And he could never fit into those pumps," Kurt agreed. "Just think, from now until eternity, every time someone Googles Finn Hudson, they'll be treated to that and dozens just like it. That's the beauty of the Internet. It stays with us forever," Sebastian smirked. "What do you want, Sebastian?" Rachel exclaimed annoyed. "I want a guaranteed Regionals win, so I want you to drop out," Sebastian smirked as Rachel looked horrified "You're going to come down with Asian bird flu or whatever Tina Blowing-Wang just had." "But that is show choir terrorism," Rachel frowned. "You give a bad name to the entire gay community," Kurt said defensively. "And you give the gay community cutting-edge fashion that's usually only seen on Puerto Rican pride floats," Sebastian smirked. "I'm sorry I didn't hear you. I was distracted by your giant horse teeth," Kurt shot back. "You have 24 hours to drop out, Rachel, or I press the upload button," Sebastian smirked as he walked off as Kurt and Rachel exchanged nervous looks. Sebastian couldn't do this? Could he?

Cut to the choir room where Rachel is breaking the news of what Sebastian is trying to do to the New Directions as Finn is looking at the photo. "That's it. I'm done. I'm leaving this classroom, and I'm going to beat that Sebastian kid's ass!" Finn exclaimed getting up. "Finn, chill," Will said trying to stop him. "No, I'm not going to chill. I'm done chilling," Finn said annoyed. "The official show choir rule book states that "any real or perceived threat of violence, "vandalism or humiliation will be met with a swift "and unquestioned disqualification of the threatening party's team with extreme prejudice." It's right here. Page 72, by-law 15, section six, article 44," Artie said reading the rule book. "Guys, I contacted the headmaster of Dalton..." Will began. "Like you did when Sebastian almost blinded me? What did they do then? Same thing as they're going to do now nothing," Blaine huffed. "Look, none of this matters now anyways, okay? We're not going to let him beat us like this. I'm going to perform at Regionals," Rachel said folding her arms. "Even if he's going to post a photo like this of me if you do?" Finn said in a hurt tone. "Finn, I'm not going to negotiate with terrorists," Rachel said defensively.

"If someone posted a picture like that of me online, I'd probably kill myself," Sugar shrugged. "Twice to be sure I was dead," Rory nodded as Shelby shook her head. "This is ridiculous. I have never in all my years as a teacher seen someone go to such extremes to win Regionals," Shelby said annoyed. "Yeah well we tied the Warblers at Sectionals and with Sebastian as head Warbler it's just going to get worse," Kurt sighed. "Look, you guys are just going to have to deal with things like this. The more successful you get, the more garbage people are going to make up about you. They're going to love to tear you down," Will said. "I can't believe you would do that to me," Finn frowned. "I'm going to be married to you. Don't you think I'm going to suffer the consequences as well?" Rachel asked as she sighed "I mean, I just I don't care about stuff like that. I love you, and we'll we'll manage this together. Okay, the important thing right now is that we win." "So you wouldn't care if I Photoshopped a photo of you like this and put it on the Internet?" Finn asked in a hurt tone. "Look, our future depends on us winning Regionals. It'll help me towards my NYADA application," Rachel whispered to Finn. "Hmm. Hope you get in," Finn said annoyed as he stormed out of the choir room. "Finn...." Rachel called after him but it was too late he was already gone.

Cut to Sue's office where Quinn enters. "You wanted to see me?" Quinn smiled as she entered. "Q, have a seat," Coach Sylvester said as Quinn took a seat "Prepare yourself. I'm about to drop a bomb on you." Quinn looked at her wondering what she could possibly be talking about. "I, Sue Sylvester am with child," Coach Sylvester grinned. "Are you serious?" Quinn asked as Coach Sylvester nodded "Wow. Um, that's amazing and confusing. Who's the father?" Quinn asked. "Oh, I can't tell you that yet," Coach Sylvester said shaking her head "But here's the deal. In order for this zygote to stay firmly ensconced in my uterine wall, my doctor has put me on bovine hormones that are making me extremely nauseous. They've also given me a near-superhuman sense of smell. For instance, I can tell that within the last week, you either enjoyed a delicious curry or a hug from Principal Figgins." Quinn chuckled a bit. "Well, you know, morning sickness is a good sign. It means that the baby is developing properly," Quinn smiled a bit trying to be helpful. "Well, it's good for the baby, not so good for me," Coach Sylvester said. "Well, you know, there really is no cure for morning sickness. I mean, I ate saltines, drank herbal tea and sucked on lollipops. That helps," Quinn suggested. "Lollipops?" Coach Sylvester asked confused "Yeah. Weird, but it works," Quinn shrugged. "Well, thank you, Q, for that condescending tone and barely helpful advice," Coach Sylvester said as Quinn made a face.

"I wanted to ask you a favor, actually, Coach. I would love to rejoin the Cheerios," Quinn grinned. "I beg your pardon?" Coach Sylvester said narrowing her eyes at Quinn. "It's my senior year, and I want to finish high school in a Cheerios uniform with a national championship. I mean, other than Glee, this was the rest of my high school experience," Quinn said honestly. "Well, I'm sorry, Q, but that wouldn't be fair to the girls who've been practicing all year long, who didn't quit," Coach Sylvester said as Quinn frowned a bit "And if you'll now please get the hell out of my office. I just caught a whiff of hot dog water wafting in from the cafeteria, and I think I'm going to blow some serious chunks." Quinn nodded getting up, feeling once again defeated.

Cut to the auditorium where Kurt has met up with Blaine who is pacing around. "You okay? You seemed upset," Kurt frowned a bit "And if Sebastian thinks.." "Forget about Sebastian! I'm not mad at you. I just don't want to waste any more time on him. I-I want to focus on winning," Blaine said honestly as Kurt nodded understandingly. "I've got a new song I want to try out. The theme for Regionals is "Inspiration," and I think this fits the bill. You want to hear it?" Blaine asked as Kurt smiled back at him wanting to hear whatever song Blaine had prepared.

Cut to the locker room at Karofsky's new school as Karofsky enters. "Hey Karofsky," Nick smirked. "What's up Nick?" Karofsky said nonchalantly as he made his way to his locker only to find the words "FAG" sprayed across it. Karofsky couldn't help but be devestated as we cut to Blaine performing 'Cough Syrup' by Young the Giant in the auditorium.

We cut back to Karofsky's devastated face looking at 'FAG' sprayed on his locker. "That's too bad," Nick smirked as he shoved Karofsky into the lockers as he walked past. "You wanna go?" Nick smirked as the other guys on the football team chuckled as Karofsky rushed out of the locker room. We cut back to Blaine performing the song passionately on the auditorium stage. Cut to Karofsky back at home as he checks his facebook where there are messages like 'Go back in the closet!' and 'Fucking Homo hahahaha' as Karofsky teared up looking at them. Karofsky slams his computer shut as he sobs before coming up with an idea looking at the planes hanging above his bed, he is going to end it all. He gets dressed up in a nice suit as he hangs himself, hoping that all the pain and misery would end. We cut back to Blaine onstage as he finishes the performance as Kurt watches him speechless. This was one of the best performances Blaine has ever done and Kurt could only hope it would help them secure their win at Regionals.

Cut to Figgins' office where Will, Emma, Sue, and Coach Beiste are gathered in the office. "We have to be very careful about how we deliver the news of this to the student body. David was part of this community, and he still has many friends here. And my understanding is that these teen suicides or even attempts like David's can induce a string of copycats," Figgins told them seriously. "It's just so senseless," Coach Beiste said emotionally. "Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr. The pressure to protect your reputation is so much worse than when we were kids," Will said shaking his head. "Yeah, and these people can sling their hatred and their mud anonymously," Emma sighed as Sue teared up. "Sue, are you crying?" Will asked. "Hormones," Sue said wiping her eyes "No, it's not hormones. I could have done more. I was principal when Dave was having his trouble with Porcelain, and I knew there was something up with that kid. I knew it. All I can think of is his dad finding him." Cut to Paul finding Karofsky passed out. "Get some help! David, no! Buddy, come on. David!" Paul screamed trying to shake his son awake. Cut back to Figgins office. "And that feeling," Sue said shaking her head. "Guys, we were all hard on Dave. We thought he was going to hurt Kurt," Will sighed "I just never thought he'd hurt himself." "It wasn't our job to know," Figgins said simply. "Then whose job was it?" Emma asked as Figgins' face fell. Emma had a point.

Cut to the God Squad meeting where Sam, Mercedes, Quinn, and Joe are in attendance. "We should start today's meeting by praying for Karofsky," Mercedes said as they all nodded bowing our heads in prayer for Karofsky. "Lord, please help give Karofsky strength. Let him know he has friends who support him and love him. Let him know he's not alone," Mercedes said. "I think we should also pray for his family," Quinn suggested "They're going through just as hard of a time if not worse. I mean I went through the ringer but I never thought of doing that to myself," Quinn sighed as Kurt then entered the room. "Quinn, please. Sure, you had a baby when you were 16 and you had a bad dye job for two weeks, but seriously? The world never stopped loving you. You have no idea what Karofsky was struggling with," Kurt said as Quinn got emotional. "I didn't feel that way. Might I remind you that I had friends turn on me, my parents kick me out, I lost my popularity, everything I had going in my life was gone," Quinn said "You don't think I went through what Karofsky is feeling right now. Feeling so isolated, so alone. Feeling like no one understands you. Worrying if you parents will accept you when they find out the truth. What those kids did to him was awful. What they're writing is even worse. But I didn't have easy. It wasn't just a bad dye job I went through it was much more."

Quinn sobbed as Mercedes wrapped a supportive arm around her. "Tearing each other down isn't going to help anything," Mercedes said seriously. "Why are you even here Kurt? I thought you didn't believe in God?" Quinn asked him emotionally. "He asked me if he could come and I invited him," Joe said innocently. "I heard you guys were praying for Karofsky, and after everything that we've been through, I didn't have anywhere else to go," Kurt frowned "I feel responsible. He asked me out, and I said no. And he kept calling me If I'd just answered one of those stupid calls," "We're taking an edible arrangement to the hospital. Do you want to come with us?" Mercedes asked. " wouldn't feel right. Thanks for the offer but like Quinn said, I don't believe in God. It wouldn't be right for me to impose," Kurt said emotionally. "You should go to talk to him Kurt...especially if you feel responsible," Quinn offered. "Maybe," Kurt shrugged "Thanks for letting me stop by. I think I should go." With that he exited out of the classroom.

Cut to the hallway as Finn approached Rachel at her locker. "I'm so sorry," Finn said. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry," Rachel apologized as she and Finn shared a meaningful hug. "Look, I've been thinking about what Dave did, and I just want you to know that there's nothing that anybody could do and there's nothing that anybody could say about me that would make me want to do that," Finn said honestly. "Good, 'cause I don't ever want to be without you," Rachel said honestly as she sighed "So, I'm not gonna perform at Regionals." "You have to. Look, I don't care about these pictures. I don't care about what anybody says about me except for you," Finn said honestly as Rachel pulled him in for a kiss. "Life's too short," Rachel said. "What?" Finn said confused. "Look, I don't want to wait for some arbitrary date to start living it, I I want to get married. Now," Rachel said. "I have gym," Finn said awkwardly. "No, it's Saturday. After we win Regionals," Rachel smiled. "Seriously?" Finn asked. "Yeah," Rachel smiled a bit. "Awesome!" Finn grinned "But wait, what what if we lose?" "Well, I thought we agreed that I was singing," Rachel smirked a bit as she shut her locker and walked off. Finn couldn't help but smile watching her go, feeling more confident than ever about going to Regionals.

That afternoon at Glee Club Rachel and Finn said they had an announcement for the New Directions. "What now?" Santana groaned as Rachel got up in front of the choir room. "As you know Finn and I got engaged. Well after talking about it, we know that life is so short. We decided to get married this Saturday after Regionals," Rachel beamed. "What?" a few of us said shocked. "We would appreciate it if you all came to the ceremony. It would mean a lot to us," Finn said as Rachel nodded. "Ladies, I arranged for us to do some shopping. I picked out your bridesmaids' dresses and I was hoping you could help me pick out my wedding gown," Rachel beamed. "Totally," Brittany grinned. "I'd love to help you Rachel," Tina agreed. Everyone looked towards Quinn since she had been the most obstinate about Finn and Rachel getting married. "We'll be there," Quinn said faking a smile as Rachel hugged the girls tightly to celebrate.

Cut to the auditorium where Mr. Schue is holding a jar of peanut butter as the New Directions are all seated in a circle. Mr. Schue, why do you have a jar of peanut butter with one spoon?" Mercedes asked confused. "Yeah, there are 15 of us here, and I'm only comfortable sharing a spoon with about half of you," Sugar said honestly. "Well, it's come to my attention that our good friend Rory Flanagan has never tasted peanut butter," Will said as the New Directions were stunned. "What?!" The New Directions exclaimed. "Are you serious?" Tina asked shocked. "No way. It's impossible," Sam agreed. "Rory, if you don't mind," Will smiled a bit as he opened the jar and handed the spoonful of peanut butter to Rory who took his first bite. "Oh, God Oh, my God That's the best thing I've ever had," Rory grinned as Mr. Schue laughed as did the other members of the New Directions. "Mr. Schuester, while that's incredibly moving it's kind of been an emotional week for some of us," Kurt said honestly. "Yeah, Mr. Schue, what's the point of all this?" Finn agreed. "The point is Rory just had a brand-new experience, something as simple as peanut butter. You guys are young. I want you to promise me that, no matter how depressed you get, no matter how hopeless or alone you feel, you'll try your best to imagine all of the amazing experiences you have ahead of you," Will said seriously to the club. "Mr. Schue, look, I know we're a little dramatic sometimes, but I don't think anyone will ever consider taking their own life," Mercedes said honestly. "I did," Will admitted as the New Directions looked horrified.

"Junior year. That was a tough year. I, uh, I cheated on my math midterm. Peeked at the answers of the guy next to me and the teacher saw me do it," Will admitted. "Just 'cause you got caught cheating? I get caught cheating all the time," Puck said dumbfounded. "They called my dad at his office, and he was coming to pick me up," Will said as he sighed "How was I supposed to look him in the eye? I just kept picturing my dad so disappointed in me. So I walked up to the roof. I went right to the edge. One step and all the pain and humiliation would be over." "Is that true?" Kurt said emotionally. "That day, I promise you, it felt like it was the end of the world. But you know what? It wasn't," Will said honestly "You know, for some of you, getting caught cheating isn't a big deal. But there's something everyone has something that might take them up to that edge. And look at all the things I would've missed out on. I would've never met you guys or Emma. I would've missed out on everything." Will then smiled a bit "So, right now, I want you all to think of something that you're looking forward to. Big things," he said as the New Directions each took a turn. "Someday, I want to earn enough money to buy my folks a new place, so they don't ever have to go through losing their home again," Sam said honestly as Quinn smiled at him she knew how much it meant to Sam to help his family. "I'm most looking forward to meeting Rachel Berry's children," Mercedes joked as everyone chuckled as Rachel mouthed 'Thank you'. "I want to be there to see my kid's first steps," Artie said honestly. "I want to be there to see Sex and the City Part III," Sugar said. "Wow," Will said pretending to be impressed. "I'm sort of embarrassed to admit it, but I really do want to graduate high school," Puck admitted as Quinn smiled back at him knowing how hard that was for him to say. "I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with Rachel," Finn said as Rachel lay her head on his shoulder. "I'm looking forward to graduating from Yale at the top of my class," Quinn smiled. "I'm looking forward to the day when my grandmother loves me again," Santana admitted. "I want Lord Tubbington to kick his Ecstasy addiction," Brittany said. "I am looking forward to marriage equality in all 50 states," Blaine smiled a bit. "I'm looking forward to the first time I dance at Carnegie Hall," Mike said. "I just want a song," Tina said as everyone chuckled. "I'm looking forward to my audition for NYADA it could be the first step in all my dreams coming true," Kurt admitted. "I'm looking forward to being friends with all of you for the rest of my life," Rachel said as she and Quinn shared a smile. "I know this sounds silly, and the peanut butter really is amazing, Mr. Schue, but do you know what I'm looking forward to?" Rory asked as all eyes were on him "Winning at Regionals." The New Directions all cheered feeling closer together than ever before and ready to take on Regionals, come what may.

Cut to regionals as the New Directions arrive and take their seats. "And now, let's meet our judges for the 2012 Midwest Regionals! Deputy Zoning Commissioner Melba Jackson-Wright!" the announcer said as Melba stood up giving a thumbs up to the crowd who applauded her. "President of the Ohio Plumbers Union Local 109, Mr. Harl Beindorf!" The announcer said as Harl waved to the crowd who cheered for him. "And Central Ohio's number one late-night horror movie host.." The announcer said. "No," Sam said excitedly. "Svengoobles!" The announcer said as the crowd cheered for Svengoobles as he posed in his signature vampire style. "And now, from Westerville, Ohio, the Dalton Academy Warblers!" The announcer said as the Warblers took the stage to perform 'Stand' by Lenny Kravitz.

As the Warblers performed Finn as well as some of the other members of the New Directions stood up to cheer for them. "Why are you cheering your competition?" A girl from the Golden Goblets asked Finn. "Life's too short. Come on!" Finn exclaimed as some of the Golden Goblets joined the New Directions in cheering for the Warblers as they finished. " Thank you. Just a reminder to please make a donation to one of our charity baskets. We're set up all around the auditorium. Just look for the Dalton blazer. Please give what you can," Sebastian said as the Warblers went offstage as the Golden Goblets took the stage. "And now, from Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow High School, the Golden Goblets!" The announcer said as the Golden Goblets began to perform 'She Walks in Beauty'.

Figgins seemed to be into their performance nodding his head along as The New Directions got up to head backstage. "Those Golden Goblet madrigal singers were way better than I thought they'd be," Puck said annoyed. "Are you high? I couldn't hear their instruments at all," Brittany said simply. "All right, guys, listen up. Don't let them get into your heads, okay? Stay focused on what we do best. Show circle time, come on, let's huddle up!" Mr. Schue exclaimed as the New Directions got into a show circle. "Come on, bring it in!" Mr. Schue grinned as the New Directions and Shelby put their hands in. "A mazing!" The New Directions cheered as they then too the stage to perform a mashup of 'Fly' by Nicki Minaj feat. Rihanna and 'I Believe I Can Fly' by R. Kelly.

The crowd cheered for the New Directions as the Troubletones took the stage, once again with the same people on leads as Quinn tried not to let it bother her as they performed. Rachel then took over on her solo of 'Here's to Us' by Halestorm as the New Directions backed her up on the performance.

The stagehands brought out Svengoobles in what looked like a casket. "I've crossed oceans of time to bring the results of this show choir competition," Svengoobles said as the crowd cheered as he then opened the first envelope. "In third place, from Our Lady of Perpetual Sorrow, the Golden Goblets!" Svengoobles said as the Golden Goblets celebrated. "And now the moment you've all been waiting for. The 2012 Midwest Regional Champion," Svengoobles said. This was it. The moment that would determine if we were going to Nationals or not. "From McKinley High the New Directions!" Svengoobles exclaimed as the New Directions all celebrated. They had done it. They had made Nationals once again and they weren't going to let anything stand in their way of winning this time.

 As Quinn walked offstage she was stopped by Becky. "Coach Sylvester wants to see you in her office," Becky told Quinn who looked confused as she made her way to Sue's office. "Coach Sylvester?" Quinn asked as she entered Sue's office "Quinn, thank you for coming. I know you must be exhausted from singing all those "oohs" and background "ahs"," Coach Sylvester said as Quinn made a face "Have a seat." Quinn then took a seat. "I've been doing a lot of thinking this week, and, um, I don't know if it's this Karofsky thing or even seeing you perform, but I realized something. I always admired you, Quinn. At first, I thought it was because you reminded me of a younger, somewhat less striking Sue Sylvester, but then I realized that I admire you for all the ways you're not like me. You proved that it's never too late to turn your life around. And with that in mind, I'm giving you this," Coach Sylvester said as she handed Quinn a box with her name on it. Quinn opened it up to find her cheerios uniform. "You're not gonna regret this. I'm gonna win us a national championship in this uniform," Quinn assured Coach Sylvester as she looked down at the uniform. "I have no doubt about that Q," Coach Sylvester smiled as Quinn went to change into the uniform, putting her hair up in the high pony feeling once again like she was exactly where she belonged.

Quinn walked down the hall as she passed by Blaine and Kurt holding hands as they turned to notice her. "Hey Fabray, looking good," Blaine smiled. "Thanks boys," Quinn smiled a bit as she approached Rachel. "Hey. How do I look?" Quinn smiled a bit as Rachel turned around to look at Quinn "Coach Sylvester gave it to me earlier, and I couldn't resist." "You look amazing, Quinn. You always do," Rachel smiled at her. "It's stupid but until I put it on, I didn't realize how much I missed it. It was like...the last piece of the puzzle falling into place," Quinn smiled. "Well, I'm glad you're happy. Everyone deserves to be happy," Rachel said to her seriously. "I agree. Which is why I'm hoping I could wear my bridesmaid dress again," Quinn said in a hopeful tone"What?" Rachel said dumbfounded. "I want to support you, Rachel, and Finn, and come to the wedding, if it's not too late," Quinn asked as Rachel shook her head no as she hugged Quinn tightly it meant so much to Rachel to have Quinn be in attendance to her wedding, more than Quinn could imagine.

 Cut to the hospital as Kurt makes his way into Karofsky's room, knocking on the door. "Can I come in?" Kurt asked as Karofsky nodded. "The doctors took me off 72 hour watch. I get to go home tomorrow," Karofsky smiled. "That's great. I'm really happy that you're alive, David," Kurt said honestly. "Me, too," Karofsky admitted. "I should have returned your calls," Kurt sighed emotionally. "Why would you, after the way I've treated you?" Karofsky said. "It's okay," Kurt said sincerly. "No, it's not okay. It's like you said on Valentine's Day, I made your life a living hell for months. But when the same thing happened to me, I couldn't even take it for a week," Karofsky said shaking his head "I suppose a best friend telling me he never wants to talk to me again, my mom telling me that I have a disease and maybe I can be cured I don't know what to do. I can't go back to that school." "Then go to another school," Kurt said supportively "I'm not gonna lie to you, it it isn't gonna be easy. And there'll be some days when life just sucks. But you're gonna get through this. 'Cause I'm gonna help you. And so is everyone else who loves you and accepts you for who you are.And if they can't accept that, then screw 'em. Right?" "Yeah," Karofsky nodded. "This week, um, Mr. Schue had us think about something we're looking forward to in the future. You want to give it a go?" Kurt asked. "I don't know," Karofsky shrugged. "Come on. I'll help you," Kurt smiled "Close your eyes, and imagine what life could be like in ten years." Karofsky closed his eyes as he invisioned his life. "You're sitting in a fantastic office. You're some kind of successful professional. A lawyer, maybe." "Could I be a sports agent?" Karofsky asked. "Sure. You're a big sports agent living in the city of your dreams because you left Lima and never looked back. Your handsome partner comes to visit you in your office and brings along your son. You're taking the rest of the day off work because you're taking your son to his first football game. You lean over to your partner, and you say," Kurt said as Karofsky envisioned this happening for him. "I'm so happy right now," Karofsky grinned as Kurt smiled back at him. "You, uh you said last week you wanted to be friends? I'd like that," Karofsky said honestly. "Me, too," Kurt smiled back at Karofsky as they started their newfound friendship, with Karofsky feeling more together than he had in a long time.

Cut to the justice of the peace as Sue gets there. "I believe congratulations are in order," Sue smiled. "What do you mean? You've never congratulated me about anything," Will said confused. "Oh, I was in the audience at Regionals today, and I thought the Glee Club was just fantastic," Sue said as Will looked at her confused. "Wait, what are you doing here?" Will asked. "Oh, I wouldn't miss Finn and Rachel getting married. I'm crashing," Sue smirked "I think you can win at Nationals, and I want to help you." "Are you serious?" Will asked surprised. "I'm a proven champion. I got some tricks up my sleeve," Sue said. "What's the catch?" Will asked. "You know, I don't think there is a catch. I think I really just want to help you. Isn't that weird?" Sue asked. "Mm-hmm," Will chuckled. "Damn hormones," Sue muttered shaking her head as she walked away.

Cut to Burt, Carole, Hiram, and LeRoy who are all upset at the justice of the peace. "Okay, could we just have a show of hands that we all still think this is a crazy idea?" Burt said as everyone raised their hand "Okay, good, that settles it. I'm pulling the plug." "Burt, calm down," Carole frowned. "Calm down? Carole, our kids are getting hitched we screwed up big-time. We started playing these crazy reverse psychology games with them, look where we are," Burt huffed. "The blame game? This'll be fun. Bring it, Burt," Hiram said annoyed. "How did we screw up? By raising two kind, wonderful, independently-minded children?" Carole asked upset. "I agree with Burt. They're in love, wunderbar, but nowhere near ready for this kind of commitment," Hiram said. "At least we're here. The truth is, if we'd come down hard on them, they would have gone behind our back and eloped. Trust me, I know my son. Okay? And once he puts his mind to something, there is no getting him off of it," Carole said honestly. "Same with Rachel. At this point, even Patti LuPone herself couldn't talk her out of marrying Finn," Hiram sighed. "Barbara could," LeRoy said. "Maybe Barbara," Hiram agreed. "Who's Barbara?" Burt asked confused. "Streisand," Carole said simply. "But, since Babs is probably shopping in her private underground mall right now you know she has her own mall?" Hiram said as he decided on a plan as he snapped his fingers "Here's what we're gonna do: When the Justice of the Peace - says does anybody here object - Hell, yeah, I do. We will all say, "We do." "With feeling," Hiram said in a sing-songy voice. "Burt, you will run interference with Finn. Carole, you will distract the Justice of the Peace with your feminine wiles. I will hustle Rachel out the side door and into our waiting car, where you, LeRoy, will drive I don't drive straight to Broadway. And if that doesn't start to get our baby girl back on her career track, I don't know what will. Are we agreed?" Hiram asked. "Sounds like a plan," Burt shrugged.

Cut to the hallway as Finn is pacing around nervously as Rachel then began to walk down the hall in her wedding dress as Finn looked at her beaming. "Wow, Rachel, you You just You look..." Finn began stuttering "You do, too. Ready to go in there?" Rachel smiled. "Just-just-just hold on just a second. I-I just want to take a second just to remember this. Us," Finn said as Rachel's phone went off as she looked down to check it. "Oh, it's Quinn. Sorry. "Ran home to get my bridesmaids dress. Be there soon." Great," Rachel smiled. "Well, Miss Hudson-Berry, everybody's waiting," Finn grinned as he took Rachel's arm as they made their way into the room.

Cut to Quinn driving along a deserted street to get to Finn and Rachel's wedding as she fixes her makeup, ready to go to their wedding. She soon gets stuck behind a tractor as Quinn sighs annoyed wanting to get there as soon as she could. Cut back to the justice of the peace where Rachel is pacing around nervously. Rachel texts Quinn again "HURRY!" As Quinn's phone goes off. "Face it, Quinn's not coming," Santana said. "She said she'd be here, okay? I don't want to start without her," Rachel frowned upset as we cut to Finn with Carole and Burt. "Is everything okay?" Carole asked. "Yeah, we've got five minutes. Come on, let's go," Finn said as he took a deep breath as he made his way into the room with Rachel. Rachel watched the clock nervously wanting Quinn to get there in time. Finn took a deep breath has he entered the room. "Finn! Out! You can't see the bride before the wedding," Mercedes exclaimed. "I've already seen her," Finn said honestly. "But that's bad luck," Tina frowned. "No, it's fine," Rachel said seriously. "Rachel, we got to go right now, or we're gonna lose our slot," Finn frowned. "Could we please just wait a couple more minutes - for Quinn, please?" Rachel begged. "It's now or never," Finn said as Rachel sighed, not wanting to start without Quinn. She shot Quinn another text. "WHERE ARE YOU??" It read. "If we're gonna do something, do it now," Burt muttered to Hiram. "I'm gonna fake an epileptic seizure," Hiram said. "You're not an epileptic," LeRoy said shaking his head. "That's why I'm gonna fake it," Hiram said. "Hurry up," LeRoy said as we once again cut to Quinn who's phone goes off a second time as Quinn finally checks her messages. A car going to the wrong way comes beside her hitting into Quinn's car causing an accident.

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