Glee-done (Discontinued)

By haleyandthejets

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Do you ever wonder what Glee would've been like if some of the episode storylines had been kept while new epi... More

Season 2, Episode 1 - Audition (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 2 - Britney/Brittany (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 3 - Believer (Grilled Cheesus Redone)
Season 2, Episode 4 - Duets (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 5 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 6 - Never Been Kissed (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Substitute (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 8 - A Glee Wedding (Furt Redone)
Season 2, Episode 9 - Starts With Goodbye (Special Education Redone Part 1)
Season 2, Episode 10 - Back to December (Special Education Redone Part 2)
Season 2, Episode 11 - A Very Glee Christmas (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 12 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 13 - Silly Love Songs (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 14 - Comeback (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 15 - Blame It on the Alcohol (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 16 - Sexy (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 17 - Loser Like Me (Original Song Redone)
Season 2, Episode 18 - The Funerals (A Night of Neglect/Funeral Redone)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Born This Way (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 20 - Rumours (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 21 - Prom Queen (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 22 - New York (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 1 - Senior Year (Purple Piano Project Redone)
Season 3, Episode 2 - Somewhere (I Am Unicorn Redone)
Season 3, Episode 3 - Run the World (Asian F Redone)
Season 3, Episode 4 - Pot 'O Gold (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 5 - Mash Off (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 6 - We Are Who We Are (I Kissed a Girl Redone)
Season 3, Episode 7 - You Can't Stop the Beat (The First Time Redone)
Season 3, Episode 8 - We Are Young (Hold onto Sixteen Redone)
Season 3, Episode 9 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 10 - The Proposal (Yes/No Redone)
Season 3, Episode 11 - Michael (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 12 - Future Drama (The Spanish Teacher Redone)
Season 3, Episode 13 - Valentine's Day (Heart Redone)
Season 3, Episode 14 - On My Way (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 15 - Recovery Road (Big Brother Redone)
Season 3, Episode 16 - 50 (Saturday Night Glee-ver Redone)
Season 3, Episode 17 - Dance With Somebody (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 18 - Choke (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 19 - Senior Prom (Prom-a-sarus Redone)
Season 3, Episode 20 - Neglected (Props Redone)
Season 3, Episode 21 - Nationals (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 22 - Goodbye (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 2 - Britney 2.0 (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 3 - Changes (Makeover Redone)
Season 4, Episode 4 - The Break-Up (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 5 - Juke Box Hero (The Role You Were Born to Play Redone)
Season 4, Episode 6 - Glease (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 7 - Dynamic Duets (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 8 - Thanksgiving (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 9 - Swan Song (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 10 - Glee, Actually (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 11 - Made It Through the Rain (Sadie Hawkins Redone)
Season 4, Episode 12 - Diva (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 13 - Acceptance (Naked Redone)
Season 4, Episode 14 - I Do (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 15 - Feature Film [Girls (And Boys) on Film (Redone)]
Season 4, Episode 16 - Feud (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 17 - Guilty Pleasures (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 18 - Last Chance (Shooting Star Redone)
Season 4, Episode 19 - Sweet Dreams (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 20 - Lights Out (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 21 - Wonder-ful (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 22 - All or Nothing (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 1 - The Quarterback (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 2 - Love, Love, Love (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 3 - Let It Be (Tina in the Sky with Diamonds Redone)
Season 5, Episode 4 - Pamela Lansbury (A Katy or A Gaga Redone)

Season 4, Episode 1 - The New Kids (The New Rachel Redone)

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By haleyandthejets

Cut to the dance room at NYADA where Cassandra July is instructing the first class of the year with Rachel Berry in it. "All right, kids; Show me what you got. Ready? Five, six, seven, eight," Cassandra said as the students started dancing. "Welcome to NYADA.This is Dance 101, my name's Cassandra July, and if you are not suffering from severe body dysmorphia, then you don't want it enough. Let's get this straight, freshmen: There's maybe two of you in this room that are good enough to make it in this business," Cassandry began as Rachel made a face as she continued to try to dance "As for the rest of you, thank you for paying my rent on my loft in SoHo." Cassandra then pulled a girl out of line "Hey. What's your name?" "Uh, Lydia," Lydia smiled. "No, no, your name's Muffin Top, and from now on, it's rice cakes and ipecac," Cassandra told her as Lydia looked horrified "Or cut off a butt cheek, 'cause you need to drop a few." Rachel looked stunned. How could a teacher be so mean to a student? It wasn't something she was used to. Cassandra seemed to have caught Rachel's look.

"Hold it," Cassandra called out stopping Rachel in her tracks "I'm sorry. Did my conversation with Muffin Top offend you?" "No," Rachel said shaking her head. "Hmm? What's your name?" Cassandra said thinking of a nickname. "Rachel," Rachel said. "Little Miss - David Schwimmer?" Cassandra smirked. "Little Miss David Schwimmer," Rachel said bewildered. "I bet you were a big star back in Iowa," Cassandra smirked. "I'm actually from Ohio," Rachel said honestly. "Ohio," Cassandra said as Rachel nodded "That's even worse." Rachel couldn't help but look horrified. "You ever look at a map? Ohio is like a giant turd that Michigan just can't pinch off." Cassandra then asked "So did you come all the way to New York City to show me how to run my class?" "No, I I came to learn," Rachel said honestly. "Okay. Lesson number one: Your pique turns are pathetic, and your stuck-up little attitude's really pissing me off," Cassandra said annoyed as she walked off "Music! All right, let's go! Energy in your fingers." Cassandra then began walking with Rachel instructing her moves "Higher. Higher. Into the ground. Higher! Higher, higher! Come on!" Cassandra said as Rachel tripped as Cassandra bent down to her "I don't need any help," Rachel said quickly "No, no, sweetie, I'm not coming down here to help you. I'm coming down here to give you a big New York City welcome. You suck," Cassandra said as she walked off as Rachel looked dumbfounded. This was not how she expected her first day at NYADA to go. Not at all.

Cut to the halls of McKinley High where Jacob Ben Israel is once again standing ready to interview the Glee Club once again. "What's up, blogosphere? Jacob Ben Israel here, back on the street with an exclusive look at McKinley's newest celebrities, the New Directions!" Jacob smirked as he then approached Artie at his locker "Artie Abrams, lunchroom sources tell me you've been seen sitting with Cheerios," Jacob said as he held out his microphone to Artie "Well, I'm usually sitting. But, yes, and I can tell you it is great to finally be popular. National champs, baby! Whoo!"

Cut to Sam signing autographs by his locker for the many adoring girls that were following him as Jacob approaches. "Sam Evans: from hobo geek to glee club celebrity. How does it feel?" Jacob asked Sam "Awesome, and about time," Sam smiled as we cut to Jacob talking to Tina in the hallway "I never thought I'd have a freshman for a personal assistant," Tina said honestly as her assistant Dottie walked up to her with a banana "This isn't organic!" Tina exclaimed knocking it to the ground as Dottie rushed to pick it up. "Wow."C You Next Tina"," Jacob said stunned at what he just witnessed. Cut back to Sam signing autographs. "Do Taylor Lautner again," one of Sam's fangirls beamed. "Bella, I love you. And I am a werewolf," Sam said in a Taylor Lautner voice as the girls swooned over him.

"Brittany S. Pierce, our very own second time senior, what are your plans for this year?" Jacob asked holding the microphone out to Brittany. "My plans are simple to have the awesomess two years as a senior as I can. I may have lost senior class president last year but this year I am totally going to crush it," Brittany grinned to the camera. "They said Rachel Berry was the group's undisputed star, so, really, the only question is: Which one of you is the new Rachel?" Jacob asked as we cut to Sam, Blaine, Brittany, Sugar, Joe, Tina, and Artie in the choir room.. " I am," they all exclaimed as the video came to an end.

Cut to Rachel watching the video on Jacob Ben Isarel's website. "It's nice to know I'm missed. New York can make a girl feel lonely. I miss my dads," Rachel said in a voice over as she picked up a picture of Finn "I miss Finn. I haven't heard from him in two months. Maybe he's just trying to give me the space I need to make it on my own. Surrender, right? I'm sure that's it," Rachel said in a voice over as she lays on her bed looking at Finn's picture as there is noise of a woman laughing in the background "My roommate seems nice. Well, I haven't officially met her. She's usually busy with company, but she sounds nice," Rachel said in a voice over as we cut to a silhouette of a girl with a guy as they're making out as Rachel pulls her pillow over her ears, knowing what's going to come next.

Cut to the co-ed bathroom as Rachel is walking into it. "Even though Kurt and I both made it into NYADA we're on such opposite schedules that we hardly see each other. That has to be one of the hardest things about this new beginning. "The co-ed bathrooms take some getting used to. I got tired of everyone's opinion of my extensive nighttime ritual, so I started showering at 3:00 in the morning when no one else is around," Rachel said in a voice over as she got herself set up to shower once again at 3AM when she hears a male voice singing 'Sister Christian' in the shower, surprising her.

Rachel listened stunned by the voice as the guy walked out of the shower, smiling at her as he wrapped himself in a towel. Rachel quickly went back to her stuff hoping he didn't notice her looking at him for too long. "Hey. You're a freshman, right?" The guy asked as Rachel looked at him. "Yeah, I'm Rachel Berry. I'm majoring in musical theater," Rachel said. "Me, too," the guy said as Rachel looked up at him intrigued. "Brody Weston. I'm a junior," Brody said introducing himself. "Hi," Rachel smiled a bit. "Well, you survived your first class with Cassie, so you must be good," Brody said. "Is she, uh, always that awful?" Rachel asked as Brody chuckled. "Yeah, she's tough. But I wouldn't have gotten that chorus gig in the revival of Working last summer if she didn't push me so hard." "You were on Broadway?" Rachel asked impressed. "Steel Worker Number Three," Brody bowed "Show lasted for, like, three performances, but still I like to come in here at night, too. People give me a hard time about my moisturizing ritual." "Me, too," Rachel said in a surprised tone, could this guy be any more perfect? "We're actors, right? Our skin is like our paintbrush and our canvas," Brody said. "Actually, I'm not really sleeping much, lately. Not a lot of city noise in Lima, Ohio. I just think everything takes a little getting used to, but yeah" Rachel said honestly. "You'll be fine," Brody told Rachel seriously "Just remember, you're here because you're the best of the best. Start believing that." Rachel nodded feeling grateful for Brody's words of wisdom as he turned to leave he turned back around to face Rachel "Oh, and, in case you were wondering which you were I'm straight." Rachel looked stunned, did he read her mind? This chance encounter with Brody really had her thinking even though she and Finn weren't officially together anymore she couldn't help but feel guilty about possibly falling for another guy.

Cut to Rachel walking through New York as she's on the phone with Kurt. "So he was wearing a towel that was barely covering his tinkle tube, and he's straight? Hot," Kurt smirked "Do you like him?" "No, you know I'll always love Finn," Rachel frowned before adding "Oh, and I love you, I miss you like crazy," "Oh, is that why you're calling me every three hours?" Kurt said sarcastically. "Well, I just want to make sure that you're okay," Rachel said as she added "I'm great, I love it here. My dance teacher worships me. But how are you? Are you okay?" "I'm keeping busy," Kurt shrugged honestly. "Where are you right now?" Rachel asked narrowing her eyes as Kurt smirked. "Look behind you," Kurt said as Rachel rushed over to him hugging him tightly. "I've missed you," she said honestly. "Likewise. As much as I thought a break from you and your crazy would do me some good, I strangely missed it," Kurt said as Rachel giggled. "Well I am so happy to see you too," Rachel smiled as Kurt's phone went off as he looked at it. "I have to take this. But we must catch up," Kurt said as Rachel nodded as Kurt walked off, leaving Rachel alone with her thoughts.

Kurt's phone then went off as he answered it seeming to expect the call. "Finn Hudson, to what do I owe the pleasure," Kurt chuckled answering his phone. "Hey dude...ummm... I kind of am back at McKinley this week, you know to help out with Glee, finding new members and stuff," Finn smiled a bit. "Oh Finn! That's incredible," Kurt beamed. "Yeah well...I need to do something to pass the time and I really missed being in Glee," Finn said honestly before asking "How's Rachel? I mean I know you two both left for New York but I was wondering how everything's been turning out." "Rachel seems happy. I just ran into her on my way to class," Kurt said. "Good. Good. I'm glad," Finn nodded approvingly glad to hear Rachel was doing okay. "You know you could call her yourself, Finn," Kurt said as Finn sighed. "After I sent her away to New York it kinda seemed like the wrong thing to do," Finn said honestly. "It's been two months. The least you can do is call her," Kurt said as Finn nodded. "You're right," Finn said as he smiled a bit "Thanks for all your help dude and have a good class." "You too," Kurt smiled a bit as he hung up.

 "You must be wondering why I ended up coming back to Lima instead of being in the army like I originally planned to," Finn said in a voice over as he is in the hallway of McKinley High looking around. It seemed almost surreal to be back in the halls of the place he had graduated from. "Well I did join the army, I was there for 16 days," Finn said in a voice over as we cut to him at the military base cleaning his gun. "I really felt like I could make a difference, and I'm pretty used to getting yelled at, so I was doing okay. Then, one day, I was cleaning Rachel they make you give your rifle a name Right through my thigh," Finn said in a voice over as we cut back to real time. "Turns out I got a semi-honorable discharge. Who knew that was a thing? Anyway that's how I ended up back here in Lima. I decided to give community college a try especially since they accept anyone. It's a lot less pressure than trying to get into one of those fancy schools in New York. I'm just hoping coming back to McKinley can give me the inspiration I need to figure out where I'm going in life," Finn said in a voice over as Sue spots him in the hallway, narrowing her eyes at him. "Well well well if it isn't Frankenteen back to lurk the once great halls of his former high school glory," Sue said as she stood hands on hips Finn froze. "Hi Coach Sylvester," Finn said. "Oh don't you just stand there. Get in my office," Sue said as Finn obliged as Sue picked up her daughter. 

"Now this is my daughter Robin," Sue said as she held Robin "I've loved the name ever since I was a little girl. It recalls hope, and springtime, and my favorite dead Bee Gee. Oh, she's the love of my life. And I'm so so devoted to her." Sue put Robin down in her stroller as she kissed her daughter's forehead. "Kitty! Get in here," Sue called. "Yes, Coach Sylvester?" Kitty, a gorgeous blonde cheerio said as she entered Sue's office. "I need you to change Robin's diaper, and then sing her a lullaby. Preferably something not yet butchered by the glee club. Good luck finding one," Sue smirked as she decided to introduce Kitty to Finn "Frankenteen, this is Kitty. Kitty is my new head bitch. She's like a young Quinn Fabray, except she's not pregnant, manic-depressive, or in and out of a wheelchair." Kitty began pushing Robin in her stroller but stopped to turn around to talk to Finn "Shouldn't you be in college or something?" Kitty said giving Finn a look. "My classes at Allen County Community College start next week," Finn said honestly as Kitty shrugged. "Could've fooled me. See you at the Lima Bean Garcon," Kitty smirked as she wheeled Robin out of Sue's office. "Oh, don't pay attention to what Kitty thinks, Even if it's exactly what the rest of the world thinks," Sue shrugged as Finn shook his head "Now get the hell out of my office before it starts to reek of your desperation." Finn walked out of Sue's office heading towards the choir room, ready to be where he felt he belonged, Glee Club.

 Cut to the choir room where Mr. Schue has written 'The New New Directions' on the board. "Glee!" Mr. Schue said as he entered the choir room as the New Directions cheered. "We are coming off of a National Championship, but it's time to look forward, And thanks to Glee now being the coolest club in the school, this shouldn't be a problem," Mr. Schue smiled a bit as the New Directions cheered as we cut to a flashback of Will putting up the sign up sheet for Glee Club as the students rush over to it to sign up as Will looks stunned as he tries to escape the crowd.. Cut back to the choir room. "Yes, we've lost some big voices. But we still have some huge ones in here. And I promise to do everything I can to replace the ones that we lost. And on that note, I'd like to introduce you to our newest members: The MVP of last year's nationals, Wade "Unique" Adams and from the Unitards, Harmony Belle," Will said as Unique and Harmony both entered the choir room to cheers. "That's a great haircut, Mercedes. I thought you graduated," Brittany grinned as the other members of the New Directions gave her a look. "I wanted to be somewhere where different was celebrated," Unique said honestly. "We are so excited to have you, aren't we guys?" Will smiled as the others nodded. "Worry not my fellow Glee Club members if your looking to replace your old star Rachel Berry, look no further than mwha. She may be a national show choir champion but you may have recognized me. I'm the Gerber Baby," Harmony grinned. "Oh hell no we did not get rid of one diva to get another," Artie said shaking his head. "Artie's right. Harmony, we're happy to have you, but the New Directions work best as a team," Will said. "Fine. I can be a team player. I just thought you could all benefit from my expertise," Harmony said folding her arms as she sat down in the choir room. "Alright, auditions are on Friday for Glee Club so we'll be welcoming some new members. Now remember we need at least 12 members to compete at sectionals, so we need to be on the lookout for 3 new members," Mr. Schue said as the New Directions nodded knowing they had a lot to live up to but finding new member was the start on their journey to Nationals.

Cut to the Lima Bean where Blaine and Brittany are seated at a table. "So, how's Santana?" Blaine asked. "She's good; she's just really busy with cheerleading practice and it's hard making out over Skype. You can't really scissor a Webcam," Brittany frowned as Blaine raised an eyebrow at her. "Here's an extra hot soy latte and a no-chocolate," Finn said as he gave Blaine and Brittany their drinks. "Merci," Brittany grinned. "I can't wait till Friday," Finn grinned. "Why?" Blaine asked. "Glee Club auditions," Finn said simply. "That sounds like fun," Brittany said simply. "Pretty nice," Blaine said enthusiastically. "Is it depressing that I'm more excited about it than either of you?" Finn asked. "Yeah," Brittany said as Blaine hesitated "Just a little bit." Their conversation was interrupted by Kitty "Excuse me. Garcon?" Kitty said snapping her fingers as Finn walked over to her "My ice latte's too cold." "It's an iced latte," Finn said confused. "It's an iced latte that's too cold. I'm gonna need you to make me a new one," Kitty smirked as the other jocks chuckled as Finn looked like a deer in the headlights. "Hello?" Kitty remarked. "Hey, Finn, you got to refill the biscotti Barrel every 15 minutes," Brent, the manager called. "Coming," Finn said simply as he got up as he turned to Kitty "I'll be right back with your latte." Kitty smirked seeming satisfied with herself as Finn went back to work as Blaine and Brittany left the Lima Bean.

Cut to the dance classroom as Cassandra is making herself a smoothie as her TA, Benji enters. "Uh, Miss July?" he called. "Yeah?" Cassandra said turning around. "I, uh, I don't know how to tell you this, but I can't be your TA this year. I start Wicked rehearsals tomorrow," Benji said as Cassandra looked at him "I'm just playing a flying monkey, but still.." "Oh, stop it. Does it matter? It's your first Broadway show. You'll never forget it," Cassandra smiled a bit "I was 17, I was a dancing spoon." "Well, the casting director said it's the recommendation you gave me that really put me over the top, so thank you for everything," Benji said honestly as Cassandra pulled him in for a hug "Oh! I'm so proud of you, Benji," Cassandra smiled. "Thank you," Benji smiled back at her "I should go. I have to get fitted for my monkey legs." Benji left the dance studio enthusiastically as Cassandra watched him leave. She couldn't help but feel the longing for the spotlight, one she used to have before she ruined her career and was now a dance instructor. As she made her way back over to her smoothie she put some alcohol in it wanting to numb the pain that was all too real for her.

Cut to the cafeteria where the New Directions are all sitting together at lunch when they are approached by a brunette with kind blue eyes. "You guys are the Glee Club, right?" She asked as they nodded "Hi. I'm gonna try out. I'm a sophomore. My name is Marley." "Okay, well, lots of competition, so good luck to you," Tina said brushing her off as Marley looked confused by it but just simply smiled back as she made her way to another table. "Unique offers her greetings and salutations," Unique grinned as she took her seat with a face full of makeup as the other members of Glee Club looked horrified. "Wade, you can't wear that makeup and stuff in here. You have to understand how this stuff works. It's like Game of Thrones," Sam said. "Yeah, the peace between us and the truly popular kids is weak winter is coming. It's not gonna take much for us to get smacked down to the bottom again," Artie frowned. "Maybe you should just save Unique for performances and be Wade the rest of the time, hmm?" Blaine suggested as Unique didn't seem happy by this. Weren't the New Directions supposed to embrace what was different? She didn't understand it. Not at all. "All right I'll go take off my face," Unique said simply as she walked off to go remove her makeup.

Just then Kitty and the other athletes walked over to the table. "Hey, glee people," Kitty said as she took a seat. "Hey, Kitty," Artie smiled. "Hey, you guys see the new lunch lady? She's so fat, they took a picture of her last Christmas. Still printing," Phil, an athlete said. "Hey, she has to wear a watch on both wrists because she covers two time zones," Bobby, another athlete remarked as they snickered. The New Directions seemed unsure about making jokes about that sort of thing. "Maybe she has, like, a medical condition or she swallowed somebody with a medical condition," Brittany remarked trying to be helpful as the athletes snickered. "Right, Artie?" Bobby smirked pointing at Artie who seemed to hesitate looking at the new lunch lady. "When she sits around the house, she really sits around the house," Artie said simply trying to get on the 'cool' kids good side. "Attaboy. Attaboy!" Bobby smirked as the others laughed. Marley watched from the distance feeling disappointed in them. She like Unique had truly thought they were different but the way they were making fun of the lunch lady, who happened to be her mom wasn't cool. She wasn't sure if they were the type of people she wanted to hang out with after all.

Cut to the lunch room where the lunch lady is sewing a sweater when Marley walks back. "Hey, you ready to go?" Marley asked. "Hey. I thought that you could wear this to your glee audition," the lunch lady smiled at Marley showing her the sweater as Marley leaned against her mom's back watching her work "Well, even if they think it's secondhand, the tag will say high-class secondhand. It's high school; It's all about being special. But the right kind of special, not Goodwill clothes, daughter-of-the-lunch- lady special." "You really think I have a chance of getting into Glee Club?" Marley asked her mom. "You have magic in your throat, Marley. It's time to share it with the world," Ms. Rose said as Marley couldn't help but smile. Maybe her mom was right, maybe she did have a chance. "I'm going to drive the car a couple blocks away, and I will wait for you there. I don't want to risk anyone seeing you get in the car with me," Ms. Rose said as she got up as Marley looked disheartened. She hated having to pretend like her mom wasn't her mom but like her mom said high school was all about fitting in and with her starting a new school, she needed to do as much of that as she could.

Cut to the dance studio where the NYADA students including Rachel are warming up as Cassandra enters. "God almighty, Schwimmer, possible you're getting worse?" Cassandra slurred. "I've been practicing a lot," Rachel said honestly "I've just had a little bit of a rough week." "Aw, you tired? You lonely? You homesick?" Cassandra slurred mockingly "Well, you better decide how badly you want it 'cause this school is filled with people who will do whatever necessary to make it in this business." "Why are you picking on me?" Rachel asked horrified. "I'm not! I'm motivating you!" Cassandra said into Rachel's face as Rachel made a face. "What's your problem now?" Cassandra asked annoyed. "There's just alcohol on your breath," Rachel said simply as everyone in the class looked at her nervously, knowing this wasn't something you should point out to Cassandra. "It's Listerine," Cassandra said coolly as Rachel didn't believe it. "Let me tell you something. I may not be a wide-eyed ingenue anymore, but I can still dance circles around any of you," Cassandra slurred "Music." A mashup of 'Americano' and 'Dance Again' began to play as Cassandra showed off exactly what she could do.

As Cassandra ended her performance Rachel just stood there in shock. She was good. Really good. "You're not just on my list, Schwimmer, you are my list," Cassandra shot at Rachel as she made her way out of the classroom "Class dismissed." The other dancers seemed relieved as they got their things. Rachel couldn't help but feel too stunned to move. This teacher had it out for her and she really couldn't understand why.

Cut to the auditorium where auditions for the New Directions are underway. "Okay, let's get started," Will grinned "Remember, guys, we're looking for 3 new members at least." The first auditoner made his way onstage "I'm Stoner Brett," Brett said into the microphone as he began to rap. "This is Buster's "Gettin' Hot." This is gettin' hot, this is gettin' hot Got my mind on my money and my money on my mind Sipping on a 40 while I'm pushing on the dime Feel the pain, the game Yeah, Lil' Wayne, Lil' Wayne," Brett rapped as the New Directions looked horrified all but Brittany who is dancing along. We cut to the next auditioner who introduces herself "De'Wanda Umber," De'Wanda said as she began to dance terribly to a prerecorded song. "Are there words to this song?" Blaine asked confused as De'Wanda continued to dance. "Oh she gotta go," Unique said shaking her head as we cut to the hallway as the next auditoner is shown signing up glaring at the guy before him who was signing up to audition. "Hello, sir," the guy said. "What's your name?" Will asked. "Jake," Jake said. "Got a last name, Jake?" Will asked. "Uh, just Jake," Jake said not wanting to explain his last name. "Okay, well, show us what you got 'Just Jake'," Will smiled a bit as Jake began to sing 'Never Say Never' by The Fray.

 As Jake performed everyone seemed to really dig his performance. "He's so sexy," Sugar said breathlessly. "No he's not," Sam said simply. "Yes he is," Unique smirked as Sugar grinned at her as Jake continued to perform as Will cut him off. "Okay Jake, thank you," Mr. Schue said as Jake looked annoyed. "I don't get to finish?" Jake said annoyed. "We got a lot of people to see," Will said honestly. "But I've been practicing..." Jake began. "We've seen enough. Thank you," Will said as Jake looked back at him annoyed as he knocked over a music stand as the other members of the New Directions looked horrified. "Jake, come on, man, why don't you pick up the music stand?" Will asked as Jake just stormed offstage as Will sighed "Next."

Marley then walked out onstage. "Hi...I'm Marley Rose and I will be singing 'New York State of Mind' by Billy Joel," Marley said. "Show us what you've got," Will smiled a bit as Marley took a deep breath before performing 'New York State of Mind'.

As Marley began to sing the New Directions couldn't help but be completely impressed by her raw talent. As she finished her performance everyone clapped for her. "Thank you.
Thank you," Will smiled as Marley grinned as she walked offstage. "Wow. Now, that's what I call star quality. What do you guys think?" Will asked. "She was really good," Finn grinned. "It was good," Artie agreed. "Ten," Sugar grinned as Unique, Harmony, Tina, Blaine, and Brittany exchanged looks, was she going to be their newest competition to fight for the leads? They certainly were concerned about it.

Cut to the Round Room in NYADA where Rachel enters to see not only is she in this but Kurt is too. "It's so good to see you," Rachel grinned as she hugged Kurt. "Likewise," Kurt smiled taking Rachel's hands as Brody also entered and sat on Rachel's other side. "Is that Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome," Kurt smirked. "Shhhh..." Rachel whispered giggling as Carmen Tibideaux entered the room. "Returning students, welcome back. New students, welcome to the round room. The acoustics are perfect and there are no corners. Which means there is nowhere to hide in here," Carmen said as Rachel and Kurt both took deep breaths "First-year students will have the opportunity to sing publicly twice. The first time today, the Debut," Carmen said. "Also known as the "Freshman reaping"," Brody whispered to Rachel who looked concerned. "The second, the Winter Showcase at the end of the semester if you are invited. Shall we begin?" Carmen said as she took her seat before calling the first name. "Beatrice McClaine." Beatrice got up enthusiastically. "My name is Beatrice McClaine and I'll be singing "Ave Maria" written by Franz Schubert," Beatrice said as she began to perform.

Rachel smiled a bit as she sang as did Kurt but her performance was cut off by Carmen. "I'm gonna stop you there," Carmen said as Beatrice looked confused "When I accepted you at NYADA, what did I tell you you needed to do? You needed to practice all summer long." "I did," Beatrice protested. "You did not," Carmen snapped as Beatrice's face fell "I think you need to practice a little bit more and reapply in December." Beatrice nodded as she left. "Did she just get cut?" Rachel asked horrified. "It happens," Brody shrugged. "Kurt Hummel," Carmen said as Kurt got up nervously. "My name is Kurt Hummel and I will be singing "Being Alive" from the musical Company," Kurt said as he took a deep breath before beginning to sing. 

Rachel couldn't help but watch Kurt, hopeful that what happened to Beatrice wouldn't happen to him but it didn't. Rachel couldn't help but stand up and clap for him as Carmen looked back at her with a glare as Rachel took her seat. "Nice very nice," Carmen nodded approvingly as Kurt sighed of relief as he took his seat as Rachel took his hand in support. "Rachel Berry," Carmen called as Rachel took a deep breath as she got up. "Impress me," Carmen said. "I'm Rachel Berry and I'll be singing 'It's All Coming Back to Me Now' sung by Celine Dion," Rachel said as she began to perform.

As Rachel performed Kurt couldn't help but look enthusiastic for her. She once again had the magic in her performance as she finished the song Brody couldn't help but stand up and clap for her as Rachel took a deep breath. "Miss Berry, I was hesitant to let you in at first because of your blunder of a first audition, do you remember that?" Carmen said as Rachel nodded. "After this performance, I know I made the right decision letting you in. That was wonderful," Carmen said as Rachel sighed of relief, she had changed Carmen's mind about her which wasn't exactly an easy task. Hearing Carmen say those words to her seemed to erase everything that Cassandra did to tear her down and for once she felt like the old Rachel, confident with dreams that she would stop at nothing to fulfill.

Cut to the hallway where Mr. Schue is putting up the list of the New Directions as Marley quickly makes her way over to the list finding her name. She can't contain her excitement as she celebrates walking off. Jake also goes up to the list and looks down the list but doesn't find his name there. Enraged he takes the list down and crumbles it up, throwing it on the ground.

Cut to the choir room where Mr. Schue enters with Marley. "Guys, this young lady gave hands-down one of the best auditions I have ever seen. Let's give it up for our newest member, Marley Rose," Will smiled as the New Directions cheered for Marley. "Marley, on behalf of all of New Directions, welcome," Blaine smiled a bit. "Thank you. I'm really excited to be here," Marley grinned. "I really like your sweater. Where'd you get it?" Sugar asked. "Oh. Thanks. Um, J. Crew," Marley said awkwardly as Sugar made a face. She would know if the sweater was really J. Crew. "Really?" Sugar said in a disbelieving tone as Marley nodded, nervously.

Cut to Marley and her mom in the lunchroom. "The only new member out of all those people?" Ms. Rose said excitedly. "It wasn't that many," Marley said trying not to make a big deal about it as her mom gave her a look. "Okay, it was awesome! Hearing them cheer for me, accept me," Marley grinned. "And that Rachel Berry everybody talks about rode that glee club train right to Broadway," Ms. Rose said. "Well, I don't want to be on Broadway, though. I want to be a singer on the radio," Marley said honestly. "Well, then let the glee club help you get there. For now, the important thing is you found someplace you belong," Ms. Rose said honestly as Marley smiled a bit before taking a deep breath. "There's one problem," Marley said as her mom looked at her "They were making fun of you." "Well, they're teenagers," Ms. Rose said shrugging it off. "Just feels so weird lying about you. You're my mom," Marley frowned. "You remember what happened at the last school? You didn't have any friends. I won't let that happen again," Ms. Rose said as Marley sighed, her mom had a point. "This is your shot to sit at the popular kids' table. Don't blow it." Marley nodded, knowing her mom was right she just still felt incredibly awkward having to lie about who she was.

Cut to lunchtime where Marley is now seated with the New Directions as well as the popular kids. "Okay, guys. Since we can't do a popularity homecoming float with all white people, I say I think we should do one - with all white chrysanthemums," Kitty grinned as some of the New Directions exchanged looks. "That's a good idea," Brittany nodded. "We need a float, why don't we all just ride her?" Phil smirked. "Look at her boobs. It's like two grocery bags full of soup," Sugar added as the others chuckled. "That's really mean," Marley frowned. "Excuse me?" Kitty asked in shock that someone would stand up for the lunch lady. "You don't know her. You don't know what her life is like," Marley stated simply. "So? Why do you care?" Kitty asked annoyed. "Because she's my mom," Marley said as the New Directions looked at each other in shock, the new lunch lady was Marley's mom? "I thought you guys were different," Marley said emotionally as she stormed off with her tray of food as the New Directions exchanged guilty looks. They had been different at one time before they let the popularity get to their heads. "Let me go talk to her," Sam offered as he got up following Marley out of the lunch room.

Cut to dance class at NYADA where Rachel and her class are performing the routine Cassandra taught them for the week. "What's the problem, people? You've been here a week. You should be dancing at, like, Black Swan levels of psychosis right now," Cassandra huffed at her students as she approached Rachel. "You, Miss Schwimmer. Show me your pique," Cassandra said as Rachel did a pique. "Okay, give me another one. Center yourself this time," Cassandra said as Rachel did what she was told "Better, slightly. You gonna roll your eyes at me now?" "No," Rachel said shaking her head "And I'm gonna keep getting better till I'm the best you've ever seen." "Oh, you're mouthy. And you got guts. Good, I like it. I like that spirit in my students. 'Cause it'll make it more fun for me when I'm making your every waking moment a hell on earth," Cassandra smirked as she walked off leaving Rachel dumbfounded. Was there anything that she could do to get Cassandra's good side? She certainly hoped so. Rachel went back to dancing as Cassandra watched the class. "This is so boring," Cassandra remarked as they continued to dance.

Cut to the hallway where Marley is by her locker as Sam approaches her. "Hey, Marley, um, just wanted to apologize for all of us and beg you not to quit," Sam sighed as Marley looked at him before going back to getting her things "Look, I get you. Like, for instance, I know that that sweater is from Walmart - and your mom sewed the J. Crew label into it." "How do you know that?" Marley asked. "Because my mom used to do the same thing for me," Sam admitted as Marley looked back at him surprised "The best thing about Glee Club is it's not about labels. If you can sing, if you can dance, you belong. And, dude, you can sing." "I don't know. You say that, but the way you were making fun of my mom, something doesn't feel right," Marley sighed closing her locker as the rest of the club approached her. "We came to apologize," Artie said honestly. "I think being popular felt a little too good, and we forgot ourselves," Tina admitted. "Well, I didn't. I was always popular, but I do forget to wear underwear sometimes, though," Brittany shrugged. "The best part about Glee Club is that everyone gets to be a star. Which is why we're all hoping that you could come to rehearsal with us this afternoon and maybe sing lead vocal on one of the songs we're working on," Blaine said. "And if words don't convince you, let the majesty and mystery of Unique's fabulousness be enough!" Unique grinned as she chuckled approaching Marley "I mean it. Glee Club's a special place. I mean, where else could I dress like this and be welcomed with open arms?" "Okay, one last thing. I don't think I'm comfortable sitting with that cheerleader and those guys at lunch," Marley sighed. "That won't be a problem," Kitty smirked approaching them "We could handle Gimpy and the Tarantula Head and Richie Poor, because you guys were national champs like us, but our invitation was not extended to pre-op Precious based on the novel Barf by Sapphire, Little Miss Gerber Baby, and Mike and Molly's daughter as part of our crew." "Well, I guess we're not in your crew anymore," Blaine said simply. "You know, I was kind of hoping you'd say that," Kitty smirked as she, Phil, and Bobby slushied Unique, Harmony, and Marley. "And with that, order is restored," Phil smirked as he, Kitty, and Bobby walked off. "Well, looks like you guys have been officially welcomed to the Glee Club," Artie said as Marley, Harmony, and Unique winced in the pain of the cold slushie. "Unique's eyes they are on fire!" Unique exclaimed upset. "Let's get you guys cleaned up and go to rehearsal," Blaine offered as he helped the 3 newest members to the bathroom to get them cleaned off in time for Glee Rehearsal.

Cut to the office where Mr. Schue has asked for Jake's record only to find out exactly why Jake didn't tell him his last name. It was Puckerman. Will couldn't help but be stunned knowing that Puck had a brother. Puck had never mentioned a brother before and he wanted to get to the bottom of it so he called Jake into his office to talk.

"You wanted to see me?" Jake asked. "Yes, I wanted to talk to you about your audition," Will said. "Do you have any idea how hard I worked on that song? I was up for three nights getting it right, and you didn't even let me finish," Jake said annoyed. "Glee Club performs in front of hundreds of people. Some of them might boo you. You gonna throw a mic stand at them?" Will asked. "So I'm angry. I got a right to be. You don't know me. You don't know my life," Jake said folding his arms. "I know your brother, Jake. Puckerman," Will said as Jake sighed. "Half-brother. Our dad's like an NBA player. There could be running 50 other Puckermans around Ohio," Jake shrugged. "Noah never mentioned anything about having a brother," Will said. "He doesn't know," Jake said honestly as Will looked shocked "I get it. Now that you know I'm related to your boy, I'm good enough for your stupid club?" "No. When I saw you were related to him, I realized how much good Glee Club did him. Made me want to take a chance on you," Will said honestly as Jake pondered "But you've got to get that chip off your shoulder. And I interrupted your audition because I knew after the first verse that I wanted you in this club. You're really good, Jake." "You think I'm good?" Jake asked surprised. "Yeah," Will nodded as Jake smiled a bit before changing his look. "No. I'm not changing. I like this chip on my shoulder and I'm not losing it to sing for you. I'm not my brother," Jake said simply as he left Will's office as Will sighed, heartbroken at the loss of Jake in Glee Club but he could only hope things would get better for Jake as time went on.

Cut to the auditorium where the New Directions are rehearsing their newest number 'Chasing Pavements' with Marley featured on lead. 

As Marley begins to perform she walks onto the stage, officially deciding to join the New Directions. We cut to Rachel looking through photos of Finn at the fountain in New York, wishing things could go back to being as simple as they were in Ohio. We cut back to the New Directions rehearsing with Marley on the new performance, more together than ever before. Jake walks into the auditorium watching them perform, almost feeling a longing to join the group. Cut back to Rachel in the park as she calls Kurt up tearfully. "What's wrong? You sound sad," Kurt said hearing Rachel's muffled sobs. "I lied. I'm not okay. My dance teacher's a monster, and I can't even go to my dorm room, because my roommate is sleeping with the entire school," Rachel sobbed into the phone. "Why don't you move out and find a new roommate? Preferably someone you knew from Ohio who has your back," Kurt smiled as Rachel wiped her eyes. "You would do that?" Rachel asked. "Of course I would. To be fair I've missed you too. Life dorming at NYADA isn't as glamorous as I thought it would be," Kurt said as he walked by the fountain where Rachel was "Turn around." Rachel turned around tearfully thrilled to see Kurt there as she hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go. We cut back to the auditorium as the New Directions finish up performing their first number as a new group together as they all hug Marley coming together as a Glee Club for the first time in a long time.

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