Every Two Weeks // S.M

By Shawnsarmy8898

122K 3.5K 2.8K

This is not your everyday love story. When a pop star stumbles into an ordinary girl, they struggle to make... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 19

2.1K 67 13
By Shawnsarmy8898

Hayden's POV

Hayden wake up

I jolted out of my sleep, shoving the person above me away as I couldn't catch my breath. "Hayden relax, it's just me. I got you..." Shawn said softly placing his hands on my shoulders and guiding me into his arms. Kept my arm on his chest, still keeping the distance between us as I let everything sink in.

It was just a dream

"You're okay," He softly whispered in my ear, pulling me between his legs, letting my back rest against his chest as i started to relax. "I'm so sorry Hay..." Shawn whispered, his lips brushing against my ear before he placed a kiss on the side of my head.

I brought my hand up placing it on his arm, "It's okay... it's not your fault." I brought my other hand up, wiping the wetness off my cheeks.

A few hours earlier

Shawn walked out of the bathroom still drying his hands with a small hand towel. I was still frozen on the bed, my legs crossed with his laptop in my lap.

"You alright?" Shawn asked watching me as he closed up his suitcase to put to the side. I just stared at him not knowing what to say.

"What the hell is this?" I said almost as a whisper. I turned the laptop screen towards him so he saw all the band photos and the headshots that I could've went without seeing.

He glanced at the screen for a second and then quickly met my eyes again. "Hayden, I can explain."

"I hope you can because I don't know what to think right now." I said still frozen in my spot.

"I just wanted to know who this guy was,  that's all. I had no idea what he looked like, or what he does and I just wanted to know." He said.

"Why did you need to know? Are you like... planning on going after him or something?" I said frantically.

Shawn quickly shook his head taking a seat on the edge of the bed and placing his hands on arms but I dodged it and stood up off the bed. "What were you going to do when you saw him?"

"I don't know what I was going to do... honestly I didn't. I just wanted to know who this ass was, that's all I swear." Shawn said staring at me with a soft look in his eyes. "I promise I'm not going to go after him."

I didn't know what to say to him as I stared back at him. I could tell by his facial expression that he was telling the truth and that he was sorry. "Are we okay?" He asked gently knowing that this was a touchy conversation.

I nodded, "Just don't do anything stupid Shawn, I swear to god." I said rubbing my hands over my face. "It just needs to be forgotten about."

I saw a slight disappointed look on Shawn's face but he gave me a small nod in agreement. "Come here," He said opening his arms out to me as he leaned against the headboard.

I rested my head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around me and rubbed his hand up and down my arm. "I love you..." He whispered before kissing the top of my head.

"I love you too..." I spoke, my thoughts still wandering around in circles.


Saturday morning

Shawn had to leave early with his team to arrive at his interview on time so I decided to work on some homework before he gets back. I was still dressed in my pajamas and had my hair up in a messy bun as I finished the last paragraph of one of my essays.

My phone then buzzed with a new text from Brian popping up on my lock screen.

We're thinking of going to the coffee house down the street if you want to come.

I looked back at my finished paper starting to think I should reward myself with some coffee.

I just need ten minutes

I wrote back to him and received a thumbs up in response. I quickly changed into my black ripped jeans, a green sweater and my black and white vans. I brushed my hair very quickly before walking out into the hall where the guys where already waiting for my by the elevator.

"Sorry Sorry," I said quickly walking up to them. "Thanks for waiting, I'm starving!"

They laughed as we walked into the elevator, "No problem, we couldn't get Ian out of bed anyway..." Matt said as we all glanced to a tired Ian leaning against the wall.

"In my defense you're the one who forgot their headphones and kept me awake all night!" The tiredness clear in his voice. Brain and I both chuckled as Ian and Matt started to argue.

"They always like this?" I joked as the elevator doors opened into the lobby. Brian chuckled and nodded his head.

"All the time," He said as he led the way to the front doors.


We all ended up eating breakfast at the coffee house for almost two hours. I was really enjoying spending time with Shawn's friends, I felt like I got to know them better as they told me more stories about their middle school days with Shawn.

We were all walking down the sidewalk, back to the hotel as Ian and Brian kept trying to talk over one another.

Brian continued laughing as he told his view of the story, "No no no you should've saw Ian's face, he looked as if- Oh Shit!" Brian said loudly and stopped shortly making me crash into his back. We all glanced up following Brian's gaze to the huge crowd of fans and paparazzi waiting outside of the hotel.

There was an even bigger crowd then the day before as they waited for Shawn's arrival. "Do they not know that Shawn's not even here yet?" Brian said as we all continued to stare not knowing what to do from here.

"But they know his girlfriend is." Ian said as he making eye contact with me and must've took notice that I was nervous and wrapped his arm around my back. "It's going to be fine." He said as we all walked as a group together toward the crowd

"Hey guys I'm really sorry but we have to get back up to our rooms." Brian said nicely as he said hi to some fans who knew his name. The crowd didn't feel as rough as last night but it defiantly was double the amount of fans compared to last night. Brian continued to keep his arm behind him, blocking the fans from getting too close to me.

"What's it like dating a celebrity?" A guy asked as he shoved his camera in my face.

Brian pushed it out of the way, "Can you not?" Brian said loudly standing on the other side of me while Matt tried to make a path for us.

"Hayden are you coming back from a date with Shawn's friend?" A woman yelled over the crowd pointing a microphone in my face.

"What?" I said slowly down my pace to look at the girl that just asked me that, catching me off guard at such an absurd question.

Ian leaned down to whisper in my ear, "You have to just ignore them."

Right as Ian said that I was yanked backwards by my wrist, loosing my balance and crashing into someone. "How long have you and Shawn been together?" The interviewer asked as he still kept a tight grip on my wrist. I was disgusted as I tried to gain my balance back.

Ian came up next to me, shoving the guy off, "Don't fucking touch her, keep your hands to yourself." I rubbed my wrist once the guy released it.

"Look who's talking, get your hands off me." The interviewer yelled to Ian as he shoved him back. I placed my hands on Ian's arm so he didn't fall.

"Ian come on," I said as I pulled his arm towards the path Matt made but he pulled his arm out of my grip and shoved the man back again.

"Ian stop!" I yelled as some other fans tried to stop the situation too. I pushed my shoulder to get between them to break it up while the two of them kept shoving at each other roughly as people flashed their cameras. I tried to push Ian backwards away from the interview while  him and the man kept exchanging words to each other.

It all happened so quickly when the interviewer lifted his hand, meaning to punch Ian but instead his fist collided with my cheek when I pushed Ian away from the situation. I was caught off guard and stumbled, loosing my balance and scraping my hands and knees against the pavement.

The fans became silent as two girl in front of me kneeled down to help me up. "Are you okay?" One whispered sounding shocked about how quickly everything escalated.

I placed my hand on my cheek, feeling the sting from the punch as I recollected myself. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Another fan yelled towards interviewer. Ian seemed to calm down and placed his hand on my arm making sure I was alright. I nodded to him, just wanting to get back to my room already.

We both turned to look at the interviewer but he was quickly shoved backwards but this time by Shawn. Ian and Brian both quickly grabbed Shawn to hold him back, knowing that there were tons of cameras and fans watching him and that this wouldn't end well.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Shawn yelled at the interviewer as Jake ran up helping Ian and Brain pull him back. "How do expect me to respect you when you're punching my girlfriend in the fucking face!" You could clearly see the anger spread across Shawn's face, I never saw him this way.

The fans were all silent, not even trying to get a photo with Shawn. Everyone could just picture the steam coming out of Shawn's ears. I reached out grabbing onto Shawn's hand trying to calm him down.

His jaw was clenched so tight I could see his veins popping out in his neck. He shook his arms out of Jakes grip, letting his muscles relax before he placed his hands on my cheeks, looking down at me.

I watched as his angry expression saddened for a moment as Jake started to guide us to the door. "I'm so sorry." He whispered to me.

But thats the thing, I wasn't mad at him. I felt more flustered and nervous for him then myself.

Before I could say anything Shawn wrapped his arm around me allowing Jake to guide us to the door. The fans didn't even try to crowd us anymore, they made a clear path for us to go straight through. A few asked if I was okay as I passed them and a few were telling Shawn that the guy wasn't worth it. Shawn nodded to them, clearly feeling sorry that he wasn't going to take photos with them tonight.

Once we got into the lobby, Shawn turned me around and pulled me into his chest. He rested his chin in the crook of my neck and then kissed the side of my head.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly. He looked down at me glancing over my face to see the damage. He lightly placed his fingers under my chin, tilting my head up to him and examined my cheek.

"It just stings a little, I'll be fine." I reassured him. His eyes stared at mine like he was trying to read me, as if I wasn't telling him the truth.

"What the hell were you thinking?!" Geoff yelled, grabbing both of our attentions. He quickly made his way towards the group of us with Andrew by his side.

Shawn intertwined our hands and guided me over to couch in the center of the room. He kept his arm around me as he sat closely, his knee brushing against mine. Brian and Ian followed, standing in front of us not saying a word but keeping there eye on Shawn and I.

"The guy started it." Ian said looking over his shoulder at his brother.

"I don't care who started it!" Geoff said loudly, standing next to Ian looking pissed. I can only imagine the videos and photos that are already out on social media.

Jake walked over to Shawn and I with a bag of ice in his hands. He wrapped a paper towel around it and held it out to me. Shawn grabbed it first, turning to me and lightly pressed the cold ice to my cheek.

"Wait Hayden what happened?" Andrew asked cutting off Geoff from his rant.

"That asshole punched her!" Brian said annoyed, shaking his head thinking back to the interviewer. I glanced at Shawn and realized that he wasn't even listening to everyone. His mind was in his own world.

"Does this hurt?" Shawn whispered to me, cupping my face with his hand that wasn't holding the ice pack on my cheek. I honestly shook my head no before he reached up putting a piece of hair behind my ear. "I think it's going to bruise." He said softly.

"Punched her?" Geoff said to himself, confused about what was going on.

Jake then walked back over with a first aid kit and placed it down next to Shawn. "Let me see." Shawn said gently reaching for my hand that was laying in my lap.

He turned it over, the deep red scrapes matching on both of my hands. Shawn sighed deeply, reaching my hand up to kiss my finger tips before opening up the box next to him and pulling out the peroxide.

"We have to clear out the parking lot before anyone else gets hurt out there." Brian said with his arms still crossed. All the guys were staring out the glass window at the crowd of fans still hovering by the door.

"We didn't even know you were back yet..." Ian said to his brother shaking his head. "Why didn't you warn us?"

"We only walked in less than five minutes before you," Geoff said looking between Shawn and I.

I winced once Shawn pour the peroxide on my palms to clean my hands, his soft eyes met mine for a moment before he went back to cleaning. He then grabbed two giant bandages that were about the size of the cuts on my hands and covered them for me, my hands rested in his lap.

Shawn then crawled onto the floor to sit in front of me, examining my knees. Once he looked at them he shook his head again before getting the peroxide back out.

"I'm making a call to that reporters company, letting them know what went on here." Andrew said clearly pissed off and walked away after placing his phone to his ear.

I glanced down at my palms thinking about how fun this will be for dance class on Monday. I sighed which got Shawn's attention but he looked more concerned. He covered up the scrapes on my knees and then rested his hands on my thighs, looking at my with his soft brown eyes.

He lightly shook his head again, stuck in his own thoughts. "Lets go upstairs." He said, standing up from the floor and reaching his hand out to help me up.

The guys were silent letting us walked past and to the elevator. Shawn didn't say much on the way up, only would ask me about the ice pack on my cheek.

When we finally got back in the hotel room Shawn still seemed a bit off. he took his jacket off, putting in on the back of the desk chair before leaning his arms on the desk.

"You okay bubs?" I asked softly, coming up behind him and rubbing my hand up and down his back.

He laugh lightly turning to me, "Am I okay? really?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist and sighing.

I placed my hand on his chin to get his full attention, "I'm fine Shawn... you're the one who doesn't seem okay?"

He shook his head again, reaching up and running his hand through his hair out of stress. "Nothing has ever happened like that before... "

I bit my lip not sure of what to say but then I saw his demenor change as he placed his hand on my hip. "Hayden..." His voice was filled with concern. "You need to hear something..."

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows letting my hand rest at my side, feeling the same uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"I know that this is a lot," He said staring down at me. "I would understand if this is all too much for you-" I took a step away from him.

"Stop, don't even-" I started to say turning my back to him but he reached out for my wrist so I didn't walk away.

"Do you see what just happened?" He said lightly brushing his fingers over my cheek. "This isn't how its supposed to be." He whispered bringing my face closer to his.

I shook my head, "It was an accident, it wasn't your fault. I wouldn't just leave you over something like this." I said frantically shaking my head again. "I wouldn't do that..."

He shook his head, leaning forward and placing a kiss on my forehead when he realized he was upsetting me. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... You just needed to know that I would understand if you walked away."

I continued to shake my head, not believing that this is how he felt. "I would never do that... you can't get rid of me that easily." I said making Shawn chuckle into my hair. "You're gonna have to try harder than that Mendes."

He laughed again, pulling away to cup my cheeks with both his hands. "I love you too much," I said before puckering my lips up at him. My favorite goofy smile spread across his face before he leaned down to meet my lips.

"You know your friends really care about you." I said, keeping my arms wrapped around his waist.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before he spoke, "Why do you say that?"

"Because they were looking out for me today without hesitation, they didn't have to do that. And eve though they were doing it to protect me, I know that they were really doing it for their best friend." I said rubbing my hand up and down Shawn's back. A soft smile formed in the corner of Shawn's lips at the thought of his friends looking out for what is his.

"That makes me feel really relieved that even when I'm not around you still got people looking out for you." He said, his warm brown eyes staring down at me and looking more like himself than I've seen all weekend.

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