So close yet so far (Prince o...

By otaku_of_the_night

67.2K 1.6K 129

Martina Jasmine at the age of 11 became the youngest ever to be ranked as number one in the world of tennis... More

Transferee from Germany
Lantern and the Truth
Melbourne Junior's
U-17 Camp
Quality Time
Marriage Interview
Photo shoot
Cleaning Day


924 24 1
By otaku_of_the_night

Three weeks have come by faster than they thought.

Weeks pass with Jasmine and Yukimura spending their time together at Yukimura's house. Yukimura will only drive Jasmine home during the night after they eat dinner.

"Why can't you sleep at my house tonight?" Yukimura said. They've been arguing for an hour because Yukimura wants Jasmine to sleep over at his place but Jasmine said it's not possible.

"Oji-san and Oba-chan will get mad at me."

"Jasmine your no longer 14 years old girl. Your already 27 now. I'm sure you can decide where you can sleep." Yukimura said trying to reason out to Jasmine.

"It's not that Seiichi." Jasmine said trying her best not to get persuade by the Child of god Seiichi Yukimura.

"Maybe you just really don't want to sleep next to me." Yukimura said drawing his last card out. If this doesn't work out then. . .

Yukimura paused his thoughts as he knows that Jasmine isn't ready for that type of relationship yet.

"Seiichi. It's not like that."

Jasmine doesn't want to say the real reason why she doesn't want to stay at Yukimura's house. Jasmine purse her lips and thought.

"Then what is it?" Yukimura demanded as he really doesn't get the point until a thought cross his mind since it's already down that road anyway. "Do you want us to get married first?"

Jasmine's eyes widen with Yukimura's question. "No!"

Yukimura felt a crushing pain that immediately stab him in the heart because of that. He didn't expect that much resistance on Jasmine's part.

"You don't want us to get married?" He asked strengthening and hardening his heart. He went through more than a decade with a broken heart he can work his way through this.

"No!" Jasmine said eyes wide again.

"Then you want us to get married?"

"Yes!" Jasmine realize what she said and immediately said "No! I mean. . . I. . .uhm. It's just. . ."

"What is it really? Do you want us to get married or not?" Seiichi asked now trying his best not to smile with the yes he got from Jasmine.

Jasmine sighted how did their conversation from sleeping over for the night to marriage. Jasmine calmed herself and told herself to think rationally. She just thought of reason to get this done and over with.

"I want us to get married Seiichi but not right now. I can't sleep over because Oji-san wouldn't approve of this, he is a very traditional man."

"That's why I said let's get married so you can stay the night and I don't have to drive you home."

"Seiichi it doesn't work that way." Jasmine said and look at Yukimura's eyes. "Marriage is a different thing. It's not something we can get on just because you want to get something out of it."

Yukimura look at Jasmine's eyes. "You think I want you to stay the night over for 'that'? Jasmine I'm not asking you for marriage or to stay the night over for 'that'. I want you to stay the night over and I want to marry you. . ."

Jasmine held her breath as Yukimura pause and is intently looking at her eyes.

"Because I want to be with you." Yukimura said looking into Jasmine's eyes.

Jasmine's hope to hear the words she's been longing was crushed with this. Jasmine for all this time only long to hear that Yukimura loves her but everything just went downhill when Yukimura still didn't say a word about love.

Wanting to be with me and loving me are two different things Seiichi. Jasmine thought as she sadly look away breaking their eye contact.

Yukimura sighted defeatedly. He then open his side of the door and went out. Jasmine looked at him from the mirror as he move to her side and opened her door.

Jasmine sighted before going out of Yukimura's car. "Are you mad at me?"

Yukimura looked at Jasmine in the eyes, he then hug her tight. Yukimura place his head on Jasmine's shoulder and inhale the scent of hair. Jasmine with a faint lavander.

Yukimura then kiss Jasmine's hair that cover's her hear he then whispered "I can never get mad at you."

Jasmine wanted to say but she thought to just shut her mouth.

Yukimura then held Jasmine at arm's length. Jasmine already misses Yukimura's warmth. "I can be mad at anyone but you. Always remember that."

Jasmine was lost by the way Yukimura's indigo eyes look at her.

"I'm going now. You should go in and sleep." Yukimura said and placed a kiss on Jasmine's forehead. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

Jasmine look at Yukimura "Good night Seiichi."

"Good night Jasmine." Yukimura said and that's Jasmine que and started walking for the doors. Before opening the door Jasmine look back to Yukimura who is now on the driver side of the car and looking at her.

Jasmine opened the door and went inside. Just as she close the door behind her she heard Yukimura's car speeding away.

Until the last moment of the night Jasmine is only thinking of Yukimura and the words she wanted to hear him say. Maybe he doesn't love me anymore.

Yeah. That's it. How can you love someone who left you suddenly without proper explanation.

For the week that has pass by not even once did Yukimura said a thing about what happened to them in the past.

Maybe it doesn't matter to him anymore, maybe it doesn't bother him or simply he doesn't care.

Jasmine woke up early and decided to make a bento for Yukimura. For the past week, Jasmine discover one of the fame child of god's weaknesses and that is cooking.

Jasmine prepared a lot in case Yukimura didn't eat his breakfast. After preparing everything Jasmine change her clothes into something more fitting to going out. As it still summer Jasmine choose to wear an orange sleeveless dress and a light orange hat with orange ribbon.

Jasmine glance at the clock wondering why Yukimura is late for 30 minutes than his usual time of arrival. After another minute a knock on Jasmine's door made her look at it.

"Jasmine-sama, Yukimura-sama is already here." one of their maid said making Jasmine finally breath out a sigh of relief.

Jasmine walk out of her room and was surprise however when she found Yukimura by the hallway connecting the main residence and Taira Yoshiyo's home office.

Jasmine look at Yukimura suspiciously. "Did you talk to Oji-san?"

"Yes." Yukimura said making Jasmine's eyes widen.

"Don't tease me Seiichi." Jasmine said hoping that Yukimura is really just teasing her.

"It's true." Seiichi said and Jasmine look at him critically and she notice how serious he is even.

"What did you talk about?"

"Some things."

"What do you mean something?"

"It's between me and Oji-san." Yukimura said and smile at her. "Let's go? I'll be late for my match with Atobe."

Jasmine nodded knowing Yukimura if he doesn't want to talk about it you won't convince him to say no matter what you do. She just follow Yukimura who started walking. That is when Jasmine realize what Yukimura said.

"You have a match with Atobe? As in Atobe Keigo?" Jasmine said looking at Yukimura now.

Yukimura look back to Jasmine and walk to her side and held her hands as he started walking making Jasmine walk beside him.

"Yes. I have a match with Atobe Keigo."


"Atobe thought if he wouldn't play he might get rusty and according to him as CEO if he seat around all day he might get fat and no girl wants that."

"Ohh. I see." Jasmine said and thought how Atobe felt when he have to retire early. "It must be hard for him to retire so early on in his career as a pro."

"Atobe decided that himself. He could have let the management on professional and sit on occasional board meeting and he will still earn and play as pro but it's Atobe. Before tennis their family's empire comes first." Yukimura said as they now exited the palace and he opens the car door for Jasmine.

After Jasmine enters Yukimura's car, he close the door and move to his side. Jasmine wear the seatbelt as Yukimura sat down and wear his seatbelt as well.

"But still. . ." Yukimura look at Jasmine waiting for her to finish what she's saying. "I mean, giving up your passion, the one thing you love the most, for something like that?"

Yukimura looked away as he started the engine, "For Atobe, their family's company is not just a company or empire. It's already their family's legacy."

Jasmine thought about it. Family's legacy.

The Taira Clan's business empire would be inherited by Renji, even though Jasmine and Sonomi will be receiving a portion of the stocks in the company the management and majority will be given to Renji as well as this lavish residence as he is the only direct male descendant.

But for the Schwarz Family's business empire she is the only one who can inherit it. Just like Atobe, people expect her to be the one to inherit their family's company and even though her father never talk to her about it Jasmine knew that he also want her to inherit it. However, Jasmine knew that she can't. She already gave up tennis because of her accident but to ask her to give up painting it just too much for her.

Jasmine then look at Yukimura, as far as Jasmine knows Yukimura is also set to inherit his family's empire.

"What about you Yukimura? Aren't you also going to inherit your family's legacy?"

"I am. That's why I'm taking up master's degree in business management and administration aside from learning about the company from Otousan. For mom's fashion line Kurumi is the one inheriting it."

"Your studying and working and playing tennis all at the same time?" Jasmine asked all too surprise with this information.


"But How?" Jasmine asked as he look at Yukimura who is casually driving as if his answer doesn't really mean much.

"I study through online courses. Business files, transaction and other things are either sent to me through email or it was fax and I study all of it when I get home from practice or when I don't practice." He answered coolly as he stop for the stoplight.

"That's quite a handful."

"It is but I just learn to manage everything."

"On top of all that you also have public appearance, photoshoot, product endorsement and other various things." Jasmine said looking at Yukimura in complete amazement.

"Sometimes you just really have to live with all of it." Yukimura said and smile.

'Keeping myself busy is what kept me sane all this years. Because if I don't busy myself I'm afraid I would go crazy from thinking about.' Yukimura thought.

After an hour of driving they finally reach one of Atobe's gym and tennis court.

"This is fancy." Jasmine noted as they enter the lobby of the said gym a fancy looking reception desk awaits them with a gigantic chandelier hanging on the ceiling and the luxurious red carpet flooring.

"You know how Atobe can be." Yukimura said as he walk around.

'He seems familiar here' Jasmine thought as Yukimura turn a hall and as if reading Jasmine 's thought.

"I come here often to train and practice especially I'm being sponsored by Atobe's company."

"Right. I saw your add for some of the Atobe's businesses."

Yukimura nodded and smile to Jasmine as he let go of her hand when they reach a door. Yukimura then got a card from his pocket and use it to open the door.

They walk in to a lavish room. It has a floor to ceiling window that overlooks the tennis court with a sofa and table next to it. There is also a bed on the middle of the room with the television facing it. Jasmine also noted a door next to the door entrance that must be the bathroom. The room have blue carpet flooring with white walls and a small chandelier in the middle of the room.

Yukimura enter the bathroom and Jasmine just look over at the tennis court. She can see few people playing but she can't see who they are as the room is in the 10th floor. Just then Yukimura exited the bathroom now dressed in his sports wear.

"Let's go?"


Jasmine and Yukimura walk out of the room and once they reach the tennis court and those who aren't playing on the court was looking their way. Yukimura couldn't care less. Jasmine was shock however when she notice who were the once playing on the court.

Fuji Shusuke and Tezuka Kunimitsu.

Echizen Ryoma and Tooyama Kintaro.

Kirihara Akaya and Shiraishi Kuronoske.

The court next to it is Atobe Keigo and Sanada Genichirou.

"This is surprising." Jasmine said to no one in particular.

"We do these every time right after the major tournament." Yukimura said smiling, tennis form a bond between them that won't break easily.

Jasmine never saw a match before between this people that's why she doesn't know which one to watch. But then she realize she wanted to see the battle between two pro's Fuji Shusuke and Tezuka Kunimitsu. Even though they both are not as active as they use too 2 years ago they still both are pro and is part of the ATP rank 10.

"Six games all! Twelve points tie breaker." the umpire said.

"Who do you think will win?" Yukimura said as Inui and Yanagi move next to Yukimura.

"Fuji." Jasmine said a little confident. She knows that Tezuka's rank is higher than Fuji but evaluating their skills and how fast they evolve in one game Fuji will win. "What about you, Seiichi?"

"Tezuka." Yukimura said as he have a hard time defeating Tezuka at the French Open and during the quarter finals of the US Open.

"What do you think Sadaharu?" Renji now asked Inui.

"This is the part that data always doesn't work." Inui responded as he watch the match critically.

"Forgetting about data and solely on your belief alone." Renji said and then look to Jasmine and smile at her before returning his gaze to the game.

"I'll say it's Fuji." Inui said not taking his eyes off the on-going tie breaker between the two. "What about you Renji?"


"12-11! Fuji!"

Fuji is now the one who will serve.

"This is really making me anxious!" Momoshiro said as he look at the two tensai of Seigaku before.


Fuji serve and everyone thought that it's weird for Fuji not to prepare himself to return Tezuka's return.

Tezuka return the ball but to everyone's surprise it didn't pass through the net.

"huh? Hekatonkheir The Gate Keeper?" Eiji Kikumaru said.

"But how did he place a double spin to the ball?"

"Upon the ball's contact to his racket, he use two sides of his racket to place it." Jasmine said.

"Game and set match! Fuji Shusuke! 7-6! 13-11!"

Jasmine smiles she was never really wrong in judgement of Tennis players.

Just then they heard the match between Sanada and Atobe finish up.

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