Finder (Katsuki Bakugo X Shot...

By guccierez_831

392K 13.3K 9.9K

After starting U.A., you catch the eye of Katsuki Bakugo, who seems to be utterly intrested in you. However... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
The Meeting
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Hello, how are you? (P.1)
Part 29
Hello, how are you? (P.2)
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Hello, how are you? (P.3)
Part 36
Hello, how are you (P.4)
Part 37
Part 38

Part 28

6.6K 186 368
By guccierez_831

"Waaaaa! Look at all these people, guys!" you yelled excitedly. You almost tripped until a strong pair of arm's catched you before eating shit. Your heart jumped as your eyes met with Shoto.
"Be careful, (y/n). Your sandals aren't made for fast movements."
"Th-Thanks, Shoto."
Katsuki growled sourly.
"A-Anyways, anybody up for some mochi?"
Katsuki grunted while the other hummed. The air was getting dense and you were on edge. But the three of you got some, anyway.
"Hee, hee! Want to try some, Shoto?"
"No thanks."
"What about you, Katsuki?"
"Hell no."
"Your loss. Hey, look! Why don't we do our prayers for the new year? I could use some good fortune! C'mon!"
You pulled the two males into a long line of people that were heading to the temple to make your offerings. There were children and adults alike, all waiting excitedly, the little kids jumping around. You chuckled and took a bite from the soft, bean paste filled treat, turning to the two boys behind you. They were silently glaring at eachother, to which you gave a crooked smile.

Of course they would.

"So, any idea of what you wanna do for the new year?"
"I'm spending it with you in Hawaii. After that, I will continue to look after you."
"Eheh... Er, right. What about you, Katsuki?"
"I'm gonna work on being number one. I'll show that useless Deku his place the hard way!"
You karate chopped his head.
"Shut up, Katsuki. Midoriya, looks like a super nice boy. I don't think he deserves to be treated so harshly by you."
"You don't know anything, little girl!"
"Who are you calling little girl, asshole?!"
"(Y/n), we're close to the temple. It's disrespectful to have that type of language in a sacred place."
"Yeah, Katsuki! So keep your mouth shut."
"Why don't you calm the fuck down and tell us what your plans are already?"
"Hmm... I guess I'll work hard to get stronger. I think my quirk is similar to teleportation because of how fast I can fly, so if I train hard enough, I can get super tough."
"Didn't you want to become a hero because of your mother, (y/n)?"
"Yes, that was the plan. Although, right now I'm really weak."
"Tch. That day I sparred with you, I think any villain can take you down."
"Hey! I've been thinking of ways to train myself, but I only know how to wield my sword."
"Well, if it comes down to it, I guess I'll train your weak ass."
"Really?! Wait, no, I never want to spar with you again! I got the most bruises I've ever had in a lifetime because of you tossing me around!"
"Then, (y/n), how about I train you?"
"Shut it, icy-hot! I asked first!"
"She just told you you're too rough. I can teach her in a better way."
"She can only learn from the best! I'm going to be the one to train her!"
"She made it clear, she doesn't want your help. I've known her much longer so, naturally, I know her better."
You were getting nervous. The level of their voices began to rise, and so would the attention.
Yes, it was true. After that day of sparring with Katsuki, you never wanted to fight him again. But now, maybe it was for the best. After all, you did learn something from that fight. As for Shoto, he did in fact know you better. You've seen how strong he was as well. You were certain his teaching skills would be much less rough than Katsuki's.
Right now, things were going to get out of hand. There was no other choice but to calm them(Katsuki) down.
"Alright, alright, that's enough. I'll...train with both of you. Katsuki on the weekend and Shoto after school."
Katsuki grumbled. "That's bullshit. That only gives me two days to beat the crap out of you."
"Language! And besides, your way more rough, so I think training with Shoto then fighting on the weekends to show you what I learned is fair."
"Tch. Whatever. If that's the case, I ain't going easy on you."
"Alright then. Just make sure to pay for my medical expenses when you kill me."
After endless chattering and almost two hours of waiting, the line finally started to move.
"Uwaaa! Guys, we're almost there! I already know what I'm going to pray for."
"Good for you."
You stuck your tongue out at Katsuki, in which he rolled his eyes in return. After waiting an eternity, you finally realized how cold it had gotten.

Brrr... Maybe I should ask the gods for a warm jacket...

"(Y/n), we're here," Shoto tapped your shoulder.
"Gasp! You're right!"
You ran inside the temple and threw in a 100¥ coin, ringing the bell then clapping your hands twice. You thought for a moment and then closed your eyes. Blocking out all the noise and chatter of other people, you were left with the sound of your voice in your head.

Please, god, let this new year be filled with exciting and wonderful event's. And let it have good memories...

With that, you opened your eyes and ran out of the temple. You then waited for Shoto to make his offering and then saw Katsuki approach you.
"Huh? What are you doing? Aren't you going to make an offering, too? We waited such a long time for it."
"I rather make my own future then have the gods decide it for me."
"That's so like you, Katsuki."
"What are you going to do now?"
"I wanna buy good luck charms, and read my fortune. The countdown is gonna start too, so I wanna celebrate it."
"You're going all out? What a pain."
"Give me a break! It's been a while since I've been to a festival and my first time going with friends."
As you were speaking, a big shiver was sent down your body and it didn't go unnoticed by Katsuki.
"Tch..." he removed one of his jackets and held it out to you, "here."
"Huh? But don't you need it?"
"Just hurry up and take it before I change my mind!"
"Ok, ok!"
You took the jacket that was ten times the size as you and put it on, reajusting your scarf.
"Heh. I should've known it was going to be cold."
"You should've brought a jacket then some flimsy scarf."
At that moment, Shoto caught up to you guys, reminding Katsuki he wasn't alone.
"Let's go buy charms, Shoto. I also wanna get some envolopes, too."
As you three walked along the streets that were filled with many people, you noticed Katsuki holding his arms and cursing under his breath. It made you feel guilty. He did offer his jacket, after all. He brushed it off saying that he had another one under, but you could tell it was made of thinner cloth and it wouldn't be able to keep him warm.
At that moment, you latched onto his arm, hugging it close. He flinched and half-heartedly tried to push you off.
"I-Idiot! What the hell do you think your doing?!"
"Relax. You gave me your jacket so this is the least I can do."
It wasn't exactly a walk in the park for you, either. You were blushing, and he could even feel your rapid heart beat against his arm as you held it close to your chest. Shoto whatched you two and glared daggers at Katsuki, who of course had to rile him up more and smirk. Shoto growled and then latched himself onto your other arm.
You were completely unaware of the silent battle going on between the two boys, so as Shoto grabbed your arm, you flinched.
"Eh? Oh, wait, don't tell me you're cold too!" you teased with that dazzling smile. He merely nodded and Katsuki was now the one seething with anger.
You pulled both Shoto and Katsuki into you and held their arms. Suddenly, it wasn't so awkward anymore and it made you happy. Well, for you, that is.

"Katsuki, this one says it helps anger go away. Perfect for you! Maybe you do need the gods' help after all."
"Shut up before I send you to them!"
"Oh how charming."
"(Y/n), this one says it will boost your confidence."
"Hmm... Nah. I want something that can help me get stronger."
You search the stall of charms with Katsuki and Shoto, trying to find the perfect charm for the new year.
"Oh! This one says it can boost one's strength! It's perfect! I wanna get it!"
"If you think it will help you, then you should."
"Yeah, definitely! This year I'm gonna need all the luck I can get, because from now on, I'm gonna work harder!"
"Luck ain't gonna do all the work for you, twat."
"Stupid Katsuki! You always have to ruin my moments! You're a jackass!"


"Is something wrong, (y/n)?"
"Oh, well... Not really. What does yours say, Shoto?"
"Mine says I'm going to get something I really want this year."
"Eh?! I should've traded fortunes with you! What does yours say, Katsuki?"
At that moment, he blasted the paper in ashes, and clapped his hands clean, his face seeming unfazed.
"Some stupid shit about not starting fights I can't win. It was obviously rigged."
"Katsuki! You didn't have to blow it up!"
"Just shut up and tell us yours, already."
"Mines confusing. It says 'sometimes between two choices, choosing one is better than losing both'.
You scratched your head in confusion and as Katsuki and Shoto tried to comprehend what it might mean.
"Well, whatever it's trying to say, I'm sure it's telling you when that time comes to choose wisely."
"O...k. Thanks, Shoto."

<the final hour of the night>

"Only one more hour before the new year! I'm so excited!"
You and the two boys were sitting on a bench placed near a temple. The streets were lively as ever and the the night was still very much alive. There was going to be fireworks and a celebration after the countdown.
You were eating a dango, sitting between Katsuki and Shoto. There was still fifty minutes until the new year.
"Hey, let's take a picture. I wanna remember this moment forever!"
You said as you took out your phone from your bra. Before the boys could protest, you smooshed your faces all together and took as much photos as you could until they pulled away.
"Yay! Thanks guys!"
"If it makes you happy."
"Go die."
"Well, since theres still some time left before the countdown, why don't we talk about some events that happend this year. I'll go first! Shoto, do you remember when I got a marriage proposal from someone twenty years older than me?"
He shuddered.
"Don't remind me."
"That's fucking disgusting."
"Yup, it's true. My father didn't even bother telling me about it. The only way I found out was when he left the person's file on the dinner table. And to be honest, he wasn't that bad looking."
"You're disgusting."
"Shut up, Katsuki! What about you, Shoto?"
"Well, if I had to name one, it would be the time you walked into my shower-"
You nearly leaped on him when you tried to cover his mouth. Yes, there was a time you walked into him showering when you forgot your panties in there. Ever since then, you refused to bring it up ever in your life. But of course Shoto always found a way to remind you about it.
"Eheh... Let's move on. Katsuki, anything you wanna bring up?"
"Tossing your weak ass was bliss."
"Grrr... Of course you would say something like that. Anyway, while I'm at it, we can't forget the USJ attack. I spent the whole time hiding in a bush until All Might came. That's an event I'll never forget."
"And speaking of, the attack at camp was...horrible. I actually thought I was going to die. Finding out Midoriya got hurt was awful, but finding out you were kidna-"
"Don't even fucking say it, (y/n)."
"I can't help it! When I found out they managed to take you, I cried everyday until you came back. Shoto even had to stay with me to make sure I wouldn't do anything reckless, didn't you?"
"It's true."
"Hmph! You didn't even let me come with you to rescue him! Although, you did keep your promise...about bringing him back."
Katsuki's eyes perked up at Shoto.

So that's why you were in on it...

"And now your back by my side, where you belong!"
You pinched his cheeks until he swatted your hand away, making you chuckle.
"Wow. Once you really think about it, so much has happend over the span of one year. All Might is gone, UA got attacked twice, Katsuki was kidnapped, but we also met a lot of new people... Really, quite a bit did happen. It's kinda scary."
"... Stuff like this happens every day, (y/n). You're just now realizing it because you're part of UA," Shoto explains when he saw you frown. Katsuki noticed as well.
"Tch. Things are just starting. This is only the beginning."
"Haha. I guess your right. It's just a lot to take in. Sigh..."



"Look at the sky. There aren't any stars out in winter, are there?" you mumbled.
"Duh. There's so much fog."
"I know, I know..."
You leaned onto Shoto's shoulder, "Once my birthday comes to pass, spring is going to roll around before we know it. Pretty soon the Sakura trees will start blooming again."
"That's not happening until a long time, idiot."
"You can never be sure with how fast time flies by these days..."
Shoto noticed how your voice started to sound drained and your body heat was warming up.
"Are you getting tired, (y/n)?" he asked.
"A little bit. After all it's..." you checked your phone, "12:41. It's way past my bedtime."
"Tch. Who the hell gets tired on new years?"
"I'm not surprised. It's like this every year. I always had to keep you up because you would get upset if you missed the countdown."
"Heehee... Your right."
You lifted your head from Shoto's shoulder and stood up from the bench. You stretched your arm's, earning a loud moan from you, and then turned to them.
"Why don't we head to the square where they're holding the countdown. I should probably start moving again so I'm not too sleepy."
You all walked to the square, where people were already waiting. Even after coming fifteen minutes early, the square was full of people and it was kind of crowded.
"Wow, look at all these people. This is going to be one loud countdown. Why don't we get some drinks to kill time."
"We're already here, so I'll just go get you something. Wait here."
"Aww, thank you, Shoto! Get me some cider!"
As he left to get you some juice, you and Katsuki were left alone once again.

Finally! I thought the bastard would never leave.

"Well, the countdown is gonna start pretty soon! I can feel myself getting excited all over again!"
"Uh huh. Yo, (Y/n)."

It's a little early, but it might be my only chance.

"Yeah, what's u-"

It was at that moment I realized just how soft and gentle Katsuki's kiss was...

I don't really put in events that happend in the actual anime like the USJ attack and the Kidnapping of Katsuki because I don't like putting in spoilers.

W/C: 2613
I'm out of fucking drafts..

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