erised ˚↠ yandere hp


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COVER ART BY: Iris Eveland (A good friend of mine in Facebook) Please follow her socials as well! She deserve... Еще

「Before It Begins」
I - I : 「The Deal and the Beginning」
I - III: 「A Close Call」
I - IV: 「The Flying Incident」
I - V: 「The First Song」
I - VI: 「A Challenge of Envy」
I - VII:「Unforseen Knowledge」
I - VIII:「Eyes That Lie」
I - IX:「The Memory Lane」
I - X:「Trolls and Pillow Forts」
I - XI:「A Quidditch Player's Friend」
I - XII:「The Second Song」
I - XIII:「Desires of Change」
I - XIV:「The Cracks That Begin To Form」
I - XV (1):「A Stroll in the Forbidden Forest」
I - XV (2):「A Stroll in the Forbidden Forest」
I - XVI:「The Calm Before the Storm」
I - XVII:「Into the Trapdoor of Tests」
I - XVIII:「The End of the Beginning」
「Epilogue I」
»»----- ♡ -----««
「Before It Begins II」
II - XVIX:「An Unknown Childhood」
II - XVIX:「Columbines and Purple Hyacinths」
II - XX:「The Boy Across The Street」
II - XXI:「To The Malfoy Manor」
II - XXII:「The Promise We Made」
II - XXIII:「A Diary's Plan」
II - XXIV:「Our Return」

I - II: 「A Disastrous Night」

11.1K 377 459

You are mine.
No one, except me, can have you.

»»----- ♡ -----««

"Hey," I heard Alem call out as soon as I walked out of the train.

I managed to squeeze myself within the multitude of students that were passing me by and eventually, I reached Alem who stood completely still even though a bunch of students bumped him while they passed by.

I noticed him eyeing me up and down, humming softly to himself.

"...Can you stop that; you're creeping me out." I groaned, grasping my bag tighter. Alem rolled his eyes and took my hand, leading me through the bustling crowd of students.

"It looks great on you." I smirk to myself once I heard Alem say that.

"Are you trying to flirt with your brother/sister, Alem?" I tease, letting my smirk grow wide as Alem turned around with a large blush tinting his seemingly pale cheeks.

"It's not like that! It's just..." His words started to become like a mumble but it's loud enough for me to hear despite all of the loud bickering and footsteps of every student.

"First years, over here!" A gruff and loud voice interrupted our conversation. We look further into a distance and saw a huge man with a bushy mustache, waving.

"That's our cue." Alem breathed out before he continued to drag me through the crowd, only more harsh and his pacing became faster.

"Woah, s-slow down, Alem!" I started to pant and tried to keep my bag falling from my shoulders.

After a while of being pushed around and being dragged around, we were finally able to reach our destination. We were told to take a boat and so we did.

I sat down at the rocky boat and placed my bag on my lap, making it act as a makeshift pillow. The boat rocked once more when Alem sat next to me and placed his bag on his lap as well.

Sitting across from us was a boy who had messy raven hair and large round glasses. Though it isn't very clear, he also had crystal clear green eyes.

It's sort of fascinating, to say the least.

Next to him was also a boy who had slightly curly red hair and freckles on his face. I can't deny that he was sort of cute.

A tsunami of thoughts began to wash inside my head as I frantically tried to decide if I should introduce myself or just not say anything.

Wait, what if they're going to dislike me?

No, I'm just overreacting but still, that might happen!

Wait wait, try to say 'hello', (Y/N).

No, wait, should I introduce myself first or--

"Hi, my name's Alem Rosewood." Alem extended his hand out for the two to shake with a gentle smile gracing over his lips.

Well, he saved me from overthinking about this stuff...

The raven haired boy and the redhead looked at each other for a moment before the raven haired boy leaned in and shook his hand for a while.

"Harry Potter." He said before retracting his hand. Alem choked to nothing as he looked at the Potter boy with disbelief.

"H-Harry Potter, as in, the Harry Potter!?" My brother exclaimed while I just looked at the Potter boy curiously.

Where have I heard that name before? I tapped my chin, trying to think.

"U-Um... yes?" The Potter boy said, quite unsure of his answer. Alem gasped loudly then grasped my hand to snap me out of my thoughts.

"Sis/bro, it's Harry Potter! As in, the actual Harry Potter!" His loud voice almost made me jump out of the boat and I had to rub both of my ears to recover from Alem's loud shout.

In the corner of my eye, I can see the Potter boy just looking at us nervously while the redhead just looked at us with amusement.

"Alem, calm down; you sound like a diehard fangirl. Also, who's Harry Potter and why is he such a big deal to you?" I groan, gently pulling my hand away from Alem's.


"Wait, wait, wait, wait..." My brother backed away from me, raising both of his hands in the air.

"You... don't know who Harry Potter is?" Alem stared at me with disbelief. Even the redhead kid. I nodded, replying to Alem's question with a poker face.

"The name's familiar but I don't know him." I shrug, looking over at the Potter boy.

"Is that supposed to be you?" The Potter boy nodded slowly at my question.

"You've been raving on about meeting Harry Potter here at Hogwarts and you say that you've forgotten about him!?" Alem grabbed hold of my shoulders and shook me back and forth, making me dizzy. I slightly blushed at Alem's words.

"H-Have I?" I managed to squeak out despite the constant shaking of my shoulders. Eventually, Alem stopped shaking me and looked at me with concern.

He was about to open his mouth to speak but immediately closed it, giving me one final glance before facing the redhead and the Potter boy.

"Sorry about that. Anyway," Alem apologized briefly and looked over at the redhead.

"I believe that you haven't told us your name yet." My brother gently smiled. The redhead pursed his lips for a moment before introducing himself.

"Ron Weasley..." After Weasley boy told us his name, he glanced over to me, who was looking back at him with confusion.

"And I believe they haven't told their's either." I slightly jumped at my seat and silently apologized before giving the Potter boy and the Weasley boy a strained smile.

"(Y-Y/N)... Rose..wood...?" My words trailed off, wondering if I got Alem's-- I mean, our surname right. If Alem's my brother then I'm pretty sure I have the same surname as he does.

"...Pleasure." Weasley boy nodded slowly before giving me a look of discomfort.

Oh boy, looks like I've already made someone uncomfortable on the first day.

And we're not even inside the school yet.

No one dared to say a word as the boat kept floating towards an ominous building that resembles that of a large castle.

Multiple boats were also floating around and almost everyone seems to have fun.

Except probably that one seemingly chubby kid who almost tripped himself down to the water.

And this boat.

I glance over at Alem who has his eyes narrowed and his eyebrows furrowed angrily. He was looking at someone and I look over to where he was looking.

In another boat, there was a pale skinned boy with platinum blonde hair that was slicked back. I hold back a chuckle once I started to wonder how much gel he had to use.


I look back at Alem who still keeps his eyes on that gel kid.

Why is he angry at him?
Did that kid do something to Alem?

I shrug and buried my face deeper behind my back, knowing that I wouldn't know the answer even if I tried.

Curse me for losing my memory.

The boat halted to a stop and everyone started to walk towards the castle. Standing in front of the large doors was an old lady who had a very intimidating aura around her.

Even though she looks old, her head was held high as she examined every single one of us like a predator choosing for its next prey.

A teacher, maybe?

I inched closer towards Alem and held his hand tightly. He was standing right beside Potter boy and Weasley boy, who had worried and concerned looks written all over their faces.

Alem looked at our interlinked hands and at me. He didn't say anything and just looked back at the teacher.

"Good evening, students. I am Professor McGonagall, deputy headmistress of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." As soon as those words left Professor McGonagall's mouth, I started to choke on my spit, interrupting her speech.

All of the students and Professor McGonagall looked at me with eyebrows raised.

"E-Excuse me, did... did you just say Witchcraft and Wizardry?" I ask, almost wanting to feel like I want to just curl up into a ball and shrink for eternity while waiting for my demise for doing such an embarrassing action.

"Yes, you heard right. Did I say something wrong?" Professor McGonagall asked, shooting glares towards me while I frantically shook my head and waved my hands around.

"N-No, Professor... I... It was nothing at all..." The rest of the students started to giggle and snicker at me, making my grip on Alem's hand become tight as I looked down to the ground with a heavy blush of shame.

Professor McGonagall stayed silent for a moment before opening her mouth to speak once more.

"Before you enter, I would like to adress first that each and everyone of you will be sorted out and divided into four houses; Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. During your time here at Hogwarts, your house will be just like your family. Any form of wrongdoings will cause you to lose points for your house but do well on your studies and you will earn points for your house." Professor McGonagall stated while I just formed a thin line on my mouth considering that I finally understood something for once.

"All points that your house have earned will be tallied--"

"Trevor!" A voice interrupted Professor McGonagall's speech once more and that chubby kid who I saw earlier took a hold of a toad that was sitting right in front of the Professor.

The boy looked up and saw Professor McGonagall looking down at him with a hardcore death glare. With a strained smile, he crawled back inside the crowd of first years.

I openly cringe at how he was able to hold a toad.

I'm not scared of them, just mildly disgusted.

" the end of the school year. The house that earns the most points will win the House Cup." The Professor continued as if nothing happened before turning around, her robe fluttering into the air for a short while as she did so.

"Please wait here for a moment." After that, Professor McGonagall walked back inside, leaving the rest of us to start chattering just until she comes back.

"Gee, wasn't she so scary..." I mumbled, looking back at Alem with my face scrunched up in discomfort.

"So it's true then, what they're saying on the train." A voice came from behind us but I don't think it was meant for us. But, I turned around and so did Alem.

I noticed his hand gripping mine tightly as he saw who it was. I silently wince but didn't say anything about it.

It was that platinum blonde haired gel kid that was on the boat earlier.

Behind him were two short boys, kind of acting like a bodyguard. I roll my eyes at this.

"The famous Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts." The gel kid said, smirking at Harry.

Okay, now I understand why Alem dislikes this kid.

"This is Crabbe, this is Goyle" He introduced his two lackeys standing behind him, having the same annoying smirk that he has.

"And I'm Malfoy," He said, walking over to Potter boy.

"Draco Malfoy." He finally said his full name and I had the urge to laugh but I had to put my hand over my mouth to stifle my chuckles.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Weasley boy doing the same thing.

Malfoy shot Weasley kid and I a glare.

"You think my name's funny, do you? I don't need to know yours; red hair, hand-me-down robes?" Malfoy kid scoffed before continuing.

"You must be a Weasley." The Weasley boy's face turned red in anger while Malfoy kid looked at me and scoffed once more.

"And what do we have here; the infamous Rosewood twins?" Malfoy kid smirks while I just cocked my head to the side, confused.

"I see that you're still dumb as ever. Well, that's what you get when you associate yourselves with muggles." Just as Alem was about to pounce Malfoy kid to the ground, I opened my mouth to speak.

"I think we both know who's the dumb one between the two of us, gel kid." The crowd that was watching the entire scene was trying to stifle their laughs as soon as I finished talking to the Malfoy kid.

He narrows his eyes at me before turning back to look at Harry.

"You'll find that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter." Malfoy says, smirking once more at the raven haired boy.

"You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort." He shot us and Weasley another glare and I was immediately offended. I think Weasley boy was too.

"I can help you there." He turns his eyes back to Harry and extends his hand out for him to shake but all Harry did was to look at the hand for a short while before looking back at Malfoy kid.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Harry brushes Malfoy kid's hand away from him with his own.

"Must be embarrassing to be rejected by the Boy who Lived, eh?" I wiggled my eyebrows as Alem looked at me with disbelief.

Malfoy kid clicked his tongue before walking away with his two croonies, obviously embarrassed that Harry rejected him.

"...I thought you said that you don't know who Harry Potter is..." Alem's voice was low while looking at me intently.

"...Uh what?"

"You just called him 'The Boy Who Lived'."

"Yeah, so?"

"It's-- ugh, nevermind..." Alem grumbled under his breath while I kept looking at him curiously. What does calling Harry by 'The Boy Who Lived' has to do with knowing him?

Suddenly, McGonagall came out of the large doors but didn't fully come out.

"Please follow me for the sorting." The large doors opened which caused me to take my entire breath away.

The interior is larger than I expected and everything just feels so surreal. I can't believe that I'm attending a school for doing magic stuff.

Just a while ago, I was attending a normal school with a bunch of math equations.


Wait, how do I know that?

"What house do you want to be sorted in, (Y/N)?" I jumped once I heard Alem's voice snapping me back to reality.

Behind him was Potter and Weasley talking to each other, possibly about the houses.

"Uh... I don't know... Whichever's cool I guess..." I rub my forearm, looking to the side.

"...Didn't you always say that you've always wanted to be sorted into Ravenclaw?" Alem narrows his eyes at me, crossing his arms at the proccess.

"Did I?" I look back at him, my eyebrow raised. Alem sighs as he loosened his arms.

"I hope that this isn't true but did you lose your memory or something?"

"I... think so. I wasn't even able to remember this school or you or anything that I'm supposed to remember. It's really... weird." As soon as those words spilled out of my mouth, another set of large doors opened which took another set of my breath away.

Multiple candles floated around the ceiling and the ceiling wasn't even like a ceiling. It was foggy but it greatly resembled like the night sky as multiple white twinkling things were around it.

I think it was supposed to be like stars but still, it's very beautiful.

Four long and large tables were placed across the hall and they were full of students that were obviously older than us.

At the very front of the hall sat the other professors.

At least I think they are professors.

One was wearing a turban and he seemed very meek and shy, one was stone faced as if he was so done with everything that happened in life.

I looked away, having enough of observing everything in the hall.

"Well, what house do you want to be sorted in?" I ask Alem, who was sweatdropping. He would be lying if he said that he isn't nervous about this sorting thing.

"...Gryffindor." He replied then looked at me with a small smile.

"Also, don't worry about it. I'm sure your memories will return back to you later or maybe tomorrow." He turned around but the smile disappeared from his face.

"But, it's strange; I mean, you just lost your memory all of a sudden... No explanations as to why. I thought that you were just playing with me but," A sigh escaped his lips.

"Anyway, I'll do the best as I can to help you regain your memories. Also, I won't tell Mom anything about you losing your memories. If I did then she'd freak out."

I chuckle and ruffled his (H/C) hair.

"Thanks, bro! I'm counting on you!" Alem yelped and tried to pry my hands away from his hair. Surprisingly, it had a soft texture.

"Keep your hands off of my hair, (Y/N)!"

»»----- ♡ -----««

Harry and Ron watched the entire scene happening right in front of them.

"Do you think that those two are always like this?" Ron sweatdropped as Alem bit on (Y/N)'s hand like an angry little puppy.

The (H/C) haired boy/girl was the one to yelp this time while pushing Alem away from their hand.

"I think so but it doesn't look like they were that close when we were with them on the boat." Harry shrugged but remembered (Y/N)'s bizzare first impression.

They were all stuttering and acted like they don't know a single thing that's currently happening yet here they are, fighting for their lives and causing loud noises.

As if the bustling noises of every first years aren't noisy enough.

They even managed to make Ron uncomfortable. But, what got Harry intrigued was the fact that they don't even know who he is.

Almost everyone who met him knows who he is but they were different.

"Hey, what do you think of them?" Harry look over at Ron as he silently gestured towards (Y/N). Harry's red haired friend cringed slightly and sighed afterwards.

"Well, they're pretty weird and I don't mean like normal kind of weird. Like, very weird. They don't even know that you exist." Ron stuffed another candy down to their mouth while telling Harry what he thinks about (Y/N).

"I'm okay with them not knowing who I am. It's way better actually. But, yeah, they are pretty weird." He shrugs, watching the Rosewood twins continue to bite each other's faces off.

"Hey, if she asked you to be their--" Harry was cut off as Ron already knew what he was going to ask.

The Weasley almost spat the candy out of his mouth but thankfully, he didn't.

"What, are you kidding? No way! I'd rather be with that Granger girl rather than be with them!" Ron looked offended but Harry only laughed, brushing his question off as a joke.

The two stole one last glance at the Rosewood twins before sighing.

It would've been fine if it was Alem but (Y/N) is...

They really didn't make a good first impression, did they?

Well, they have no choice anyway. The story has to continue after all.

After a while, Professor McGonagall entered the Great Hall with a worn down hat held within her hands.

Multiple patches were stitched around the hat, indicating that it had been ripped once or twice in some occassion.

The first years grew silent and soon, the entire hall became silent as Professor McGonagall placed the Sorting Hat down a stool.

After a while, the hat itself broke into a song. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as they didn't expect a hat to just sing but then again, this is a school that has 'witchcraft' and 'wizardry' in its name.

What else did they expect?

Oh you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers back,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.

There's nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can't see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin,
You'll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don't be afraid!
And don't get in a flap!
You're in safe hands (though I have none)
For I'm a Thinking Cap!

As the song finally ended, everyone clapped their hands, even Alem. Harry and Ron gave off a large sigh of relief to which (Y/N) heard.

"So, they were just going to place the hat on our heads to sort us out!" Harry chuckled, relieved that he doesn't need to do any magic stuff to be sorted since he practically doesn't even know how to do magic yet.

The hat sung every single traits that each houses had which caused them to wonder why they wanted to be in Ravenclaw. Something deep in their gut told them that they weren't all that smart and resourceful.

They thought that they'd fit in with Slytherin well but knowing the negative popularity of the house slightly discouraged the (H/C) haired boy/girl since they'd probably get looked down upon.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, looking at the palm of their hands.

How were they able to know that Slytherin wasn't all that liked in Hogwarts?

A small spark of hope coursed through their entire body as a smile unknowingly crept up to their lips. Maybe their memories are coming back.

If they keep this up then they'll probably have all of their memories back by tomorrow.

"I'll get back on Fred and George later for telling me that we'll have to fight trolls to get sorted." The Weasley grumbled angrily, glancing over at the Gryffindor table to see if he could catch the twins' teasing looks.

(Y/N) shuddered at the thought of having to fight magical creatures on their first day at school.

They don't even know how to do magic yet-- or, to be more precise, they don't even remember how to do magic.

Professor McGonagall then rolls out a parchment that contained the names of each first year students' names.

"Once I call your name, please step to the front." She stated before glancing down at the parchment to read the first name.

"Hannah Abott." As soon as the first name left Professor McGonagall's lips, a short girl with small pigtails walked up to the front and sat on the stool after Professor McGonagall removed the hat from the stool and placed it above Hannah's head.

The hat moved, thinking deeply for a moment while Hannah looked up to the hat in amazement and wonder.

It almost seemed like the hat and Hannah were talking telepathically. "Hufflepuff!" The hat roared out as the Hufflepuff table cheered loudly for their new member.

Professor McGonagall removed the hat from her head as Hannah dashed towards the Hufflepuff table.

The same procedure went for a few minutes later and (Y/N) grew more and more nervous as time keeps ticking by.

Soon enough, Professor McGonagall will call out for their name and a bunch of people will have to look at them, maybe some will even talk about how they looks like or maybe even how short they were.

Maybe that's just their social anxiety talking to them.

"Hermione Granger." (Y/N) just noticed a girl who had an extremely curly hair with the color of brown.

They thought that they looked pretty even with their looks that could definitely kill someone.

Hermione mumbled something under her breath before walking up to the front and sat down the stool as Professor McGonagall placed the hat on their head.

"Gryffindor!" It didn't really take her all that much time to get sorted. With a beaming smile, Hermione walked towards the cheering Gryffindor table.


"Neville Longbottom." Neville, whom (Y/N) recognized earlier, clumsily walked up to the front and sat down.

The hat thought deeply for a moment and it seemed like eternity passed by until, "Gryffindor!" The hat shouted.

Neville's face paled as he pursed his lips and walked hesitantly towards the Gryffindor table, who welcomed him with open arms.

He obviously didn't expect himself to be in Gryffindor.

"Draco Malfoy." (Y/N) and Alem openly scrunched their face in total discomfort at the mention of the name to which Draco had noticed and sneered at the Rosewood twins.

Harry and Ron glanced over at the two and chuckled slightly at the look of their faces. Draco sat down the stool and before Professor McGonagall could even fully place the hat on his head, the hat already shouted out. "Slytherin!"

"Well, figures. No Malfoy had ever been sorted anywhere else except Slytherin." Alem shrugged as Draco walked towards the Slytherin table with his head held high and a wide smirk apparent on his lips.

(Y/N) rolled their eyes at the huge ego that Draco carried on his shoulders and how they wanted to wipe that smirk away from his face.

"Harry Potter." The room grew silent and whispers could be heard around the Great Hall as Harry's name was called.

(Y/N) just put up a deadpanned look since they didn't really care much for Harry's popularity considering that they forgot who Harry even is.

(Y/N) caught a glimpse of Dumbledore shuffling slightly in his seat as Harry walked up to the front and this caused them to raise one of their eyebrows in curiosity.

The raven haired boy slowly walked up to the front and sat on the stool. Professor McGonagall placed the hat on his head.

Harry mumbled something repetitively under his breath but it was inaudible so (Y/N) didn't understand anything that he was saying.

"Gryffindor!" After what seemed to be like an eternity, the hat shouted out and Harry grinned happily, running towards the Gryffindor table who had loud cheers that can shake the entire Great Hall to the ground.

(Y/N) thought that the Gryffindors were happy to have such a famous figure in their house.

Few sortings happened here and there until,

"Alem Rosewood." They looked over at their shaking brother and smirked, patting their back as a sign of reassurance.

Alem glanced over at their older brother/sister and shot them a glare before walking up to the front.

As the hat was placed down on his head, Alem tried to compose himself by taking small deep breaths.

"Slytherin!" The hat shouted and Alem had a look of disbelief as he looked at (Y/N) who had their mouth hung agape at the Sorting Hat's decision to sort Alem in the Slytherin house.

Alem, knowing that he can't do anything, went to the Slytherin table who welcomed him.

The (H/C) haired boy sent the Slytherins a strained smile and avoided Draco as much as possible.

"It's a pleasure to be in the same house as you, Rosewood." Draco smirked at the uncomfortable Alem.

He knew that he can't make a horrible first impression to the rest of his new peers so instead of sending him a glare, Alem grinned forcefully.

"The pleasure's all mine, Malfoy." Alem spoke through gritted teeth as he sat down across Draco.

"(Y/N) Rosewood." (Y/N) internally hyperventilated and internally screamed, putting up a forced smile as they walked up to the front and sat down.

Professor McGonagall placed the hat on their head and (Y/N) definitely didn't expect a voice to come out of the hat once it was placed on their head.

"Ah, another Rosewood, I see... But, you're slightly different from your parents and your brother... You definitely outsmart your brother and I can tell that you're an intelligent individual however... Ravenclaw? No, that's not it..." (Y/N) pursed their lips, looking at Alem who was snickering at how they looked so uncomfortable.

The (H/C) haired girl/boy glared at their brother and promised to kill them after the sorting was done.

"You hesitate in every single thing that could endager in life and would rather not take the risk unless you really need to. However, you do have a soft heart and wish to help those who need it but placing you in Hufflepuff would be... No... There's this inner desire that drives you to do anything you need to do to get what you want, surpassing your hesitation in taking risks... Hm, interesting. A troublemaker and an aggressive one at times, eh?" (Y/N) felt the urge to take the hat off since it's basically listing every traits that they considered to be quite embarrassing.

I mean, it's not everyday you experience a talking hat to tell you that you have such traits.

"If that's what it is then..."

"Slytherin!" The hat shouted and Alem's look of discomfort loosened once he saw (Y/N) looking at him with a smile.

As Professor McGonagall removed the hat, (Y/N) walked over to the Slytherin table and they were immediately greeted by other Slytherins who welcomed them with a smile.

(Y/N) greeted them back and sat next to Alem.

"Well, I guess this is better than nothing, right?" (Y/N) grinned and Alem lightly smacked their forearm, causing them to look at their brother with an offended look and their grin disappeared from their face.

"Hey, what was that for!?" They exclaim, pouting in the process.

"Nothing, I just wanted to do it." Alem grinned back at his sister/brother but (Y/N) grumbled, looking away from their brother.

"Am I watching two siblings acting lovey dovey to each other?" Draco smirked, obviously teasing the two Rosewood twins. Alem huffed in anger, turning away from (Y/N).

(Y/N) turned to look at Draco with a deadpanned look.

"Mind your own business, gel kid." The Slytherins who heard (Y/N) let out a chuckle but Draco definitely didn't.

Instead, a look of fury and anger was written all over his face.

"My father will hear about this!" Draco attempted to threat (Y/N) but all that he recieved was a scoff as a smirk made its way to their lips.

"Running to your daddy when nothing goes your way? My, how much of a kid can you get, Malfoy?" The chuckles eventually turned into lighthearted laughs and Alem even managed to crack a smirk at his older sibling's horrible comebacks.

Draco, red faced and teeth gritted, turned away from (Y/N).

Does he seriously have to deal with that kind of person throughout his entire year here at Hogwarts?

Unfortunately yes, Draco.

The platinum blonde haired boy shot his head up and looked around in a frantic state. He just heard someone talking to him. Their voice wasn't all that distant but not close either.

He turned towards Crabbe, who sat beside him, with narrowed eyes.

"Did you just say something?" Draco sneered and Crabbe immediately shook his head.

"I didn't say anything!" Though unsure, Draco bought it anyway and turned towards Goyle. The boy also shook his head.

"I didn't say anything either!"

With a huff, Draco looked away from the two and his eyes landed upon a figure standing just beside Dumbledore.

Although they were standing right beside Dumbledore, it seems that even he didn't notice the mysterious figure standing right beside him and frankly, no one really noticed them except Draco.

The figure buried their hands inside their orange hoodie as an all knowing smile crept up on their lips.

The boy squinted his eyes to try and get a closer look at the figure but when he blinked, they were gone.

Its as if no one was standing right beside Dumbledore the whole time.

It's as if he just imagined the whole scenario.

"What just happened...?" He mumbled to himself as he turned to look at the Rosewood twins just to see what they're doing right now.

But, what he saw caused him to grow even more confused as (Y/N) also looked at the same direction where Draco once looked but only with a horrified expression written all over their face.

»»----- ♡ -----««

Memories came flooding into my mind as I saw that figure who stood beside Dumbledore with a smile on their face.

All I remembered was their hand extending out towards mine and I shook it then fell to the ground with a thud.

I immediately looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw Harry laughing along with Ron and Hermione.

I have seen them before, I have known them before but I just don't know where.

This place, this entire scenario with the Sorting gave me a strong sense of deja vu and it felt like there was something missing... something that I need to do before the school year ends.

But, what was it?

A chill ran down my spine as I tried to remember.

It's like, my body doesn't even want to remember what it was yet there was something deep inside me that urges me to do it to avoid certain consequences.

A familiar surge of pain flashed through my eyes and in instinct, I held my head and groaned in pain.

Alem immediately noticed this and leaned closer for my aid.

"(Y/N), what's wrong?" He held my shoulder for support as I suddenly felt dizzy. My breaths became shallow and slow as seconds keep passing by.

I heard Alem gasp loudly, with his eyes growing wide as well.

"(Y-Y/N), your... your eyes..." His voice wobbled slightly as he shakily points his finger towards my eyes. I looked at him curiously even though I maintained my strained and painful expression.

"They're red..."

»»----- ♡ -----««

They grin wickedly while taking the lollipop out of their mouth, creating a soft 'pop' sound.

"Be careful, (Y/N)." They place the lollipop back inside their mouth to savor the sweet flavor of the candy even more as they stood up from a rooftop that had the perfect view of the Great Hall.

In the Slytherin table, (Y/N) fainted in Alem's arms, which caused a great commotion in the table as Alem excused himself and (Y/N) from the hall.

The head of Slytherin, Severus Snape, followed the Rosewood twins out of the hall and towards the Infirmary.

They shoved their hands inside the pockets of their hoodie as they turned around.

"The longer you wait, the more powerful it becomes." Snickering, they take a step out of the roof and fell down with their strawberry blonde hair flowing through the wind.

Just as the ground was about to meet their face, a thick gust of wind enveloped their entire body before they disappeared on sight.

»»----- ♡ -----««

The truth is incontrovertible.
Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it,
But in the end, there it is.

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