Finder (Katsuki Bakugo X Shot...

By guccierez_831

393K 13.3K 9.9K

After starting U.A., you catch the eye of Katsuki Bakugo, who seems to be utterly intrested in you. However... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
The Meeting
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Hello, how are you? (P.1)
Part 28
Part 29
Hello, how are you? (P.2)
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Hello, how are you? (P.3)
Part 36
Hello, how are you (P.4)
Part 37
Part 38

Part 10

12.4K 404 443
By guccierez_831

"Pleeeaaassse? Don't be unfair Shoto!"
"Sorry, (y/n). But I don't want him marrying you."
Arguing with Shoto was like arguing with your mother. No matter how good your points were or how mad you got, he would always win. Especially when it came to you and marriage. Unless he, of course, gave into you.
You sighed and gave up.
"This sucks. And he was really cute, too."
"Did you think he was cuter than me?" ge said in an attempt to lighten the moodl, working somewhat.
"Nobody is cuter than you, Shoto."
"I'm not letting some cretin outlook me."
You smiled. "You're weird."
You were in the halls to class with him, talking about nonsense. You walked into the classroom and made eye contact with the one and only Katsuki. You recalled how he asked you to spar with him the other day. After school. Today.
You shuddered.
There was probably a good chance you wouldn't come back home alive. You could tell by the menacing glimpse he gave you right there, the two of you shared the same thought at that second. The sparring session after school. Or at least, that's what you thought he was thinking about.

Katsuki had lately been thinking about you. How you live your life after school, how you got into U.A, your quirk, your personality...and how he lets you do whatever you want to him. Just yesterday after your meeting, you decided to call him for no apparent reason. The second he saw your contact name on his phone, which he had you as "stupid", he answered it immediately like no tomorrow.

~~(yesterdays call)~~~

"What, dumbass?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, did I call you at be-a-cunt 'o clock? I'll call back later."

No! The hell?!

"No!... You already wasted my time since called me, I'm mean, so you might as well stay."
"Really? Cool!"
"Mm. What the fuck you want?"
"Hmmm...what DO I want? I guess I'm just bored."
"You're a hoe." he spat, laying down on his bed with his hand behind his head in an elbow up pose, as the other held his phone.
"You know what? I feel so much better talking to you on the phone than in person."
"Huh? Why?"
"I don't feel a giant knot talking to you now than what I do at school."
"I thought so too. No, I KNOW I'm not scared if you. I'm just so used to being scared of you for so long, it might just take a while to make it go away completely."
"I'm not even that scary, loser. Your just a giant weakling."
"Yes, you are. But you make up for it by having sweet moments."
He let his chest fly for a bit, letting that soak in. Ew, was he smiling?
"Fuck you, (y/n)."
"I love you, too."
"Don't say stuff like that!"
"I was joking, Katsuki."
"You're not funny. And stop calling me that."
"What? Katsuki?"
"Stop it. We aren't that close, and never will be."
"But I want to call you that. I really like your name. It suits you."
"T-Too bad."
"Did you just stutter? That's so manly."
"Fuck off."
"You're so funny, Katsuki."
"I said know what? Fuck it. I give up. Call me whatever the fuck you want."
"Really?! Yay, that was easy! Now, you should start calling me (y/n)-chan."
"Absolutely not. We aren't some damn couple."
"Ok, then just call me (y/n)."
"...That's not any better. But, fuck it.."
"Yay! Now we're besties."
"How the hell do I end up giving into your stupid ideas? We are not friends."
"Because you love me."
"I would rather marry useless Deku."
"You really are a funny boy."

~~~(back to present time)~~~

"G-Good morning, Katsuki."
It took a bit of courage to sit in your seat. You were thinking of running, running back saftey, home and pretend you were sick. But it would've been in vain being that he already saw you walk in. And looking quite healthy at that.
"Hm. You better be prepared after school. I never pull any punches"
"Yes, yes. I even brought my katana."

(Time skip to end of school)

"Please go easy on me."
"Stop being a pussy!"
Katsuki got into a fighting position, while you slowly lifted off the ground of the courtyard that was used on the first day of school. Your katana would stay sheathed, and you would try to evade his attacks as much as possible.
He lunged right at you, not giving you much time to react. You dodged to your right, and you tried to speed up to his back to kick him. But it was predictable, you ended up getting blown downward. It hurt and as a result, you fell to the floor, but you had no choice but to get back up and off the ground. Katsuki, however, knew if you got up you would get off the ground and start flying again, in better speed. Before that happened, he grabbed your ankle and flung your entire body, crashing to a nearby tree. You dropped your katana, it landing far away from your reach. After the harsh contact with the bark of the trunk, you fell to the dirt once again in a wheezing fit. You coughed and coughed, coughed up fluids and rested your head on the dirt with the rest of your body. It hurt. And he was heading your way for more.

I've had enough... I think I'm done...

"Katsuki! It hurts...I give up!"
"Haah?! We just started!" he yelled in response, halting in his tracks right in front of your bruised up figure.
"I know...but I can't go on. You're too strong..."
"Tch! How the hell did you even manage to get into U.A like this?"
"I told you before..."
"Hell no! Get up, (y/n)!"
He knelt down, yelling at your ear as if it would get you up and walking again.
You layed there not saying a word. Your skin was scratched from rolling on the floor, and your ribs were sore from the hard impact of the tree. He was too strong. And you were so fragile. This was only the start of what he can do, you didn't stand a chance. How the hell were you so utterly, helplessly weak?
"Katsuki...please... Let me rest, my body hurts!"
"... You're a fucking weakling."
You sat up, wiping off the dirt on your shirt. You looked away from him so he wouldn't see your shameful face. You were so embarrassed. You felt so helpless. So useless. And weak. This was just one sparring match and you felt as though you lost the Olympics. You finally stood up and dusted off your legs.
"I want to go home now. Will you take me there?"
"Tsk. Dumbass."

He walked you home, but the only sound between you two was the passing by cars on the road. Just like the first time. You were thinking about the match. How weak you were. How you couldn't even last a minute against him, how big the gap between you was. How you pleaded to give up. So pathetic, pathetic, pathetic.

What am I even doing here?...

"Katsuki... I really am weak, aren't I?"you barely spoke in a mumble, however grabbing his attention nonetheless.
"You're the weakest girl I've ever met. Those powers are wasted on you."
"I knew it. What am I even doing at U.A...?" your voice cracked a little, as you choked back tears. "And to think I got in as a recommendation. I'm so useless I could never be a hero."
You didn't want to cry. You didn't want to look like a crybaby, but you couldn't help it. That match was one hell of a reality check. "Maybe I should just go to a private high school and just focus on something else.."
You tried to cover your glossy eyes so he couldn't see you cry, but your subtle sniffling sounds gave you away. He sighed and tried to think if something to say.
Now he's done it. He made you cry. Now who's the dumbass?

"Listen... I...never said you couldn't improve. Just get stronger! Practice or train or something, fuck shit..."
"I're right."
"Duh. U.A is gonna teach you new tricks, and make you improve on a lot of shit. I'm only ahead because I'm better than everyone else."
"Whatever. I guess I can improve and be less useless."
"You should be happy you aren't as useless as Deku."
"He is ten times stronger than me."
"He's a quirkless nerd."
"That's not true. But...thanks for the opportunity to fight with you. Because if it, I learned something. I need to work hard and train to get stronger. I can't keep being a spoiled brat if I'm going to be a hero."
"I...didnt do anything, idiot."
He turned away to hide his pink tinted face. You smiled and continued to walk ahead.
"I think I won't be fighting with you again, though. Heheh."

Picture of beautiful Takuya Tamanaka from the oral cigarettes❤


W/c: 1547

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