So close yet so far (Prince o...

By otaku_of_the_night

67.2K 1.6K 129

Martina Jasmine at the age of 11 became the youngest ever to be ranked as number one in the world of tennis... More

Transferee from Germany
Lantern and the Truth
Melbourne Junior's
U-17 Camp
Quality Time
Marriage Interview
Photo shoot
Cleaning Day


1.4K 31 0
By otaku_of_the_night

Everyone felt how different Yukimura is. Everyone thought that after what happened Yukimura and Martina or more of Jasmine, how she preferred everyone to call her, would be in peace again but to everyone surrounding them they can feel how aloof Yukimura is and so is Jasmine. They are again sharing table but unlike the first day Yukimura and Jasmine barely spoke a word to each other making Sanada and Renji yet again looked at one another.

'What is it now Yukimura?' Sanada asked as he is getting frustrated with the way Seiichi is acting.

'Another variable I failed to consider change the course outcome.' Renji thought noting to add this to his data of Yukimura.

The next matches went well and they ranked first at the Group League. Yukimura didn't have a slip up with his emotion like the one with Germany making Tokugawa and Atobe to sight in relief.

However for the Rikkaidai Team every morning they were training with Yukimura he becomes more and more sadistic.

Everyone is being tortured and they know this is only just the beginning as Yukimura's unique way of punishing everyone is still not on show. If you're wondering what is this unique way of torturing, well that is the very creative way of in sighting the fear of each one of them.

For some reason, that even Yanagi haven't manage to figure out yet, Yukimura knows what each one of them fears and Yukimura used it to punish them when they did something not to Yukimura's liking.

On the fourth day of Yukimura's sadistic way of killing everyone they finally had enough and decided to talk to Yukimura. Quarter finals is about to begin and Yukimura is still acting like a complete 'moron' as Niou and Yagyuu to put a word to Yukimura's attitude but of course didn't way it to Yukimura's face.

Sanada who happen to lost in the draw lots, meaning he have to be the one to talk to Yukimura, found Yukimura on their room as he arrange the content of his bag. He looked up to Sanada and then return to packing. As he zip it up and looked up Yukimura saw how intent Sanada's eyes were as they look at him. Yukimura sighted.

"What is it Sanada?" Yukimura asked.

"Isn't I suppose to be the one asking you that Seiichi? What's happening to you again?" Sanada asked as he look at Yukimura's eyes.

"What do you mean Sanada?" Yukimura asked as he pick up his bag and looked at Sanada again.

"Is this has something to do with Taira?" Saanda asked that caught Yukimura by surprise but he quickly get hold of himself.

"What about her?"

"Why can't you face the fact that your jealous?" Sanada asked making Yukimura laugh. Although his laughter sent chills to Sanada.

"I already acknowledge the fact that I'm jealous Sanada. Is that all?"

"Then why are you acting this way? Why don't you just confess to her?" Sanada ask raising his voice to his captain that he completely knows that Yukimura will never forget and take it out against him one of these days. But he have to do this for Yukimura to wake up.

"What should I confess?" Yukimura asked still with his perfected smile. "There is nothing to confess."

Sanada grip his hands both on his side tight. "I never took you for a coward Yukimura."

With that Sanada left Yukimura who was left surprise about Sanada's words.

Is he really a coward? Is that how he seems right now?

Jasmine is getting annoyed at Yukimura all over again. 'Why is he ignoring me? Is it because I threw water at his face? Is it because I taunted him? I only did that because he is so frustrating to watch losing like that while he was out of his wits. It's his fault for acting like that.' Jasmine huffed again in annoyance. She never felt so annoyed all her life. How can Yukimura Seiichi make her so annoyed?

Jasmine closed her eyes as she lay in her bed. She's currently staying at their mansion in London. Their neighbor happens to be the Prince of Wales himself.

As she was about to drift to sleep a knock on the door woke her up.

"Lady Martina. Your cousin, Young Master Renji is here to see you." The maid said making Jasmine stand up from her bed and fixed her appearance.

"Let him come in." Jasmine said and the maid open the door and then enter Renji who is now looking at him. He looks so tired. Jasmine noted.

"Have a sit Renji-kun." Jasmine told Yanagi as she motioned for him to seat.

"Thank you." Renji said. Jasmine then looked at the maid who nodded and close the door behind. Not a few minutes later she came back with a serving trolley that has tea and pasties. She placed them at the table carefully and she leave Jasmine said a small thank you.

Jasmine sip from the tea then looking at Renji who did the same.

"I thought you will be busy? Shouldn't you be resting instead? Do you want me to prepare a room for you?" Jasmine asked concerned at the physical state of her cousin.

"Are the matches that though?" Jasmine asked again she's really worried of Renji's state.

Renji shooked his head. "It's not because of the matches that I look like this. It's because of Yukimura."

Jasmine suddenly felt annoyed all over again at the mention of his name. "What did he do this time?"

Jasmine is now completely aware how hard Yukimura can be to his team and sometimes to Jasmine it's over the top.

"Jasmine please talk to Yukimura. He is being a complete sadist and taking it all out on us. If this continues the rest of Rikkai Team that is here can't join the World Cup anymore." Renji said practically begging Jasmine. 

He isn't the type to beg someone but this time around he knows he have too if they still want to live till the end of the World Cup.

"I guess you're not observing like you used too because if you haven't notice Yukimura is not speaking with me." Jasmine pointed out the obvious that even Kirihara who is completely dense notice. That is how huge this rift is.

"Jasmine." Renji said. This made Jasmine sight.

"Fine. I'll try but if he still ignores me and act like a complete urgh~ it's no longer my fault." Jasmine said making Yanagi sight in relief. Hopefully this will resolve everything. Yanagi hope that at Sanada's end resulted well.

"Thank you Jasmine." Yanagi said and they talk a little more when Jasmine really notice how tired Yanagi is and asked him to sleep in one of the guest room that he did.

"Where is Yanagi?" Yukimura asked noticing that Yanagi is still not in the hotel's restaurant for their afternoon.

"I think he said something about going to Jasmine-san's house?" Akaya said making Yukimura look at him.

"Yah. He said that he will visit his cousin first." Marui said as he devour the cake in front of him.

Yukimura looked at the two then to Sanada. "Do you know where her house is?"

Sanada shook his head.

"I know where it is. I've been there a few times." Atobe said from behind making everyone turn their heads.

That is how Akaya, Marui, Fuji, Shiraishi, Kei, Atobe, Yukimura and a very reluctant Sanada found themselves inside the limousine of Atobe Keigo.

"You should guys know that the mansion of the Schwarz Family is right next to the house of the Prince of Wales. And that it's even bigger than the Buckingham palace itself." Atobe said. They all nodded their head not really quite getting what Atobe meant. Until they enter a street were no cars are going. Until they stop in front of a gigantic gate.

"Neh~ Atobe-san. Why are we in the parliament?" Marui voice what other's thoughts were.

"This isn't the Parliament. This is the mansion of the Schwarz Family here in London." Atobe said. Making all of them open their mouth to gap in astonishment.

The mansion or rather palace is far bigger than anyone of them thought. Just then the gates automatically open They went inside and stop in front of the stairs. At the bottom of it security personnel were waiting for them. A butler opened the door for them and Atobe went out first.

"Young Master Keigo. It's been a while." An older man that looks like a butler said.

"Ahn~" Atobe said. They were surprise when the security personnel stop the rest of them.

"I'm very sorry for this sir but we have to scan every one of you first. For security reason." The old man said "I am the head butler of the Schwarz family here in London, please call me Smithz." Mr. Smithz said in his thick british accent tone that Kirihara didn't understand at all.

After they were check, they were all guided inside the palace. Kirihara keep on making sounds that is making everyone embarrassed.

Yukimura thought how his family is rich but this. . .this is a whole complete level.

Jasmine was informed that Atobe Keigo with some Japanese Representative have come to visit her. She sighted and wait for them in one of the mansions receiving area.

"Lady Martina. Young Master Keigo and his friends are here." Mr. Smithz arrived.

"Let them come in." Jasmine said as she looked at the door.

As they enter the lavish room everyone gape as they looked at Jasmine. She looks like a princess right now. She stood their wearing a light purple dress that is full of lace. Her hair falling down above her shoulder.

"Have a sit." Jasmine said and motion for them to sit down.

"Jasmine-chan. This palace looks amazing!" Marui said as the maids enter with refreshment he completely forgotten why they were here and started devouring all the cake that is serve.

Jasmine let them have a taste of the refreshment brought and just sip on her tea. Jasmine laugh as she watch Akaya and Marui eat the food or more of devour.

Just then as if they both remembered why they came here drop down what their eating and looked at Martina.

Akaya was so shy that he's already red from too much blushing before he can even say a word. Atobe decided that everyone is acting like a bunch of idiot.

"I'm sorry for intrusion. We were looking for Yanagi we need to talk about the strategy for tomorrow." Atobe said.

Jasmine nodded her head in understanding. "I asked him to rest a bit. He looks really tired when he arrived here." Jasmine said then looked at Yukimura who diverted his gaze.

Yanagi arrived in the room and felt cold. He looked at Yukimura who must be the source of this coldness and of course his cousin as well. Then Atobe told everyone that they should be leaving.

That night Jasmine couldn't sleep and decided she's not in the mood to sketch and just go to the music room near her room.

Jasmine then sat in front of the piano forte and open its case. Then her slender hands slowly stroke the keys as if testing it. Just then her hands started playing on its own accord.

The soft tune of Debussy's Clair de Lune filled the palace of the Schwarz. Jasmine closed her eyes and lost herself to the tune when a knock disturbed her. She looked at the door who is then opened. Mr Smithz entered the room and bow his head.

"Lady Martina. I'm very sorry to disturb you but someone is looking for you." Mr. Smithz said making Jasmine looked at the old man.

Jasmine's brow furrowed. Who would looked for her at this hour? Jasmine said looking at the clock. It's already midnight.

"Who is it?" Jasmine asked.

"According to him, he is Mr. Seiichi Yukimura." The butler said, Jasmine is in complete disbelief. Why would Yukimura come here at this hour? Did something happened?

"Send him in." Jasmine said. The butler bowed and leave after a few minutes he came in again this time followed by the blue haired boy who's been in Jasmine's thought for a while now.

The butler then left. Yukimura is just standing there looking at his feet making it seem that it's the best thing to looked at. As for Jasmine she just stare at Yukimura. She finally sighted after a few minutes of complete silence between them. It's obviously not an emergency.

"Why are you here at this hour Yukimura? Did something happened?" Jasmine finally said as she stand from her seat and closed the piano.

Yukimura didn't looked up "ano. . .uhm. . ."

Yukimura is mentally scolding himself. 'How can you be so thoughtless and reckless Seiichi?'

'Really? Coming here in the middle of the night without a proper plan?'

'Your getting more and more thoughtless.'

"I. . ." Yukimura heave out a sight "I just wanted to apologize for my behavior for the past few days." Yukimura then breath out.

Out of nowhere Jasmine found herself smiling because of Yukimura. It must have been incredibly hard for this man who prided himself as a champion to say he is sorry. How adorable he looks. Jasmine can see a faint blush on Yukimura's face and how his ears turned red.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted. I have no excuse for my actions." Yukimura said again. Not liking the silence on Jasmine's part. Just as he was about to say another apology Jasmine laugh making Yukimura raise his head and looked at her.

Jasmine just laugh and then as she realize how weird she looked like tried to stop. "I'm so sorry for laughing. I just can't help it Seiichi. You look so cute."

If Yukimura can turn anymore red right now he would probably resemble Akaya.

"Am I forgiven?" Yukimura mumbled.

"Yes. Your forgiven." Jasmine said causing Yukimura to look up and smile at Jasmine which Jasmine returned. "But still Yukimura, why come at this hour? It's far too dangerous and shouldn't you be sleeping? You have a match tomorrow after all."

"I can't sleep. That's why I decided to go here and apologize." Yukimura said as he cringed remembering how he trash his bed from turning and moving trying to find sleep.

Jasmine then motioned for Yukimura to seat in the coach with her. Tea was then served by Mr. Smithz.

"You know Seiichi." Jasmine said she wanted to voice out her thought.

"What is it?" Yukimura said looking at Jasmine.

"You don't seem like the Yukimura Seiichi I know for the past few days." Jasmine said. Remembering how since she arrived she noticed how Yukimura's behavior and attitude change.

"What do you mean?" Yukimura asked now curious.

"It's just ever since I arrived you don't talk the way you used too. Your also becoming. . .how should I say this. . . " Jasmine paused thinking of the right term "Ah. . .right. Your becoming emotional."

Yukimura thought on how Jasmine is right. Everyone noticed it too. His perfect cool, and collected thoughts is in chaos ever since that day.

"Is there something wrong for you to act that way? You can tell me anything."

"No. there's no problem. I'm just agitated because of the World Cup." Yukimura said, he can't bring himself to say that he is jealous of Tezuka that's why he acted that way on the first day and for ever since the game with Germany because he is trying to reign over his emotion that is all over the place because of jealousy.

"Why don't we play music? For you to calm down?" Jasmine suggested looking at Yukimura who quickly agreed.

They approach the white grand piano. "This is beautiful." Yukimura said. As Jasmine opened the lid Yukimura's eyes widen. "Is this ivory?"

"Yes. This piano is from my great great grandfather who gave this piano to my grandmother. My grandmother then thought me to play using this and gave this to me when she passed away." Jasmine said recalling how she and her grandmother would play piano whenever she has no tennis practice.

"What do you want me to play?" Jasmine asked looking at Yukimura.

"Anything you want." Yukimura said Jasmine then smiled.

"I hope you wouldn't mind if I play my favorite?"

"Sure. Go ahead." Yukimura said. Jasmine then began stroking the key. Slowly Yukimura realized what she's playing.

"Wiegenlied Lullaby, OP. 49 No. 4?" Yukimura said.

"Yeah. You know it?" Jasmine asked.

"A little."

"Why don't you play it with me?'' Jasmine said. Making Yukimura looked at her who smiled encouragingly to Yukimura. "I can't play well with my left hand now so would it be ok if your down who will hit the keys?"

Yukimura nodded his head and so they started playing together. No words were exchange but still it felt magical for the both them.


Hi guys! I'm so awesome to update again. Kidding. Well I'm stressed and my outlet is writing so hence this latest chapter.

If you notice the video attach here it's the Lullaby Jasmine played at the end. One of my fave piece. 

For the photo of Jasmine's house well that one is actually from Special A. Takishima Kei's house in London. :)

Anyway I hope you like this update.

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