Finder (Katsuki Bakugo X Shot...

By guccierez_831

393K 13.3K 9.9K

After starting U.A., you catch the eye of Katsuki Bakugo, who seems to be utterly intrested in you. However... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
The Meeting
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Hello, how are you? (P.1)
Part 28
Part 29
Hello, how are you? (P.2)
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Hello, how are you? (P.3)
Part 36
Hello, how are you (P.4)
Part 37
Part 38

Part 5

16.2K 559 438
By guccierez_831

"What in the world did he want YOU for?!" you shouted. Not in anger but in total curiosity and shock.
"Calm down, (y/n)." he sighed, pushing you away. You backed up but kept the questions coming.
"Did he start a fight with you or something?"
"No. He actually asked me about you."
"Me? Why me?"
The two of you sat in the cafeteria and resumed the conversation. You sat across him, ever eager to hear the tea, bombarding him with questions, questions, questions.
"What did he say Shoto??"
"He asked me if you were trying to challenge him. He sounded pretty mad, but I wonder why he cares," Shoto explained, while you were nodding to every word. He slurped his soba and continued.
"He probably found out we were close and thought you would be able to answer his questions. He wasn't wrong," you said.
"Yes, but couldn't he ask you himself?"
"You have a point. But now I'm glad he didn't. Anyway, what did you tell him back?"
"I told him not to fight you. That you were afraid of him."
"He must have kept calm since I didn't hear his screaming."
"I couldn't tell with someone like him."
You sighed. "Well since he now knows that I'm totally terrified of him, he will probably harass me from now on. Or just straight up kill me." you drop your chin on the table and sighed.
"...I have a strong feeling that won't happen."

Classes were almost over and you were counting down the minutes until release, until your long-awaited moment had arrived. You packed up and made your way to Shoto's desk, like every other day.
"(Y/n) are you capable of walking home by yourself?"
"Uh, duh. Did you think otherwise?"
"No. I figured. I need to get home for training as soon as possible today, so I was going to ask if you would be able to get home without hurting yourself."
"Huh?! Of course, I can!..." you looked away and played with your hair,"Well...see you later."
"Bye, (y/n)."
You waved him goodbye and headed out to walk home. It felt weird to walk home without Shoto. It wasn't the first time you walked home alone, but you were used to him being by your side. Without him, you would zone out and not pay attention to where you're going, so it ended up being dangerous to go home without someone to make sure you wouldn't wander off or get crushed by a car.
You looked down at the sidewalk lost in your thoughts. You were thinking about how your dad was going to have you attend a meeting for an arranged marriage. You, of course, had a choice to marry him, depending if you liked him or not.

To be honest I'm more worried if he will like ME-

Suddenly, you felt something roughly tug on the back of your collar, causing you to fall back on your rump. At that moment a huge pick up truck zoomed by, raising a strong gust of wind. He didn't even honk!
"You idiot! What the hell are you doing?!"
You looked behind you to find Bakugo, clearly looking irritated.
"The light is still red, dumbfuck! Watch where you're going!"
You got up and wiped the dirt off your skirt. You looked at the traffic light to see it was still red, and cars were zooming by. A shiver was sent down your spine as you shuttered.
"O-oh. I...wasn't paying attention. Th-thank you."
You quickly turned around. A few seconds passed by and the light color finally changed. When you tried to run away, you suddenly tripped over yourself before even crossing the street, and Bakugo stared blankly at your clumsy body.
"Oh my god, you are so fucking stupid..." he grumbled. You were so embarrassed.

Am I really this hopeless without Shoto taking me home? At this rate, I'm going to die!

You sighed. "B-Bakugo...can you walk me home?"

What the hell are you doing?!

"... You're pathetic. Depends on where do you live," he replied.

You will die! Tell him nevermind!

"I live in (address)."
"Fine. Your so dumb, you'd end up six feet under if someone didn't chaperone you."

...What did I get myself into?

The two of you walked in silence, awkwardly as you shuffled with your hair. You didn't talk other then when he would pull you away from the traffic and scream profanities at you. You were completely stiff. The tension was so thick, you could cut it with a knife. You hated Bakugo. You thought nothing of him except for a scary delinquent. Yet he was right there beside you, walking you home, saving your life.
And the time finally came where you arrived at your house.
What the fuck? Could you be any more loaded?

He turned his face to you with his regular scowl.
"Th-thank you...for...taking me home!"
"... Hmp. Good thing you asked. You probably would've gotten lost or ran over. Not that I care, anyway. How the hell do you manage to get home in one piece?"

He's loud. But you knew that already.

"Shoto takes me home..."
"Huh. I pity him."

He's an asshole. But you knew that already too.

"Well..bye." You put in the code so the gate would open. But before you got in, he called out to you.
He averted his eyes yet his scowl was deeper than usual.
" shouldn't be scared of me! You know...since I'm going to be the next best hero. Being scared of me is insulting. So...dont go around thinking I'm going to kill you or something!"
You stared at him. His face was dusted light pink. You didn't know how to respond so you started giggling.
"Hey! What the hell are you laughing at?!"
You kept giggling. He was just standing there, confused. A few seconds later you took some breathes and sighed.
"Bakugo! You're not scary at all! I wish I would've seen this side of you earlier." you huffed. Your perspective of him taking a total turn.
"Jeez...thanks again for today. I'll see you at school. Goodbye, Bakugo." you said, trying to hide you laughs under your breath.

"...What a fucking weirdo."


(Earlier at school)

"Hey, half n half!" Bakugo called.
Shoto clearly didn't approve of his nickname, and his tone showed.
"You're close to (y/n), am I right?"
"... I guess I am. Why?"
"What the fuck is her problem? She is so annoying the way she avoids me like the plague. If she's looking for a fight then tell her I'm ready and waiting."
"No. That's not it. Don't start a fight with her, or else you can face me instead, right here."
"Tch. If that's not it then why is she acting like I'm not even there?! You guys are inseparable, I know she tells you this stuff."
"... Just leave her alone, Bakugo. She is afraid of you because of your attitude and aggression. She didn't mean any harm. She's only trying to keep her distance."
"Haah? I'm training to be a goddamn hero! She shouldn't be scared of shit!"
"Then maybe you should tell her that. If you don't want people to be scared of you then don't come off that way."
"Tch. Shut hell up!... I'll show you."
With that, he walked away.

I'm supposed to be the best hero ever! That little bitch shouldn't be scared of shit!



W/c: 1270

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