So close yet so far (Prince o...

By otaku_of_the_night

67.2K 1.6K 129

Martina Jasmine at the age of 11 became the youngest ever to be ranked as number one in the world of tennis... More

Transferee from Germany
Lantern and the Truth
Melbourne Junior's
U-17 Camp
Quality Time
Marriage Interview
Photo shoot
Cleaning Day


1.6K 45 3
By otaku_of_the_night

For some reason Jasmine woke up even before the sun was up in the sky.

'Why am I feeling agitated?'

'Why do I feel nervous?'

Question plugged in her mind and to keep her thought sane and to keep her calm as well Jasmine decided to sketch.

When she was called for breakfast Jasmine dressed up finely for the Art exhibit. Wearing a pastel Yellow dress that hug her upper body perfectly and flow from waist down to just below her knees match with simple pearl earring, added with her naturally curly hair that reach her shoulder she sure looks angelic.

"Your mother already told us about the Art Exhibit. Who are you bringing with you?" Her Grandfather asked.

Jasmine is not suprise that her mother is the one who informed her grandparents. Her Grandfather just doesn't spoke to her father unless it's to insult him or criticize him.

"My classmate Oji-san. Like me he is fond of Renoir so I thought it would be nice if I would bring him along." Jasmine replied with a smile and continue eating her food.

"Him?" His grandfather asked his voice a little higher than usual.

"Yes. You know him. He is the one who helped with my art projects during the first term and he is also a good friend of Renji-kun." Jasmine said casually noticing how his grandfather is against the idea. Jasmine casually looked at her grandmother who is also looking at her. They exchange knowing glances.

"Dear let Jasmine go with her friend. I think I know this man she is pertaining too. If I recall it correctly Yukimura is it?"

"yes Oba-san. That's him." Jasmine smiled a little surprise that her grandmother really knew Yukimura.

"We've meet him a couple of time already dear. His family is known in advertising and is owner of some resorts and hotel. His mother is the designer of the yukata and kimono I adore." her grandmother said.

"Yukimura you say?" His grandfather thought for a while until he remembered.

"The Yukimura are old and distinguish family. They may not have the long history like ours but it still is old and refined." her grandmother said looking at her husband who is now nodding his head for approval.

"Alright. I will allow this but before you leave he must see me in person first." His grandfather said with finality in his voice. Jasmine sighted and then just smiled at her grandmother. This is the best they could do before her grandfather allow her to go out with a man.

Yukimura arrived in front of the grand third gate of the Taira Residence and as he climb down of the car he saw Jasmine walking to him. The world stand still as he take it all in. Her smile, her grace, her elegance, her beauty, it is too much to be that beautiful even for him who is said to be the 'Child of god' he is still a mere mortal, a human, and this fine young lady in front of him is truly a walking 'Goddess'.

"Seiichi. Before we go. . .ano. . ." Jasmine looked at her feet wondering how she would say to Yukimura that her grandfather have to talk to him first. Geez. It's not as if they were going out on a date, they were just going to an art exhibit together why does her grandfather have to make so much fuss about it.

"What is it Jasmine-chan?" Yukimura finally said after he recovered himself and smiled encouragingly at Jasmine.

". . .ano." Jasmine took a deep breath and spoke fast "Oji-sanwantedtotalktoyoufirstbeforeweleave."

Yukimura looked at Jasmine puzzled about what she said. She talked too fast that he didn't understand a thing she said.

Jasmine noticed the confused looked of Yukimura and that's when a blush crept into her cheeks up to her ears. Compose yourself Jasmine.

"Oji-san wanted to talk to you first before we leave." Jasmine finally said looking at her feet as if it is the most interesting to looked at right now.

Yukimura was taken aback. Of course he meet on few occasion the patriarch of the Taira Clan. On those few meetings only a few words were exchange between them. Most of the time his grandfather or his parents were the one he talks too.

Jasmine looked up to see Yukimura's reaction and Yukimura immediately notice this and put a reassuring smile on his face.

"Lead the way Jasmine-chan." Jasmine started walking first and Yukimura followed suit.

'Whatever this talk will be about you have to compose yourself Seiichi. Don't get flustered or nervous or scared. Compose yourself.'

That is what Yukimura repeatedly been saying to himself the whole way. They now crossing a hall in the middle of the beautiful garden but he barely notice this as he try to compose himself and appear as relax as possible. As they reach the end of the hall a butler waiting outside announce their arrival.

"Let him in."

Jasmine look both apologetically and concerned at Yukimura but Yukimura retain his calm face and reassuring smile to Jasmine.

Yukimura entered the room. Then he saw another door at the side and enter their.

The room is spacious. The windows that views another garden is open. At the window traditional cabinets that probably worth millions of dollar is placed above it were different Japanese ceramics. Three swords were also on display.

Then the patriarch of the Taira clan is seated at his seat like a king of the edo period. A priceless painting on his back.

Yukimura bow his head in respect to the patriarch, Taira Yoshiyo. He looks intimidating and scary at the same time.

"You must be Yukimura Seiichi." the man said looking at the young boy in front of him. He look pleasing in the eyes but a little too feminine.

"Hai." Yukimura replied his head is still in a bow.

"Before you go out with my granddaughter I want to clarify somethings first." Yoshiyo said.


"First looked at me young man." This made Yukimura looked at head of the Taira clan. "What is your real relationship with my granddaughter and don't you dare lie."

"We are good friends." Yukimura answered as clear as he can. 'Get a hold of yourself Seiichi. You face death already. What are you nervous for?'

"Do you plan on courting my granddaughter?" This caught Yukimura off guard. He never thought that possibility yet. Upon his silence the old man continued "Do you have affections for my granddaughter that is improper and beyond friendship? As you say."

Yukimura swallowed hard as at the last sentence every word that is said emphasis were placed.

'compose yourself Yukimura. Answer honestly'

"As of the moment, those thoughts didn't cross my mind yet but I'm not rejecting the thought entirely. The affections that I have for your granddaughter is nowhere near romantically yet but I do care for her a lot."

The old man nodded his head seeing the honesty in this young man's eyes. This man out of all he faced from his son-in-law to those who courted his daughter few decades ago he is the only one who is this composed in front of him and didn't stammer.

"Make up your mind soon and come back here." That is all he said before standing up and walking out for the door. Before going out he placed his hands on Yukimura's shoulder.

"Take care of my granddaughter. Make sure no harm will come her way and bring her back before 7..." he said placing emphasis on every word and tightening his hold at the same time. As Yukimura winced from pain.

"...or else." He let go of the young man's shoulder and walk out using a different exit.

Yukimura let go his breath that he didn't know his been holding and compose himself once again. For a moment he thought he was about to die. When Yukimura finally relaxed and compose himself he went out of the room through the wall and out the door were Jasmine is waiting for him.

As Yukimura walked out of the door Jasmine immediately stand up straighter and walk towards Yukimura.

"How was it Seiichi?" Jasmine asked worried what her grandfather did to Yukimura.

"It was ok. Let's go?" Yukimura said and smiled to Jasmine. Jasmine smiled in relief and started walking as Yukimura followed her. Just then Yukimura halted in the middle of the hallway as he takes in the garden in front of his eyes. It was magical.

Jasmine looked back to see Yukimura's eyes sparkle in delight as he looked at the garden. Jasmine wish she had a camera with her it would be such a waste to not capture this moment.

After sometime Yukimura notice that Jasmine is looking at him from the end of the hall and he felt heat rush to his face and ears. He didn't mean to be engrossed in the garden. Yukimura then started walking towards Jasmine. As he reach Jasmine Yukimura immediately apologize.

"It's ok. That garden is really just magical. I was surprised you didn't notice it when we passed by at first." Jasmine said as they walked their way out.

"I was pre occupied." Yukimura answered blush is still present in his face from embarrassment. Jasmine just stare at him as if saying she knows.

They reach the awaiting car of the Yukimura family and off they go. On the way, Jasmine and Yukimura talked about a lot of things. About that breath taking garden that was created by her grandmother, and Yukimura would often tease Jasmine about other things.

"Seiichi I only notice this now but you do love teasing people aren't you?" Jasmine asked Yukimura as they step out the car. Yukimura looked at Jasmine and laugh.

This made Jasmine pout and looked at Yukimura then started walking. Yukimura's eyes widen.

'Why does she have to look so cute and irresistible while pouting like that?'

'Her pouting like that should be ban.'

'Why others only look silly doing that but on her . . .'

Yukimura shake his head and told himself to gather himself.

As they enter the art exhibit, Yukimura had fun looking around giving trivia to one another about the certain piece in front of them. They lasted for about 15-20 minutes per piece. The both of them were so engrossed that lunch passed without them eating. They finished looking around at 3pm.

"Oh my. It's already 3 in the afternoon." Jasmine said looking at her watch. Yukimura did the same.

"I guess we were so engrossed in looking at the pieces and we didn't notice the time." Yukimura answered "Let's go eat our very late lunch?"

Jasmine smiled and agreed with Yukimura.

"Where do you want to eat?"

"Hmm. I don't know. I rarely go here in Tokyo. Most of the time when I'm in Japan I just stay at Kanagawa."

"What's your favorite food then?" Yukimura asked.

Jasmine hummed in deep concentration. She loves eating and choosing here favorite is a little though. "Sushi!"

Yukimura was shocked when Jasmine raised her voice and excitedly looked at him. Jasmine was always so feminine and never raised her voice. Recovering from his initial shock Yukimura laugh.

Jasmine looked at Yukimura who is now laughing so hard. Yukimura never laugh this hard before. Jasmine thought how Yukimura was always smiling but something distant about his eyes. How he never laugh so carelessly. He always looked calm and collected maybe that is because Yukimura have to as a captain. Then Jasmine thought she like this carefree and happy Yukimura.

Once Yukimura recovered from his fits of laughter he cough a little and looked at Jasmine with a smile. Just then he thought of a place Fuji once told him.

"I know a place. You want to try there?" Yukimura looked at Jasmine with happiness floating in his indigo eyes. Jasmine notice that once you looked at Yukimura's eyes intently they weren't like ocean blue more of a rare indigo color.

As they went out and Yukimura's car and his driver are waiting for them. Yukimura quickly instructed the driver where to go.

They stopped in front of a cozy looking traditional Japanese Restaurant. As they step out of the car Jasmine looked at the sign above the shop 'Kawamura Sushi'.

"A friend of mine in the camp told me that if I wanted to eat a good sushi here in Tokyo this is place is the one." Yukimura said as he opened the door and let Jasmine walked inside first.

"Ohayo! Welcome!" A young man probably around their age is at the counter as he looked up he immediately looked at Yukimura. "Oh! Yukimura-san."

Yukimura put on his usual smile. "Kawamura-san."

Kawamura-san as Yukimura called is probably the owner of the place Jasmine noted. Yukimura guided Jasmine to seat at near the back of the room.

"That Kawamura-san he looks like around our age. Did he own this place?" Jasmine asked Yukimura.

"From what I know its owned by his father."

Kawamura approach them with two cup of tea.

"What would you like to order?"

Yukimura is the one who placed the order and then smiled at Jasmine. "Do you like to add anything else?"

That is only when Kawamura noticed the girl with Yukimura. As he looked at her he was stunned at how beautiful she is.

"Nope. That seems good." Jasmine replied smiling to Yukimura. Kawamura thought everything fades as the girl smiled to Yukimura. Kawamura didn't know how long he has been staring until Yukimura cough and looked at him that made him immediately go back to his senses and stand up in daze and told his father their order.

That must be Yukimura-san's girlfriend Kawamura noted to himself as he glance at the two again now Yukimura is laughing as the girl pouted. But as Kawamura looked at the girl again he noticed how familiar she looks. Kawamura instantly thought that she must be one of the cheerer of Rikkaidai Fuzoku during the nationals last year.

As Kawamura left their table Yukimura started teasing Jasmine, "Are you sure what I order is enough? If I recall it correctly your quite an eater."

"You order more than enough. It's enough to feed six people." Jasmine replied pouting and a bit red from Yukimura's remark.

"I'm just worried that you might grow thin if I didn't fed you enough."

"I'm not fat!" Jasmine said her voice getting a little louder causing Yukimura to laugh.

"I never said you were."

"But that's what your implying."

"I'm not implying anything." Yukimura said earning another pout from Jasmine who looks annoyed now. But her annoyance quickly fade when the food arrive.

Yukimura and Jasmine enjoyed their very late lunch. The food was great and according to Jasmine the best sushi she ever had that made the old owner delighted. The owner was so delighted about Jasmine that he packed some sushi for her for free.

Yukimura walked Jasmine to the doors of their home.

"I had a great time Jasmine. Thank you for inviting me to accompany you." Yukimura then smile at her.

Jasmine can't help but notice that as his eyes shine with happiness his smile looks even more dazzling. Jasmine decided that she like this smile of Yukimura.

"I had a great time as well Seiichi."

As they stare into each other's eyes with a smile on their lips Yukimura realize that his affections for Jasmine might be nearer to romantic feeling than he ever know.

"Your leaving tomorrow night right?" Jasmine asked earning a nod from Yukimura.

"I'll be practicing some more tomorrow morning till afternoon at the school before everyone leaves for the camp."

"I wish you the best Seiichi." Jasmine said smiling from ear to ear to Yukimura. "Enjoy tennis, ok?"

Yukimura was stunned. He never thought Jasmine could be more beautiful but in each passing moment in each smile she looks even more beautiful and breathtaking.

Yukimura recovered and smiled at Jasmine. "I'll bring you home the trophy."

Jasmine shake her head. "I don't want you to bring trophy. I want you to bring home experience and happiness."

Yukimura nodded his head in understanding of what Jasmine wanted. As they bid their good byes and Yukimura remain standing there outside.

Me to enjoy tennis, huh? Yukimura has long accepted that he can't enjoy tennis for it's own sake. He enjoyed tennis by being better than everyone else.

As Kawamura finished cleaning everything he remember that he will tell Fuji that Yukimura now has a girlfriend.

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