The Legendary Hero (OP Deku A...

By dekus_right_nipple

1.1M 17.6K 15.9K

Izuku Midoriya is not quirkless, not even close. He actually is in possession of two quirks, and is one of th... More

Chapter 1: Two Quirks
Chapter 2: The Hero
Chapter 3: Inko Midoriya
Chapter 4: Chisai Yaoyoruzu
Chapter 5: One for All
Chapter 6: Momo Yaoyoruzu
Chapter 7: Changing Ideals
Chapter 8: Preparation
Chapter 9: Kacchan and UA Entrance Exams
Chapter 10:UA
Chapter 11: Fitness Test
Chapter 12: USJ
Chapter 13: USJ (Cont.)
Chapter 15: Inko
Chapter 16: The Festival
Chapter 17: First Date?
Chapter 18: All For One
Chapter 19: Gran Torino
Chapter 20: Famous?
Chapter 21: The Dorms
Chapter 22: Sports Festival Introduced
Chapter 23: Training and Momo
Chapter 24: The Sports Festival
Chapter 25: Sports Festival Pt 2
Chapter 26: Sports Festival Pt 3
Chapter 27: Sports Festival Finale
Chapter 28: Internship
Chapter 29: Internship Disasters
Chapter 30: Hero Killer Stain
Chapter 31: Aftermath
Chapter 32: Final Exams
Chapter 33: Summer Training Camp Introduced
Chapter 34: Training Camp
Chapter 35: Disaster
Chapter 36: Counterattack
Chapter 37: True Hero
Chapter 38: The Law
Chapter 39: Consequences
Chapter 40: Pro Hero
Chapter 41: Eight Precepts of Death
Chapter 42: Overhaul
Chapter 43: Eri
Chapter 44: High End
Chapter 45: Save Me
Chapter 46: The Darkness
Chapter 47: The Darkness Pt.2
Chapter 48: Hiyashi Midoriya
Chapter 49: The Second Chapter
The Sovereign
Chapter 50: The Truth
Chapter 51: Beginning of the End
Chapter 52: Kaminari Denki
Chapter 53: Friend
Chapter 54: Sanda Kaminari
Chapter 55: Escalation
Chapter 56: Move On
Chapter 57: Ambush
Chapter 58: 'Sup Kid
Chapter 59: Demon Inside
Chapter 60: Awaken
Chapter 61: Izuku vs Sovereign
Chapter 62: Kuroki Midoriya
Chapter 63: Blessing of God

Chapter 14: USJ Finale

26.6K 437 485
By dekus_right_nipple

Third Person P.O.V.

Izuku slammed the monster into the ground, then the monster got up and nearly slammed him back into the ground, but he teleported behind the monster before he got hit into the floor. It's hands were stuck in the ground, so he took the chance to kick it's head into the ground too, taking it out of the sight for a couple of seconds, then checked on Bakugo, Momo, Kirishima and Todoroki. They had gathered all of the injured people, and were trying to run away. The problem was, they were now surrounded by the remaining villains (About 15 of them including the Warp gate and the hand man), and couldn't fight without jeopardizing the lives of The Big Three and the two teachers. Izuku saw this, and teleported right next to Momo, making a portal for them to leave through. He let them jump through the portal first, then turned around at the villains. He sent one last One for All punch, the wind pressure blasting away all of the villains except hand man, warp gate, and the Nomu. He had found out that the monster was named nomu after the hand man sayed "Kill him, Nomu!". Then it proceeded to try to kill him. Emphasis on the word try.

He then jumped through the portal, and was met by the entire class at the entrance. There were very little injuries other than The Big Three and the teachers, who were beginning to regain consciousness.

When he looked back at the central plaza, he saw the Nomu charging at them, while the warp gate disappeared. Instinctively, he knew that the Warp gate would try the same tactic as before, so he beat him to the punch. When he appeared to Izuku's right, Izuku teleported behind him and reached into his misty facade, where he knew his body was. When he found it, he grabbed it and threw it to Bakugo, who happily obliged to keep the Warp gate from escaping.

He then turned to where the Nomu was approaching the class, and used his eye quirk to anticipate the next moves of the Nomu.

'Right hook, left hook, headshot with one-two punch, chest attack with one-two punch.', he thought to himself as he easily evaded all its attacks while attacking it's weak spots with 30% One for All. He only used 30% because he knew that in the end, it would be an endurance battle, until the teachers arrived. To his surprise, the Nomu continued this pattern of attack with no change in any of it's punches. But even if he could hit it every time without suffering any damage of his own, all that he got from it was that he could push it back a little, without dealing any damage to it because of it's shock absorption and super regeneration.

He realised that he would get tired at some point in time, so he grabbed the Nomu's arm on its next attack and throw it into the central plaza so that he could catch a breath of rest. He paused, stopped and dropped to one knee on the ground, trying to regain his breath.

"Izuku?", Momo said. He turned around at his classmates and saw them all staring at him with awe, Bakugo included. Izuku had been reacting to the Nomu's punches using his quirk and pure battle instinct, but to Class 1-A and 1-B, it looked like he was more than a match for the Nomu.

He stood up straight and smiled at the two classes like how All Might would smile. "Don't worry! I can do this!", he said, trying to hide his exhaustion. He had fooled most of the class, but Bakugo and Momo's faces told him that they had seen through his facade of confidence. Turning back to the battle, Izuku calculated that he had about 5 more minutes left to hold the Nomu off, then he wouldn't be able to use One for All without slowly tearing apart his body. He estimated the teachers coming in about 15-20 minutes, so he knew he had to end the battle soon. It was now or never.

He took one last deep breath, then shouted the loudest he had ever in my life. "YOU MESSSED WITH THE WRONG SCHOOL! I WON'T LET YOU PASS THIS POINT!" COME AT ME!", he practically screamed.

The Nomu had recovered by now, and launched itself at Izuku.

Suddenly, he got an idea. Instead of using One For All, he could use his other quirks to save One for All for when it was needed the most.

When the Nomu got worringly close to him, he made a portal that deposited it on its butt back to the central plaza. It tried to attack again, but he simply did the same thing again too. He felt a glimmer of hope, and he felt that he could hold out for long enough if this continued. But then, he looked down and saw that he had lost sight of the hand man.

"Shit...", he said under his breath. He activated my eye quirk to find him, but when he did, it was almost too late. The hand mans target was Bakugo, who had been holding down the warp gate. Instinctively, he ignored the Nomu and grabbed his childhood friend, pushing him out of danger. The hand man simply laughed, and the warp gate made a portal.

"Thank you, Shigaraki Tomura.", the warp gate said.

"No problem, Kurogiri.", Shigaraki said as they both went through the portal. They reappeared next to the Nomu, and Shigaraki laughed.

"Can't use that same tactic anymore, huh hero!", he said while cackling.

Izuku ignored him.

By now, the top half of Izuku's costume was in tatters due to the ferocity of the Nomu's attacks, so he ripped the rest of the top part of, revealing his chiseled upper body (All the girls blushed at this despite the situation that they were in). The tattered costume would only serve as a distraction, and he knew he needed to concentrate if he was going to fight 3 villains at once. Before he teleported to the plaza for a final battle, he heard a voice from behind me.

"Don't die... please.", Momo pleaded from behind him.

"Of course not.", Izuku answered. "We still haven't gone to the festival together yet."

He then teleported to the central plaza, and faced the last three villains. He got into a defensive stance, and waited for them to attack first.

There was a moment of silence, then the Nomu came running at Izuku. He stood his ground like a bull matador until the last second, then created a portal that made the monster run into Shigaraki and Kurogiri. They were expecting it though, and Kurogiri made a portal that sent the Nomu back on path to Izuku.

"You think the same move will work so many times on us?", Shigaraki shouted with a menacing laugh. But the portal had only been a distraction. When they looked to where Izuku had been a second ago, he wasn't there. Instead, he had teleported behind Shigaraki and Kurogiri. He tried to kick Kurogiri, but he dodged the attack. He quickly jumped back to recover, but realised he had lost sight of the Nomu.

'Shit... where is it?', he thought to himself.

Suddenly, he felt a presence behind him, and had no time to dodge. The Nomu punched him directly in the ribs, and he went flying into wall. Half if his ribs broke, and his left lung was punctured, but he ignored the pain even though he felt like he was on fire.

He slowly got up, and got into a defensive stance. 'These guys are too strong. I'll have to use all my quirks beyond their limits if I want to win.', he thought to myself. He activated his eye quirk, and immediately felt a sharp pain in both of his eyes. The prolonged use against the Nomu had pushed his eyes over the limit, but Izuku ignored it and kept the quirk on.

'How can I fight the Nomu? It's strength and speed is way too high now that I don't have One for All helping me... what can I do.', he thought to myself as he tried to think of a strategy. Suddenly he remembered some words he had read from a hero book a while ago.

Learn from everything you can, including your enemies. Use your enemies against themselves.

For the first time, the words made sense to him. Who could he learn from? Kurogiri. They had very similar quirks, so he could employ Kurogiri's moves for himself.

This time when the Nomu charged him, he didn't try to dodge. Instead, he waited until the punch was a second from his face, until the Nomu couldn't pull out of the attack.

"Given up already, hero? I have to admit, I had been a little scared for a second, but I should've known better. How could a kid like you beat a monster designed to defeat All Might?", Shigaraki shouted in a mocking voice.

Izuku then made a portal in front of the Nomu's fist that led to the stomach of the Nomu. This led to the Nomu punching itself in the stomach and blasting itself into a wall on the other side of the plaza.

"Designed to defeat All Might? Don't make me laugh. I can defeat that in my sleep.", Izuku lied while fixing his eyes on Shigaraki. He made the most menacing face he could make, even using his red eyes to his advantage. The result was that Izuku looked much more like a villain than a hero. His look instilled fear into everyone into everyone watching, even the students, even if they knew that the look wasn't aimed at them. Many of them fell onto their butts in fear, and almost all of them were shivering in fear. Mineta pissed his pants.

Shigaraki only smiled with an evil glint in his eyes. "That look of yours isn't very hero-like, is it? Are you going to kill me? What difference is there between me killing you and you killing me? Nothing! But you will be congratulated, while I would be hunted down? Why? Because this society is unjust! And I will fix that.", he said with passion and malevolence.

"Shut up already. Your talking is really pissing me off.", Izuku answered. He then made a series of portals around Shigaraki, and jumped through one that was near him.

"Wha- where did he go?", Kirishima asked in confusion.

Momo was the first to realise his plan, and smiled. "Just watch. You'll see.", she said.

Shigaraki was also confused, and looked around himself in confusion and wariness. Suddenly, Izuku launched out of one portal and punched Shigaraki on the face without One for All, but before the villain could recover, Izuku had already disappeared into another portal. He continued this attack until the Nomu returned, to the great annoyance and anger of Shigaraki.

When Izuku saw that the Nomu had come, he teleported away, closing all the portals that he had been using to harass Shigaraki. He had gotten a solid 30 punches on Shigaraki due to the insane speed with which he was going through the portals.

Just like last time, Izuku stood his ground as the Nomu tried to attack him, and made portals to use the Nomu's attacks against itself. This time though, the Nomu had gotten it's feet set into the ground, so it wasn't blasted away. Instead, it kept on punching at Izuku at insane speeds, and it was all thanks to Izuku's eye quirk that he could predict where each attack was going, and make a portal to redirect the punches. Because of the wind pressure from the Nomu's attacks, Shigaraki and Kurogiri could only watch. As the monster built to defeat All Might was being matched by a student.

The two classes watched in awe as Izuku continued to fight the monster using this tactic.

"Are you serious? How is he even doing this?", asked Tetsu Tetsu, a student from 1-B.

"It seems he has multiple quirks.", remarked Juzo, another student from 1-B.

Even class 1-A was shocked at him going toe-to-toe with the Nomu.

"Was he always this strong?", Tokoyami asked Bakugo.

"Hmph. If he was, he hid it well.", Bakugo answered with a hint of a smile on his face. 'Thank God, Izuku. I got worried for a second there.', he thought to himself.

Suddenly, Izuku teleported away from the Nomu and held his eyes in pain.

"What?!?! What happened, did he mess up?!?!", Mineta shouted in surprise.

Suddenly, Momo remembered what Izuku had said about his eye quirk.

Overuse will make my eyes bleed, and they hurt like they're on fire.

"It's his eye quirk.", Momo said quietly. "Remember? If he used it for too long, his eyes bleed and they hurt? He must have reached his limit."

The two classes gasped as they realised what this meant.

"So he can't use his eye quirk for now then?", Mineta asked.

At this, Momo drew a blank. She hadn't ever asked what happened if he went over the limit.

"That idiot!", Bakugo shouted to everyone's surprise.

"Bakugo? What do you mean?", Tsuyu asked with her finger on her chin.

"If he tries to go over the limit, then he'll temporarily go blind after he deactivates the quirk.", Bakugo answered. "It had happened once before when we were training, and he went blind for an hour after that."

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"But if he doesn't deactivate his quirk until after the fight, shouldn't he be alright in the fight?", Kaminari asked.

"Idiot! Do you know what your saying? If the battle drags on for too long, but he continues to use his quirk like that, he could lose his sight forever!", Bakugo shouted. "And also, the pain in his eyes intensifies every second the quirk is active over the limit!"

They all took a moment to take this in, then realised how much pain he should be in right now.

"But what do we do?", Kirishima asked. Suddenly they heard shout of pain, and saw that Izuku was still holding his eyes, but he was now on one knee and was right in front of the stairs while the Nomu attacked him with unrelenting punches. Izuku was still putting up portals, but without being able to see what was going on, he was bound to mess up sooner or later.

"We need to help him! Right Baku-?", Kirishima said as he looked around him. Bakugo wasn't where he had been before, and when they looked back to the fight, they saw him halfway to the fight.

As Izuku put up more portals using his raw instincts, all he felt was the pain on his eyes.

'I know I should deactivate the quirk, but if I do, I won't be able to see for at least an hour! If I can fight through the pain... but I can't focus on fighting through the pain while putting up portals! What do I do?', he thought to himself.

Suddenly, he knew instinctively that he had messed up one of his portals.

'Shoot! It's over for me now.', he thought. Suddenly he heard a familiar shout.

"DIE FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!", Bakugo screamed as he blasted the villain in the arm that would punch Izuku.

(Oh yeah. Profanity Warning)

The explosion was so powerful that it sent the Nomu back a couple of meters, much to the surprise of... everyone.

"K-Kacchan?", Izuku asked, his voice taut with pain.

"Stupid idiot... stop stealing the spotlight! Get a hold of yourself, asshole! The fights not over yet!", Bakugo answered with rage. "Fucking idiot", he added under his breath.

'Yup, it's Kacchan', Izuku thought to himself. He slowly got up, wincing at the pain in his ribs, and opened his eyes. The blood had stopped coming out, and his eyes were now green again, like they always were.

"W-What? Why don't my eyes hurt at all anymore? It's like my eye quirk disappeared! It's like someone erased the quirk!", he exclaimed with confusion.

He searched around for a cause for this mysterious happening, when he noticed Aizawa glaring straight at him from the entrance.

"Kid... stop being so reckless... being a hero isn't about using all your power without considering your own future... think about how many you can save in the future...", Aizawa said, then passed out.

As soon as he passed out, Izuku felt that he could use his eye quirk again, but now, it was like he hadn't used it yet at all. He knew he had a lot of time before his eyes started hurting again, but that confused him even more.

'How is this possible? Did Aizawa somehow heal me? No, that's not possible... then, did he erase the after effects of my quirk? That's the only plausible answer, but I can't dwell on it too much right now. There's still a battle to fight. I'll look into it in the future.', he thought to himself.

He turned to Bakugo and grinned. "So, you finally decided to help me out?", he asked.

"Shut up. I only left you alone because I thought you had it covered... idiot.", Bakugo answered.

Izuku smiled then faced the villains. "Do you think we can take them?", he asked.

"If course, idiot.", Bakugo said with the maniacal smile of his that came with an impending fight that he was excited about.

The two if them cracked their knuckles, then charged at the villains. To their classmates behind them, they already looked like two heroes, and something about seeing the two of them side by side, facing danger while the rest of them could only watch was inspiring.

The Nomu stepped in between the two boys and Shigaraki, but they didn't even break stride as they took it on, Bakugo jumping over it using his explosions, then hooking his arms around his the Nomu's neck, creating explosions on it's neck while Izuku dived under and used a 30% One for All punch on its left leg joint, forcing it to one knee. The two continued to lay down attacks on the Nomu while dodging all of it's attacks. Suddenly, the Nomu grabbed Bakugo's leg and threw him into a wall on the other side of the plaza in a blink of an eye.

Izuku continued to fight the Nomu, but now that he was alone it was harder than before. He continued to fight, but began to lose ground. Suddenly, Bakugo came out nowhere and blew up the Nomu's arm. It just grew back, but the time it took allowed Izuku to get his breath back. They continued their deadly dance of fighting, until the Nomu suddenly took the upper hand. It threw Izuku into a wall, then grabbed Bakugo by the arm.

"FUCKING BITCH! LET GO OF ME!", Bakugo shouted.

The Nomu responded by snapping Bakugo's arm like it was a twig, then smashed him into the ground a couple of times. Every hit, the two classes that were watching screamed in terror, sure that the next hit would kill him. But every time, Bakugo would just swear at the Nomu im defiance. Despite this, each time he got slammed into the ground, Bakugo was getting weaker.

"Stop toying with him. Kill him." Shigaraki said with boredom in his voice.

The Nomu picked Bakugo up, at grabbed his head. Instantly, everyone knew what was going to happen . The Nomu was going to snap his head off.

Izuku, who had been dazed from getting throw into the wall, saw what was going to happen flash before he eyes.

Kacchan dead... his head snapped off... the Nomu throwing his lifeless body away... Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle Mayuri crying...

Then, something just snapped in Izuku's head, just like when Momo was about to die.

He teleported into the air right above Bakugo, and punched the Nomu with 100% One for All, breaking his arm. The monster dropped Bakugo in surprise, and Izuku continued to punch the Nomu with 100% breaking his arms again and again while yelling "SMASH!!!" everytime.

"GET AWAY FROM KACCHAN!", he screamed as he punched the Nomu so hard it went flying away.

He grunted in pain, and his arms were broken and purple, but he stood next to Bakugo, waiting for the Nomu to attack him, which it did.

'Right hook again' Izuku thought to himself. He ducked under the outstretched arm, and brought his right arm back for a final punch.

"1000000% SMASH", he screamed as he punched the Nomu with an uppercut, smashing it up, though the ceiling, and out to who knows where.

There was complete silence. Everyone was in shock. Especially Shigaraki.

"WHAT?!?! How did you... you... I'll kill you!", he said, running at Izuku. Izuku was now completely out of energy, and was a second away from blacking out, so he could only watch in despair as Shigaraki charged at him.

Suddenly the doors to the USJ burst open. All of the teachers were there, including All Might in skeletal form. One of the teachers shot a couple of bullets into Shigaraki, making him howl in pain.

Kurogiri immediately made a portal, and he went through it with Shigaraki, leaving the fight completely.

While almost all of the teachers started taking control of the students and getting Vlad King, Aizawa and The Big Three into ambulances, All Might, Cemetoss, Momo, Uraraka, Iida, and Kirishima ran to Izuku and Bakugo to check on them. Izuku was swaying, and was about to fall down when All Might caught him (Still in skeletal form).

"Young Midoriya! Are you alright?", All Might asked as Cementoss picked Bakugo up and the rest of the students there gathered around Izuku.

"Al- Sensei. What does it look like?", Izuku asked with a small smile while he started to lose consciousness.

All Might chuckled in sadness. "I-I'm sorry... I should've gotten here earlier...", he said, his voice filled with regret.

Izuku didn't answer at first, as he was half unconscious already. "At least you guys got here.", he whispered with his eyes closed and the small smile still on his face. He then faded into unconsciousness completely and was rushed to an ambulance.

"Young Midoriya... you are a true hero.", All Might said to himself as he watched the ambulance speed off to the hospital.

It didn't feel right to stop this chapter without finishing the USJ arc, so I guess you guys get an extra long chapter this time! Hope you enjoyed!

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