The Legendary Hero (OP Deku A...

By dekus_right_nipple

1.1M 17.6K 15.9K

Izuku Midoriya is not quirkless, not even close. He actually is in possession of two quirks, and is one of th... More

Chapter 1: Two Quirks
Chapter 2: The Hero
Chapter 3: Inko Midoriya
Chapter 4: Chisai Yaoyoruzu
Chapter 5: One for All
Chapter 6: Momo Yaoyoruzu
Chapter 7: Changing Ideals
Chapter 8: Preparation
Chapter 9: Kacchan and UA Entrance Exams
Chapter 10:UA
Chapter 11: Fitness Test
Chapter 13: USJ (Cont.)
Chapter 14: USJ Finale
Chapter 15: Inko
Chapter 16: The Festival
Chapter 17: First Date?
Chapter 18: All For One
Chapter 19: Gran Torino
Chapter 20: Famous?
Chapter 21: The Dorms
Chapter 22: Sports Festival Introduced
Chapter 23: Training and Momo
Chapter 24: The Sports Festival
Chapter 25: Sports Festival Pt 2
Chapter 26: Sports Festival Pt 3
Chapter 27: Sports Festival Finale
Chapter 28: Internship
Chapter 29: Internship Disasters
Chapter 30: Hero Killer Stain
Chapter 31: Aftermath
Chapter 32: Final Exams
Chapter 33: Summer Training Camp Introduced
Chapter 34: Training Camp
Chapter 35: Disaster
Chapter 36: Counterattack
Chapter 37: True Hero
Chapter 38: The Law
Chapter 39: Consequences
Chapter 40: Pro Hero
Chapter 41: Eight Precepts of Death
Chapter 42: Overhaul
Chapter 43: Eri
Chapter 44: High End
Chapter 45: Save Me
Chapter 46: The Darkness
Chapter 47: The Darkness Pt.2
Chapter 48: Hiyashi Midoriya
Chapter 49: The Second Chapter
The Sovereign
Chapter 50: The Truth
Chapter 51: Beginning of the End
Chapter 52: Kaminari Denki
Chapter 53: Friend
Chapter 54: Sanda Kaminari
Chapter 55: Escalation
Chapter 56: Move On
Chapter 57: Ambush
Chapter 58: 'Sup Kid
Chapter 59: Demon Inside
Chapter 60: Awaken
Chapter 61: Izuku vs Sovereign
Chapter 62: Kuroki Midoriya
Chapter 63: Blessing of God

Chapter 12: USJ

31K 436 749
By dekus_right_nipple

Third Person P.O.V.

As a week flew by, Izuku got the feeling that Bakugo was trying to make him tell him about One for All. Despite that, he kept his promise with All Might, and managed to get through the whole week without revealing a thing. By now, most of the public had forgotten about his talk on the news, which he was really thankful for. Also, he had built good relationships with everyone in the class, his best friends being Bakugo, Uraraka, Iida and Momo.

One morning, he was sitting in class while talking to Momo, when Aizawa walked in and told them to change into their hero costumes and join him at the front of the school by 8:35, the time when class started. When the class asked why, he simply answered, "We're going to be doing a hero training simulation for the day today.", then walked out of class.

"What's happening?!?!", Kaminari asked with excitement .

"I don't know, but we have to change in 5 minutes, let's get going!", Iida ordered.

After they changed, Momo and Izuku started walking to the front of the school ahead of everyone else, as they had finished changing into their costumes the fastest. As they were walking, they talked about what they would do for the weekend (It was Wednesday), and Momo suddenly had an idea.

"I'm not doing anything for the weekend, so do you want to go to the festival that's in town for the weekend?", she asked with a slight blush.

Izuku started blushing furiously. "Y-Yeah I'd love to c-come!", he managed to say.

Momo, seeing his red face, giggled to herself. 'He's so cute when he blushes...' she thought.

'Could this be a date? No way, she's probably just asking to go as friends... right?' Izuku thought to himself. He noticed Aizawa was watching him.

"Ugh, dense.", Aizawa said as if he knew what Izuku was thinking, then walked away.

When everybody had arrived to the front of the school, they found Aizawa there waiting for them with a bus.

"Today we will be going to a place named USJ. This stands for Unforeseen Simulation Joint. You'll get more information when we get there.", he said. "Also, we will have a couple of guests joining us.", he added with a glint in his eyes.

As they started driving to the USJ, Tsuyu (Who was sitting in front of him), the frog girl, asked Izuku a question that gets everybody's attention.

"So what was your third quirk? You were cut off when we talked about it last time, and we never asked you later about it.", she asked.

Izuku, taken aback from the sudden question, didn't know what to say.
"W-Well it's like a strength quirk-no a speed quirk-wait no it's... i-it's a body enhancement quirk.", he managed. "100% natural though! I didn't inherit it or something like that, that's impossible... heh heh...", he added nervously.

The entire class just stared with confusion at him, other than Todoroki (Because he didn't care), Momo (Because she had spent enough time with him that she understood his mumbling) and Bakugo (For the same reason as Momo).

"Uhhh, could you repeat that?", Uraraka asked with a puzzled look on her face.

"Its just a simple body enhancement quirk.", Izuku answered.

"Oh... why didn't you say that the first time?", Tsuyu asked.

"Uhhh... I was just surprised at your sudden question!", he answered. The class seemed to accept this, and started talking amongst themselves.

Izuku sighed as the danger of All Might's secret getting revealed had been averted. For now, at least.

"Phew, that was a close one", he sighed under his breath.

"What was a close one?", Momo (Who had been sitting in front of him) asked.

"Uhhhhh... Nothing!!!", he answered with a little too much enthusiasm.

Momo started at him with a confused face. "Oh yeah, I had forgotten to ask you about this! Didn't you tell me that you only had 2 quirks? Where did this 3rd one come from?", she asked him.

"Well...uhhhh... the thing is that I... uhhhh-", Izuku began nervously, but got interrupted by Aizawa as the bus ground to a stop.

"Ok everyone, get off the bus. We're here.", he said with his trademark bored face.

When the class got off the bus, they took in their surroundings. They were outside a giant domed arena-like building. The building looked like it had advanced, modern technology, but it was hard to tell from the outside.

"Is this all part of the school grounds?", Iida asked Aizawa with a voice that showed that he was in awe.

"Yes.", Aizawa answered non-chalantly.

When the class got to the building, they noticed 4 people at the entrance waiting. One of them had a hero costume on that resembled an astronaut. Another had an All Might kind of costume on, but the colour scheme was mostly white. He had blonde slicked up hair and a cartoon like face. The third person had long blue hair that reached to her waist. She her hair went into 2 spirals where her horns would be if she had horns. Her hero costume was a skintight white and blue, but there was some green on it too. The last person was almost completely covered by his white and purple costume, with a hood covering his head. He also had a purple mask covering the area around his eyes.

When the class got to the entrance, Aizawa stopped them and introduced them to the 4 people waiting at the entrance.

"Class, these people will be supervising us for this exercise.", he said as he waved an arm to the 4 people.

"First, this is 13. He is a teacher here at UA and also a pro hero.", Aizawa said pointing at the astronaut guy. 13 waved at them. Since 13 was a relatively famous pro hero, Aizawa didn't elaborate on him.

"The rest of these guy are 3rd year students here at UA. You may have heard of them before. They are called the Big 3, because they are the top 3 students in UA who have the ability to become known as too heroes. Their skill surpassed most pro heroes, so make sure you respect them properly. They're here today to help supervise the exercise.", Aizawa said.

"This is Amajiki. His quirk is Manifest. Basically, he can manifest his limbs into any part of whatever he eats, as long as it is still in his digestive system.", Aizawa said. Amajiki started to wave half-heartedly, but faltered midway through and bowed his head in defeat. "He's also extremely shy, so choose your words wisely when you're around him.", Aizawa added.

"Next we have Nejire. She has the quirk Surge. She can convert her vitality into energy and attack, defend and even fly using it. She's really talkative, so make sure your prepared to answer questions at any time when your around her.", Aizawa said. As if on cue, Nejire ran around to all the students and began asking multiple questions, firing them off like bullets from a gun.

"Why do you wear that mask? Are you trying to look cool? Or are you sick?", she asked, running to Shoji. Before he could answer, she ran over to Todoroki.

"How did you get those burns?", she asked, her voice brimming with curiosity. Again, she left to ask another question before he could even answer.

"Are these balls your hair? How do you cut them?"

"How much lightning can you blast?"

"Can you move your horns? If they fall off, would they grow back?"

She finally stopped. "Wow, there's so much I want to know about you guys! That's pretty weird, right?", she said with her voice still filled with curiosity.

"Nejire, not now.", Aizawa sighed with a tired voice.

Nejire pouted. "Just one more? Please???", she begged Aizawa.

"Fine. We have to wait anyways, so might as well.", Aizawa said with a sigh.

Nejire cheered with happiness. She's like a kindergartener, the entire class thought to themselves.

She went to Izuku, stood directly in front of him and stared right into his eyes, making him blush in surprise.

"So what's your quirk? Or should I say quirks? How strong are you really? Is it true that you're All Might's secret love child?", she asked, finally getting serious.

"W-What?!?!", Izuku shouted with his blush disappearing. He had been expecting the question about the quirks and his strength, but the part about being All Might's secret love child surprised him so much he didn't know what to say.

'Secret love child...', Todoroki thought to himself.

Nejire laughed. "Just kidding! We already know that you aren't related to All Might, we did our research! And we already know the details of your quirk, because Mirio asked me to resear-"

"Nejire!!!", Mirio yelled.

All of the class looked at each other. 'Research? Why would The Big 3 of UA research Izuku?', they thought to themselves.

Meanwhile, Izuku still hadn't remembered that he had met the three on the first day of school.

Suddenly they heard a bus come from behind them and stopped their talking/thinking.

As the bus doors opened, Class 1-B walked out with their teacher, Vlad King. They were the other first year hero class, and were relatively evenly matched with Class 1-A.

After the students socialised for a bit and introduced themselves, Vlad King got their attention.

"Listen up here! You may be wondering why Class 1-A and Class 1-B are doing work today together. It is because me and Eraser Head have decided that we would like the two classes to work together in the future, so we would like you to build relationships here instead of prejudices."

Aizawa looked at all of the students and said, "All Might was supposed to come here to supervise too, but he's running behind shedule, so we're going to let 13 take it from here.".

13 opened the door, and the two classes followed him into the USJ. There were gasps all around as the students took in their surroundings. It was like someone had taken all of the world's disasters and put them all in one giant building. There was a flood area, landslide area, fire area, mountain area, storm area, an area with the ruins of a city in it, and a central plaza connecting all of these places.

As 13 was explaining the simulation, a black portal started opening in the middle of the central plaza.

"Hey, what's that?", Kirishima asked nervously. The rest of the two classes looked at the portal in surprise and saw tons of villain-like people walking out of the portal.

"You even have fake villains? That so cool!", Kirishima exclaimed. All the students looked at the 3 pro heroes and the Big Three, looking for an explanation.

"What the... what's going on?!?!", Izuku asked Aizawa.

Aizawa, Vlad King and the Big Three had all stepped to the front of the stairs and seemed to be preparing for a fight. Aizawa put some yellow goggles on, Amajiki put on his hood, and Vlad King cracked his knuckles.

"13! Stay here and protect the students! Mirio, Nejire, help 13! Amajiki, Vlad, we have to distract these villains!", Aizawa shouted, then jumped down the stairs right for the villains, closely followed by Amajiki and Vlad King.

"W-What's going on?", Mineta asked with a ton of panic in his voice. "Are those real villains!"

13 tried to calm the classes down, but their reactions were all the same as Mineta's. Complete shock.

"Listen children! There's no use just talking about it! Your teachers and Amajiki can handle them! Aizawa left me, Mirio and Nejire behind because he put saving all of you a priority! Don't let the efforts of your teachers be in vain! Come, let's go!", 13 shouted.

That finally calmed them down, so they followed 13 towards the door but suddenly the portal thing from earlier appeared again, taking on a shape of misty energy and glowing eyes.

"I'm afraid I can't let you leave right now.", the portal man said. His body expanded, until it covered all of them. Bakugo and Kirishima ran to where the misty energy had expanded from, but their physical attacks made no progress.

"My job is to scatter you and torture you until All Might arrives.", the warp gate said.

Suddenly, everyone got teleported away to a different area in the building except for 13, Iida, Uraraka, Mina, Shoji and some Class 1-B students.

"Hmmm, looks like some of you slipped through my grasp. Whatever, I can kill you personally.", the warp gate said to himself.

"What are you trying to do?", asked 13 with a hint of panic in his voice.

The warp gate looked directly at the hero and smirked. "Well, to kill the Symbol of Peace, All Might!", he answered, his voice dripping with evil. "The kids are just an added bonus."

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