The Legendary Hero (OP Deku A...

By dekus_right_nipple

1.1M 17.5K 15.8K

Izuku Midoriya is not quirkless, not even close. He actually is in possession of two quirks, and is one of th... More

Chapter 1: Two Quirks
Chapter 2: The Hero
Chapter 3: Inko Midoriya
Chapter 4: Chisai Yaoyoruzu
Chapter 5: One for All
Chapter 6: Momo Yaoyoruzu
Chapter 7: Changing Ideals
Chapter 8: Preparation
Chapter 10:UA
Chapter 11: Fitness Test
Chapter 12: USJ
Chapter 13: USJ (Cont.)
Chapter 14: USJ Finale
Chapter 15: Inko
Chapter 16: The Festival
Chapter 17: First Date?
Chapter 18: All For One
Chapter 19: Gran Torino
Chapter 20: Famous?
Chapter 21: The Dorms
Chapter 22: Sports Festival Introduced
Chapter 23: Training and Momo
Chapter 24: The Sports Festival
Chapter 25: Sports Festival Pt 2
Chapter 26: Sports Festival Pt 3
Chapter 27: Sports Festival Finale
Chapter 28: Internship
Chapter 29: Internship Disasters
Chapter 30: Hero Killer Stain
Chapter 31: Aftermath
Chapter 32: Final Exams
Chapter 33: Summer Training Camp Introduced
Chapter 34: Training Camp
Chapter 35: Disaster
Chapter 36: Counterattack
Chapter 37: True Hero
Chapter 38: The Law
Chapter 39: Consequences
Chapter 40: Pro Hero
Chapter 41: Eight Precepts of Death
Chapter 42: Overhaul
Chapter 43: Eri
Chapter 44: High End
Chapter 45: Save Me
Chapter 46: The Darkness
Chapter 47: The Darkness Pt.2
Chapter 48: Hiyashi Midoriya
Chapter 49: The Second Chapter
The Sovereign
Chapter 50: The Truth
Chapter 51: Beginning of the End
Chapter 52: Kaminari Denki
Chapter 53: Friend
Chapter 54: Sanda Kaminari
Chapter 55: Escalation
Chapter 56: Move On
Chapter 57: Ambush
Chapter 58: 'Sup Kid
Chapter 59: Demon Inside
Chapter 60: Awaken
Chapter 61: Izuku vs Sovereign
Chapter 62: Kuroki Midoriya
Chapter 63: Blessing of God

Chapter 9: Kacchan and UA Entrance Exams

31K 528 450
By dekus_right_nipple

Izuku P.O.V.

Me, Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru were waiting in the airport near Hosu for Bakugo. The next day would be the UA Entrance Exams, so I had brought some small dumbbells to work out my arms while we were waiting.

While we were waiting, I heard a voice from behind me.

"Izuku! Behind you!", someone who sounds very young called out to me.

I turned around and searched for the source of the voice, and I found Chisai running to me while waving. I also noticed his parents and Momo following behind him, all smiling. Chisai ran to me and jumped into a hug.

"Chisai! What are you doing here?", I asked with confusion.

"Me and my family are waiting for my uncle.", he answered as he started playing with my hair.

By now, Momo and her parents have caught up.

"Hello again, Izuku.", Momo's mom said.


"Izuku! I've heard you grown quite famous!", shouts Momo's dad.

I see people around staring, and remember that I had gotten famous ever since that incident with the car.

"Hi Mr Yaoyorozu!", I greeted. Then I looked at Momo. I hadn't been able to meet her in person for the last 2 months due to my training, and we had only communicated with texts.

"Hey Momo.", I said with a little awkwardness.

"H-Hi Izuku.", she answered. Was her face getting red? I wonder if she's sick again.

Meanwhile, Kacchan's parents watched all of this with their jaws dropped. They had found out I was famous when they were in America and had seen my clip playing on the news, but they didn't seem to mind it. Their only problem was that I couldn't go out in public without somebody noticing me, so they warned me to stay humble and not let it get to my head. Anyways, they seemed shocked at the presence of the Yaoyorozu family. Then I realized I hadn't introduced them, but there was no need.

"I am Ukataka Yaoyorozu", Momo's dad says while extending a hand to Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle Mayuri. Aunt Mitsuki accepted the hand with her jaw still dropped.

"And I am Kireina Yaoyorozu", Momo's mom said.

After Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle Mayuri introduced themselves, they took me to a corner of the waiting room.

"You didn't tell us you were on speaking terms with the Yaoyorozu family!", Aunt Mitsuki whispered.

"Oh. I guess it must have slipped my mind", I apologized.

They shook their heads as we walked back to the Yaoyorozu's.

"So I guess you must be Izuku's parents?", Ukataka asked, trying to make conversation.

"Oh, no... we are only taking care of him while his mother is in the hospital.", Aunt Mitsuki answered.

"Oh!", exclaimed Kireina. "Excuse me for prying, but why is his mother in the hospital?"

Aunt Mitsuki and Uncle Mayuri both looked at me, so I sigh. I tell the Yaoyorozu family about what happened 7 years ago, leaving out the part about All Might and All for One.

Kireina and Ukataka seemed saddened by this. They told me that they were sorry for me, but I said it's ok. It wasn't traumatic for me.

Later, the adults talked amongst themselves while I talked with Chisai and Momo. Chisai kept on asking me about the details of me saving Momo. I was about to answer one of his questions when I noticed that the doors have opened and the flight from America had arrived. I stop ped talking and looked to the doors with anticipation, ignoring Chisai and Momo's curious looks.

After a couple of people left, I saw the familiar sandy hair that I had grown used to seeing everyday.

"Kacchan!", I shouted while waving to get his attention. He noticed me and grinned widely. He ran towards me, and I ran towards him at the same time. When we are 1 meter away, he suddenly pulled back a fist to punch me in the face. At the very same time, I pulled back my fist to punch him. It resulted in the two of us punching each other in the fists, and we both started laughing. We walked back to Momo and Chisai, who had been watching with confusion and curiosity.

"This is Kacchan, my brother!", I shouted, introducing him to them. After they introduce themselves, Aunt Mitsuki came over and punched the two of us on the top of our heads.

"Stop making a scene, idiots!", she yelled as people stared at her.

After Momo's uncle arrived, we all decided to go to a fancy restaurant together.

When we got in the car, Kacchan stared at me and laughed.

"What's wrong?", I asked nervously. Whenever Kacchan laughed like that, he would always embarrass me next.

"When did you get the girlfriend?", he said while laughing.

I immediately started blushing. "S-She's not my girlfriend!", I yelled, embarrassed.

"Come on, Izuku. It's so obvious you like each other."

I laughed and tried to change the subject. "So, what did you train in America?", I asked.

"Just strength and battle training, that's it. How about you here?", he asked.

"Same thing", I answered.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Ukataka said that he had already reserved seats for us while we were driving there.

'Woah... so rich' I thought to myself .

While we were eating, Aunt Mitsuki asked Kareina a question.

"So how did you get to know Izuku?", she asked.

"Well, he saved our son's life a while back, then he also saved our daughter later too.", Kareina answered.

Meanwhile, me, Kacchan, Momo and Chisai were all talking to each other. Suddenly Kacchan turned to Chisai and started talking to him, shutting me and Momo out of the conversation. Chisai is happy enough to talk to Kacchan, so me and Momo are left alone.

"You guys talk amongst yourselves, got it?", Kacchan said with a smirk. I realized what he's doing and cursed him in my head.

"So... what's that about?", Momo asked.

"He thinks we're dating, so he's trying to get us to get together", I answered with a sigh.

Momo immediately started blushing furiously. "W-What?", she demanded as her face reddened.

"Don't worry, he's just joking around with us.", I sighed as I felt my face burning up.

After we finished eating, we went our separate ways, and once I got home I went to sleep right away. Kacchan coming back and talking with Momo had gotten me so distracted that I had forgotten about how the UA Entrance Exams were tomorrow.

I quickly fell asleep, deciding that I needed my rest for tomorrow.

The Next Day

I stood in front of the giant school.

"Woah... UA!", I exclaimed with excitement. It was, after all, my dream school.

As we walked into the school, I noticed that people were staring at me and Kacchan.

"What the hell are these extras looking at?!?!", Kacchan shouted with anger. He doesn't like being stared at, as he get's embarrassed quickly. (He doesn't ever admit it though).

I just sighed and walked into the school for the exams. Being famous had alot of drawbacks, and by now I almost wished I hadn't made that speech on camera.

Small Time Skip

After we finish the written exams, me and Kacchan sat at some desks at a giant auditorium next to each other.

"Hello EVERYBODY!", someone yelled from the stage. I looked and saw the teacher/hero, Present Mic, talking.

"The format for the practical exams is simple. 4 levels of robots, 1 pointers, 2 pointers and 3 pointers. It will be like a video game, the more points the higher your chance of succeeding."

Suddenly someone a few rows in front of me stood up with his hand raised. "You said there were 4 types of robots, Sir! But there are only 3 that you listed! Did UA make a mistake? This is a blemish on the track record of UA, Sir!"

"Uhhh, I didn't get to that yet."

"My apologies Sir!"

'Geez, so uptight.' I thought to myself.

"The 0 pointer is the fourth robot. Destroying it has no merit whatsoever!", Present Mic explained.

Suddenly, we all get cards showing us where to go. I got to City A, but Kacchan got at City B.

"See you later!", he said to me while leaving. "You better not screw up!"

"You too!", I answered.

Once we got to the fake city, a buzzer started. "Start!"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion at the sudden start, not expecting to begin so early. Meanwhile, I was already on the city, having teleported there. I immediately set my sights on 10 3 pointers that are huddled together. I used my Space quirk and erased all of their heads, causing them to fall, now dysfunctional. I teleported around, racking up points, and I'm nearly at 80 when the rest of the people got into the city. Once I hit 100, I decided to take a break and watch the others battle. I did this because I realized that there is probably a limit to how many robots there are, and defeating all of them myself wouldn't be fair to the others. Soon enough, the exam seemed to be over because all of the robots had gotten defeated, so I jumped down to where everyone was gathered. Suddenly, the earth started rumbling. We all looked for the source, and we found a dozen gigantic robots heading towards us.

"Those are the zero pointers?!?!?!", one person asks with terror.

Everyone started running away when instinct tells me to activate me eye quirk to see if anyone is injured and can't run. To my surprise, there are 10 people who can't run, but 9 of them weren't in trouble as someone else was helping them, and they were far away from the Zero pointers. But the 10th one is right only 3.67 meters away from one of the robots, and I realized that one of the robots would stomp on her, definitely killing her.

I immediately ran towards the robots, ignoring the fact that everyone else had stopped and were watching me. I teleported right where the girl was, and just in time too. If I hadn't been back just 3 seconds earlier, she would have gotten stomped. With one arm, I picked her up while using my telekinesis on the rubble that was trapping her. My eyes immediately started getting dry and hurting, so I stopped the telekinesis before my eyes started bleeding too much.

Holding the girl in my arms bridal style, I teleported away, back to the rest of the people. I set her down then faced the robots again. I used my eye quirk to see if there was anybody left, but there was none.

I sighed in relief when I heard Present Mic voice. "But there was a plot twist!!!!! The exam is not over until everyone of the zero pointers are defeated!"

The rest of the people dropped whatever they were doing and ran to the zero pointers eager to prove their worth to the teachers. The problem is, the ones carrying the injured dropped them too, putting them in weird positions in their haste to fight.

Instead of running to the robots like the rest, I sighed and helped the injured people. I put them all next to each other and crouched down to take a small breather. I took eye drops from a pocket and applied them to my eyes to counteract the dryness. As I watched, everyone teamed up on one robot, and managed to defeat it. But after that, they seemed too exhausted to fight more, and they all fell from exhaustion.

'Well, that was anti climatic.', I thought to myself. "Are they really that weak? Or is it that I'm used to strong people..."

"I want to go home now.", I said as I got up and stretched .

I teleport into the air in front of All the robots, and with one flick of my hand I erase half of their heads, making them crash. I decide that this was good training for One for All, so proceed to destroy the rest of the robots using One For All 30% on my legs. After defeating them, I walk back teleport back to where everyone was. All of a sudden, I collapsed.

'Shoot... guess I overdid it on the legs.'

After I regain some energy with the help of some others, I stared at the camera where I knew Present Mic and the rest of the teachers were watching.

"Can I go home now? I'm kind of sleepy right now."

"W-Well... yeah sure." Present Mic voice answered from a nearby loudspeaker.

I walk away when I the guy with the glasses who had interrupted Present Mic spoke up.

"What is your name?", he asked as he adjusted his glasses.

"Izuku Midoriya.", I answered as I yawned a little.

I heard some gasps as the people realized that I was the guy on TV, and smiled at myself.

I guess being famous has its upsides too.

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