So close yet so far (Prince o...

נכתב על ידי otaku_of_the_night

66.4K 1.6K 129

Martina Jasmine at the age of 11 became the youngest ever to be ranked as number one in the world of tennis... עוד

Lantern and the Truth
Melbourne Junior's
U-17 Camp
Quality Time
Marriage Interview
Photo shoot
Cleaning Day

Transferee from Germany

3.6K 71 4
נכתב על ידי otaku_of_the_night

It was Monday morning and today is the start of her first day at Rikkaidai High School as a first year transferee student. Her grandfather had to pull some strings to allow her to enroll even without taking an exam and with the first term about to end and without her real name and identity being exposed. Today she will enter high school as Taira Jasmine and not as Martina Schwarz.

She dressed into the emerald green uniform of Rikkaidai and then she put on a yellow head band. She hold her shoulder length hair already missing her long curly hair that reached her waist before she had it cut yesterday so that no one will recognize her. The forest green color of her eyes were hidden under her thick glasses. But despite her best effort if you are an avid fan of tennis you would definitely recognize her as Martina Schwarz.

Putting everything aside she grab her bag and grab some breakfast and then head out for school. As their car reaches the gates all student were already probably in class as no one except his cousin Renji is at the gates.

"Let's go. I'll guide you around. I also got your schedule with me. Oji-san really pulled some strings so that we can be in the same class." Renji said making Jasmine let go of nervous feeling she has.

Renji told Jasmine to wait outside the classroom for their teacher.

When the sensei arrived he talked a bit to Jasmine and told her to come in once he said to be able to introduce herself. Jasmine never like introducing herself to public. She finds it bothersome. She also doesn't like being looked at. Considering her beauty and everything everyone would thought that she's used with the attention but even after years she still doesn't like it.

"Please come in and introduce yourself to class." The teacher said from the inside of the classroom. Making Jasmine come back from her thoughts, she took a couple of deep breaths before entering the room.

Everyone looked at her curiously. Assessing her. Guessing from her thick glasses she must be very nerdy some of them thought. But some noted that if she will remove it they guess that she will be beautiful. Some thought of her as cute.

"G-good morning everyone. I'm Taira Jasmine I just transferred here from Germany I hope we can all get along well." Jasmine said and bow her head. As she raised her head she meet her cousin's gaze who nodded at her. Her gaze however shifted to the guy next to her cousin who is sitting by the window and looking outside. He is the only one who isn't looking at her until and as if sensing someone is looking at him the guy turned his head and look at her. Making her turned his head down again.

"Alright Taira-san why don't you sit behind Yukimura-san." the teacher said pointing at the only vacant seat at the back of the guy who is staring outside a while ago.

Jasmine took her seat and the class begun. She tried hard to keep focused and listen to the teacher for even though she understand Japanese fluently and can speak it well she still has to catch up or else she might fail. Failing is not an option. Everyone in their family are high achievers that's why it's a given that she has to do great. To do well is not an option she must be the best. Jasmine just hope she can live up to that expectation.

After the class they have free period. That is when Renji-kun went to her.

"Are you ok? Did you understand the lesson? I will lend my notes for you to study. I can even tutor you for you to catch up." Renji said making all their classmate turned their head to them even the guy in front of her.

"No it's ok Renji-kun. Maybe just lend me your notes I don't want to inconvenience you. I know you have practice and the student council. I'll be fine." Jasmine replied. All the girls around gasp because she address Yanagi Renji by his first name.

"Are you sure?" Renji asked. Knowing his cousin is a perfect genius adapting to this sudden change in atmosphere might be a little hard for her still.

"Yes. I am pretty sure." she said and smiled warmly at her cousin. Just then the free period passed by with Renji giving his notes to Jasmine and explaining some things to her and making everyone just stare at the two.

The bell ring for the lunch break this made Jasmine to sight in relief.

Just then the guy in front of her and his cousin started talking and then stand up together and were joined by another man. Almost everyone already left aside from the four of them and some who are eating their packed lunch.

"Yukimura, Sanada. I'd like to introduce you to Taira Jasmine. Jasmine-chan this is Yukimura and Sanada, my friends here since middle high they were also my co-member at the club."

"Nice meeting you, Yukimura-san, Sanada-san." Jasmine said smiling at the two.

"Nice meeting you too, Taira-san." Yukimura said and offer his hand to shake which Jasmine took. They smiled at each other. He looks friendly Jasmine thought '. . .and how should I say this beautiful? Yah that's right for a guy he is too beautiful.'

Sanada offered his hand for a shake to without saying anything. He looks a little scary and uptight Jasmine said as he looked at the black haired guy in front of him very masculine.

Sanada and Yukimura were then informed by Renji that they were actually cousin but by then the entire school already feasting over the rumor's that Yanagi Renji aka the Master is dating the transfer student from abroad. Even the member of their club Marui Bunta, Niou Masaharu and the rest were conversing at their usual spot about the news of the century.

"I still can't believe Yanagi was able to have a girlfriend! And she's even from abroad!" Marui said as he eat another bite of the cake he has with him.

This statement made the four halt and the cousin looked into each other's eyes. However Yukimura has this glint in his eyes saying that something is coming and it would amuse him for sure.

It didn't take long for the rest to notice them approaching their table. They immediately shifted their gaze at the lady next to Yanagi Renji. Each of them have their own thoughts.

She look rather interesting, Marui Bunta thought.

She seems familiar, was the thought of Yagyuu or more known as the Gentleman.

Puri, was all in the thought of Niou.

Everyone took their seat as Renji Yanagi introduce Jasmine.

"Say. Is it true you two are dating?" this question of Marui Bunta made the cousin blush and Yukimura chuckled at the embarrassment of his friend Renji.

Yukimura is the only one who really enjoys his friends embarrassment.

"Renji-kun is my cousin. Our mothers are sisters." Jasmine replied seeing his cousin is a little embarrassed and then smiled at them. This smile made them halt as something about her smile is rather charming and magnetic?

"So that means you belong to the prominent family of the Taira?" Yagyuu asked and pushing his glasses up.

"Yes." Jasmine replied and give of another smile.

Renji then recovered from his embarrassment and introduce his cousin to his teammates.  

They began eating their lunch and converse among themselves. Occasionally asking the transfer student about her life abroad. Jasmine blended well with their group and she seems to like them as well.

Renji knew that his cousin has this certain charm about her that makes it easy for someone to like her. He just have to be cautious because he can't let them have anymore deep feelings towards her or his grandfather would skin him alive.  

"It is mandatory for you to join at least one club here in Rikkaidai. Is there any club you're interested? We can help you look around Taira-san." Marui Bunta offered.

"Renji already showed me the club list yesterday. I've always wanted to join a traditional Japanese club." 

Jasmine remember how she always wanted to share her passion for flower arrangement and to do tea ceremony aside for her family. Since she loves tennis before all her time before were allotted in tennis. This is her chance to broaden her horizon just like her promise to her grandfather.

"So I'll probably go for the cultural club and probably gardening and book club as well." This made Yukimura look at Jasmine at the mention of gardening.

"You like gardening Taira-san?" This questioned elicit another smile from Jasmine and though they can't see her eyes shine because of this.

"Yes Yukimura-san. I have a garden back in Germany and I've always visited Netherland for their field of tulips and other flowers."

Renji noted how his cousin tried to conceal her excitement over talking about her pride her garden which is composed of a huge field of flowers and also has a greenhouse for those flower that requires warmer temperature.

This topic also made Yukimura and her cousin indulge in a long conversation that none of them ever shared interest with Yukimura.

As the group head back to class Renji heard how Yukimura even invited his cousin over at his house to see his garden and how her cousin told the same to Yukimura. As the two walked behind every one else the regulars have a rather interesting conversation as well that might be added to the very few data Renji has of Yukimura.

"Neh. Yukimura-bucho seems to be very comfortable with Yanagi-san cousin." A question that turned out statement from Yagyuu.

"Maybe because of their similar interest in gardening?" Marui said and popping his gum.

This made Renji think about his data of Yukimura and his cousin. They were alike in so many things, the love for gardening and tennis of course. Even how their nicknames is how the other is called "Child of God" while the other is "The Goddess". The perfect and flawless tennis and even their unparallel grace and physical beauty. This made Yanagi turned his head to Yukimura and Jasmine who is still very much engage on their conversation about plants.

He observe how similar yet different the two were. While Yukimura always had this perfect kind smile on his lips, his eyes always says otherwise for they were always distant and cold like the ocean whose dept is immeasurable. While Jasmine who is from growing up until present time have the kind smile like Yukimura but the difference lies in their eyes because Jasmine always have this warm green eyes that when she looks at you it's like seeing a new hope and makes you feel that you are not alone. Renji is making a conclusion based on numbers and if his calculations are correct things would change for this two people close to him.

Jasmine and Yukimura have a very interesting conversation that they barely notice that they were in the classroom again. Jasmine blush a little knowing how she barely notice anything with the topic being plants and flowers. The conversation Yukimura and her were having ended when their teacher for art arrived. She immediately notice the new addition to the class and calls her to introduce herself.

"Dear please introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself and your favorite art piece of all time and why is it your favorite." Mizuki-senpai said smiling at Jasmine who is looking at her cousin who just gave her an encouraging nod. Renji together with the rest of the class did this on their first day.

"I'm Taira Jasmine, well I'm half japanese and half German. My favorite artist is a hard thing to choose as they vary depending on genre and also what I'm feeling at the moment. But right at this moment I guess it would be Suzuki Kiitsu and for the art piece Birds and Flowers of the Four Season." Jasmine said earning a shocked impression from his Teachers and classmate none of them thought that she would have knowledge of Japanese Art this much. "As to why right now because I feel like this art I'm having a transition in my life that will affect my growth and like the cranes who grew and matured with season I hope I'll be the same. And also the elegance of the art really attracts me." Jasmine replied. Everyone in the room stare at her in astonishment. Yukimura then put his chin on his hand as he look at this very interesting cousin of Yanagi. As it is very rare sight to see a woman who grew up in Europe that is surrounded with Museums and Art Exposition of Western style art to be quite attach with Eastern style of art.

"Thank you Taira-chan why don't you sit while your classmate handed their work for last week and I'll talk to you later about the requirements that you've miss."

So far Jasmine found out she already missed five activity, six homework and two project. She was given until a week before the end of the first term to hand in everything and as special consideration she was asked to be guided by the best student in class who happens to be Yukimura. The final requirement for the term which is titled "Fear". They were given a paper for inspiration there is no limit in the size of the canvas. They still have three weeks to work on this.'

"Taira-san I won't be able to help you out with the requirements during weekdays because of my club practice. Is it ok if we do it on the weekends instead?" Yukimura said as Mizuki-sensei left them to discuss among themselves and to reflect on what they will be doing for their project.

"Sure. It's not a problem at all. I think I get some of the activity and homework since most of this especially the homework are sketches. Though the two project and the last two activity looks a little though and I can't understand the instruction." Jasmine replied looking at the paper with the list of things she needed to submit with the instruction of what material to use and what to do.

Yukimura started to slowly teach her what to do with the homework. As Jasmine is a fast learner and easily understand what you say Yukimura didn't take that long in explaining to her what to do. The only left work for him is probably help her finish the requirements faster. If they use their time well they will finish it in the designated time. Yukimura still has no idea how good or if she is good in art he was hoping that she is because it will be hard if she's not good with it.

"Do you have idea already on what you will paint for the final requirement Yukimura-san?" Jasmine asked Yukimura politely.

Fear can be a lot of things this is what in Jasmine thought. The fear their teacher wanted maybe your own personal fears or other people or just a scary object. It can really be practically anything as fear can be everything for someone.

Jasmine observed Yukimura as he looked through the examples given to them by their teacher. It's mostly dark colored art some have scary looking figures and line to them while the others are just dark lines and all. Yukimura placed his chin in between his thumb and forefinger.

"Yah. I was thinking of something but it might be too personal so I might thought of something else first."

They quickly wrap up and went for their next class for the day.

Rikkaidai High School like the middle high expect nothing but the best from their student. They develop student who aren't just academically great but a wholesome individual. Jasmine with the help of his cousin who is carefully instructed by their grandfather that he accompany her everywhere and he must help her with everything aid her in submitting her form for the tea ceremony club and also to the gardening club and off he went to the tennis club.

Jasmine has to wait for his cousin that is instructed by their grandfather to come home with Jasmine and report to him about their activity of the day.

She doesn't want to wait by the court side so she decided to wait by the garden and started sketching. Since the second homework is about nature she decided to sketch the whole garden of Rikkaidai. She brought out the sketch pad given to her by their Art teacher and some charcoal pen and ordinary pen. As she sketched the garden she forget about the time and didn't notice a pair of ocean-blue eyes that has been starring at her from some time now.

"Taira-san." Yukimura finally decided to speak as he together with the other Rikkaidai regulars have been looking for her. This made Jasmine turned and see who it is and just that instant Yukimura felt he freeze to his place as he stare at her. The sky behind her is in the mix of violet and orange and the garden seems to be glowing with her as Jasmine smiled to Yukimura.

"Yukimura-san." Jasmine turned his head to the one who called her and saw Yukimura. She walked gracefully to him.

"Yanagi is looking for you. The tennis practice is already done." Yukimura said after finding his voice to speak.

"Let me just get my bag and keep this things." Jasmine said and gesture to her bag that is in in the bench next to Jasmine's place a while ago. Yukimura nodded and gesture for the sketch pad on Jasmine's hands.

"Is it ok if I see your sketch?"

"Sure. Though it's not much. I think it would be ok for the homework about sketching nature." Jasmine said as she handed the sketch pad to Yukimura and went to gather her stuff.

Yukimura held his breath for the beautiful sketch. He always find sketching landscape the hardest especially a garden because of how to create variations of color using pencil alone. The intensity of each color must be different. But as he stare at the sketch he feels like the flowers are moving in the sketch and even with no colors it already felt magical.

"What do you think Yukimura-san? It's just a little rush and all." Jasmine said next to Yukimura.

"This is beautiful Taira-san. Really beautiful." Yukimura said as he looked up and see how closed they were he can now see the green eyes of Jasmine. A beautiful green eyes that will remind you of the hill covered with grass after it rained and is being lighted by the sun. It's beautiful and refreshing. The smile Jasmine has now is blinding.

"Thank you Yukimura-san that you think it's beautiful." Jasmine said and started walking. This made Yukimura return from his thought.

Get a hold of yourself Seiichi. You know her barely a day and your already imagining things? Don't think of those possibilities yet. 

המשך קריאה

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