So close yet so far (Prince o...

By otaku_of_the_night

67.2K 1.6K 129

Martina Jasmine at the age of 11 became the youngest ever to be ranked as number one in the world of tennis... More

Transferee from Germany
Lantern and the Truth
Melbourne Junior's
U-17 Camp
Quality Time
Marriage Interview
Photo shoot
Cleaning Day


4.6K 88 2
By otaku_of_the_night

Author's Note: This is how I imagine how Martina Jasmine Taira Schwarz will looked like. Someone like Kinomoto Nadeshiko from Cardcaptor Sakura. You are free to imagine whoever you wish.


As the car crosses the bridge it enters a very intimidating looking main gate of the Taira Residence in Kanagawa Prefecture. 

The Taira Residence is the old Palace of one of the oldest family in Japan. Their family's history extended far older than the current Royal family of Japan. 

Martina looked out as they entered the gates and then the car made a turned and enter another gate. The palace has three gates before you can enter the main residence palace. The first gate being the biggest and made of solid iron steel. The inside is divided into three the main residence palace, the first and second palace and the place for the staffs. First Palace is where mostly the party's where held and right next to it the second palace for those guest who wish to rest and or are invited to stay the night over it can house approximately 70 people. It also has surrounding garden. The second gate is a direct path that will lead you to the final gate which is the grandest gate. But before entering another bridge is crossed because the main residence is surrounded with man maid Lake. The main residence as it is, is divided into five main parts. The northern wing where the head of the family is staying, it is the biggest among the division of the main residence. Every room for the main residence has its own private garden at the center of their room.

Martina looked around noting how beautiful and picturesque the Taira's palace is. She grew up in another grandeur western palace back in Germany but something about the Japanese style really made her fell in love with it over and over.

As the car pulled a stop in front of the main residence, Martina waited for the doors to be opened. As she steps out of the car she was surprised to see hundreds of maids and butler's lined in each side of the pathway.

"Good morning Jasmine-sama."

Everyone bowed and remained that way as Martina walks the pathway and was greeted by her grandmother's warm smile and her grandfather's usual stoic face.

"Oji-san. Oba-san." Martina greeted with a low bow and as she was about to stand up her grandmother engulfed her to a warm hug.

"Jasmine, it's been so long my dear." her grandmother said looking at her from head to toe disapprovingly. "You've grown thinner my dear. And look at this hands it's full of calloused now."

Ever since she became a pro tennis player she never had time to visit her maternal grandparents. To the world she may be known as Martina Schwarz the famous and youngest number 1 tennis player but to her maternal roots she is Taira Jasmine.

The way her grandparents lived is very traditional. For them a woman should be graceful and beautiful. Elegance should always be emitted. Sports is not an approved hobby. They wanted her to focus on art and music but things just happened.

Taira Yoshiyo is pleased how his granddaughter turned out. Beautiful, elegant and charming. Someone who perfected the art and culture of Japan. Despite the unpleasant German blood to her she is a complete Yamato Nadeshiko. (No racism intended. Jasmine's grandfather just really happens to be traditional and very   strict.) She is gifted in both music and art. She plays koto and other instruments perfectly. She is gifted in pottery and art and even her calligraphy is perfect. She is absolutely perfect aside from her loved for a certain western sport that he would like to remove to her. It is a good thing she will be staying with them now. He will be able to remove tennis from her and hone her to the perfect lady of their household that will surpasses his two daughters.

Her grandfather hold her grandmother's shoulder and uttered "Calm down, my dear. Don't get so worked up." he said calmly even though her grandmother's voiced didn't even raised one bit. "Let's go in. I'm sure Jasmine is very tired from the journey to here."

As they make their way through halls upon halls.

"I think I will get lost here a lot Oba-san." Jasmine said with a small laugh. Her grandmother smile to her warmly and laugh a little with her hands in front of her mouth.

"You'll get used to it again soon I'm sure."

Finally they reached her old room. The maids opened the door and reveled a very glamorous room.

"We hope you'll feel at home here." Her grandmother said. "I've personally oversee the way the room will turned out. Why don't you rest, we will call you out for dinner later."

After that they left her in her room. Her room was styled like a box where in the middle of it is a garden. The east part is where her bed and bath is. The one in the northern part is her study area that oversee a garden at the back while the one in the western part is the receiving area with a pond below it. Priceless Japanese art adorn the walls together with the family's oldest ceramic pieces. The doors where made of wood. Everything is just too beautiful.

Jasmine enter her sleeping area and was mesmerized by the simplicity. Traditional low bed is their at the head of it is an old priceless art of the cherry blossom. On the side of that are bamboo's with two fan. Either side of the bed was a low table with lamps. And two plotted plants on the corner of the room. The room is in different shades of brown aside from the kimono that is adorn on one wall. The kimono is black with gold intricate details. Jasmine went closer to inspect it. Of course she have worn and seen kimono. It is a tradition held up by their family that every weekend in this household everyone wears traditional clothes for their dinner. But this kimono is just too beautiful.

Jasmine felt the tiredness of travelling from Germany to Narita to here and immediately flop on her bed and fell asleep. It must have been a really long sleep because when Jasmine was woken up by one of the maids it's already dark outside. She washed up with the help and dressed into a beautiful light yellow yukata with pink flowers to it.

As Jasmine enters the room everyone turned and gasp at the angelic beauty. Jasmine smiled at her grandparents and her mother's sister and her aunt's husband.

"Good evening. I'm sorry if I kept everyone waiting." she said in a soft manner and her grandfather only nod his head as he believe her granddaughter is unparalleled in terms of beauty and grace.

"Good evening to you Jasmine-chan. You look so beautiful as always." her Aunt Tomoyo Yanagi said.

Yanagi Tomoyo is the youngest of the two daughter of Taira Yoshiyo. She is beautiful and elegant and very famous in her days with different man seeking her hand in marriage. Just when Taira Yoshiyo chose the best, the best meaning in social standing and manners who happens to be the heir to the Atobe, his daughter decided to elope and get married with a man of respectable family and who upheld tradition but of different social standing. Taira Yoshiyo wished for his daughter to marry someone of great wealth. 

"Thank you Aunt Tomoyo."

Just then her cousin Renji Yanagi with his older sister enter the room.

"Renji-kun. Sonomi-chan." Jasmine said happily and trying to control her voice not to be too loud and too chirpy.

"Jasmine!" Sonomi said without caring for the things her grandparents are always teaching her as Sonomi always been the rebellious one among the three cousin. "It's been so long!" Sonomi said and hug Jasmin as tight as possible.

While the two girls are hugging, Renji Yanagi just stood behind his older sister and watch. After sometime Sonomi finally let go Jasmine and that is when Jasmin hug Renji who hug her back.

"It's good to see you again Jasmine-chan." Renji said.

"Hm.. Last time we meet was a couple of months ago right? At the U-17 World Cup in Australia?" Jasmin said remembering how Japan team prevent Germany from taking its 10th consecutive championship at U-17 World Cup.

"That was in December." Renji answered remembering himself how embarrassing the Japanese Rep in front of his cousin the youngest to ever rank number 1 in tennis Martina Jasmine Schwarz.

The Japan Representative arrived at the arena for the finals of the U-17 World Cup against the number one and 9th consecutive champion Germany. As they were about to go inside a car stop at some distance and their went out a very beautiful girl that looks like an angel.

"Is that Martina Schwarz! The youngest pro tennis player who is also ranked number one in the world!!!?" Akaya Kirihara said and making all this gesture making all of the Japanese Rep to turned their head and see. Just like Kirihara said right their standing is the very beautiful tennis player. It's as if everyone was just drawn to her beauty no one manage to take their eyes of her as she moved and as if feeling that someone is starring at her she turned around and saw the Japanese Rep.

Everyone held their breath as she looked their way and eventually smiled. Everyone's face turned red except one. Renji Yanagi who is very used to her cousin's beauty and glamorous smile. He returned the smile as he knows that the smile was really meant for him. He also thank kami-sama that her cousin didn't approach her.

After everyone finally returned to their senses they all started talking about Martina and the tension on their way here is long forgotten.

"I would take a picture with her later! She is so beautiful! And freakily amazing in tennis!" Akaya said.

"Eaa. Shiraishi who is that?" Kintaro asked innocently. "She looks like an angel." And so Shiraishi went on explaining to his kohai who Martina Schwarz is.

"I met her at the US Open before..." Ryoma echizen said making everyone turn their heads at him.

"Did she know you? Or are you only boasting ea Echizen?" Atobe Keigo said.

"I met her. She said she would like to play with me but she have to leave because her match is about to start." Echizen said coolly and started walking ahead making everyone stare at him in disbelief.

If they can't believe Echizen who is telling them that he and Martina Schwarz shared a conversation. Renji calculated that the possibility of them believing that they were actually cousin is 0%.

After Japan won against Germany Martina Schwarz who is a German pro approach them.

"Congratulations on winning the U-17 World Cup." she said with her soft voice and warm smile making everyone in the Japanese team melts. Even Byoudin could be seen with red ears from the attention of the angel and known "Goddess of Tennis".

Everyone sprouted their own thank yous after recovering that made her laugh a bit making everyone stop and just stare.

"It would be nice if I would get to play tennis with you one day." she said again making everyone blush again and answered yes all at the same time.

"I won't hold you guys any longer from celebrating. Congratulations again Team Japan."

After bidding good bye she turned around and walked out of the stadium. After the celebration the cousin weren't able to meet as Renji together with the other were busy with the press conference and then fly back to Japan.

"Let me apologize for the behavior the Japanese team that time. They were so flustered and everywhere." This made Jasmine laugh a little.

"What is there to apologize for Renji-kun? I should be the one apologizing for making an intrusion to your teams momentous occasion." Jasmine said. They chat a little more until they were called to eat supper.

After dinner Renji and Jasmine went out at the garden's for a walk. As Sonomi is being scolded by their Grandfather about her lack of manners and along with other things. 

They made their way to the bridge and then to the pavilion. The pavilion is in the middle of the pond that contains water lilies and Japanese Koi fish.

"You are planning to study here in Japan?" Renji asked.

"Hai." Jasmin said and turned to smile at Renji.

Renji guess that this has something to do with her not appearing at the last two tournament that she was supposed to participate into.

"Are you sure about this?" Renji asked worried about his cousin. They may not always be around each other but when they were kids Jasmine would often stay in Japan during her summer and holidays. They also stay in touch. Jasmine, Sonomi and him all stay here in the palace of the Taira clan during vacation, Jasmine was the very reason Renji fell for tennis.

Jasmine nodded her head then smiled as she looked at the moon reflecting on the pond.

"Aren't you going to asked why Renji-kun?" Jasmine asked facing Renji with her usual warm angelic smile. Renji knew what she is referring too. He is curious and concern at the same time but knowing Jasmine...

"If you were going to say it you would have told me already. Didn't need for me to ask." this reply made Jasmin laugh again.

"You were right Renji. As usual you were right." Jasmine looked far away again and the smile that usually adorn her face is gone. "I can no longer play tennis Renji." Jasmine clenched her hands so tight that her already pale hands pale even more.

This statement of Jasmine made Renji open his eyes and looked at Jasmine more intently. What did she mean she can no longer play tennis? Did she have an accident? Is she injured? What exactly happened to Martina Jasmin Taira Schwarz?

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