Glee-done (Discontinued)

By haleyandthejets

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Do you ever wonder what Glee would've been like if some of the episode storylines had been kept while new epi... More

Season 2, Episode 1 - Audition (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 2 - Britney/Brittany (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 3 - Believer (Grilled Cheesus Redone)
Season 2, Episode 4 - Duets (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 5 - The Rocky Horror Glee Show (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 6 - Never Been Kissed (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Substitute (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 8 - A Glee Wedding (Furt Redone)
Season 2, Episode 9 - Starts With Goodbye (Special Education Redone Part 1)
Season 2, Episode 10 - Back to December (Special Education Redone Part 2)
Season 2, Episode 11 - A Very Glee Christmas (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 12 - The Sue Sylvester Shuffle (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 13 - Silly Love Songs (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 14 - Comeback (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 15 - Blame It on the Alcohol (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 16 - Sexy (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 17 - Loser Like Me (Original Song Redone)
Season 2, Episode 18 - The Funerals (A Night of Neglect/Funeral Redone)
Season 2, Episode 19 - Born This Way (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 20 - Rumours (Redone)
Season 2, Episode 22 - New York (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 1 - Senior Year (Purple Piano Project Redone)
Season 3, Episode 2 - Somewhere (I Am Unicorn Redone)
Season 3, Episode 3 - Run the World (Asian F Redone)
Season 3, Episode 4 - Pot 'O Gold (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 5 - Mash Off (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 6 - We Are Who We Are (I Kissed a Girl Redone)
Season 3, Episode 7 - You Can't Stop the Beat (The First Time Redone)
Season 3, Episode 8 - We Are Young (Hold onto Sixteen Redone)
Season 3, Episode 9 - Extraordinary Merry Christmas (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 10 - The Proposal (Yes/No Redone)
Season 3, Episode 11 - Michael (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 12 - Future Drama (The Spanish Teacher Redone)
Season 3, Episode 13 - Valentine's Day (Heart Redone)
Season 3, Episode 14 - On My Way (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 15 - Recovery Road (Big Brother Redone)
Season 3, Episode 16 - 50 (Saturday Night Glee-ver Redone)
Season 3, Episode 17 - Dance With Somebody (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 18 - Choke (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 19 - Senior Prom (Prom-a-sarus Redone)
Season 3, Episode 20 - Neglected (Props Redone)
Season 3, Episode 21 - Nationals (Redone)
Season 3, Episode 22 - Goodbye (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 1 - The New Kids (The New Rachel Redone)
Season 4, Episode 2 - Britney 2.0 (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 3 - Changes (Makeover Redone)
Season 4, Episode 4 - The Break-Up (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 5 - Juke Box Hero (The Role You Were Born to Play Redone)
Season 4, Episode 6 - Glease (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 7 - Dynamic Duets (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 8 - Thanksgiving (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 9 - Swan Song (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 10 - Glee, Actually (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 11 - Made It Through the Rain (Sadie Hawkins Redone)
Season 4, Episode 12 - Diva (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 13 - Acceptance (Naked Redone)
Season 4, Episode 14 - I Do (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 15 - Feature Film [Girls (And Boys) on Film (Redone)]
Season 4, Episode 16 - Feud (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 17 - Guilty Pleasures (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 18 - Last Chance (Shooting Star Redone)
Season 4, Episode 19 - Sweet Dreams (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 20 - Lights Out (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 21 - Wonder-ful (Redone)
Season 4, Episode 22 - All or Nothing (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 1 - The Quarterback (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 2 - Love, Love, Love (Redone)
Season 5, Episode 3 - Let It Be (Tina in the Sky with Diamonds Redone)
Season 5, Episode 4 - Pamela Lansbury (A Katy or A Gaga Redone)

Season 2, Episode 21 - Prom Queen (Redone)

320 4 0
By haleyandthejets

"So here's what you miss on Glee. Prom's coming up and the race for Prom Queen is heating up. Puck is to running with Lauren to help her with her master plan," the narrator said. "Remember when I told you I had a master plan? Here it is. I want to be Prom Queen, you know why?" Lauren asked as Puck looked confused. "Why?" He asked. "Because I won Miss Tiara Toddler Allen County as a child and I want to change things at this school. Everyone expects Fabray or Santana to get Prom Queen, I'm going to make sure that I get it," Lauren smirked. "Quinn and Finn are running together which is kind of weird considering Quinn's dating Sam but Finn wanted to help Quinn get Prom Queen," the narrator said as a clip of Quinn and Finn's poster played as well as a clip of Quinn and Sam kissing. "I'm saying I want to make your dream of being Prom Queen a reality and I'd be honored to be your king," Finn smiled a bit as Quinn couldn't help but grin. "And Karofsky and Santana want to win, too, 'cause they've both got a secret they'd like to keep," the narrator said as clip of Santana and Karofsky played.  "Have you ever heard of the term 'beards'?" Santana asked. "And that's what you missed on," the narrator said. "GLEE!" The other voices sang out.

Cut to Figgins' office where Figgins has called Will into his office. "I have some bad news. Junior Prom is in one week and my favorite band cancelled," Figgins frowned. "What band?" Will asked. "Air Supply, William. So I'm inviting my next favorite group – the New Directions," Figgins said as Will looked surprised. "I mean, normally, we would jump at the chance to perform, but, I mean, we've got Nationals in two weeks, which means we have a lot of rehearsals," Will frowned feeling bad about turning Figgins down. "William, this glass is half full of dreams for all of us! I have decided to give all the money to the glee club that I was going to pay Air Supply! So that's four hundred dollars right there for you," Figgins said as Will thought about it. It might be a good chance for the Glee Club to perform before Nationals. "We'll do it," Will said as Figgins grinned. "Fantastic," Figgins said.

Cut to the hallway where Jacob Ben Israel is interviewing Puck. "Hi, everyone. It's Junior Prom minus six days here at McKinley, and today I'm joined by Junior Prom King candidate, Noah Puckerman," Jacob said to the camera it panned to Puck. "I prefer 'Puck'..." Puck began as Jacob cut him off. "So, Noah, can I get a comment on the recent poll number that put the Fabray-Hudson ticket ten points above you and Zizes, A.K.A. the Rogue Warriors?" Jacob asked. "We're still ahead of Santana and Karofsky by about a half a point, so our campaign strategy is to close the gap using a combination of intimidation and fear," Puck smirked at the camera. "Awesome and classy. One more question. This one was e-mailed in by a fan: Where does Lauren keep your balls?" Jacob asked as Puck's face fell. "What?" Puck asked. "I'm sure you've heard the word on the street that you've been neutered by Miss Zizes, that she's the one who wears the pants in the relationship?" Jacob smirked. "Shut up or I'll beat your ass!" Puck exclaimed upset. "I'm not scared, I've been hit by a girl before," Jacob smirked as Puck scoffed "This is JBI signing off. Tune in tomorrow, when we'll be interviewing frontrunner Quinn Fabray. Hubba-hubba." As Jacob ended his broadcast Puck knew he had to do something about people thinking Lauren wore the pants in their relationship but what was the question?

Cut to the the choir room where Santana, Lauren, and Brittany are entering talking about their prom dresses. "I've been to Ann Taylor Loft, Filene's Basement, and, like, six Forever 21s and I can not find a dress that fits. I'm gonna be forced to make my own dress for prom," Lauren frowned as Kurt entered. "Don't. You'll seem poor," Brittany said. "You're up for Queen, you can't make your own prom dress. Prom is like our Oscars. It's seriously, like, the most important night of our lives," Santana said. "What about getting married?" Lauren asked. "Oh, you can get married as many times as you want. You only have one shot at your Junior Prom," Santana said as Mercedes then entered the room. "What are you guys talking about?" Mercedes asked. "Prom dresses," Lauren said. "Thank God I don't have to worry about that. I'm not going," Mercedes said. "Why not?" Kurt frowned. "'Cause nobody's asked me," Mercedes shrugged as Mr. Schue entered the choir room.

Mr. Schue then wrote 'Prom' on the board. "Alright, guys – prom," Mr. Schue began. "Please tell me we're not doing songs about prom," Sam frowned. "Nope – we are the prom. Figgins has asked us to perform," Mr. Schue grinned. "Let's do Run Joey Run," Rachel smiled as the Glee Club gave her a skeptical look. "Now, I know this isn't ideal with Nationals coming up, but we really don't have a choice. And, we could really use the money. But I know that prom is a special rite of passage. I want to make sure that all of you guys get a chance to enjoy the dance, too. So we're gonna stag at the performances so that each and every one of you has a lot of time to dance with your dates," Mr. Schue grinned as Mercedes got up. "Excuse me," Mercedes said as she walked out of the choir room leaving Mr. Schue dumbfounded. "Is she okay?" Mr. Schue asked. "Mercedes doesn't have a date for prom," Quinn said honestly. "So? I don't have a date. I'm just going to dance. And then all of your dates are gonna ignore you and come dance with me, so...your dates are really my dates," Brittany shrugged as everyone gave her a look. "I'm gonna go talk to Mercedes," Kurt said getting up. "No, let me," Rachel said as she left the choir room to try to talk to Mercedes.

Rachel approached Mercedes who was at her locker. "Hey. You know, I don't have a date to prom, either," Rachel said honestly. "You know, I know that I talk a good game about not needing a man, and I don't. I just really want to take a date to the prom. I want the dress, and the guy...the damn corsage," Mercedes said emotionally. "Somebody...somebody still may ask you," Rachel frowned. "It's this Saturday," Mercedes sighed as Rachel looked at her sympathetically "You know, I just wanted to be Cinderella. Just for one night. One night where a guy would...would look at me under those corny crepe paper streamers and say, "You look so beautiful." Then he'd grab my hand and ask me to dance. Isn't that what prom is supposed to be about?" "You're not gonna go to prom alone. You'll go with me," Rachel smiled. "That's even more depressing," Mercedes shrugged. "I have a plan," Rachel said as that peaked Mercedes' interest.

Cut to Breadstix where Kurt and Blaine are out to eat. "Give me your hand," Kurt said as Blaine took Kurt's hand "Blaine Warbler, will you go to junior prom with me?" "Prom?" Blaine asked surprised. "It'll be the social event of the season," Kurt grinned but then noticed how unsure Blaine was and his face fell. "You don't want to go to prom with me?" Kurt asked pulling his hand away from Blaine's. "No, no, no, of course, of course I want to go with you! It's just...prom," Blaine sighed. "What about prom, Blaine?" Kurt asked. "At my old school, there was a Sadie Hawkins dance, and...I had just come out. So I asked a friend of mine, the only other gay guy in the school. While we were waiting for his dad to pick us up, these three guys, um, beat the living crap out of us," Blaine explained as Kurt looked at Blaine sympathetically. "I...I-I'm so sorry," Kurt said. "I'm...I'm out and I'm proud and all, this is just still a bit of a sore spot," Blaine explained. "This is perfect. You couldn't face up to the bullies at your school, so you can do it at mine," Kurt grinned before adding "We could do it together. But I have to say, Blaine, that if it makes you uncomfortable at all, we'll just forget about prom. We'll go to a movie instead." "I am crazy about you," Blaine smiled. "So I'll take that as a yes?" Kurt asked. "Yes," Blaine said as Kurt jumped excitedly in his seat "You and I are going to the prom." "Mhm, mhm," Kurt beamed.

Cut to the auditorium where Rachel is walking with Finn. "Wait...why are we heading to the auditorium, are you performing another love song to me?" Finn asked Rachel confused."Um, no. Mercedes and I, we have a proposition for you," Rachel said honestly as Mercedes then approached them. "We were wondering if you'd like to go to prom with us," Mercedes said. "Kind of like a three-way date, but not the dirty kind," Rachel said. "That sounds great," Finn smiled a bit. "'ll go with us?" Mercedes asked. "It would be an honor," Finn smiled as Rachel jumped up and down excitedly. "Yes!" Rachel grinned as she, Finn, and Mercedes hugged, this prom was going to be fun for all of them.

Cut to a Prom Store where Kurt is sitting with Brittany and Tina. "Ladies, I appreciate you welcoming me into the sacred inner sanctum that is the prom gown dry run," Kurt smiled. "Why did we decide to include Kurt?" Brittany asked. "Because getting a look past him is like getting a thumbs-up from Joan and Melissa Rivers," Tina said as Kurt laughed "It just might boost our pre-prom buzz factor." Lauren then walked out in a large yellow dress. "I look like a lemon meringue pie," Lauren frowned. "I think you look delicious," Brittany grinned. "Don't despair, nobody bigger than a size 2 looks good in a prom dress – I mean, they're practically designed to make us look awkward. I think the color is wrong. Let's go navy!" Kurt said as Tina clapped as Brittany looked pleasantly surprised "It's chic and slimming." "Duly noted," Lauren smiled. "Oh my god," Brittany said. "It's brilliant, it's brilliant. Absolutely," Tina grinned. "Next!" Kurt called out as Santana walked out in a one-shoulder satin red dress. "I knew it," Brittany grinned. "Devil in a red dress. Perfect, and it's totally appropriate for your personality," Kurt said as Santana laughed. "I have no criticisms. Go with God, Satan – Santana," Kurt said as he got up "Now, if you ladies excuse me, I have to pool options for my own prom outfit." "Wait, so you're going? Stag?" Santana asked as Kurt turned to face her "That's just tragic." "Yes, I'm going, and not alone," Kurt said as he turned to Tina, Brittany, and Lauren "With Blaine." Tina clapped excitedly. "Congratulations," Brittany smiled. "That's amazing!" Tina agreed. "Ladies, if you excuse me, I have a private fashion question for Kurt," Santana said as she pulled Kurt aside. "Okay," Brittany nodded.

Santana walked off with Kurt. "So, Kurt, I think that you need a full security detail, which the Bully Whips and I would be more than happy to provide you with," Santana smirked "You know, like with the Hells Angels when the Rolling Stones performed at Altamont Speedway. I think that went off without a hitch." "And why would you do that?" Kurt asked confused. "Because I'll get sympathy votes for prom queen. I'll be like the law and order Eva Peron candidate. Grimace and Stretchmarks here won't stand a chance," Santana smirked as Kurt thought about it. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad for him to have the security detail.

Cut to the hallway where Artie looks in his locker at a picture of Brittany and sighs. Puck then approaches Artie, knowing he needs his help. "So, since you don't have a date to the prom now, I was hoping you could help me out with operation Punch and Judy?" Puck asked as Artie made a face confused "Every year at McKinley, they crown a king and queen at the prom. But there's a shadow world. A dark community of troublemakers that crown the prom anti-king." "You're planning on that being you?" Artie asked. "My street cred's in the gutter. If I actually win prom king with Lauren, I'll never be able to rebuild my reputation as a lovable-but-dangerous miscreant. I have to spike Coach Sylvester's punch," Puck said seriously. "What does this have to do with me?" Artie asked, once again confused. "I'm prime suspect number one. Coach Sylvester won't let me within ten feet of that bowl," Puck said shaking his head.

Puck then described his fantasy of what would happen at prom as it plays out. "When she grabs me, I'll create a diversion with my sweet dance moves. She'll be mesmerized. Hypnotized by my love dance. That's when you'll sneak in behind us and pour a bottle of gin in the bowl," Puck said in a voiceover as his fantasy played out with Artie spiking the punchbowl. 

We then cut back to the hallway. "Awesome, right? So are you in? My ass-istant badass?" Puck asked. "Look, I'm sorry. While I admire your badboy villainy and, yes, long for the day when I'm similarly cool, I just...I don't think that spiking the prom punch will impress Brittany enough. There's gotta be a surefire way for her to both forgive me and accept my prom proposal. There's gotta be," Artie said honestly as he then rolled his way to Brittany's classroom, surprising Puck by leaving him behind.

Cut to the Home Ec Classroom where Brittany is holding an egg. "Just crack the egg," the teacher told Brittany. "I just don't understand the difference between an egg with a baby chicken inside of it and an egg with an egg in it," Brittany frowned. "They're the same thing," Tina explained. "Okay, that's really confusing, because this is a baby chicken's house," Brittany frowned as Kurt raised his hand. "Ms. Hagberg? I understand that cupcakes are really trendy right now and I know that the making of a foie gras might be a little morose, but I would like to at least graduate high school knowing how to make some kind of pate," Kurt said as Artie then entered the room. "Excuse me, Ms. Hagberg? I need to say something," Artie then wheeled over to Brittany, I was a jerk to you. And I want to make it up to you with a song, so maybe you would consider going to prom with me." "A promposal!" Kurt exclaimed as he cheered as Brittany didn't look too thrilled as Artie began to sing 'Isn't She Lovely' by Stevie Wonder.

As Artie began performing Brittany rolled her eyes at him and walked away. "I thought this song was about a baby?" Mercedes said confused to Kurt as Artie continued to perform with the help of some of the Glee guys. "OH MY GOD!" Brittany exclaimed. Brittany slowly got into the performance as song went on. As the song ended the class clapped including Brittany. "So?" Artie asked in a hopeful tone. "Artie, that was lovely. But I'm not gonna go to prom with you," Brittany said simply as Artie's face fell "You called me stupid and I really didn't like that. So, I'm sorry, but I'm gonna go to prom by myself, and really work on me, and dance with other people's dates." "I understand. I...I hope you know how sorry I am," Artie frowned. "I do. But I just need to focus on me right now," Brittany said honestly as Artie nodded leaving the Home Ec room upset by the fact that he had lost Brittany for good.

Cut to the auditorium where Rachel is walking in with the sheet music to 'Beauty and the Beast'. "Oh! Uh, members of the audio-visual club, I might possibly sing this song at prom and when I'm done rehearsing, I'd like your feedback. Tell me whether I was brilliant or simply outstanding," Rachel grinned as she began to perform 'Beauty and the Beast'.

"Tale as old as time. True as it can be. Barely even friends then somebody bends unexpectedly," Rachel sang as the song continued to play as Jesse walked in beginning to sing the next part, surprising Rachel. "Just a little change small to say the least. Both a little scared neither one prepared," Jesse sang. "Beauty and the Beast," Rachel and Jesse harmonized as Jesse walked over to Rachel. "Ever just the same. Ever a surprise. Ever as before and ever just as sure as the sun will rise," Jesse and Rachel harmonized. "Tale as old as time. Tune as old as song," Rachel sang. "Bittersweet and strange, finding you can change learning you were wrong," Rachel and Jesse harmonized. "Certain as the sun," Jesse sang. "Certain as the sun," Rachel repeated. "Rising in the east," Jesse sang. "Tale as old as time," Rachel sang. "Song as old as rhyme, beauty and the beast," Jesse and Rachel harmonized. "Tale as old as time," Rachel sang. "Song as old as rhyme," Jesse sang. "Beauty and the beast," Jesse and Rachel sang as they looked into each others eyes. "It's good to see you again, Rachel," Jesse murmured stroking Rachel's cheek. "Jesse, what are you doing here?" Rachel asked shocked by his presence. "I came back to see you, Rachel. What I did to you, it's my one great regret," Jesse said honestly. "Yeah. It was kind of weird. When one day, you were telling me that you loved me, and then you were inexplicably throwing eggs at my head the next," Rachel said honestly. "I know, I know. I traded love for a fourth consecutive national championship. It was a bum deal," Jesse sighed "For a first, maybe, but for a fourth, no way. I've come to make amends." Rachel smiled a bit. "So what are you doing for prom?" Jesse asked as Rachel soon invited him to join her, Mercedes, and Finn for prom.

Cut to the hallway where Finn is confronting Rachel about this. "So, I heard a nasty rumor that Jesse St. James is back in town, and I also heard that he's going to be your date," Finn frowned. "No, he just wanted to join you, me, and Mercedes for Prom. He's gonna be in town for a while, though, so I'm not sure what's gonna come of it," Rachel said honestly. "I just...I don't trust him. I mean, don't you remember what he did to you? How awful he was?" Finn asked. "You can't tell me what to do anymore, okay? If I want to date Jesse or anyone, for that matter, it stopped being your business when you broke up with me," Rachel told Finn seriously as Finn sighed. "I still care about you," he said honestly. "And I care about you. But you were right. I couldn't see it before because I kept insisting I wanted to get back with you but I needed to move on," Rachel said as she walked off as Finn was left stunned.

Meanwhile Karofsky walks past with his walkie-talkie and radios in to Santana who is on the opposite end of the hallway with Kurt, walking him to class. "Everything looks good. No gay protests or rainbow flags being lit on fire down this way," Karofsky said simply. "Are you finished talking?" Santana asked. "Yeah," Karofsky said simply. "When you're finished talking, you should say 'over'," Santana said simply. "Sorry. No burning Liberace mannequins. Over," Karofsky said slightly annoyed. "Alright, Lady Lips. All clear," Santana smirked as she then raised her voice when they approached a crowd "Teen gay! You may now proceed to the next checkpoint without fear of violence!" "Why are you speaking so loud?" Kurt asked. " I'm the law and order prom queen candidate," Santana shrugged as she raised her voice loudly once again "Here to protect every student at this school from harassment." A girl accidentally bumped into Kurt's shoulder and walked away as Santana pointed at her. "Did she...?" "I'm walking away from you now," Kurt said rolling his eyes as he walked into class as Santana waved goodbye.

Cut to the Hudson-Hummel Household where Blaine and Finn are in the living room. "So you think it's cool if I jam with you guys at prom?" Blaine smiled a bit. "Yeah, totally," Finn nodded as Burt entered. "Good news, boys. My buddy Enzo from the tux rental shop is giving you half off," Burt grinned. "Sweet," Finn grinned. "Yeah," Blaine agreed. "So what are you gonna go with?" Burt asked Blaine. "I'm going simple. Black, thin lapel collar, very discreet," Blaine said. "You know what I wore at my prom? I wore a powder blue tux with a ruffled shirt and a big velour bowtie. I looked like Tony Orlando," Burt said shaking his head. "Was that a designer?" Blaine asked. "No," Burt said as Kurt then entered the room in his prom outfit. "No need for half off my outfit," Kurt exclaimed excitedly. "Because half of it is already off?" Burt asked. "My ensemble is an homage to the recent royal wedding and the late Alexander McQueen. I had to make it myself. There's simply nothing off the rack that is suitable for the young fashionable man in Ohio," Kurt shrugged. "Dude, that rocks. It's like gay Braveheart," Finn grinned as Kurt twirled in his skirt. "I don't like it," Burt said plainly. "Well, of course you don't like it! It's not finished yet. I think it still needs, like, a sash, or maybe some beads," Kurt said getting ideas. "I'm not gonna stop you from wearing it. But I gotta be honest, I think you're just trying to stir the pot a little bit. I think you're trying to get some attention," Burt said. "Exactly! What's the point of dressing up? I mean, that's why some guys wear the tails or the top hat and the girls wear the hoop skirts," Kurt said as he turned to Blaine "I mean, Blaine, help me out here!" "I think your dad has a point. I think what he's trying to say is that we just don't want to give anyone a reason to cause any trouble," Blaine said honestly as Kurt's face fell. "There's a lot of bad people out there, Kurt, and they're a lot worse than this Karofsky kid. And all they're looking for is a match to light under the fire of their hate. Of course, I want...I want you to be yourself. But I also...I want you to be practical," Burt explained honestly. "Okay. I have done everything right. Now Blaine, I understand that, after what you've been through, you're worried. But prom is about joy, not about fear. So I'm wearing this suit. I worked hard on it and I think it's fantastic. And if you don't want to join me, I completely understand," Kurt said as he walked off leaving Blaine dumbfounded on what to do.

Cut to the hallway where Karofsky is walking with Kurt down the hall. "Here we are, third period. French class. I'm going to Calculus, so wait inside the classroom after the bell rings until I get back to walk you to lunch," Karofsky told Kurt seriously. "Have you noticed that no one has said 'boo' to me this week?" Kurt asked. "'Cause the Bully Whips are protecting you," Karofsky shrugged. "Maybe. But maybe no one has been harassing me this week because no one cares," Kurt offered. "You're dreaming," Karofsky said shaking his head. "Okay, look. I'm not saying that everyone in this school is ready to embrace the gay, but maybe at least they've evolved enough to be indifferent. I see how miserable you are, Dave. I could just hate you when you were bullying me, but now, all I see is your pain. And you don't have to torture yourself like this. I'm not saying you should come out tomorrow, but maybe soon the moment will arise when you can," Kurt said as Karofsky began to tear up. "What's wrong?" Kurt asked worried about Karofsky as he started to cry and took off his hat. "I'm so...I'm so freaking sorry, Kurt. I'm just so sorry for what I did to you," Karofsky said honestly. "I know, I know," Kurt nodded as Karofsky collected himself. "Cool. Thanks. Remember, you'll wait for me here, right?" Karofsky said as he then walked off, leaving a dumbfounded Kurt behind.

Cut to Quinn's house where the Glee girls are all getting ready together. "Thanks for inviting us over Q. It's nice to have one last gathering afore I ends you," Santana smirked fixing her makeup. "Prom wouldn't feel complete without you girls here," Quinn smiled a bit. "Mhmm are you going to hand me that crown now or later?" Santana asked indicating the crown on Quinn's vanity. "Will y'all give this Prom Queen thing a rest?" Mercedes said shaking her head. "Mercedes is right. Tonight is supposed to be the night of our lives. We shouldn't spend it tearing each other apart," Rachel said as Santana rolled her eyes. "Fine. But vote Santofsky," Santana smirked taking the crown and putting it on as Quinn shook her head. "Voting for Karofsky is gross. I will vote for you Santana," Brittany smiled. "As long as you guys don't vote Lauren I'm fine with it," Quinn replied honestly. "Aww giving up already?" Santana smirked. "Not at all. After what she did with those ads against me I just really want her to lose," Quinn said honestly. "Yeah what she didn't wasn't right," Mercedes agreed. "I still don't know what Puckerman sees in her," Santana agreed fixing her makeup. "To be fair she did save us when Kurt transferred," Rachel said. "True, I mean we wouldn't have won sectionals without a 12th member," Mercedes said.

Kurt then entered the room. "Ladies, you all look stunning," Kurt beamed. "Aww thanks Kurt, your outfit is so amazing," Tina grinned. "Thank you Tina. Despite my father's objections, I want to get attention for my couture," Kurt said spinning around in his kilt. "Why didn't he want you to wear it?" Mercedes asked confused. "Oh something about me getting attention for the wrong reasons but fear not. Whatever hate they throw my way, I can take it. I just want one night to truly be myself plus I'll be with Blaine so if that isn't a plus I don't know what is," Kurt said as Rachel and Mercedes finished up. "Well we've got to head out to Breadstix, we're meeting Sam and Jesse there," Mercedes said as the girls and Kurt said goodbye to them as they headed out the door.

Cut to Breadstix where Rachel, Mercedes, Jesse, and Finn are having dinner together as they take some photos together. "Mercedes, can I just say that you look fierce in your dress?" Rachel grinned. "Totally, Mercedes. You both look smoking," Jesse said to Mercedes and Rachel. "You're damn straight, we do," Mercedes smirked as they all sat back down.  "So Jesse, why are you back in town exactly," Finn asked intrigued. "I'm glad you asked Finn. I'm starting up my own business. They say that the best time to start any business is during a recession. I don't know why, or even what a recession is, but it's my understanding that we're in one," Jesse said. "He's so smart," Rachel said in awe of Jesse as Mercedes and Finn exchanged looks, was she really buying into everything he was selling? "So I was thinking. What are the two things that I'm great at? Show choir and destroying the competition. So, what if I opened up a dance studio where I could act as a consultant for show choirs looking to get that extra edge?" Jesse smiled. "Do you think there are enough show choirs to keep you in business?" Mercedes asked unsure about Jesse's plan. "Of course there are. That's a brilliant idea. You could be like the Show Choir Whisperer," Rachel grinned "I'm sure we could get Mr. Schue to hire him in a second and that's how we could beat Vocal Adrenaline!" "I'm glad you believe in me that much Rachel," Jesse smiled. "Of course I do Jesse, I mean you were part of the reason why we got so good last year, lending us your expertise," Rachel said clearly fawning over Jesse as Mercedes and Finn again exchanged looks, was Rachel letting her feelings for Jesse cloud her judgement on this one?

Cut back to Quinn's where the other girls have left and it is just Quinn getting herself ready waiting for Sam to show up. "Quinnie, your date is here," her mom, Judy called as Quinn made her way down the stairs. "Let me go get my camera," Judy said as she rushed off. "You look great," Quinn grinned. "Quinn, you look so beautiful," Sam grinned at her as she smiled back at him. Hearing him say those words somehow just made her feel like the girl who could have it all again. "I got you a wrist corsage," Sam said as he opened a box which had a gardenia with a green ribbon. He handed it to Quinn. "It matches my eyes," Quinn smiled a bit as she put the corsage on. "I know. Lor Menari remember?" Sam grinned as Quinn leaned in a kissed him softly, grateful for his thoughtful gift. She knew Sam didn't have a lot of money to be spending so for him to buy her a special corsage meant the world to her. "Okay you two, picture time," Judy grinned holding her camera. "You look like Cinderella," she told Quinn emotionally as Quinn and Sam posed for their prom photos.

Cut to the prom where Puck, Sam, and Artie were up onstage first performing the Rebecca Black hit song 'Friday' as the crowd danced.

As the guys performed everyone seemed to be having fun dancing along to the song. During the middle of the song Santana saw a girl walk by in the same dress as her as she shook her head trying not to let it get her upset as she continued to dance. The crowd cheered as the song ended. "BEST PROM EVER!" Brittany cheered excitedly as Puck, Artie, and Sam got offstage to turn things over to Rachel who was performing a moving ballad 'Jar of Hearts' by Christina Perri.

As Rachel performed she watched all the couples together including, Finn and Mercedes who had decided to slow dance together for this number Rachel got more emotional and into the song as she sang the words meaning every single one to Finn. "Isn't it great that the prom is so inclusive this year?" Kurt smiled watching the other couples dance with Blaine "There's someone for everyone," Blaine smiled at Becky who was dancing with another boy with Down syndrome. "Even if it's a lie," Kurt said looking at Karofsky and Santana who were slow dancing together. Mike and Tina kissed during the slow dance. As Rachel ended the song the crowd clapped for her. 

Brittany then headed onstage performing 'Blow' by Ke$ha with Tina and Lauren backing her up as Puck smirked, knowing now was his chance. "Tora, tora, tora. It's go time," Puck told Artie seriously as he made his way over to Sue. "Hey, Coach, wanna boogie?" Puck asked starting to dance before Brittany started. "There's no music," Sue said making a face. "It's okay, I got the music in me," Puck smirked grabbing Sue's arm but Sue pulled away to see Artie trying to spike the punch bowl. "Ah, ah, ah!" Sue exclaimed grabbing Artie's arm "In my office. Now." Puck looked at Artie guiltily as Sue dragged him off as Brittany started to perform.

Brittany laughed as she got onstage. "Dance!" Brittany grinned as the prom goers got into her performance as the music started. 

Cut to Sue's office where she drags Artie into. "What are you doing?" Artie asked confused. "I could ask you the same question wheels. Who put you up to spiking my bowl?" Sue asked as Artie wouldn't budge "Come on, Legs. It was Puckerman, wasn't it? Oh, he'll get expelled and you'll be one mohawk short at Nationals," Sue said with fake compassion. "Please let me go. All I want is to get back out there and have one dance with Brittany," Artie pleaded. "Okay, let me get this straight. I'm trying to interrogate you and you just told me the one thing you really want! You are the worst POW ever. John McCain is rolling over in his grave," Sue said rolling her eyes as we cut back to Brittany performing onstage. "Back door, cracked we don't need a key. We get in for free no VIP sleaze. Drink that Kool Aid follow my lead. Now you're one of us you're coming with me. It's time to kill the lights and shut the D.J. down," Brittany sang as Tina and Lauren joined in on backing vocals. "This place's about to," Tina and Lauren sang. "Tonight we're taken over no one's getting out," Brittany sang. "This place's about to blow, oh-oh-oh! Blow-oh-oh-oh. This place's about to blow. Blow-oh-oh-oh. This place's about to blow. Blow-oh-oh-oh. This place's about to blow. Blow-oh-oh-oh," Brittany sang with Tina and Lauren on background as Finn noticed Jesse kissing Rachel's neck as he was dancing with Mercedes as he stormed over.

"Hey. Hey," Finn said as he pulled Jesse off of Rachel "Dude, keep it PG." "Dude, it's none of Y.B. - Your Business," Jesse shot back at Finn. "Well, this is my school, so it's my business," Finn argued. "This isn't your girlfriend, so beat it, MJ," Jesse said as he turned around but Finn pushed him "Don't push me." Finn and Jesse started getting into a fight. Quinn and Sam stopped dancing together, having noticed the fight. Quinn made her way over to. "WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU!" Quinn exclaimed as she and Sam both tried to stop Finn and Jesse from fighting. 

Cut to Sue's office where Becky rushes in, letting her know what's going on "Code Blue in the gym, Coach," Becky said as Sue gets up to see what's going on in the gym as we cut back to the prom. "Go. Go go go insane go insane. Throw some glitter. Make it rain on and let me see them hands. Let me see their hands hands. Go insane go insane. Throw some glitter. Make it rain on and let me see them hands. Let me see their hands hands. Let me let me see their hands," Brittany sang with Lauren and Tina backing her as Coach Sylvester got in between Finn and Jesse. "Prom is over for you, Sugar Ray!" she exclaimed to Finn she then turned to Jesse and said "You too, Marvelous Marvin! You're out, let's go," Coach Sylvester dragged them out. "Wait...he's nominated for Prom King..." Quinn began "Sucks for you sister," Coach Sylvester called out as Quinn teared up. "Quinn..." Rachel began. "Leave me alone," Quinn said emotionally running off from Rachel. Sam went after her worried about his girlfriend.

Sam caught up with Quinn in the hallway wrapping his arms around his girlfriend who sobbed into him. "I can't believe Finn ruined prom," Quinn said emotionally sobbing into Sam's chest. "Hey....that's not true, we were having a great time out there. So, Finn was in a stupid fight, that's his doing. I know you're still going to go out there and win prom queen," Sam told her seriously as Quinn looked up at him teary-eyed. "How can you be so sure?" she asked emotionally. "I know because you're Quinn Fabray, you might no longer be captain of the cheerios but everyone I know is voting for you as their prom Queen. Don't let some jerk ruin this night for you. This is still your night and our night," Sam told Quinn who kissed him passionately, grateful for his undying support of her. "Thank you Sam," she whispered as he held her close. "Now let's get you fixed up before they announce you as Prom Queen," Sam smiled as Quinn nodded, ready to look her best being crowned Prom Queen.

Cut back to Sue's office where she is keeping Artie. "Well, Stumbles, it's 10 PM. You've officially missed your prom," Sue said simply. " I'm not gonna rat somebody out for doing something that I did," Artie said honestly as Sue frowned "I was upset and I wanted to impress a girl, but I wasn't down on getting everyone wasted, so I poured a flask of lemonade into the punch." "Wait, you didn't spike the punch?" Sue asked. "Yes, I did!" Artie exclaimed. "With alcohol," Sue said simply. "Oh. Yeah, then no, I didn't," Artie said awkwardly. "Well, why didn't you tell me that before?" Sue asked shaking her head as Artie shrugged. "So...can I go?" Artie asked as Sue opened the door "You should really be ashamed of yourself. You are seriously no fun to interrogate or torture," Sue called after Artie who wheeled himself out to the gym.

Cut back to the gym where Figgins is onstage. "Will the candidates for king and queen gather on the stage?" Figgins called as the candidates got onstage, all but Finn who had been kicked out. The votes are in. This is the moment you've all been waiting for, where we announce our Junior Prom King and also Prom Queen. Roll the drum, please," Figgins said as the drummer did a drum roll. "This year's Junior Prom King is..." Principal Figgins said as he opened the envelope "David Karofsky!" Principal Figgins said as the crowd cheered. "You suck so bad, Quinn Fabray. I won" Santana beamed as Quinn sighed, hoping that wasn't true. "And now, your 2011 McKinley High Prom Queen..." Principal Figgins said as he pulled out the name from the envelope. "With an overwhelming number of write-in votes is..." Principal Figgins said as Quinn looked confused, write in votes? This couldn't turn out good at all. "Kurt Hummel," Principal Figgins said solemnly as everyone looked shocked including Kurt that this had occurred.

"Woo!" One guy cheered out breaking the silence as most Santana looked crestfallen. She had really thought she was going to win Prom Queen. Kurt made his way up to the stage proudly with his head held high which the Glee kids applauded him for. Kurt just smiled as Figgins placed the crown on his head. "I know most of you voted for me as a joke. Well congratulations, you failed. I'm proud to be who I am and nothing is going to change that. Eat your heart out Kate Middleton," Kurt grinned as everyone cheered for Kurt in awe of his bravery of accepting the crown. "And now, behold the tradition of our 2011 prom king and queen here in their first dance," Figgins said as Karofsky walked offstage as the two got onto the dance floor. "Now's your moment," Kurt told Karofsky. "What?" Karofsky said shocked. "Come out. Make a difference," Kurt muttered to Karofsky who looked dumbfounded as Mercedes and Tina began to perform 'Dancing Queen'. 

"I can't," Karofsky muttered as he ran off upset, leaving Kurt alone on the dance floor. "Excuse me," Blaine said as Kurt turned around "May I have this dance?" Blaine smiled holding his hand out to Kurt. "Yes. Yes, you may," Kurt smiled as he and Blaine danced together as Mercedes and Tina performed. All the couples at the dance soon joined in all but Santana who was off in a corner emotional as Brittany approached her. "How could my running mate win and I didn't? I mean, just because I hate everybody doesn't mean they have to hate me, too," Santana said emotionally. "It's just a stupid crown, you can buy it at the party store," Brittany frowned. "I'm gonna be an outsider my whole life. Can't I just have one night where I'm queen? I'm accepted?" Santana frowned "As soon as we get to New York, I'm bailing to live in a lesbian colony. Or TriBeCa." Brittany frowned trying to comfort Santana. "They must have sensed that I was a lesbian. I mean, they must have. Do I smell like a golf course?" Santana said upset. "People don't know what you're hiding, they just...they know that you're not being yourself. If you were to embrace all the awesomeness that you are, you would have won," Brittany said honestly. "How do you know?" Santana said emotionally. "Because I voted for you," Brittany said as Santana perked up "And because I believe in you, Santana." Santana couldn't help but smile at Brittany. "Thanks," Santana said wiping her eyes. "You're welcome. Now come on, go out there and dance with me," Brittany smiled as Santana nodded as she took Brittany's hand as the two danced the night away, Santana finally accepting herself for what she is and not wanting to hide it from anyone. Cut to Santana and Brittany posing together for a Prom photo where Brittany is kissing Santana's cheek and Santana is smiling. Cut to Puck and Lauren posing together, followed by Mike and Tina, Quinn and Sam, and then Kurt and Blaine posing together with Kurt proudly displaying his crown. As Tina and Mercedes ended their performance balloons came down on the prom as everyone cheered knowing that the Junior Prom had been a success and that come what may in the following weeks they had a night that was all their own.

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