Servamp | The Last Creation

By Asuka707

59.1K 1.7K 197

The Seven Servamp, Servant and Vampire. Each named by the Seven deadly sins, Wrath, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Gr... More



890 28 9
By Asuka707

"What's wrong?" I stood up beside her,

"I haven't got Licht's blood yet." she said,

Hyde may have his powers back but as the contract still hasn't complete, it will drain down and he will become weak again.

"Kuro. We need to give [F/N] some time." I ordered,

"Fine." Kuro stand up and sighs.

"Please, distract it while I'll talk to Licht." [F/N] said and ran toward Licht.

Licht and Hyde were busy fighting the enemy. They fought but it didn't even gave a scratch on it.

"It slowed but recovered back to normal that fast." Licht said, hus Lead the boots could slow down any vampire but it recover fast. "Hyde, are you even fighting for real?!"

"I am." Hyde said, "But the more I used my power the more I feel like I'm losing strength.

"Because it is." she came running towards them while Kuro and I switch with Hyde to distract it. "The contract hasn't completed."

"[F/N]'s right." as Licht knew, he turn to Hyde "Don't use your power too much."

I throw my spear again, thought that it will reflect back to me. Instead, the enemy controlled the reflection, aiming it right towards [F/N]. She was running towards Licht, noticed the spear was heading towards her,

"[F/N]!" I shouted,

I ran towards her, but from my distance, I might be too late. On the other hand, Licht ran right towards her so they could dodge the spear. My heart again was nearly stop because of [F/N]'s safety.

"Aww." from the push by Licht, [F/N] land on top of Licht. Seeing him right in front of her, she went right straight and bite on Licht's neck.

"...[F/N]." Licht felt pain where she bite him and suck his blood.

Enduring the pain, Licht put his hands around her waist. Our battle with the enemy was still on while [F/N] is busy, Hyde didn't used much power as ordered so it's up to me and Kuro. Slashing our weapons yet it still didn't get any cut or scratches on the enemy. The last drop of blood [F/N] have devour, leaving Licht's neck, both Licht and Hyde regain more power than they usual had. A chain appear on both [F/N] and Hyde and connected towards Licht's leg, the contract had completed. Hyde's rapier and Licht's boots glows as it been upgraded,

"Now~ Let's have fun." Hyde smirk, excited to try his powers again.

Leaving it with Hyde, [F/N] was still on top of Licht. Conscious but her mind was somewhere else, I came and lifted her up from Licht.

"[F/N], are you okay?" holding her in my arms. But she didn't respond yet her eyes changes made me scared, both turned bright crimson. The diamond symbol appeared more conspicuous than the last time this happen after meeting with the inner Servamp demon. What is happening to her?

"Oi." Licht said, he stand up. "Order your cat to stop and let me switch."

"Kuro." I called him and order him to stop and let Licht take over. Kuro came towards us after,

"Is she--" Kuro notice her eyes, both turned red. This is the second time that her sudden eye color changed.

We try to wake her up from her daze, shaking her didn't work neither, Kuro's lick power that had work once but not anymore. Worried, my emotion ease when suddenly [F/N] stand up.

"Kill all enemies." she said, but her expression didn't show any different.

She ran towards the enemy, summoning her arrow but this time she only used one. Holding one arrow in her hand, she face the enemy.

"Chosen one." it said,

"Kill all." She narrows her eyes. Summoning more arrows to surround the enemy, it was a dead end for the enemy, making Hyde and Licht easily attack it repeatedly.

Finally, we manage to attack him and left with all of wound on its body. The enemy became angry, it's warth made him escape from [F/N]'s arrows even though it left it with lots of cuts. Escaped, it didn't realize that [F/N] was already behind him. Kicking it down with one blow, making a huge crack on the rode. It felt pain and screamed. [F/N] didn't care, with the arrow she was holding, she falls down toward the enemy and stab in right through its head. The enemy screamed even louder until our ears couldn't take it no more. But seeing how [F/N] kills the enemy, it left us with cold spine. We run towards [F/N],

"Did we kill it?" I asked Kuro,

"No, look." Kuro shook his head, I look at the enemy.

The enemy that had been stab turned into ashes, leaving without a trace. The enemy again, had escape. [F/N] didn't move from that place while still holding an arrow.

"[F/N]." we came towards her,

The arrow that she hold, shrink and went back to her wrist. Disappearing. [F/N] falls from her stand. Thankfully Kuro was on time to catch her, seeing her face, she had fainted. Checking her heart beat, nothing unusual happen to her.

"Kuro, put her on my back." I said to Kuro. I'll carry [F/N]. As Kuro did, I notice the amount of weight she had. She's light? Have she been eating right? Of course, I usual cook but isn't it enough.

"Where are we going?" Kuro said, he transform into his cat form and jump on my shoulder.

"The nearest is [F/N]'s house." I stand up and piggyback her.

"Let's go." Licht said to Hyde.

We were about to separate to go to our own path towards home but then [F/N] murmured in her sleep. Hard to know what she said, only the last words was crystal clear,

"It's dangerous." she murmur in her sleep. We look at each other.

"We'll be fine." Licht answered.

Licht asked where [F/N] live before he left since Kuro and I are staying there. I answered his question and he decided to visit tomorrow.

"Be careful." I said to them,

Licht answered with a nod and he went home with Hyde. We walk home to our own separated ways, holding [F/N] behind me with Kuro on my shoulder. Today was extremely an exhausted day ever, even though I didn't do much in defeating the enemy but all that I done for [F/N] and Kuro are enough. We should rest for the day.

~ ~ ~

[F/N] was the one who wake up before me in the next morning. Sit up, she felt pain on her right eye, didn't know why it suddenly feels pain and look around the room. It's her room, lying next to her is Kuro and I sat down next to the bed, lying only my head on the bed, sleeping. She try to wake me up,

"Onii-chan. Wake up. You're going to hurt your back, sleeping like that." she shakes my shoulders and hope for me to wake up.

"W...what.." half asleep, I look at her. "You're awake and fi--" I was about to get back to sleep but [F/N] catches my head from hitting the floor.

"Come up her with me." she pulled me in her bed. Lying beside her, "It's still early so we should get back to sleep."

I nod. She pulled me into an embrace, hugging me, my face is cover on her chest. It warm, soft and I can hear her heartbeat, from her hug it made me at ease and fall asleep easily after.

.  .  .

Hours of sleep, I feel fresh and energize. Stretching my body, I can see that [F/N] and Kuro are still asleep. Leaving the bed, I heard my phone rang and it was a call from Licht.

"Hello." I answered the call.

"We're here." Licht said, looking at the building from the outside.

"Wait there." I ended the call, dash out of the house and enter the elevator to the ground floor.

Waiting for the elevator to arrived at the first floor, I look at the time and it was already noon. From that long sleep I knew that we're really, really tired from yesterday. The elevator stopped, I exit and went towards where Licht is. He was waiting at the guest hall of the building with a hedgehog following him.

"Sorry." I panted as I arrived right in front of Licht.

"Let's go." Licht walking towards the elevator. Hyde followed him, "So, how's [F/N]?" as soon as he arrived in front of the elevator he push the button to the elevator.

"She's still sleeping." I answered, "but she's fine. Nothing to worry about."

"I see." Licht said,

As the elevator stop at our floor, we entered and wait. After a few second we exit the elevator and enter [F/N]'s house, Hyde was really excited so as soon as I open the door he ran inside the house and searched for [F/N].

"That stupid hedgehog." Licht said as he enter the house.

Searching, Hyde found her. Turning into his vampire form, he jump on the bed to wake her up. Bouncing on the bed while yelling to wake her up, looks like he'll wake Kuro up too. Licht and I just stare at them, when I was about to stop Hyde, Licht stopped me. Without any reason why I shouldn't stop Hyde, Licht went to the living room so I went to the kitchen to make some tea.

"Hey. [F/N]! [F/N]!" Hyde yelled, jumping on the bed. No result, he stop and went on top of [F/N]. "Shall I kiss you, my Princess." Hyde was 'on' acting mode as he thought of a story of 'Sleeping Beauty'. Leaning close to kiss her,

"Lawless. Stop." Kuro woke up and saw what Hyde was going to do.

The next thing he thought, he wanted to stop Hyde but it was too late. Hyde's lips had already been place on [F/N]'s cheek. After leaving the kiss, [F/N] immediately woke up, seeing Hyde on top of her and face to face. Shock by the situation, [F/N] screamed.

"What happen!?"

Licht and I came into the room, only to see [F/N] and Hyde, blushing, in the position that [F/N] was at the bottom, holding her cheek and Hyde is on top of her. I sense an angry aura next to me, seeing Licht, he was pissed off by seeing their position.

"STUPID RAT!!" Licht kick Hyde away from [F/N].

Crash onto the table of books, Hyde laugh receiving his punishment. Licht stomped towards Hyde and wanted to give him another beating. Before he could continue, [F/N] stopped him as she holding both his shoulders from behind.

"Licht, stop it!"

As [F/N] shouted to stop him, Licht stop immediately and distance himself from Hyde. She lets go of his shoulders and let out a sigh of relief that the fight stopped but it was also to prevent from her room to turn into a mess. But the atmosphere went quiet, none of us try to break it until I remember that I was boiling the water, the sound of the alarm made us surprised.

"I'm making some tea so please sit down at the living room." I ran off to the kitchen.

"Licht. Let's go." [F/N] called him, walk next to Licht, she stopped. "Kuro." She called Kuro next, he ran and jump on her shoulder. "And Hyde Onii-chan." she called him then.

Hyde grin, changing into his animal form, he also jump on [F/N]'s shoulder (the left shoulder while Kuro was at the right.) Walking to the living room, I came with a tray of teas for us.

"Thanks, Mahiru." [F/N] smiled at me.

"You're welcome." I said. Sitting on the couch, it felt nostalgic for three people to sit on a long couch, plus the two animal form, vampire on [F/N]'s shoulders. "So, about yesterday." I said, both [F/N] and Licht look at me. "The enemy is different than the other two that we encounter."

"Two of them?" Licht asked, resting his chin on his hand.

"Yeah. The first we encounter has Speed and the second one had Agility." [F/N] explain.

"Oh. So this one is Coordination." Licht guess and made [F/N] think.

"You're right." she agreed with him.

"Why is that?" I was curious that I was left out unknowing the reason why.

"It power to reflect, other than attack and dodge." she said, remembering by moves that the enemy applied on attacking us.

"When you explained it. It had that power when it reflected my spear and even control it's aim." It made sense to me after, "So, that's coordinate."

"We've met it's ally but where's the master?" [F/N] mused, revising the first enemy that attack us.

A lot of question came from our mind but a lot of it wasn't answered with the reason we had, it's not enough. We couldn't let it go even if we're at the edge where we can't think anymore.

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