My Brightest Star - JENLISA

By Kanghighness

350K 10.3K 1.8K

Synopsis: "Even though I'm not aware of what's going on around me, you might have at least given me the benef... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 17

8.8K 274 25
By Kanghighness

The group of friends agreed to hang out and eat at Wendy's Bistro. They haven't seen each other in a week because work never stops around them. Who have gone through some shit together and some shit separately, but have always been there for one another along the way, in good times and bad, and continue to show up because their spirits are intertwined.

"A toast for our CEO Jennie Kim! She made it!" Joy boasted just as she entered the bistro, raising her pineapple cocktail in the air. The gang glanced at her, shaking their heads at their best in the late friend.

Everyone began to hype in. Congratulating Jennie. She simply chuckled and shook her head.

"Silly. But, thank you guys."

They all asked her how and when she fell in love with Lisa, and she told them everything from the beginning. And that was the least she could do as her friends bombarded her with questions.

"What a great love." Irene cooed, She rested her elbows on the table, her hands supporting her chin. Everyone agreed and nodded their heads.

"You're lucky Jen, Fresh lisa--" Irene smacked the back of Seulgi's head so hard that she couldn't complete her sentence.

"You pervert i will fucking sew your mouth if you don't stop huh." Irene threatened, glaring at her Girl, who was now rubbing the back of her head and pouting her lips. Earning laughter from their buddies.

"Aw. Poor Seulgibear always gets scolded by her mum." Yeri commented, seemingly pitying her. Seulgi gave a nod of agreement.

Irene scoffed. "Y'all guys know perfectly well that I'm not going to tolerate her shit ever."

"So, I suppose you'll be having a fantastic time from now on." Jisoo joined in, smirking perversely, and received a pinched thigh from rosé.

"You, too, do not let me throw your panty on the street." Rosé warned her, pointing her finger at her. Jisoo shook her head frantically, gulping.

They all kept hurling dirty comments at Jennie, oblivious to the fact that Wendy on the other side was plainly not listening to them as her thoughts drifted around in another realm, as if she was high as fuck and having a glaring contest with the floor. Yeri nudged her side, reclaiming where her soul could be.

"Do you still feel like you?"

With a perplexed expression on her face, Wendy turned to face her friends and rolled her eyes. She gave them a 'what' look and took a sip from her juice.

"Look guys, i'm okay really. I was just thinking about last night." She said.

"What were you thinking huh?" Joy asked, her eyes narrowed as if she were on drugs.

Wendy cocked her head at Yeri's side.
"Did you hear the noise last night?"

"Hear what? You mean your snores?" She then kick Yeri's foot at her dumbest question.

"Asshole! How could I have heard if I was asleep and snoring?"

Yeri suddenly realized Wendy's point: she's dumb. She nods slowly while brushing her artificial beard, taking so long to correct her own mistake.

"You're right. how could I not have thought of that?"

"It is because you are stupid. But seriously. Maybe you are right. I must have startled myself up when I heard that I was snoring when I was dreaming." Wendy hypothesized, and Wendy and Yeri dramatically hugged each other.

The other girls simply shook their heads, staring at the two in bewilderment. Like, really. They were all perplexed by Wendy's mental breakdown a while back, and that was the only reason for it. They believed it was a major situation, but it turned out that the two needed quick medical attention.

"The drug was approved as a therapy for the brain STUPIDITIS." Rosé shook her head. Everyone agreed except for the one who just lifted her head.

"Wendy and Yeri, Both of you just shut up!" And it's Seulgi. Chiming in, but reacting late to the two when the scene had just ended. She then savoured a dish on her spoon inches from her side without realizing what she had taken.

In a matter of seconds, her expression became incomprehensible, and she vomited. Fortunately, Irene was quick enough to grab a styrofoam plate and lay it in front of her girlfriend before it landed on their table. 

"What kind of food is this?!" She was furious and continued nauseating the meal with a disgusting expression. Irene just keeps tapping her back, stopping her laughing from being as loud as the girls.

"That is my Dalgomie's meal, idiot. How did you get there while it was far away from you?" Jisoo said. and the dog showed up just in time. Seulgi then dashed into the restroom to wash her mouth.

Jennie refocused her attention on her food, not giving a damn about her chaotic friends who were making her head ache.

They have returned to their normal selves after an hour of being chaotic. They planned to visit Irene's Paradise Island Resort tomorrow, where a Music Festival will be held.

"Hell yeah! I'm going home now to pack my things!" Seulgi exclaimed, standing up abruptly and with excitement. Irene pushed her back to a seated position and scowled at her as a warning.

"Jen, we had been planning this for quite some time. And we will make sure that Lili enjoys the rides there." Irene said with a wink.

"Thank you Irene, thank you guys. I just want my baby to enjoy it." Jennie sincerely said smiling at her friends.

They hadn't gone to Irene's newly built Paradise Island before, so they decided to spend time there. Irene basically has two beach resorts.

They were enjoying the food when they heard a group of friends approaching their table. Jennie noticed her friends change of behaviour, so she turned to see where her friends were looking.


"Hi Jennie. It has been a year. Glad to see you again." Nayeon smirked. But Jennie doesn't give a damn and just boredly nod which made Nayeon grit her teeth.

"Jen, can we talk?"

Jennie gave her friends a disinterested expression. Jisoo lifted his eyebrows at her. She nodded, signalling, 'It's fine.' She then stood up and followed Nayeon at the back of the bistro.

"I just got back last month."

Nayeon mumbled while looking at Jennie's side profile. They sat on the bench.

"Oh." Only words came from Jennie's mouth.

"So, how are you?"

"I'm doing great." Jennie stated uninterested and wants to end the conversation but does not want to be rude.

"Are you still upset with me for leaving? I am sorry, Jen. I was just badly hurt at that time." Nayeon expressed sadness. Jennie then stared at her, feeling a sudden sense of guilt.

"I'm sorry Nayeon. It wasn't my intention to hurt you."

Nayeon then grabbed her hand and smiled with her bunny teeth. "It does not matter. Now that I'm here, we should continue where we left off. Let us start all over again, Jen."

Jennie chuckled and pulled her hand away from Nayeon's grip.

"I'm sorry, nayeon. But that's not going to happen. Lisa and I recently became official. I will never hurt her, and you know she is the only one I love and will love to the end."

Nayeon scoffed and stood up. "Oh. So it's still Lisa? She can't make you happy, Jennie. She is unable to give you pleasure. She can't satisfy you because she is abnormal."

Jennie then stepped up, battling the impulse not to slap her ex. Lisa has never been insulted by anyone. Lisa's condition is a particularly difficult topic.

"You have no right to insult her. Nobody has ever had the right to do so. Who are you to judge her state? Whoever isn't normal here is you! Don't ever say that to my girlfriend again. I will never think twice about hurting you if this happens again."

She left her gawking at the stand and returned to her friends.


"Are you all right? You seemed angry. What did she do to you, tell me. I will pull her teeth out." Joy fumed, as if scolding Jennie. she kicked Nayeon's Group table stand not hard enough to stun the girls but hard enough to hurt her foot. However, Nayeon's girls and everyone else in the Bistro stared at her as if she was on drugs.

Her friends just ignored her. They had grown tired of joy's shits.

"Fuck those girls table." While massaging her foot.

"Idiot. Who told you to kick the table?" Wendy said rolling her eyes at joy. 

"Guys, I have to go. My wife is probably waiting for me to pick her up at their Mansion. See you tomorrow." Jennie made a casual announcement as she fixed herself. The gang cringe at the term 'wife' and said their goodbyes.


Jennie arrived at the Mansion and was welcomed by her mother-in-law. She instantly walked to Lisa's room. She has already spoken with Lisa's parents about their daughter staying at Jennie's for a few days. Jennie has also informed them that they will stay at her Unit with their friends.

She walked into the room and saw Lisa wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around her body and humming a song. She gulped and bit her lip, scanning her from head to toe. She approaches from behind and throws her arms around her waist. Lisa gasp.

"Daddy, why didn’t you knock first?"

Jennie gave out a quiet laugh. "Oh, I apologize. Should we remake the scene? I'll go outside and knock this time."

Lisa slaps her arms softly. "Funny."

"Baby, I miss you." Jennie whispered pouting, making Lisa chuckle.

Jennie is resisting the urge to kiss Lisa's neck from behind as Lisa's fresh milk smell entered her nostrils. "Baby please can I?

Lisa slightly glance at her, confused. Jennie let out a deep sighed. She released her hug from the girl so Lisa could dress properly.

Jennie was certain she wanted to make love with her. However, she is hesitant to get started. She is concerned that Lisa might not want it. And only God knows how Jennie became sexually frustrated. It's hurting her lower tummy.

"Nini, I'm all good." Lisa cooed as she showed herself to Jennie in her bear pyjamas.


Jennie scanned her for a while. She felt blessed just staring at her with her hair still covered in a towel and her cute, bare face, which never ceases to amaze Jennie.

"Nini, can you dry my hair?" Lisa broke Jennie's trance.

"Sure babe."

"You're so beautiful Lisa." Jennie muttered out of nowhere looking at Lisa through the vanity mirror, while blowing the younger hair. It makes Lisa flush. "Thank you Nini."

Slowly, Jennie bends down, facing Lisa's back. She lifted the girl's face and tilted it to her side to gain access, then linked their lips together.

The kiss is soft, allowing their hearts to feel each other's presence until the older woman decides to roughen it up and go deeper. She slipped her tongue inside Lisa's mouth, nearly making the younger woman gag.

Lisa carefully rose up from the vanity chair and snaked her arms around Jennie's neck. Jennie broke the kiss to get air, but Lisa quickly joined their lips again as the older woman gripped the girl's waist. She slowly insert her hand into Lisa's shirt and touched her stomach caressing it sensually.

"Hmm Nini" Lisa moaned, causing the elder woman to experience a scorching sensation in her lower.

"You're driving me crazy, Lisa."

As Jennie was ready to lower down her kiss, a knock on the door interrupted their hot encounter, making Jennie grumble.

"Just a bit more." Jennie murmured through her breath. Obviously disappointed.

"Ma'am Lisa, Ma'am Jennie. Mrs. Manoban has asked you to go down since your things have already been piled into the car trunk." The maid informed them from the outside of the room.

They headed downstairs together. Lisa is carrying a bear in her arms.


"Princess, you will be staying at Jennie's place, so please behave alright? Don't be too stubborn." Mrs. Manoban reminded her daughter, tucking her hair behind her ears. She nodded.

"Mommy where is father?" She inquired with a pout. Her mother chuckled.

"Oh, darling, he still has some work to do at the office, but he is aware of this."

She then snuggled with her mom, who was kissing her forehead.

"Alright, darling. Jennie is waiting."

Mrs. Manoban then turned to Jennie. "Take care of her Jennie. and I hope you can handle her tantrums."

Jennie chuckled. "Don't worry, mom. I can handle her." She then winked at Mrs. Manoban.

They are now walking towards Jennie's car when lisa called her mom. "Mommy, mwa! Send my kisses to Daddy as well. Byebye!" They waved their hands before entering the car.


"Why are you so naughty huh?" Jennie said, pulling Lisa onto her lap. Lisa was about to protest, but the older pulled her back.

"You're going to drive i should get back to my seat." As she tried to move.

Jennie tightened her arms around her baby's waist. "Then we're going to stay here and not drive."

"How can we get to your place if we stay in the car?"

"You can sit on my lap while I drive, okay?" She told her as she attacked her lips, kissing her deeply and passionately. Lisa kissed back with the same wants, wrapping her arms around her daddy's neck as their tongues fought for dominance. Lisa coughed as Jennie sucked her entire tongue firmly.

Their make-out session heated up, and Jennie's hormones reacted again. She pushed her hands into Lisa's shirt and let it move over her body.

Lisa pushed Jennie gently and lightly slapped her chest. "That's enough, Let's go."

Jennie couldn't protest anymore, so she obliged to the real boss. Her boss.


Oppss. No. Lisa is still young. 🤭

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