Servamp | The Last Creation

By Asuka707

59.1K 1.7K 197

The Seven Servamp, Servant and Vampire. Each named by the Seven deadly sins, Wrath, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Gr... More



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By Asuka707

The Seven Servamp, Servant and Vampire. Each of them holds a great power yet a contract that shows an Eve and the Servamp has to work together. The seven Servamp is called by the seven deadly sins, Wrath, Gluttony, Envy, Pride, Greed, Lust and Slot. But suddenly there was added another Servamp; the 8th Servamp, Melancholy. After the fight with the 8th Servamp, The Servamp that had lost their power remain but still stood beside their Masters but all things went back to normal. Or so I thought.

I'm Mahiru Shirota, 17 years old. I like to keep things simple. Try to keep life uncomplicated. That's why I picked up a cat. Well, I thought he was a cat, but looks can be deceiving.

"I need to hurry and go to school. Kuro, stop lazing around." I was in a rush to go to school. Rushing to wear my shoes as Kuro was still lying on the floor.

Kuro is my pet cat; that I took in when I was passing through an alley towards home and found him lying around in weak. I bought him home, gave him a bell and called him Kuro but after the next day, I came back from school. Kuro wasn't there but someone else, a sky blue hair, same clothes color and was eating ramen while watching the television (his eyes were swollen because of lack of sleep). After things get serious it turns out that the person that was in my house was actually Kuro. Kuro then explain that he is a Servamp (but only half), I can more and more understand about the contract with The Servamp after with the help of Misono and the others.

Kuro is the Servamp of Sloth, known as Sleepy Ash. I meet some other Servamp too; it was hard to control the power (Lead) that was given by the Servamp Inner Monster. Things were back to normal but when you have a pet cat as a Servamp, it's beyond than normal.

~    ~    ~

"Mahiru!" Sakuya was calling for me as Ryusei and Koyuki are waiting beside him. Kuro was as usual, followed me to school in my backpack. Sakuya and the others were waiting so I rush to them, not wanting to let them wait.

"Why do you have to go so early?"<Cat form> Kuro muttered while yawning.

"If you're still not used to waking up early to school, then you should have just stayed at home." I said, Kuro ignored me and went back to sleep in my backpack.

I let out a sigh; seeing how Kuro is. Kuro is always like this, he'll never change about his sleeping habits. While I was lost in my thoughts, I was already walking to school with my friends but Sakuya suddenly raised his hand and spank me back on the back.

"Hey, I heard from our teacher yesterday that our class is having a transferred student today." he said, it then came a bit of a rumor but... if it's true. Ryusei, Koyuki and I just listen to Sakuya but honestly I'm a bit excited to meet the transferred student though... again, if it's true,

"And hear this; the transferred student is a girl." Sakuya continued; I just hummed as I listen but Ryusei and Koyuki kept talking about it.

==At The School==

Time passes fast as we talked about the new student while on the way to school. When the class started; about Sakuya's story being a lie... not anymore. A lot of my classmates talked about it. And I seriously thought it was one of his jokes or stories.

"I can't believe you were right." I turn to Sakuya; who was sitting on the left desk next to mine. After a lot of my classmates' talked about it, I can't doubt it's wrong.

"Of course, have I ever lied to you?" Sakuya showed a proud face, but the truth is he's always wrong and always lies about something.

Sakuya is also a vampire like Kuro but he is like an underclass vampire (subclass) by Tsubaki. After what happen with Tsubaki, all of her under class vampire was order by him that they should live freely so now Sakuya is going to school like usual. Ryusei and Koyuki are still my friends but they seem to make me pay more attention to Sakuya. The class starts to chatter more and more until the Teacher came in.

"Please sit down. Homeroom will start now." the Teacher walks to the desk, "But before that, we have a new transferred student. Please come in." the Teacher ordered. The transfer student opens the door and came in the class. Just like what Sakuya said, the transfer student is a girl.

"I'm [F/N] [L/N]. Please to meet you all." she bowed.

Her long [H/C] hair, tie into a simple ponytail. The atmosphere was loud with a lot of comment about [F/N] [L/N] appearance. One of my classmates stands up, asking about where was her previous school and then came another. As the questions kept popping up, I just stared at her.

"Hey, Mahiru. What do you think?" Sakuya leans close and asked me.

"I like how her hair is simply tie into a ponytail and--" while I was looking at how she talk and all, something caught my attention. I immediately stand up.

"Um... Why are you wearing a black glove on you left hand?" I raised my hand as I ask, surprised that I ask about left her arm. A black glove that hides her entire left arm (from her elbow to the back of her hand) but none at the right hand,

"Sorry, if my question if a little complicated to answer." I realized what I had suddenly said,

"No, it's fine. Actually, there is a scar behind the glove that I'm wearing." she said, lifting up her left arm. I became more curious as she told the reason she wore the glove.

"Can you show it? That scar, I mean." my mouth moves by itself again; as my curiosity took over me. Her eyes widen, she was shocked as my question became more personal, others became curious too as I ask the question.

"I think you went overboard, Mahiru." Sakuya whispered, I was about to cancel my stupid question but,

"I'm sorry but that has already crossed the line." she said with a bitter smile. I really did it, I wanted to apologize, but the Teacher cut me off.

"That's enough. [L/N] please sit behind Hayama." the Teacher ordered.

She walks away from where she was standing and sits at the desk that was said by the Teacher. The coordinate on my desk is on the middle of a third row, so she is on the left, near the window on the fourth row. Now I did it, I really made her sad. I should do something to make it up for her,

"A letter." As soon as the idea passes me, I immediately wrote a message in a little piece of paper, [I'm sorry. What can I do as an apology?] That's what I wrote on the paper. After I folded the paper, I handed it to Sakuya, he help me pass the message to her.

"You seem a little worried?"<Cat form> Kuro came out of my bag and lie down on my desk.

"I got carried away just because of my curiousness." I sigh; Kuro looked at my worried face.

"Mahiru, here." Sakuya whispered as he taps my shoulder to get my attention, giving me the message that had already been replayed. I open the paper and read,

[It's okay. How about you show me around the school?] She wrote on the paper. I was happy that she forgive me, I let out a sigh of relief. Kuro, who was staring at me the whole time, felt a little weird around me,

"You changed quicker than I thought." Kuro said and went back inside my bag to sleep.

.   .   .

"[L/N], I have some papers for you so come to my desk now." The Teacher said to her and left the classroom. She stood up from her chair, "I have to go. Can you wait while I finish my work." she came to my desk and said it with a smile.

"Okay. Then I'll lead you the way to the Teacher's office." I stand up, she thank me but then Kuro had the chance to climb on my shoulder and followed us.

We left the classroom, walking down the hallway as she looked around her. Of course, it's because this place is unfamiliar to her. The teacher's office wasn't that far so we arrived at the place not long after,

"I'll wait here." I stop and in front of us was the door of the Teacher's office, she nod and enter the office. I lean back on the wall, opposite from the Teacher's office. Kuro yawns,

"You're happy?" Kuro said while looking at me.

"I really made a new friend." I hummed. Kuro took a glance at me and said something that made me froze.

"It's unusual for you to have a girl as a friend." Kuro yawns again.

Kuro was right; [L/N] is the first girl I have friends with. No, actually there are but the girls in my class, we talk but only when they wanted help or something but [L/N] was different. I came to become friends with her. After a few minutes, the office door opened.

"Sorry, did you wait long?" she close back the door behind her.

"No, Besides, I promised to show you around the school." I said, [L/N] suddenly lean close to me. I again, froze at her sudden action.

"The school is allowed to bring pets?" she was looking at Kuro. So, the reason why she suddenly leans close was because of Kuro. My heart was beating fast just now.

"Actually no, but Kuro can't stop following me so that can't be help." I said, she reaches her hand to pat Kuro's head but she was still close to me. "Um... [L/N], you—u're too close." I stutter; I couldn't bear much longer for her to be this close.

"Sorry." she lifted Kuro from my shoulder and distances herself a little from me. "But, can you call me by my given name? Using my family name is a bit too formal to me." she allows me to call her by her given name.

"[F/N].... Okay, then you can call me by my given name too." I said but she made a question face. I realized that I didn't introduce myself since I already knew her name from the start... "Sorry, I forgot. I'm Mahiru Shirota. Please call me Mahiru, [F/N]."

"Nice to meet you, Mahiru." she smiled. Kuro was in her arms.

"That's Kuro by the way." I pointed at Kuro.

"Nice to me you too, Kuro." she stroke Kuro's head then down towards his back, Kuro let out a meow as he was pleased by the warm hand.

"Then, shall we start with our tour around the school?" She nods but not long after we walk, she suddenly turns around. Looking at what seems to be just an empty hallway we just pass through.

"I thought I sense something was following us." she murmured. I looked at her when I notice she stopped and was looking for something,

"Is something the matter?" I asked; she turns back to me and shook her head.

"Sorry, I just felt something was weird that's all but it turns out it was nothing." she explained, after she that I showed the ways around the school.

.    .    .

It took out our whole recess time but it was worth to know [F/N] more and she now knows the ways around the school.

"Okay. The tour is finish." I saistopped my track and turn towards her, she was still looking around her surroundings.

"This school is fun." She smiled brightly at me,

"Right. I was also amazed when I first came here." I looked at her, and it seems that Kuro likes her. From her arm, Kuro is now on her shoulder. "Kuro, get down from [F/N]'s shoulder." I ordered; I then took Kuro from her shoulder.

"By the way, Kuro smells funny." she suddenly said while looking at Kuro.

"Smells funny? What do you mean?" I ask her,

What did she meant about Kuro's smell, does Kuro stink?

"Kuro doesn't smell like a normal cat, it's like... How should I put it." she puts her index finger on the bottom of her lip, thinking of words to describe what she meant. I looked at Kuro but he seems unaware about what [F/N] said about his smell. "Maybe I was wrong. But I don't usually guessed wrong with my sharp sense of smell." she mused.


"I think we should get to class." I said as soon as I heard the school bell, [F/N] agreed and we walk right back to class together.

"Thank you for showing me around. Can we hang out again?" [F/N] requested. I was happy when she said that.

"Of course." I happily accept her invite to hang out again, she then smiled again.

We enter our classroom, went to our own desk. Then Sakuya suddenly came to me and asks.

"So, how was the tour?" Sakuya puts both his hand on my desk and waited for my answer.

"It was fine. I'd showed her everywhere." I said while placing Kuro down on my desk. But a few seconds later, Kuro jump from desk to desk and finally to [F/N]'s desk.

"Kuro, what are you doing?" I strode towards [F/N]'s desk. Kuro just meowed, as I came towards her. "Sorry, Kuro is sometimes a bother." I picked Kuro up, but he protest to let go. [F/N] who was looking at Kuro's reaction, takes him from my hand.

"If I can, will you let Kuro stay with me?" she asks for permission while her hand was stroking Kuro's back. Again a meow came from him,

"Sure. Please take care of him." I approved, then left her desk and sat back at my own desk. Sakuya was watching from the start,

"Kuro seems to like her, even for the first day they meet he already wants to be with [L/N]." Sakuya said while staring at [F/N] and Kuro.

"Well, as long as [F/N] is fine with it then it's fine." I looked at Kuro and [F/N]; my desk has more room now thanks to her. Kuro always lie down here and make my desk less spacious for me to learn.

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