Keith x Reader Oneshots

By Lemonymoll

413K 7K 5K

Completed More

-Request Page-
1 - Cuddles for Comfort
2 - Suprise Visit
3 - Coffee Confessions
4 - Sweet Recovery
5 - Rudely In Love
6 - Lunch Break
7 - Leaving So Soon
πŸ‹ 8 - Hot & Heated
(Lime) 9 - Next Morning
10 - Special Breakfast
11 - Fluffy Ears
12 - Comforting Hippo
πŸ‹ 13 - Earlier Than Expected
14 - Galra Kisses
15 - Final Call (Part 1)
15 - Final Call (Part 2)
πŸ‹ 16 - Wet Dream
17 - Silver
18 - Guns & Roses
#1 Headcannons - When You're Alone Together
19 - Hug
20 - Intertwined (Requested)
#2 Headcannons - When You're Sick
#3 Headcannons - When You're Making Out
22 - Birthday
23 - Overworked
24 - Lightweight
25 - Bloody Fear
26 - I Love You
27 - Calling Out
28 - Cat Care
29 - Morning Affection
30 - Touch Starved
31 - Heartbeat
32 - Domestic Life
πŸ‹ 33 - Self Control
34 - LattΓ©
35 - Alright
36 - Nightmares
37 - Snuggle
38 - Oops
πŸ‹ 39 - Virgin
40 - Sandwich
41 - First
#4 Headcannons - A-Z Smut Version
42 - Could You Please Come Pick Me Up?
43 - Smile
44 - Undercover
45 - Giddy

21 - Morning

6.3K 123 58
By Lemonymoll

Idk how this one turned out. I've been busy catching up on my inktobers and keithtobers that I missed


Lucidness trickles into my mind like cold water, jolting me into a semiconscious state. Feeling disoriented and dazely confused by my unplanned awakening, I find myself in a calmly barren state of mind. Only simple things seem to process here, anything else seeming too strenuous to comprehend.

Floating in the void of my empty thoughts, I still feel confused. Blindly, I try to find the sudden disruption in my other wise peaceful sleep. To my surprise, nothing is out of the ordinary. Whatever had half pulled me out of dreamless sleep now seemed to be nonexistent. Too tired to care, I feel a wave of ease rush over me. Almost too easily, I start to sink back into the peaceful embrace of slumber.

Just as I reach the brink of conciousness, waiting to tip over, something pinches my skin. The fog of sleep starts retreating at the distinctive feeling, clearing enough space in my head to produce partially coherent thoughts.

What the-?

Confused by the sudden annoyance I wait for further action, hoping it will disappear and leave me in peace. I frown after a few moments as, what I can distinguish as my collarbone, gets nipped once more. It wasn't painful per say but it was certainly bothersome enough to refrain me from returning to sleep.

As another pinch, this one following shortly after the previous, latches onto my skin, I furrow my brow in annoyance. Using the sluggish strength I have in my body, I shrug my shoulder as if to scare away a mosquito on my neck. Still too tired to move properly, I fall back into my previous place and just hope nothing will come bother me again.

I started to believe I had successfully shaken off my sleep depriving annoyance when I felt the familiar feeling on my skin. It was different however and even more distracting. Something had latched onto my skin, no longer leaving little nips, and was sucking softly. Despite my semi conscious state I could feel the rhythmic tugging of my skin.

Dragged further into a clear state of mind, I found less and less warm tendrils of sleep wrapped in the crevices in my head. Instead, I found myself noticing more and more things to keep me awake. Hot, yet steady breath was breathing down my neck. My suckled skin was damp from whatever was annoying me. Squeezing my eyes shut I give one last effort to drift back to sleep. Despite knowing full well it's a futile attempt, I would like to at least be able to say I tried.

After waiting a few strained moments, I give up. With a begrudging sigh, I slide my still heavy eyelids open. I squint at the morning daylights in the room, eyes not used to the cheerful light. As my retinas sting I feel extremely tempted to dive face deep into my pillow and just forgot about the godforsaken ways of 'getting up'. Before I can think too far into the drastic plan however, I feel another nip on my skin to remind me of the reason I woke in the first place.

Groaning, I slowly lift my head and look down. I frown at the sea of black hair nestled against chest, messy from sleep. It takes a moment for things to click in my head. Keith. I couldn't see his face, but didn't need to to know he currently leaving a hickey on my collarbone. The familiar tug on my skin triggered a bundle of memories that carried the same sensation. And by the slow pace he was going, I could tell he was taking his sweet time with it as well.

Things piece together in my mind as I recall the pinched sensations on my skin that woke me from slumber. Of course Keith has been marking up my neck while I sleep. What else should I have expected. Despite being hidden by covers, I could feel one of Keith's bare legs slotted lewdly in between mine, along with an arm draped across my torso. Giving an annoyed sigh I fall back down onto my pillow.

"Keith." I mumble, making sure my tone carries my disgruntlement. If it had been almost any other situation, I'd probably find his actions erotic. But being woken prematurely reduced any sexual longing I had for him to next to nothing.

Instead of a groan or a whine as I expected in response, my eyes widen as something soft flicks my throat sharply. What the hell was that? It didn't hurt in the slightest, but was surprising and foreign. Quickly raising my head once more, I glance back down at Keith in confusion.

He was still nipping at my skin, unfazed by my annoyed call of his name as if he never heard me in the first place. I stare at the top of his head in such bewilderment that it takes me a second to notice the purple features in my peripheral vision. Large, fluffy ears were sprouting from his coal colored hair, sending tufts of his hair in unnatural directions. How did I miss that the first time. Staring intently I watch as his left ear twitches slightly. That's what must have hit my neck. I suddenly furrow my brow. Wait, Galra? I haven't seen him transform in weeks.

The last time Keith changed into a Galra form was around a month ago during an argument with Lance. Something he said had hit a nerve and his eyes changed from their normal violet hue to completely yellow. He didn't notice at all, which isn't surprising since it's a change he can't even see, and continued to argue without knowing.

It wasn't until he realized Lance was staring at him in an odd way that he figured something was wrong. As soon as Lance pointed out his eyes were the color of egg yolks, they faded back to normal. Since then his Galran heritage hasn't flared at all. I wonder if he's full Galra. He hasn't done a complete transformation in months.

Suddenly finding Keith's current state much more interesting than falling back asleep, I focus all my attention towards him. Gingerly, I cup his cheek with my hand and start to slowly pull him away from my lovebitten skin. He resists for just a moment, seeming reluctant to leave my bruised collarbone before letting himself be guided by my touch.

As Keith's face comes into view, no longer nestled against my skin, I'm surprised to see he was completely Galra. I trace my gaze over his features, remembering what he looked like from the last time I saw him like this. It's been months since he's been like this.

A pretty shade of purple, reminding me vividly of his normal eye color, replaced his usually pale skin. It was still just as soft as before, smooth under my palm and the pads of my fingers.

His hair was a mess from the combination of bedhead and trying to conform around the ears poking through. Regardless of that, it suited him in unexpectedly attractive way. He had a way of looking good in any kind of disheveled appearance. Drifting my stare up, I meet Keith's gaze.

I'm surprised at the unexpected longing, almost lustful look stirring in his expression, dominating the clear exhaustion underneath. His eyes were lidded, yellow gaze peeking out from under the veil of his thick eyelashes. The fluffy ears either side of his head were flattened, enhancing his intimate look.

While I felt inclined to continue staring at Keith's face and taken in all the subtle things, like the soft curve in his lips, I was already feeling strain in my neck from gazing at him from such an awkward angle. Looking away for just a moment, I plant my left forearm into the mattress and try to prop myself up into a more comfortable position.

A soundless growl vibrates my hand on Keith's cheek as I lean further up the headboard, displeased for some reason at my actions. I ignore it however and don't look back until I'm comfortably resting at a higher angle. Reuniting our gazes, I see his silent protest hasn't affected his longing expression as it's the same as before.

I started to think we were just going to have a silent staring contest when Keith began rubbing his cheek into the palm of my hand. His eyes flutter close as he idly nuzzles my palm with the side of his face. Cute. Extremely cute. I still my hand while watching in slight amusement, leaving it for him to do as he pleases.

I feel a tinge of confusion as Keith starts to slowly turn his head with each rub, tilting his lips closer and closer to the center of palm. What is he doing? As soon as they make contact he presses light kisses along my wrist and starts trailing inward. Oh. Cocking an eyebrow, I watch intently with engaged interest.

He continues along an invisible path along my palm before starting up the base of my index finger. At this point the only contact we had, ignoring the leg slotted in between mine and the arm draped across me, was his lips on my hand as his face had completely abandoned my touch. As he neared the tip of my finger, he turned his head slightly so he was front of it, the end of my fingernail brushing his lip. What is he doing?

Partially opening his eyes, Keith makes almost lustful eye contact with me as he parts his lips and puts half of my finger in his mouth.

My eyes widen instantly as I try to process half of my index was in my boyfriend's mouth. What the hell! What the fuck is he doing? I feel the edges of his sharp fangs brush against the sides of my skin as his teeth loosely rest on my finger. Frozen in shock, I can't even react as Keith's tongue curls around the tapered end. It's not until he starts sucking softly do I feel the ability to move return to my body.

I breathe in sharply at his actions. He's gotta be fucking with me. Trying to get a rise out of me by doing something I'd never expect. I pull my eyes away from my half engulfed finger to look at his expression, searching for signs of jest. Instead, I find evidence to prove me otherwise.

Keith's eyes were closed again, completing a surprisingly blissful expression on his face. Blissful? I stare in bewilderment, unsure how to comprehend, much less how to feel about what was happening. This has got to be a joke.

Keith let's out a soft moan, partially muffled by the suckled finger in his mouth.

This isn't a joke.

It feels like my eyes might pop out of my head as the widen farther. He moaned? Why is he moaning? A small amount of heat rises to my face as another quiet whine emerges from his throat. First my neck and now this, what the hell is going on- I frown slightly as a thought pops into my head. Wait a second.

He woke me up by littering hickey's all over my neck and didn't stop until I pulled him away, he hasn't spoken to me all morning, he pet himself against my hand before running kisses up and down it and now he's sucking on my finger like he can't control himself.

He's horny as fuck.

I can't help but feel annoyed as I watch Keith, now understanding he's trying to get himself off any way he can. In some other situation I probably would already have him pinned to the bed but in this moment all I can think about is how this is why I was woken up prematurely: To appease my boyfriend's uncontrolled hormones.

I'm too tired for this.

Filled with irritation, and maybe a tinge of vengeance for my peaceful sleep, I pull my hand away from Keiths desperate attempt to turn himself on.

His eyes snap open as an appalled expression grows on his face, unable to believe I denied his satisfaction. Eyebrows furrowing either in concentration or defiance, Keith leans forward and attempts to latch onto finger again. Frowning, I pull my hand away further, letting his teeth clink around the air they were in a second ago.


Keith's eyes burn with an angered disbelief as he hears my command. Despite his temperament, he listens and doesn't try a second attempt. Instead, a low whine hums our from his throat as he glares at me, yellow gaze booring into mine with a look of betrayal as his ears flatten in what appears to be disappointment.

As I stare back I can't help but feel my annoyance get ebbed away by the nearly desperate look for contact in his gaze. I silently scold myself for being so soft to his gazes. I'm going to follow through with my irritation on of these days. Sliding down the headboard I fall back onto my pillow, breaking my gaze with Keith for just a moment.

As I get comfortable I instantly feel the embrace of sleep beckoning my closer again. I get so entranced in it's pleasantness I nearly forget Keith was there. It's not until he releases another quiet whine that I look back up at him. Finding his eyes trained longing on me, I realize he wasn't going to give up easily on getting at least something out of me. Feeling too tired to argue with his protests, I scoot over on my pillow, leaving room for another person.

"Come here." I murmur, patting the empty space. Keith looks reluctantly at the empty gap on my pillow, obvious not what he was hoping for. Regardless, lays down next to me.

As I pull the blanket up to cover us both, I see his disappointed expression hadn't faltered. And now that his coal colored hair was draped across his face he looked like the saddest Half-Galra in the universe.

Rolling my eyes at his unreasonable sadness I lean close and thread my arms around his bare torso, pulling us together. His ears twitch in surprise, flicking me unintentionally as I tuck his head under my chin. I sigh, feeling tiredness start to overcome me.

"This is the best you're gonna get, Kogane." I mutter while letting a hand drift up to the back of his head to get entangled with his hair. I wait a moment for a response, but don't get one. Instead of prying, I gently run my fingers through his coal locks, combing out knots from his mullet.

Just as I tug gently on a loose knot, a low purr rumbles from Keith's throat. I stop combing his hair in surprise, but the purring continues, rumbling against my skin. What is he doing? Not stopping, he wraps his tightly arms around me before burying his head in my neck. Nuzzling my skin gently, I shiver as he breathes hot air down my neck. It's not until I feel lips brush gingerly against my bruised collarbone does the low hum of his purrs subside.

Placing soft kisses along my neck, Keith relaxes into my embrace with a sigh. As I resume my gentle combing of his hair, his lips frequent my skin less often until he becomes stagnant in my arms. Pulling away a little, I dare a glance down at his figure before smiling softly.

He was sleeping soundly, cuddled to me with a now limp embrace. Recalling the exhaustion underneath his longing expression I noted from earlier, I realize he must have been half awake during most of our endeavor. His face showed no sign of lust or longing though, and instead looked genuinely peaceful and content. His lips were parted slightly which would mean later I would wake in a pool of drool but for now looked cute on his sleeping face.

Sighing quietly, I tuck his head under my chin once more and let my eyes close. Sleep instantly comes to consume me and drag me across the line between dream and reality. As I tip over the edge of consciousness, I smile faintly as Keith nuzzles deeper into my neck, looking for comfort in my embrace.

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