Tourtured Soul [Completed]

By wildflower0217

7.2K 189 73

A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Athens Riddle. Daughter of Tom Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort. She hates her father a... More

The Message
Leaky Cauldron
Sirius Black Pt. 1
Sirius Black Pt. 2
James Potter?
Quidditch World Cup
Lost and Found
The Goblet of Fire
More Truth, Less Lies
When Slytherins Party, They Party Hard
Figuring out the Golden Egg
The Very Late Welcome Prank and the Argument of the Year
The Last Task
The Death of The Twin
Dumbledore's Army
Another Death, But Are They Really Dead?
The Death of a Great Man
2 Lockets And A Warning
Telling the difference
The Café
A Broken Nose and Some Fire Whiskey
The Destroying of a Horcrux and a vist to the Lovegood's
Can you stop?
It's about time
Aberfourth Dumbledore
Back at Hogwarts
Too Many Feels and The Battle of Hogwarts
The Finale
A few announcements.......
They're back: Sneak Peek for next book?
One Shot (Basically another chapter)
My Reaction After 2 Years
The Malfoy Affair

Godric's Hollow

75 3 0
By wildflower0217

We entered the abandoned Caravan Park, The charred husks of several RVs, hulking black masses lay about the ash-ridden park. Ron, trailed by Harry, Hermione and I, they paused. All eyes scan the scorched earth, fixed on a burnt swing, swaying back and forth in a tiny playground. Ron's eyes shift to the ground and he
crouches. His fingers shift the dry dirt, reveal a shiny toy, not of Muggle making."Wizards were here." Ron said.

"I don't like this place." Heromine said, we all looked at her.

"I agree, this place is giving me a bad vibe." I sighed.

"I want to go." She told us amd we all agreed then leaving. Eventually we found a place to stay for the night. I was walking around the tent while the others were inside becuase I needed time to myself. That is when Ron came out, angry.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I'm leaving." Ron told me.

"Why?" I asked then it hit me, "You're jealous of Harry and Heromine." Then he ignored me and left. I walked back in and looked at Harry and Heromine. "He's gone. What the hell happened?"

"Ron and I snapped at each other. He got angry amd left." Harry explained.

"Well, I can say one thing for sure. He's jealous of the two of you." I told them.

"What do you mean?" Heromine asked.

"Heromine, Ron has feelings for you amd he thinks you have a thing for Harry." I awnsered. That next morning we apparated to a hillside. Heromine's eyes were red from crying. I was worried about Ron, the twins would kill me if something happened to their brother. Okay, thats a lie they would just be very mad at me, I think, I am honestly not sure but they are protective of their family so I am just assuming. Harry began to cast the enchantments to protect us, I was willing to do it but he said he wanted to.

Harry was walking the permiter of the tent around dusk and Heromine and I were in the tent, listening to the radio. "Athens, how are we going to get into your mother's vault?"

"If Samara is actually alive I could just walk in and say I need in my mother's vault becuase there is a chance since I am a blood tratior to her she won't let me have access to it but what would be even better is if we had her wand and some of her hair to make a polyjuice potion with. So then I can go in as my mother." I explained.

"Why couldn't I drink the potion?" She asked.

"Heromine, don't take this the wrong way but your too nice. It would have to be believable and I know the mind set she has." I sighed. Then Harry came into the tent as a song comes on.

"It's a muggle station." Heromine told him.

"I am going to walk the perimeter for a while." Then I got up and went outside of the tent. I walked and thoughts came into my head. I hope Fred and George are okay. Was Fred really going to propose to me? Damn Death Eaters always have to ruin everything. Eventually I went back inside and went to bed.

I spent the next morning reading a book that Heromine lent me, it was a muggle book actually it was a play, Hamlet by William Shakespeare. It was intresting it was about a father and son but I quit reading it after the first act becuase Harry called for both Heromine and I. We sat outside amd gave Heromine the snitch I looked over her shouder to look at it.

"I open at the close"

"You were right. It’s like you said. Snitches have flesh memories. But I didn’t catch my first Snitch with my hand. I almost swallowed it." Harry told us, mainly Heromine.

"'I open at the close'" Heromine read it then the words vanished.

"What do you think it means?" Harry asked.

"I don't know." I told them.

"I don’t know. But look, I’ve found something as well..." Heromine said then pulling out The Tales of Beedle the Bard. She turns it onto the first page she points to a triangle with a circle in it and a line down the middle. "I thought it was a picture of an eye, but now I don’t think it is.
It isn’t a rune and it’s not in Spellman’s Syllabary either. And it’s been inked in -- somebody drew it -- it isn’t part of the book."

"Luna’s dad was wearing that, at Bill and Fleur’s wedding." Harry told us.

"What d’you mean -- wearing it?" She asked.

"Around his neck. Like an amulet.
I didn’t think much of it at the
time. You know Luna, she’s
always got some mad thing or the
other she’s carrying around. I
just figured it ran in the family." He told us.

"But why would some one draw that in a childrens book?" I asked.

"Hermione, Athens, I’ve been thinking. I -- I want to go to Godric’s Hollow. It’s where I was born, it’s where my parents died --" Harry began.

"Which is why we shouldn't go. They could find us there." I told him.

"But it means something to him too,
Hermione. You-Know-Who nearly
died there. Wouldn’t that be just
the kind of place he’d hide a
Horcrux?" He said trying to reason.

"The only Horcrux we don't know where it is Nagini amd where ever she is, Voldemort is." I told him.

"What about the sword? What if it is there?" Harry asked.

"If Dumbledore didn’t want it falling into the Ministry’s hands, but wanted you to find it, what better place to
hide it than the birthplace of the
founder of Gryffindor himself?" Heromine reasoned.

"Godric’s Hollow is the birthplace of Godric Gryffindor -- I mean, ‘course it is. Obvious, isn’t it?" Harry chuckled.

"Harry, did you ever even open A
History of Magic?" She asked him.

"Tossed it at Neville once when he
was snoring -- might’ve popped
open." Harry shrugged and I chuckled.

"What about you Athens?" She asked me.

"I read that damn book front to back three times when I was trying to figure out the golden egg, do I remember anything thhat was in it? Not a word." I chuckled.

"Heromine..." Harry began.

"Don't you ever let me give you a hair cut again." She told him and I laughed at that.

Godric's Hollow

Golden streetlights glimmer along a narrow road leading to the center of town. Christmas decorations twinkle in the windows of small cottages, roofs blanketed in snow. Hermione, Harry and I apparate into Godric' Hollow, wearing heavy coats and hats, scarves wrapped around our mouths.

"I still think we should’ve used
Polyjuice Potion." Heromine said.

"No. This is where I was born.
I’m not returning as someone else." Harry told her.

"Very brave of you, Harry. Stupid, but brave." I told him and he gave me a look. Harry held out his arm to Heromine, she took it and then held his arms out for me. I chuckled but took it.

"So, if Fred would have proposed to you at the wedding, what would you have said?" Heromine asked me.

"I would have said yes." I shrugged.

"Isn't that too early for you to get married?" Harry asked.

"As long as we love each other I don't really see how it matters." I shrugged. Then we heard Christmas music pour out of a local pub.

"I think it's Christmas eve! Listen." Heromine said as we listened to the faint sound of Christmas music. Then we heard the voices coming from the church where the graveyard is.

"Do you think they’d be in there?
My mum and dad?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I think they would." Heromine confirmed. We walked to the graveyard, I looked over at the church, the stain glass was beautiful. Harry pushes through a gate, then lets go of our hand, row upon row of snowy tombstones stretch before
him. As he heads off, Hermione studies him, then we both follow. Heromine then stops at a headstone.

"Harry, Athens." She said, getting our attention. I felt uneasy, graveyards always gave me nightmares, not that I had nightmares already or anything but they're still pretty bad.

"Is it--?" Harry could say what he was going to, it was too emotional for him.

"No, but look." Heromine said.


“Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

"Did you know he had a sister?" She asked.

"No." Harry said then walking off.

"Did you?" She asked me.

"Not at all, but then again Dumbledore was a secretive man." I sighed. We all split up looking amoungst the gravestones when I heard Heromine call Harry and my name. I walked over to her but Harry didn't he was staring at a headstone. Heromine and I walked over there.

Born 27 March 1960
Died 31 October 1981

Born 30 January 1960
Died 31 October 1981

“The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”

Heromine casts a spell to put a wreath by the headstone. I felt tears come out of my eyes. "Harry, I-- I'm sorry. I know this isn't my fault but, I'm so sorry."

"Happy Christmas, Heromine, Athens." He told us both.

"Happy Christmas, Harry." Heromine replied.

"Happy Christmas, Harry." I replied with a very sad smile. Then it was silent for a few minutes.

"Harry, Athens......" Heromine began.

"Yeah?" Harry said.

"Someone’s watching us. By the
gate." She told us quietly.

"I know." I nodded. Harry nods, careful not to look too soon, then glances up. A figure, barely discernible in the snow, stands in the shadows of the church. She is
distinctly female, and older, doesn’t move initially, as if wanting Harry to see her, then she turns away.

"C'mon." Harry said as we followed him. I eye the woman ahead, then look about our surroundings, feeling trapped.

"This is not a good idea." I told him.

"I agree, Harry." Heromine agreed.

"We look like ordinary Muggles." Harry told us.

"Who just left flowers on your parents' grave." I told him. Just then, up ahead, the stooped woman holds up her hand and we all stop. Seconds later, a group of snatchers pass by the alley. As they vanish, the woman
continues on.

"Relax. This is right. I know it." Harry argued.

"I still don't like this, at all." I told him. The woman hobbles on. The lane is lined with modest cottages with small and tidy gardens. We barely give them a glance, nervously eyeing the woman ahead, before realizing Heromine and I are walking alone. We turn, and see Harry standing several yards back,
staring at a dark cottage, its garden overgrown with weeds, its roof entirely covered in ivy and snow. We return to him.

"Oh my god, Harry." Heromine says sadly, while I remain quiet.

"This is where they died. This is where he murdered them." Harry told us. "You’re Bathilda, aren’t you?" I was confused, I could tell Heromine was as well. Then I turn to find the old woman standing a few yards away. Moments later we follow her tobher house. The door rattles open and tiny Bathilda hobbles inside, followed first by Harry, then Hermione, who
wrinkles her nose, then me. As Bathilda exits the room, I glance aroumd the room.

"Harry, I’m not sure about this." Heromine tells him.

"Hermione, she knew Dumbledore.
She might have the sword. Besides, she’s barely knee-high to a house-elf. I think we can overpower her if it turns ugly." Harry said and I rolled my eyes.

"There’s something odd about her.
And what’s that smell?" Hermione asked.

"She’s gaga, remember?" Harry says. Bathilda returns, holding a box of matches. She strikes one, tries to light a candle, but her movements are
clumsy. "Here. Let me do that." He takes the match and lights the candle for her.

"You have a lovely house, Miss
Bagshot." Heromine complements.

"Miss Bagshot? Who is this man?" Harry asks looking at a photo, "His name. Can you tell me his name?" Bathilda stares at the photograph solemnly, then peers up at Harry. Her eyes are thick with cataracts. Harry
stares, unnerved, then Hermione and I walk  over and looks at the picture. "This is him, Hermione. The one I
saw in Gregorovitch’s wandshop.
The thief. Miss Bagshot, who is
he?" She looks at him, then jerks her head toward the stairs. "She wants us to go upstairs.

"Alright." Heromine sighes. When Heromine and I go to move, Bathilda shakes her head and points at

"She wants me to go. Alone." Harry told us.

"Why?" Heromine amd I say at the same time.

"It’s all right. You two stay here." He tells us and I am not liking this even more.

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