Tourtured Soul [Completed]

By wildflower0217

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A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Athens Riddle. Daughter of Tom Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort. She hates her father a... More

The Message
Leaky Cauldron
Sirius Black Pt. 1
Sirius Black Pt. 2
James Potter?
Quidditch World Cup
Lost and Found
The Goblet of Fire
More Truth, Less Lies
When Slytherins Party, They Party Hard
Figuring out the Golden Egg
The Very Late Welcome Prank and the Argument of the Year
The Last Task
The Death of The Twin
Dumbledore's Army
Another Death, But Are They Really Dead?
2 Lockets And A Warning
Telling the difference
The Café
A Broken Nose and Some Fire Whiskey
Godric's Hollow
The Destroying of a Horcrux and a vist to the Lovegood's
Can you stop?
It's about time
Aberfourth Dumbledore
Back at Hogwarts
Too Many Feels and The Battle of Hogwarts
The Finale
A few announcements.......
They're back: Sneak Peek for next book?
One Shot (Basically another chapter)
My Reaction After 2 Years
The Malfoy Affair

The Death of a Great Man

111 3 6
By wildflower0217

Athens POV.

My eyes opened and I knew excatly where I was. In the Great Hall, well, the one I went to when I died the first time. I sighed as I saw death sitting in the head master's chair. "Back again so soon?"

"I had to make sure Sirius didn't die." I told him.

"I know." He told me.

"I just have one question for you." I looked at him, "As soon as I kill my father, am I going to die?"

"You will die of old age with Fred." Is all he told me and it made me smile, "Now go get back to your lover boy."

Fred's POV

The tiger began to walk over to her, eventually laying on her and absorbing into her like it did last time. I felt her hand warm uo in mine. He eyes rapidly blinked getting used to everything again. She was breathing heavily as she sat up. "Freddie." She said as she saw me. She hugged me and I hugged her back. Do I know what happen with her talk with Death? No, I don't, not yet.

"Athens." I said hugging her. I kissed her on the temple of her head

Athens's POV

I was hugging Fred and then I wasn't becuase we had gotten up to gobsee what was happening in the other part of the Ministry. The moment we walked in I saw my father but my mother was no where to be seen. I knew I had to leave before the Ministry got here. So I grabbed Fred's upper arm to get his attention. "I have to go." Then I kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too." He replied then I apparated out of there. I went back to my tent amd began to work on breaking through the dark magic again. After the school year was over Dumbledore came and took over but we had an arguement.

"We need to tell Harry thatbhe is a Horcrux." I told him.

"Not til he is ready." Dumbledore told me.

"He has a right to know! It's his life, why can't we tell him? Don't give my a mysterious awnser."

"For his safety." He told me.

"I am going to tell him. He heard his prophecy, he will have questions amd I am going to awnser them." I told him.

"Where do your loyalties lie, Athens?"

"With my friends and my boyfriend and with Sirius, and Draco and Tonks and the Weasleys." I awnsered him. Then I apparated to Grimwauld Place. "Harry! Sirius!" I called out.

"Athens!" I heard Harry say, then hugging me. "We were worried that you had gotten kidnapped again." Then Sirius came out.

"Why did you leave?" Sirius asked.

"The Ministry couldn't know that I was there." I told them as Harry released me. "Sirius we need to tell him about what was up with his prophecy."

"I know." He sighed. "Let's talk about it in the kitchen." We went to the kitchen and sat down at the table. I explained it all to him.

"I'm a what?" Harry said in surprise.

"Your a horcrux but Voldemort doesn't know that." I sighed.

"How do you even know that I am one?"

"Harry, you are going through all the same symptoms that I was going through when I was my sister's horcrux." I explained, "How else would Voldemort get into your head? If a part of his soul isn't in your head. Same reason why you can speak Parseltonuge like I can."

"I guess it makes since, but of Dumbledore knew why didn't he tell me?" Harry aked.

"Dumbledore tried to stop.e from coming here, he told me that it was becuase it wasn't the right moment and that you were not ready to know." I explained, "But I am more loyal to the people I care about than Dumbledore."

"What now?" He asked.

"We can't let Voldemort know about this so we have to act like nothing has changed. Harry you still have to go to Hogwarts this year and we all do what we normally do and I have to find Salazar Slytherin's Locket." I explained.

"Stay with us while you look for it." Sirius requested.

"Sirius. You know why I can't." I sighed.

"Please Athens." Harry requested.

"Fine but if a death eater comes within a mile of this place I am leaving for your safety and I may have to leave once in a while, to chase a lead." I explained.

"Makes sense." Sirius smiled. That night Fred and George came after Sirius wrote them a letter saying I was staying for a while. They talked to me about this space for the store. Then George left Fred and I in my room.

"I'm sorry I had to leave so quickly like that, Freddie." I aplogized.

"Athens, it's fine. I promise you." He said as he held my hands. "I was just worried, that's all."

"When I talked to death, I asked him if as soon as we defeat my father if I would die or not. He told me the way I would die is of old age." I explained to him.

"That is amazing news." Fred smiled at me.

"You're the first one I told." I smiled at him, "because he said we would die old together Freddie."

"I cannot wait for this war to be over with." He smiled at me.

"Me too." I looked at him. Then we kissed. It was a long meaningful kiss. This is our first kiss like this since I ran to protect them. That night we slept in each other's arms as George went back to the burrow. Fred spent the first week with me not the full time though he and George had to check out the property and I was working hard to find a lead on the Locket. As it became closer to time to go back to school I slowly got closer to the Horcrux but it always ended up one step forward, two steps back.

The school year, flew by quickly. The attacks on muggle-borns and muggles in general increased. Dumbledore and I worked together to look for the Horcruxes. On the other hand The Weasleys' Riddle was a huge success. Fred stayed with me usually while Geroge stayed in the flat over The Weasleys' Riddle. Throughout the school year Dumbledore and I would leave to look for the Horocrux. He had showed me that he had obtained my great grandfather's ring and he found Godric Gryffindor's sword in the house as well.
Fred and I may have also had sex for the first time as well. It was a heat of the moment type thing.
Anyway, Dumbledore decided to bring Harry in on our hunt for Horcruxes. Here I stood in the Astronomy Tower at Hogwarts. I had a headache which means, Dumbledore is going to die tonight. Snape had left and Harry just came up to the tower. "Harry, you need a shave, my friend." Harry ran his hand over his face. "At times I have forget how much you've grown, the both of you. Forgive my mawkiness. I am an old man." Dumbledore said, smiling.

"You look the same to me, sir." Harry told Dumbledore.

"Like your mother you are unfailingly kind. A trait people never fail to under value, I'm afraid." Dumbledore said. "The place to which we journey tonight is extremely dangerous. I promise you for the company of me and I stand by that promise. But there's one condition. You must obey every command I give you without question. This goes for both of you."

"Yes sir." Harry and I said at the same time.

"You do understand what I'm saying. Should I tell you to hide, you hide. Should I tell you to run, you run. Should I tell you to abandon me and save yourself, you must do so. Your word, Harry, Athens." He told us.

"You have my word." I told him.

"My word." Is all Harry said.

"Take my arm the both of you." He ordered.

"Sir, I thought you couldn't Apparate within Hogwarts." Harry said.

"He is the Headmaster, Harry. It has it's privileges." I chuckled. We took his arm and we apparated away to a cave. We came to the entrance of the cave.

"This is the place?" Harry asked.

"Yes, it is." I awnsered.

"This place has known magic." Dumbledore told us.

"Sir." Harry said, concerned as Dumbledore cut his hand.

"In order to gain passage, payment must be made. Payment intended to weaken any intruder." Dumbledore said.

"Sir, you should have let one of us." Harry said.

"No, no, Harry. Your blood's much more precious than mine. Voldemort would not have made it easy to discover his hiding place. He would put certain defenses in position." When then walked into the cave and there was a boat. We got into the boat and floated over. "Careful" Dumbledore warned as we got out.

"There it is." I smiled slightly.

"Do you think the Horcrux is in there?" Harry said as we leaned over a bowl of posion.

"Oh, yes." Dumbledore awnsered.

"It has to be drunk." I sighed, "All of it."

"Do you remember the terms on which I brought you with me? This potion might paralyze me. I may risk to get what I'm here. I'd cause me so much pain that I'd beg for relief. You are not to indulge these requests. It's your job, Harry, Athens, to make sure I keep drinking this potion. Even if you have to force it down my throat. Understood?" Dumbledore said.

"Understood." I awnsered.

"Why can't I drink it, Sir?" Harry asked.

"Harry." I looked at Harry sadly.

"This is leading up to your nightmare, isn't it?" Harry asked me, I nodded.

"It is my time, Harry. I have accepted it." Dumbledore told him. Then he drank the first of it.

"Professer!" Harry yelled as Dumbledore fell. I took the shell and filled it with more of the posion. We continued to give it to him even though he is begging for us to stop. Then it was the Horcrux I instantly grabbed it as Harry got Dumbledore water.

"No! No. No. No." I repeated.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"It's a fake!" I sighed. "Damn it." Then these creatures came out of the water we kept on doing small spells then Dumbledore did a big spell and we some how got out of the cave, the part was a blur. Then we apparated out. We were then in the Astronomy Tower back at Hogwarts. Harry kept saying we needed to get him to Madame Pomfrey. "Harry, hide yourself under the stairs." He did what I told him. Then Draco came out with his wand up.

"Good evening, Draco. What brings you here on this fine spring evening?" Dumbledore asked.

"Draco, put the wand down. You are not a killer." I told my cousin.

"Athens, why are you here?" Draco asked me.

"I asked her to be here to be here, Draco." He instantly replied.

"You are not a killer, Draco." I told him.

"How do you know what I am?" Draco hissed, "I've done things that would shock you!"

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping
she would, in turn, bear a cursed
necklace to me? Like replacing a
bottle of mead with one laced with
poison. Forgive me, Draco, but
these are attempts so feeble I
cannot help but question if your
heart has been really in them.
I’m curious. When Voldemort gave
you this task, when he asked you
to kill me, was it in a whisper?" Dumbledore asked and even I was shocked.

"He trusts me! I was chosen!" Draco showed the Dark Mark on his arm and my eyes were glued to it.

"Than I will make this easy for you." Dumbledore pulled out his wand and I pulled out mine, "Athens, don't." I put mine away.

"Expelliarumus!" Draco shouted Dumbledore's wand flying to the other side of the room.

"Well done, Draco. But I warn you.
Killing is not nearly as easy." Dumbledore sighed.

"Draco, you don't have to do this." I told him, "this isn't you."

"You don't know me, Athens." Draco said.

"I was raised by your side, Draco, I know you better than anyone. I know your father forced you to get that Mark on your arm, I know the Mental abuse he gave you all these years, I know you better than yourself." I told him.

"You may be right, Athens but I have no choice! He'll kill me if I don't." Draco told me.

"And he will kill you if you do." I looked him in the eye.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Voldemort wants the Elder Wand. Technically it is yours but he wants to use the wand to kill Harry and he will kill you just to get the wand." I explained.

"You’re not alone. Are you. There
are others. How?" Dumbledore asked.

"The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room
of Requirement." He awnsered.

"That cabinet has been broken for

"I've been mending it." Draco awnsered.

"Ingenious. Let me guess. It has
a sister. A twin." Dumbledore sighed.

"In Borgin & Burkes. They form--" Draco was cut off by Dumbledore.

"A passage, yes. Very good." Dumbledore's eyes shifted, "I once knew a boy years ago who
made all the wrong choices. Let
me help you, Draco. Listen to Athens, even if you do kill me she is right he'll kill you either way."

"I don’t want your help! Don’t you
see! I have to do it! I have to!"

"What your doing is a die or die situation, Draco, this is your chance to stand up to your parents, remember the speech you gave in the Slytherin common room when I died, go by that." I told him. Than my mother came into the room.

"Cornered in his own castle. Well
done, Draco." Mum told Draco.

"Good evening, Bellatrix. I think
introductions are in order." Dumbledore said.

"Love to, Albus. But I’m afraid
we’re on a bit of a tight
schedule." She told him.

"Do it." Mum told Draco.

"Draco, don't do it!" I told him.

"He doesn’t have the stomach. Like
his father. Let me finish him.
In my own way." A man said, I didn't recognize him.

"No! The Dark Lord was clear. The
boy’s to do it. Go on, Draco.
Now!" Mother yelled. Draco was trembling.

"Draco, you are better than this." I told him.

"Shut up!" My sister yelled.

"When are you going to face your destiny and join us!" Mother yelled at me.

"My destiny is to join you or kill you! I'd rather go with the second option!" I hissed at my mother.

"No." Snape said as he came into the room.

"Severus..." Dumbledore said, 'shocked'

"Well, look who’s here. Hogwarts
own Defense Against the Dark Arts
teacher. Come to see the
slaughter?" Mother asked.

"Severus... please." He 'begged.'

"I gave my word. I made a vow..." Snape said than raising his wand and casted the killing curse, I saw the light leave Dumbledore's eyes and he fell back.

"No!" I shouted. Then the death eaters left.

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