The Footballer's Girlfriend (...

By paulpogbas

700K 11.3K 1.9K

*Just a disclaimer, I wrote this when I was very young and had absolutely no writing skills at all so read at... More

The Footballer's Girlfriend
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Bonus Chapter- Neymars Point of View


24.5K 390 43
By paulpogbas

I'm now at the airport in LA. Kaya is with me while on the phone to her manager talking about a shoot that she has in a few weeks. 

We're waiting for pour plane to be called out to go to Manchester Airport. We've also ordered a taxi to pick us up at Manchester Airport to then take us to our hotel where all of the other players and the WAGs are staying. 

I'm sharing a room with Kaya, we came to this decision after hours of aruguing with Marc to where Kaya would sleep.

An announcement comes throughout the airport, calling our flight so Kaya stops her phone call and we pull our suitcases behind us and head towards the gate where our plane is located.

We all climb aboard, Kaya and I are seated at the very back of the plane. I''m next to the window and Kaya is nearest the aisle of the plane. I'm at the window because Kaya doesn't like looking out the window, she's not the biggest fan of heights.

The plane starts to move, getting ready to take off so Kaya clutches onto my hand and starts to breathe deeply. I chuckle and close my eyes as the plane takes off and we leave into the air space and travel to Manchester.


The plane lands and Kaya is almost crying. Her eyes are very watery and her breathing is getting shallower and quicker. I have to give her the rest of my water to try to calm her down while almost luaghing very loudly, but I hold it in as best as I can.

We're one of the last people off the plane, not because we're at the back, because their is a exit door just a few feet away, but we're last to go off because Kaya wanted to fix herself before going outside infront of everyone.

When we finally get off the plane, we go through all of the passport control and collect our suitcases before we look around for the taxi we ordered. We finally spot the man holding a sign with Kaya's second name on it. 

The taxi driver walk us towards his taxi, he talks to us baout the game tonight. He's a Manchester City fan so he wants Barcelona to win. I can slightly understand what he is saying, due to his accent but most of the time he speaks a bit to fast for me to understand.

"Look there's the hotel." Kaya points to the hotel and we pull up outside and look at the men in very loose sweatpants and big t-shirts are waiting outside for us.

I laugh at them with Kaya before they walk over to the taxi and help us get the suitcases out of the trunk of the car. 

We thank the taxi driver and even though we paid for the taxi in advance we leave him a tip for being so nice to us and for supporting Barcelona. 

"How was your flight babe?" Marc asks kaya giving her a sweet kiss on the lips, his question makes me laugh loudly at his question.

"She was crying when the plane landed." I infrom him making everyone laugh and Kaya glares at me.

"I don't like heights or planes." Kaya defends herself but it just makes us laugh even more at her so she pouts and walks away.

"What floor are we on?" Kaya asks running towards the elevators.

"Top floor, our rooms are next to each other. Number 12 and 13." Marc tells her and she presses the button on the elevator and tries to get it to close before we can even get on, but just as we get ot the elevator the door slowly start to close but Marc presses himself in between them so they open again. 

Kaya and Marc start to act all cute in the elevator. It's cute but Neymar and I are standinh next to each other, glancing every so often at each other and chuckling.

"Can you two stop please?" Neymar groans throwing his head back against the mirror in the elevator, in response Kaya just sticks her tounge out before kissing Marc again.

Like I know that they're cute together and everything.

But it's getting really awkward.

Finally the elevator comes to a stop and Neymar and I are first to the leave the small elevator. I pull my suitcase along behind me and look at the long hallway before looking at Kaya who nods.

"Can you take my suitcase for me please?" I ask Neymar who nods and I stand next to Kaya in the hallway.

"This again, really?" Marc sighs while pulling Kaya's suitcase along with him out of the elevator which makes Neymar look at him confused.

"What do you mean again?" Neymar asks leaning on the handle of my suitcase.

"They do this at every hotel they go to." He sigh and rolls his eyes, making me turn around and glare at him.

"It's tradition, even when I'm by myself I need to run down the hall. It's good luck."

"Well we could use the luck." Neymar notes so Kaya and I smile before taking our positions, I breathe out deeply and get ready for Marc to count down.

"3..2..1!" She screams so Kaya and I set off.

It's not a race or anything, we just feel like we needed to run down the hotel floor that we were on, it's been a thing since we were younger. 

Kaya and I reach then end of the hallway and then have to run back to get to our rooms. When we turn around the full team are standing next to Marc and Neymar, and just infront of Neymar is a little boy smiling wide at me.

"Hi." I shout and open my arms and watch as Davi Luca run towards me quickly and into my arms.

"How are you?" I ask and lift him up and walk towards the team and the WAGs. I then have a stupid moment and ask why everyone is here and they have to explain that everyone is on the same floor for security reasons. 

I start to blush and fix Davi Luca on my hip.

"Come'n Kaya." Marc pulls Kaya hand into a room, but I grab her other hand before he can take her anywhere.

"Marc, Kaya and I are sharing a room." I glare at him and he just smriks.

"Oops." He pulls Kaya out of my grip and into his room and you can hear the door lock after wards.

"Well you just got played." Gerard says to me while ruffling davu Luca's blond hair. I laugh and roll my eyes and adjust Davi Luca on my hip again.

"You can share with me, I've got a spare bed that was for Davi, but he can sleep with me." Neymar suggests smiling at me, Davi Luca is also nodding while playing with the ends of my hair.

"Okay." I say and give Davi a kiss on the cheek making him blush a strawberry shade of red. I laugh and Neymar opens the door to the room, the rest of the teams are ooing at Neymar offereing me to stay in the same room as him, so I put a hand behind my back and flip them off, making sure Davi Luca doesn't see. This just makes them laugh more.

I sit Davi Luca down on the bed closest to the door. Both beds are double beds. One is slightly larger than the other.

"I'll take the smaller bed, you and Davi need more room since you're sharing." I say and sit down on the bed with Davi Luca on my lap.

"Thanks." Neymar is on a chair infront of us.

"The game starts at eight o'clock, and it's only five. Davi is actually going with the other kids for a few hours before the game, it's like just drawing and playing and stuff." Neymar explains and I smile at Davi who is still playing with the ends of my hair. It's not too long or too short, just a nice enough lenght for Davi Luca to play with.

"Okay, come'n Davi, time for you to go." Neymar walks over to me as a knock comes from the door and takes Davi Luca out of my arms making me pout.

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too." Davi shouts over his dads shoulder in the cutest portuguese accent ever. I smile and blow him a kiss which he returns. 

The care taker has another two children with her and one on her hip who I recognise as Leo and Antonella's son Thiago. 

Davi Luca then leaves and just as Neymar goes to shut the door a foot is pressed between it and the wall. A pink high heel is poking out so Neymar opens the door and Kaya walks in with a tiny smile of her face.

"Sorry about Marc, if I knew he was going to do that-" Kaya starts to explain but I cut her off.

"It's fine, Kaya." I smile and she smiles back.

"Well everyone is in our room, Marc and Leo and Gerard started a game of hide and seek throughout the whole floor and we were wondering if you wanted to join." Kaya explains and I nod and stand up from the bed and shove off my heels.

"I want to play." We all walk out of our room and into Marc and Kaya's room. I walk in and am attacked by Will in a hug making me laugh. Kaya and I are the only WAGs here, we arrived to late because they are all away on a shopping trip, and even though I am a model and fashion is a big part of my career, but a massive game of hide and seek sounds like much more fun.

"Hey guys, Gerard just said he'd go this time." Dani Alves explains so I nod and get ready to leave. 

"Count to one hundred." Iniesta shouts to him and then Gerard starts to count in spanish to one hundred. I quickly run out of the room and try to find a hiding spot.


The hide and seek game was lots of fun.

This is the last round before we have to head over to the stadium where the game is behing held. 

Kaya is counting this time. And unlike the rest of us, who counted quite slowly to make sure everyone could find a hiding spot, but Kaya is counting very fast, so fast that you can barely hear the numbers.

I scream and run into a room and look about. There's a wardrobe, curtains, a bed or a couch. After a few seconds of thinking I decide under the bed is the best option. I jump down and pull myself under the bed.

Something the touches my hand so I turn my head, my eyes widen and I go to scream but a hand covers my mouth, stopping my scream from happening. I look at Neymar, Will and Xavi all under the bed. Will's hand is over my mouth so I pull it off and beathe out deeply.

"Jesus, you guys gave me such a fight." I run a hand through my hair and they all put a finger to their lips, telling me to be quiet. I nod and rest my head in my hands. You can hear can slam open door and scream once she found someone. I laugh silently with Neymar, Will and Xavi but the moment this room door opens, I cover my mouth and breath very slowly.

"I know at least one of you are in here." Kaya shouts, and we head foot steps coming in behind her, "Angelina, Neymar, Xavi, Will, where are you?" Kaya shouts and you can hear her move things about.

"Babe I don't think they're here." Marc tell her but even though she doesn't say anything you can basically hear her shaking her head.

"Nope, they're in here. I can feel it." Kaya jumps on top of the bed and Will starts to laugh silently, but we all keep him quiet. 

"Babe-" Marc starts to speak but Kaya shouts over him.

"No, they're in here!" Kaya shouts and that's when she jumps down off the bed and she pulls up the bottom which is covering us before screaming when she sees us.

"I told you, they're all in here, they were all under the bed." Kaya is jumping up and down as we all climb out from under the bed to see the rest of the team laughing and Kaya smileing wide, so wide that her smile is basically touching her ears.

We all laugh before Kaya and I get our seating tickest which are located in hospitality instead of behind the dug outs like last time. As much as hsopitality sounds nice, I'd rather be in the crowd with the fans, but you take what you can get. I'm not trying to complain because it's great to be here and support my friends. 

"Bye." Kaya and I shout before leaving to go into the taxi that we called just a few minutes ago while the boys get onto the bus. Kaya gives Marc a bery big and sloopy good luck kiss while I give the rest of the boys ahug while holding hands with Davi Luca.

"Bye dad." He give Neymar a hug around his legs making Neymar and I laugh, so neymar picks him up and gives him a little kiss.

"Bye Davi, remember cheer for me." neymar gives him one last kiss before the WAGs and I all walk towards the taxis that we ordered to take us to the game.

The WAGs that I'm closest to are probably Kaya (ovbiously), Shakria, Orleigh and Antonella. They're the ones who have been the most open. I think the others don't like me as much becasue I'm not an acual WAG, but just a friend supporting her friends boyfriend.

I get in one Taxi which has five seats in the back and the passenger seat as well. I get in with Davi sitting next to be, Antonella and Thiago, Orleigh and Kaya. Shakira is in one of the other two taxis with the other WAGs.


I sit Davi Luca on the chair next to me. We look down at the big green field at the with the players warming up on them. We're not actually in the hospitality room, but just outside on the stands next to very important people. Or that's what Kaya said anyway.

Davi is eating a burger and I'm eating fries, or chips as the english call them. Davi is laughing as the crowd start to sing songs, very loudly.

The players then leave to get ready to play the actual game and Shakira sits next to me with Milan on her lap. We watch Davi walk over to Milan and laugh and he playes with his long brown hair and then with is own as he messes it up.

"So when are you and Neymar going to start dating?" She asks me as Kaya walks over with a glass of wine and sits down on the seat Davi Luca was sitting on.

"I know, they need to date, you're right Shakira." Kaya agrees and I just laugh loudly and shake my head.

"I hate you guys, there's nothing between Neymar and I." I sigh and then a loud burst of music comes on and I recognise it as the champions legue anthem. The people in the circle start to wave the circle flag as the players walk out.

The game then starts and it's a rough game. Alot of tackles hapen and I can't help but shout as someone tackles Neymar which throughs him to the crowd. Out of the croner of my eyes I can see Kaya gasping and Shakira is shaking her head. Davi is just staring at the screen where a large image on Neymar clutching his knee is being shown. Dani helps him up where he limps on it for a little and a free kick is given to Barcelona. Neymar is now walking better and Leo takes the kick which sends the ball straight into the goal.

I scream and lift up Davi as we all watch the team celebrate the goal. Davi is laughing while clapping his hands.

It's now half time and Shakira and Kaya are giving me a long talk about how mice Neymar is and how we should go out, but I just try to block them out. Orleigh and Antonella have now joined in with the embarrassing dicussion, which is making me blush deeply.

"Shut up, all of you. This is embarrassing." I hide my face as the players walk back on to play the second half.

It goes by fast, Manchester United score a goal to equalise the score, but Iniestia scores and amazing goal at what seems like it's the last minutes of the game. 

I scream and lift Davi up on my waist and we all jump about at their win. The game then ends and we all walk down to the changing room.

I hand Davi Luca over to Neymar who is singing, very badly, along with all of the other boys, who as well are singing very badly. I laugh before Xavi and Marc pull Kaya and I, along with the other WAGs into the circle where we try to join in with the songs, but you can barely understand them.

I laugh as they all start to dance very badly. I take Davi out of Neymar's arms so he can join in with his team mates in their awful dance. I bend down and hold onto Davi's hands and dance along with him as loud Spanish music plays.

"Did you enjoy the game?" Neymar asks, coming up to Davi Luca and I.

"Yeah, it was a good game, congratulations." I smile at him and he smiles back, and takes Davi Luca out of my arms.

"I think I'm going to skip the party today and just spend some time with Davi." He explain and I smile.

"Can I join? I really can't be bothered with the party as well." I explain and Neymar nods, and then we're joined by Kaya and Marc.

"Can we join? We just want to celebrate in peace." Marc asks.

"Sure, I was just going to put on a film anyway, probably Toy Story or something." Neymar explains. We then leave the stadium and catch a taxi back to the hotel.

We go into Neymar and I's room. We all squash onto Neymar and Davi Luca's bed. I sit at the end next to Davi Luca who is also sitting next to his dad.

Neymar has put on Toy Story and has ordered some sweets for us from room service and we start to watch the film. Just as we get fifteen or twenty minutes into the film, Davi luca falls asleep, his head on my shoulder, I fall asleep a fe minutes after him.


I really hope you enjoyed this.

Most of your comments said that you wanted "The Footballers Best Friend", but I'd love to know who you want it to be about. I don't think I want to do a marc Bartra story just yet, mainly because I don't think I could write about Marc with anyone else but Kaya because I ship them together so much.

Also the other story "The Footballers Sister" I will need you to comment who you want the main character's brother to be and who you want the love interest to be.

Please comment, vote and follow me.

love you x

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