||COMPLETED|| Deeper in Love...

By amyyleighhh

19K 268 38

Logan Paul & David Dobrik After meeting the biggest youtuber, Logan Paul the first day you move to LA and th... More

Chapter 1 - Crazy Crowds
Chapter 2 - Meeting the Man
Chapter 4 - Competition
Chapter 5 - A Day at Disney
Chapter 6 - Sleepover
Chapter 8 - The Reaction
Chapter 9 - The Affair
Chapter 10 - Goodbye Brendan
Chapter 11 - Hospital Ceilings
Chapter 12 - In the Care of David Dobrik
Chapter 13 - Finally Out
Chapter 14 - Meeting the Vlog Squad
Chapter 15 - Welcome to the Vlog Squad
Chapter 16 - Cleaning Up
Chapter 17 - A Day with Logan
Chapter 18 - Who do you Love?
Chapter 19 - Clickbait
Chapter 20 - Taking Care of David
Chapter 21 - Telling the Vlog Squad
Chapter 22 - Uninvited Guest
Chapter 23 - Forgiveness
Chapter 24 - Locked in the Apartment
Chapter 25 - Lets Focus on Us
Chapter 26 - David VS Logan
Chapter 27 - David's in Love
Chapter 28 - The Feeling of Peace
Chapter 29 - The Party
Chapter 30 - Uninvited
Chapter 31 - Secrets
Chapter 32 - Missed Calls
Chapter 33 - Alex's Bunny
Chapter 34 - Outnumbered
Chapter 35 - Shopping
Chapter 36 - Confusion
Chapter 37 - Yes, I Love Him!
Chapter 38 - Hospitals & Messy Hair
Chapter 39 - Small Chatter
Chapter 40 - I Choose You
Chapter 41 - He's Gone
Chapter 42 - The Funeral

Chapter 7 - New Apartment

670 8 0
By amyyleighhh

"Maverick, I swear to God if you don't shut the hell up I will lock you in your cage for a week" says Logan, loudly whispering.

I laughed.

"Look what you did Maverick, you woke the pretty girl up" he said turning back around to hug me. "I'm sorry my bird is an annoying little shit" he says, shaking his head smiling.

"It's fine, we should probably get up soon anyway" I say turning around so I'm facing him. A big grin grows across his face. "What?" I say grabbing his bottom lip and pulling it down slightly. 

"I'm just glad I met you and that you are here with me" he says. Maverick squawks. "and Maverick" he says rolling his eyes. We both laugh. Logan pulls me closer and puts his leg across mine.

"Logan, you're squishing me" I say laughing.

"I know, so you're not going anywhere. You are staying right here, in my bed" he says laughing, which squishes me even more. 

I wriggle out from underneath him and stand on my knees with my hands in the air. "Victory!" I say, falling back down laughing. "Seriously we have to get up, Ikea opens soon" I tell him as he starts to wriggle over to cuddle me. 

"Noooooo" he whines. I grab his face with both eyes and kiss him. He starts to kiss me more passionately but I pull away. 

"If you want more of that, you have to come over here" I say as I walk over to my bags, egging him out of bed. Soon he is on his feet and grabbing my waist and puts me against the wall, kissing me harder than before. My hands go down from his chest to abs and up while he tugs at my waist. I pull away before things could get too serious. "Come on, I'm hungry" I tell him, my hands on his biceps.

"So am I, but I'm hungry for you" he laughs as I grab his hand and lead him downstairs.  


When downstairs, I can smell bacon and toast throughout the house. Mike and Lydia are quite close on the couch, watching Netflix while I can see Evan outside, vlogging. We walk into the kitchen to see Andy, Brendan and Franke laughing while watching Kong jump up onto Evan while he is trying to vlog. We all start laughing when Evan turns around and gives us the finger. I look at the bacon simmering in the pan and then the toaster pops and all I can think about is Vegemite. Logan walks over to the pan and take a piece of bacon and cools it down by waving it in the air like an idiot. I start laughing but look back at the toast and my mouth starts watering about the thought of Vegemite. I know it's only been 3 days since I last ate it but I'm just to eating it everyday and I miss it so much. Logan looks at the expression on my face. 

"What's wrong boo?" he says, coming up behind me, pulling me into a hug. 

"Vegemite" I say, and start laughing when I turn around and see the confused look on his face. Andy starts to laugh as well, as he knows what I'm talking about. 

"Vegemite?" he says, still confused.

"Yes, Vegemite" I said, leaving him confused. I laugh and walk into the lounge room as I hear Logan ask Andy what Vegemite is. I sit next to Lydia and raise my eyebrows at her.

"How was the Disneyland in Lydia's room last night?" I ask laughing.

"Hey, I saw where you came from this morning!" she said, laughing with me. 

"Hahaha yes, but nothing really happened, but from the look on Mike's face last night when he got home, something magical happened in your bed" I said poking her in the ribs.

"Well, it didn't just happen in my bed.." she trailed off.

"Lydia!" I said laughing. "You're unbelievable" I finish.

I see Logan out the corner of my eye walk past the living room. 

"Hey, you!" I yell out to him. His face pops out from behind the wall with the cutest smile plastered across it.

"Yes" he answers.

"Where are you off to in such a rush?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"Just to the store, I'll be back in a few" he said, grinning and with that he was out the door before I could say anything else. I look at Lydia and roll my eyes.

I decide to go outside and play with Kong and check out the koi pond. It's so peaceful out at the koi pond, the sound of the small water trickling and all the birds in the massive trees surrounding it. I look up to see Brendan standing over me.

"Hey" he said.

"Hey Brendan" I reply.

"Can I talk to you about something?" he asks.

"Yeah, of course. What's up?" I say.

He sits down next to me, and sighs. "I know that you're kinda with Logan and everything but.." he trails off.

"Brendan look.." I start.

"No, please just listen. I have feelings for you but I don't want to get in between you and Logan but I just wanted you to know" he said, and with that he gets up and walks away, leaving me shocked.


We are all at the dining table eating breakfast when Logan walks in with his hands behind his back. He looks at me with a big toothy smile.

"Oh God, what now?" I say getting up. He comes over to me and gets on one knee. My heart instantly drops, surely he's not going to propose!?? We only just met!

"Anna Shaw, will you eat this Vegemite" he says as he holds a tube of Vegemite in his hands.

"OH MY GOD, YOU DIDN'T!!" I scream. "YES, OF COURSE" I said as he picks me up into a hug. He puts me down and I quickly kiss him so I can go back to breakfast and enjoy my Vegemite. We all sit down laughing except for Brendan who looks really sad, now I feel bad. 

"I'm not that hungry" says Brendan as he gets up and disappears upstairs. I watch him go upstairs and now I'm not so glad I got into a car accident with him. Logan looks across at me with a confused look on his face but I give him a weak smile which makes him smile.


Logan and I are in his g wagon on the way to the mechanic to pick up my car so they fans who aren't at the airport, thinking he's going to Dubai don't notice him in his g wagon. We are then going to my apartment to check out how much room I have for furniture, then we will go to Ikea in the g wagon because my car doesn't have enough room.

"Hey what happened with Brendan this morning?" asks Logan as he puts his hand on my thigh.

"Umm, I don't know" I lied. I don't know how to tell him what Brendan said to me at the koi pond. I'm planning on tell him at my place tonight if he stays after we go to Ikea.

We pull up outside of the mechanic and I put my new address into Logan's phone.

"I'll see you at mine" I said as I gave him a quick kiss and hopped out of the car.

I go to the service desk at the mechanic and sign off for my car and pull out my credit card. 

"Oh your car repairs have been paid for" said the man behind the desk. 

"Oh, can I ask who paid for them?" I ask confused.

"Brendan North" says the man handing me my keys and walking away. My heart drops. Oh no.


I pull up at my new apartment block which is on Hollywood Boulevard and I see Logan in his g wagon outside. I call him and tell him to follow my car as I have two car parks under my unit number. I get out of my car and walk over to Logan who is standing next to the elevator. 

"Hey, nice car" he says pulling me into a hug. 

"Yeah it was my dream car and I've been saving up for it since I was eight" I said laughing while looking at the car, proudly. 

The elevator door opens and we step inside and press level nine. Logan walks up to me starts to kiss me, slowly moving his hands up and down my back. God, this was like the movies, making out in an elevator. He starts to move faster and kisses my more intensely than this morning. He is hungry. I run hands hands through his hair as he starts to kiss down my neck, but the elevator stops. The doors open on our level and we look at each other and laugh about how cliche we just were. Making out in an elevator. 

"Anna, you do realise that your apartment is in the same complex as David Dobrik's apartment right?" Logan says to me. 

"No way!" I said, shocked. I thought the outside looked slightly familiar, I look watching David Dobrik vlogs. The are the best, besides Logan's. We open my door to reveal a very empty apartment except for a few boxes of my stuff which are in the middle of the hallway entry. It's going to take a lot to make this place feel like home. 


Logan and I pull up at Ikea and we figured that Logan wouldn't get too noticed because it was the middle of the day on a Wednesday as all the kids were in school anyways and because most of the Logang are still in school, we didn't have much to worry about. We walked inside and talked about how I wanted the colour theme to be white and blue. 

"So, obviously your favourite colour is blue" he turns to me.

"How did you figure that out Logs?" I ask him as I grab a cart.

"Well you have a blue toothbrush, blue hair brush, a blue car and now you want to design your apartment blue. So that's some pretty big hints" he says laughing.

"Okay you have a fair point, I just love the ocean" I explain to him. "It's my favourite place, back home, my city was the closest city the the Great Barrier Reef so we were practically out there every weekend when I was a kid, snorkelling, fishing and spearfishing" I finish.

"Wow, I never knew you were such an outdoors person" he said, surprised. 

"Well I do love and good book and Netflix show" I said smiling. 

"I'm so lucky I found you" he says randomly.

"That you are" I said smiling and turning down the bathroom isle.


By the time we had bought everything at I would need to make the apartment feel more like home it was nearly two in the afternoon. I had bought a small white dining table, light blue plates and glasses. A blue couch and a white TV stand, a blue bed frame with white bedside tables and other little decorations for the bathroom and rest of the apartment. 

"Babe, you should be an interior designer" says Logan while the cashier is scanning all of the items.

"That was my second dream job when I was little, I always liked to download those apps where you could design the inside of houses if you passed the levels" I laughed shyly.

"You're so cute" he laughed, pulling me into a hug.


We were driving back to my apartment when Logan's phone started to ring. He took his hand off my leg and flipped it over in his lap to see who was calling and turned it onto silent. 

"You can answer it, I'll be quiet" I said.

"No it's okay, they can wait" I said quickly. But before he turned his phone over I saw who was calling. Chloe Bennet.


On the way back to my apartment we realised that I didn't have a TV so we went and bought one at a different store. By the time we had all the furniture flat packs and the couch in the apartment, it had taken us 4 elevator trips. Now, in the middle of my lounge room was the couch with all the other furniture on it. The only thing in its place was the TV, which Logan set up.

"Alright let's do this" said Logan as he pulled the dining table flat pack off the couch.

About an hour later we have built everything and now I just had to put all the decorations in there places. 

"Hey babe, I might go pick up Brendan and prank Jake now, while the sun is still up so I have some light and then I'll be right back, okay?" he says.

"Wait, are you gonna bring Brendan back here?" I ask cautiously.

"Uh, no, why? Is everything okay between you two?" asks Logan with a confused look on his face.

"No, it's okay. I'll talk to you about it when you get back alright?" I say kissing him before he leaves.

"Okay bye" he calls out as the door shuts.


After I finish putting all the decorations in their correct spots, I take my bags into my room and start to unpack all of my clothes.I've already unpacked the other boxes before which had some clothes in them but these are all of my favourite clothes. Once everything was set up, I went and had a shower. I dressed into my pj's which were shorts that had small Mickey Mouse heads all over them and the favourite maverick hoodie which Logan gave to me last night from the merch shop. I went and watched some Shameless on Netflix because I didn't want to watch Riverdale without Logan.

I hear a knock at the door and open to see Logan, goofily smiling while holding a pizza.


After we finish eating and we are watching Netflix Logan gets up to use the bathroom so I pause Riverdale, even though there is a really cute Bughead moment going on and I figure that this is the best time to tell Logan about what happened with Brendan. Logan comes out of the bathroom and sees that I've paused the episode.

"What happened?" he said pointing to the TV.

"Look Logan, I need to tell you about something that happened this morning, but you can't freak out. You just have to listen to the whole story okay?" I say slowly.

"Yeah, of course what's wrong?" he asks.

"Okay so this morning while you were out getting Vegemite, I went outside to play with Kong and I was sitting beside the koi pond when Brendan came up to me and said if we could talk, so I said yeah sure what's up. Then he told me that he had feelings for me but when he was telling me I tried to stop him but he just kept talking. He said that I didn't have to choose between him and you but he just wanted me to know. And then when I went to pick up my car, I went to pay for them fixing it but the service guy said that someone had already paid for it and I asked who it was and they said it was Brendan. I don't any feelings for him at all Logan, I like you and it will always be you. I think it's just a little crush and that it will pass soon, so I don't want it to ruin anything" I finished.


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