Keith x Reader Oneshots

By Lemonymoll

413K 7K 5K

Completed More

-Request Page-
1 - Cuddles for Comfort
2 - Suprise Visit
3 - Coffee Confessions
5 - Rudely In Love
6 - Lunch Break
7 - Leaving So Soon
πŸ‹ 8 - Hot & Heated
(Lime) 9 - Next Morning
10 - Special Breakfast
11 - Fluffy Ears
12 - Comforting Hippo
πŸ‹ 13 - Earlier Than Expected
14 - Galra Kisses
15 - Final Call (Part 1)
15 - Final Call (Part 2)
πŸ‹ 16 - Wet Dream
17 - Silver
18 - Guns & Roses
#1 Headcannons - When You're Alone Together
19 - Hug
20 - Intertwined (Requested)
21 - Morning
#2 Headcannons - When You're Sick
#3 Headcannons - When You're Making Out
22 - Birthday
23 - Overworked
24 - Lightweight
25 - Bloody Fear
26 - I Love You
27 - Calling Out
28 - Cat Care
29 - Morning Affection
30 - Touch Starved
31 - Heartbeat
32 - Domestic Life
πŸ‹ 33 - Self Control
34 - LattΓ©
35 - Alright
36 - Nightmares
37 - Snuggle
38 - Oops
πŸ‹ 39 - Virgin
40 - Sandwich
41 - First
#4 Headcannons - A-Z Smut Version
42 - Could You Please Come Pick Me Up?
43 - Smile
44 - Undercover
45 - Giddy

4 - Sweet Recovery

11K 239 312
By Lemonymoll

(Sick!Keith x Reader)

I increased the speed on my motorcycle slightly, careful not to go too fast and lose the ingredients that were tied neatly on the back. Earlier in morning I got a message from Keith, complaining he was sick and needed my assistance in his recovery.

As much as I loved my boyfriend, I dragged out my time making my way to his desert shack; Not because I didn't want to help him feel better (because I did), but because he got a little...horny when he was under the weather. I found that out the hard way when he gave me hickey on my neck when I was checking his temperature the first time he got sick. He wasn't pushy or forceful about it, so I wasn't uncomfortable with him; but he makes it annoyingly difficult to take care of him.

I sighed as his house came into view, preparing myself for his onslaught of wild hormones and needy requests of attention. Lowering my kickstand I hop of the bike and grab the bag of ingredients of the soup I was going to make for him. Walking to his door I jiggle the doorknob, expecting it to open, and realize its locked.

"Keith it's me, open up." I say loudly, rapping my knuckles lightly against the worn wood. After a few moments I hear a groan and the knob wiggles before the door glides open.

Keith stood sheepishly in the doorway with a sleepy expression on his face. He coughs into his elbow before leaning against the doorframe, giving a lopsided smile. He had bedhead (but looked adorable regardless) and was in comfortable clothes, a black t-shirt and red, plaid pajama pants.

I smile at him and cup the side of his face with my free hand, bringing him closer to kiss his cheek. He leans into my touch and closes his eyes, smiling softly when my lips press against his cheekbone. I pull my hand away as he steps to the side of the door, holding it open for me.

"Were you asleep?" I ask as I come inside, shutting the door and locking it behind me.

"Mm-hmm."He hums while nodding his head, coming back to my side, slipping an arm around my waist.

We walk to the kitchen, his hand never leaving my hip, and I place the bag onto the counter before searching for a pot to cook in.

"What's this for?" He askes, coughing a little, as I rummage through his cabinets.

"I'm making you (whatever soup you want)." I respond as I pull out a pot and look for a cutting board to prep with.

When I eventually find one and a sharp knife, I start cutting the vegetables I brought along to put into coordinating bowls. Within less than a minute of the process, I feel hands slip around waist and hair brush against my neck. I ignore him and continue to chop the celery into reasonable pieces. I give him a look when he nudges my shirt off my shoulder, exposing the skin underneath, but say nothing. He lays his head down on my now exposed shoulder, nuzzling it softly before pressing his lips against my neck. I continue to ignore him (despite the fact it was kinda cute), switching to another stalk of celery, waiting for him to go a step further.

When he doesn't proceed to give me kisses or hickeys, I thought maybe he was too tired to do anything like that. Unfortunately I jinx myself and roll my eyes when I feel a nip on my neck. He started to suck on the spot, pulling me closer in his embrace.

"Keith."I warn, dragging out his name. He stops but keeps his lips pressed against my neck.

I glance at him and he gives me an innocent expression, puppy dog eyes included. I frown at him, not daring to tell him how cute he looks. I don't say anything else until he resumes his biting infatuation.

"Keith."I warn again, this time much more sternly. He releases my neck but starts to complain instantly.

"But, Y/N~" He whines, nuzzling my hair.

"I can't help that you make me feel like this." He continues, pressing kisses against the back of neck, trailing then to my jawline. He adjusts his embrace around my waist, hugging me harder.

"Feel like what; Horny?" I ask sarcastically, shaking him off my skin.

"Yeah."He murmurs softly, nodding his head."I can't help you make me feel horny." He repeats.

I feel a small blush creep up my face, but I sigh in his direction. You don't have to say it like that.

"Too bad. You'll have to deal with it."

Keith huffs, but stops his bombardment of kisses and gentle biting. Pouting, he lays his head down again on my shoulder, cheeks puffed out in displeasure. I smile at how childish he is, sulking over not getting his way. He leans away for a moment to cough loudly, before returning to my shoulder acting like nothing happened.

"Your so mean." He mumbles after a second against my bare skin, still pouting.

"I know. I'm the worst." I jokingly agree, brushing hair out of my face.

I drop the knife into the sink to be cleaned later and wash my hands. While drying them, I ask Keith,"Are you going to hug me from behind the entire time I cook?"

He nods into my neck, his messy hair brushing against my skin with every movement.

"You don't want to lie down and get some rest?" I ask gently. When he shakes his head I frown.

"Arent you tired?"

Keith stays still for a moment, like he doesn't know for sure, before slowly nodding. I laugh lightly in confusion.

"Then why don't you rest?" I ask. He turns his head toward me and gives a heart melting smile.

"Because I'll miss you." He murmurs softly, kissing my neck again.

While Keith starts to pepper my neck with butterfly kisses, I take a moment to react as his answer sinks in. A small smile works it's way onto my lips as I twist around and cup his face with my hands. I press a long kiss onto the top of his head, to which he hums loudly in delight, happy I finally returned his affection and gave him the attention he craved.

"You're so sweet." I murmur into his hair, thumbing his cheek.

I pull away, much to his disapproval, and get back to cooking. He quickly resumes his position hugging me from behind and burying his head into the crook of my neck. He breaks into a coughing fit, apologizing as soon as he could talk. I frown and rub his head softly.

"Are you willing to take some medicine?" I ask, dropping my hand from his hair. I glance at him as I talk and snicker as he scrunches up his nose.

"Please~. For me would you?" I ask sweetly, leaning my head on his. He groans and takes a second to respond.

"Fine." He grumbles, eyebrows furrowed with dread.

I smile and lead him into the bathroom as he sulks. Pulling open the cabinet I take out the liquid medicine and pour some into the lid. Holding it out to Keith to take I smile at him when he glares at it.

"Come on you can do it." I encourage, bringing it to his lips.

He turns his head away and crosses his arms, staring at it spitefully from the corner of his eye. Fine, be difficult. I try a different approach then.

"Please just take it Keith. I want you to get better." I say softly, stroking his arm. When he glances at me I give him a pleading look and he sighs, dropping his arms in defeat.

"Ok, ok. Only for you." He mutters, taking the cup and downing it quickly. I hold back a laugh as his face turns sour and he coughs at the taste, throwing the lid into the sink.

I pat his shoulder reassuringly and give a teasing smile. I hear him mumble to himself as a leave the room before hearing his quickened steps as he catches up to me, latching his hand in mine.

"Aw, you still love me."



I stare at Keith with an eyebrow raised as he drank his soup without a spoon and tilted the bowl into his mouth. When he saw my face, he stopped and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.


I roll me eyes and wave a hand dismissively in his direction, using a spoon to eat my bowl. He shrugs and goes back to downing his. I turn away so he doesn't see my smile. At least he likes it.

He waits patiently for me to finish without trying to give me hickeys, probably because I was eating. Once I finish, I take his bowl and my own to the kitchen. I was going to hand wash them before Keith interrupted.

"Don't clean the dishes." He says, pulling me back from the sink. I give him a deadpanned look.

"Why? They're dirty."

"I'll clean them tomorrow; just spend time with me." He insists, wrapping his arms around my side and drawing me closer.

"Jesus you're ridiculous sometimes." I say with a small smile and shake my head, leading him into living room. I turn off the light in the kitchen as we leave.

I flop onto the couch, Keith instantly wrapping his arms around me and nuzzling my hair. I laugh lightly as his breath tickles my ear. He kisses the shell of my ear before trailing down to my shoulder where he nips again. I don't stop him, considering he wouldn't be satisfied without a single mark of him on my skin. He sucks softly on it, glancing at me nervously while doing so. He's always scared of hurting me. When he pulls away, I look over at the puffed skin, wet from his mouth. His tongue laps over the sensitive spot, trying to ease whatever pain it caused. I sigh contently at the feeling and smile at his loving actions. Still considerate as ever.

When he leans over again, I thought he was going to give be another hickey. But, instead, he snuggles into my neck, exhaling deeply. I was thankful Keith's sick hormones turned into wanting cuddles and attention the more tired he got. Stroking the side of my face with the back of his hand, he restlessly asks for attention. I rest my head against his and rub his back with one hand, using the other to play with his hair.

A string of mumbled, incomprehensible words and 'I love you's', came from Keith as I run my fingers through his hair. He has a blissful expression on his face, his lips slightly parted as he breathed steadily, eyebrows knitted together and his eyes fluttering from closed to barely open.

I smile to myself, knowing I'm the only one who ever gets to see the sides of Keith he hides away; vulnerable, needy, insecure and scared. How much he wishes to be shown love and affection, how touched-starved he is and how sensitive he really was. I kiss his forehead and stroke his head again, making soft moans come from him. He yawns loudly, leaning into the crook of my neck for support as he's overcome by exhaustion.

"Wanna go to bed?" I ask gently, propping him up so I could look at him.

His eyes were barely open and his head was slumping, unable to hold itself up. I smile softly at him and gingerly cup his face. Keith leans into my touch, barely keeping his eyes open enough to look at me, before nodding slowly. I gently pry his arms away from me, earning a small whine from him, even in his tired state. I smile at his childish behavior as I slip his arm around my shoulder and heave him up to his feet where he leans against me for support.

"Come on babe, it's not that far." I murmur as Keith unsteadily walks with me to the small bedroom.

He pauses suddenly and leans over, sputtering out a cough. I rub his back gently until he leans against me again, a pained expression on his face.

"Do you need more medicine? I could go out and get-"

"No." He cuts me off in a soft voice, unable to make himself louder"No, I just need to sleep."

I don't want to argue with him so I help him to the edge of the bed. I gently release my grip on him as crawls on top of bed and gets underneath the covers, collapsing onto a pillow. Despite his exhaustion, he outstretches one arm in my direction.

"Can't sleep without you." Keith says tiredly, trying to keep his eyes open. I smile softly at his unnecessary flirting. I would have lied with him anyway

I crawl into the bed and lie next to him, his arm falling and draping over me, pulling him into my arms. He nuzzles my collarbone before releasing an exhausted sigh. Feeling him relax and sink into the bed, I place my head on top of his and close my eyes, tiredness overcoming me. I rub his back slowly until I hear his steady breathing and know he fell asleep. I sigh contently and place one last kiss on his head before drifting off.

"Get better."

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