The Unbroken

By Gingers_Moon_

11K 765 21

She's a bright shining star. The apple of her parents' eyes. The wonder kid in her school. The Angel in town... More



211 16 1
By Gingers_Moon_

To say that my body's alarm system is unpleasant at the moment is an understatement. Every morning, at varying times, I put my speed to the test. Sprinting to the toilet is the worst way to spend most days as it never stops after the first time. 'Morning sickness' is the worst sense of hope in existence. Though 'Never ending hopeless hurling' isn't any better.

I've found it near impossible to keep down a single meal. No matter the contents: meat, vegetable, dairy or sugar, none of it remains inside my stomach for longer than an hour. I've resorted to a degree of vitamins, iron and calcium supplements just to remain healthy enough to see this through. I'm beginning to wonder if this baby even likes food, it always demands that I remove it from my system.

The group and I have arranged for them to stay here for a week at the end of the month. It's a way to celebrate Lyra's birthday that passed a week and a bit ago, as well as seeing them all since they couldn't come last month with the state I was in. We've had to schedule around jobs, training, school and Doctor's appointments. Meaning it has been a struggle.

Chris and Leah finally got Fawn's diagnosis' as well as Lyra who they wanted to test 'just incase'. Fawn's been confirmed to have Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, severe Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), and mild Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED). Lyra was told she has Separation Anxiety which I believe explains why she clings to Fawn so much when with groups. They've decided to pull Fawn out of school to be home-schooled instead to help manage her difficulties and support her own method of learning.

Throwing my bag onto the passenger seat, I pull out of the drive for the main road. I have my first ultrasound of the entire trimester, or the entire thing really. I've been nervous all week, I know I'm far bigger than I'm meant to be and it's worrying me. I remember what Sidonie said but am hoping that I'm just bloated. Despite that, I'm ten weeks along while looking twenty.

So far, I've managed to resist the urge to buy anything or even consider names with it being too early. Sidonie has already told me several times that it is unlikely anything will go wrong with being a Werewolf, but I was Human first and that doesn't settle the concern.

The girls of the group have been demanding regular conferences to keep up with the progress. The amount of times I've been asked to show my belly is ridiculous, I feel like I belong in a circus. Leah's been more settled. She's sent me a few books as courtesy of the hospital back there and has helped me with anything I've not understood which is rare but has happened. She's also linked me to some good shops for maternity clothes for the future which I'm not quite in need of yet. I can still get on my joggers and some shorts, with the occasional pair of jeans.

Parking in one of the many available bays, I wander into the sterile building, making sure to ignore the shivers creeping up my spine at being back here. I still hate medicinal places. I explained this to Dr Willard, she's been helping me work around that by choosing specific times where there's less people and using less crisp white rooms. The clean smell is still settling but the visuals seem to be what freak me out the most.

Shutting the door behind me, I'm surprised by the hand landing and squeezing my shoulder. Shifting my head to see behind me, I'm greeted by Sidonie's tender smile. "There's no one else here right now, Zoe, everyone is out for lunch. Come right through with me, and we can hopefully finish before the break ends." She takes my hand, rubbing against my knuckles to help me stay calm.

We step into a large cream and slate coloured room full of electronic equipment. She shuts half of it away with a curtain, making the space seem smaller and less daunting. "I know you don't like it but it isn't as bad as it seems." She positions me on the bed, picking up her notebook to use instead of the computer on the shut off part of the room. I guess she won't leave me alone due to the anxiety.

"We'll just check a few things before getting started." I nod. "You've mentioned struggling with a few things, can you explain those to me?"

"I'm getting through at least six meals a day, constantly being hungry. However, I barely keep any of it down." She makes a squiggle on her pad. "Getting sickness isn't unusual, even to this degree. It commonly occurs between twelve and fourteen weeks but typically occurs earlier. There are a few things that may help such as having small frequent meals that contain a lot of carbohydrates, I'll give you a leaflet at the end for that. Is there anything concerning about your vomiting, blood as an example?"

"No, just a lot of it."

"You haven't lost weight or been able to hold anything for more than twenty four hours?" She's seemingly ticking off a list. "No, I'm still gaining weight and can keep a few things in, toast mainly."

"Good. Addressing the increased hunger; your species naturally ingests at a higher rate anyway, the same goes for your baby. Try high calorie carbs and protein shakes, they may also help for the nutrients and filling sensation." I make the mental note to buy some when I get home or am next shopping.

"Any physical problems?"

"Apart from feeling like a whale and the occasional backache, no." She sniggers, doing so myself also. "What about sleep?"

"At least eight hours a night at the moment, with a few naps throughout the day." She nods, smiling broadly at the fact. "You said you feel too big for ten weeks, you're sure you're not further along?"

"It can't be more, literally impossible." Considering the only time I came close to having sex was over a year ago and with a girl, there is no other possibility. I was a virgin before this.

"Let's get this done then." She reaches over to a moveable screen while I lay back while folding up my shirt. I leave her to it, staring up at the ceiling while the freezing goo is moved around my skin. The sensation is rather soothing, bringing down my natural heat.

"Zoe, still with me?" Hurling myself back into reality instead of mulling over a few trade deals, I turn to her awaiting features. "Sorry, I got distracted."

"No worries." She beams. "Before I tell you about the results of the tests, I need to talk about something with you."

"Is something wrong?" My body tenses into a rock, panicked about a problem or abnormality. I try sitting up but she eases me back down with her hand. "Calm down, nothing is wrong. I just need to discuss something vital with you." I agree.

She twists the monitor to face me more while the device in her hand pushes against my abdomen again. "Do you see these grey smudges?" Her finger moves between them. "Yes."

"Those are three babies. You're having triplets." She's using her empty voice again.

Groaning, my head smacks into the pillow. Fingers pulling at my hair then moving to push against my eyes, I grimace. I knew this would happen, she did warn me but I still hoped it wouldn't.

"From what I can see, they're identical. The next choice is again yours, many complications come from carrying more than one child." Dare I ask, "Such as?"

"Health risks sometimes occur: premature labour, anaemia, gestational diabetes, miscarriage or stillbirth, as well as many more." Fuck my life. One kid, that's fine. Two, pushing it. Three, how the Hell am I meant to take care of three. "What are the risks for a Wolf?"

"Very few. Your body will heal before you can sustain damage from carrying. Assuming your babies are also Wolves, there is a slim chance they will come to harm but if they are half-breeds or human, the risks increase."

"What's the likelihood with myself being bitten and the donor being either a half-breed or born?" Her eyes twitch while she thinks. "Next to none for not being full Wolves, but genetics can be surprising."

"How do I sustain triplets?" Her proud wide smile makes me chuckle. "You're already taking most recommended supplements but I will prescribe you some Folic Acid meds to take for the next two weeks, as they are meant for humans, I'll make a few adjustments for them to be effective. Plenty of bed rest which you're basically already getting. For your biology, I suggest at least a thousand calories per meal with how much Werewolf triplets will take from you. Also try to refrain from vigorous exercise. If you need to do so, basics like long walks, low weight training and simple yoga should do."

"Thank you. Can I ask how you got to know so much about Werewolves?" She hands me a tissue to wipe off the gel while she prints off a large selection of photos for me, the whole group has asked for one each. "My family is an old one. They date back way before Human's lost knowledge of the Supernatural's existence. We're a family of Healer's and it was normal for us to learn how to care for all beings. Despite the loss of contact between species, we still pass down the knowledge in case it is ever needed."

We book another appointment for three weeks' time, wanting to keep a close eye on the development. With the possibilities of complications, I am more than happy to follow her suggestions.

Settling into the seat of my car, I ring the now updated group chat. Most of them answer by the third ring. They were all aware of my appointment today, the swift responses less than unsurprising. It wouldn't shock me if some of them were sitting around near their phone's for the call.


"How did it go?"

"Did they find out why you're huge?"

"Is it ok?" I close my eyes in an attempt to decipher their overlapping voices. I believe it was Ro then Rox, followed by Car and Pops. "I'm about to enforce a raised hand rule. To answer all of your questions, I want to wait until Leah isn't yelling with Fawn." At that moment, the two females look to the camera with an apologetic raise of their lip. Fawn settles on Leah's lap while Lyra and Micah balance on Chris'.

"Basically, everything is as good as it can be. Though I have been warned of complications in the next two trimesters which is to be expected with triplets." I sniff. A stunned silence makes me burst into giggles as they all pause to understand what I just said.

I stifle the laughter as the clogs jerk around in their brains. "Does this mean I can be a Godmummy?" Sweet tiny Lyra requests, waiting like a patient lamb. "I see no reason why you can't be. There's enough vacancies to go around." I snicker, making her bounce happily. The look on Chris' face is priceless.

"I can guarantee that those kids are going to be the most loved children in history."

"Thank you, Kitty."

A small whine makes me grin when the smallest lamb begins making hands for the phone. I am unbelievably excited to cuddle him again that it makes me want to cry. "Everyone still coming over?" I'm answered with several squeals and a few nods. "Good. I've got to get home, I'll ring you again tonight. Fawn, stop arguing with your sister, remember the deal we made?"

"Blow up a balloon when I'm angry or upset. If Leah doesn't complain next time we see you, you'll take me out for lunch."

"Good girl." Sending my love, I hang up and start the engine for the journey home. The sweetheart loves going to the park or rolling around in the grass of a forest. I've decided that if she behaves, I'll take her for a picnic on the other side of the lake.

Halfway down the drive, I jerk my hand break to halt the car. A panic has risen in my chest, making me drop onto the shaven stones and pause in the middle of closing the door as more emotions weave into the cocktail. I'd sensed something in the air as I was driving and it seems to only be growing worse.

Shrugging off my own emotions to focus on those drifting through the surrounding branches and leaves. An overwhelming level of pain and fear makes my hands tremble against the vehicle. The terror reminds me too much of my own experience that fateful night that put me on this long path.

With that memory in mind, my feet pummel against the uneven muddy forest floor. Massive leaps driven by the quivering tether take me deeper into the tree and bushes. If I can help someone from going through the same crap I have, I'll have done something important in the world.

In the darkest part of the woodlands, I'm stranded after losing the trail. I don't know where I am or where I need to be. The smell of damp bark and day old rain masks any possible nearby scents, so tracking is out of the question.

Knowing my last resort well, my eyes clamp shut to delve into the world of red strings. I have to concentrate when sifting through billions when I'm not sure of the owner. No one realises their emotions are always reaching out no matter the mood, which makes it difficult to distinguish what I'm looking for. Listening closely to the emotional twangs, my feet weave me around tree trunks to the one I want, having to ignore any others.

Swiping away those that are unwanted, I'm left with a thin, fraying black string that throbs in a battle against Death. Never have I seen something so sickly. Opening clouded eyes, the world vanishes, my lower half sprinting alongside the practically invisible lifeline.

Reaching a tiny clearing, a selection of Rogue's glance up to me from a woman only a few years older than me that has fallen victim to becoming their lunch. I can feel her spirit fading much like her blood pooling into the mud from multiple wounds.

Who I assume is the leader barks, the others stepping forward as he orders. He returns to gnawing on her open calf as they do his dirty work. I need to buy her enough time to start healing, she needs to restore what little life hasn't already dispersed.

The six smaller Wolves pad towards me, teeth bared while I am still barely able to trigger my claws or canines. Instinct slaps me hard across the face, bringing me to my knees.

Holding in my agonised screams, I follow the cracking burn of my bones as they shatter and repair in a new position. Snowy fur sprouts on my hands as they morph into delicate paws. The slow wind poofs up the thick coat on my back, as if combing out snowflakes. Icicles drip down from my gums, my gravely tongue running over them.

The bossy beast growls as his followers back away with bowed heads, submitting like scold puppies. They whimper and slump to the floor fully. I step closer to the one on my right, running my nose over his cheek in forgiveness after their deepest emotions are revealed. He yips, the other's copying to show their thanks.

He phases back. I cover my eyes with my paw, making him laugh. His leader growls, flashing his teeth in warning to behave as he deems acceptable. "She's pregnant, I can smell it. It would be wrong for us to hurt her." The other's bark along with him.

Their boss clearly doesn't agree as he pounces instantly. Panicking, I duck down to dodge the advance. Due to his lack of grace and calculation, he slams into a tree. The impact leaves him unconscious from cracking open his head.

I dash over, licking away the rotten blood to find that he's healing already which washes away my anxiety. I was worried I'd just accidentally killed someone. My heart would not be able to handle that.

Trotting to the scene of the crime, I whimper while licking the side of her face while she lies scarily still. Her eyes twitch from my touch, the largest relieved sigh in the world exhales from my lungs. To make sure, I train my ears onto her heart, finding that though weak, it is beating steadily. I just need to get her somewhere safe where she can heal and isn't going to contract some form of infection.

Barking at the naked man, he walks over after pushing the boss with his foot. "Yes, Miss?" I carefully clasp my teeth around the woman's wrist. Releasing the limb, it falls onto her stomach. I then motion to my back with my muzzle. "Oh," his eyes light up, catching onto my charade, "Of course."

Delicately lifting her from the ground to my fluffy spine, she hums from the warmth and soft texture. In this form, I am still petite but strong enough to carry her home. I think I'm actually stronger like this. "I can't apologise enough. This was his hunt, not ours. Thank you for your forgiveness." He bows his head which I mimic. Just as I turn to leave, I lick his knuckles.

Following my nose to retrace my steps, I leave the Wolves stunned and in silence as they think about what to do with their heinous leader. Hopefully, they'll pull away from him and go on to be better than attacking random people. If they want to live out in the wild like regular Rogues, then they should hunt animals rather than humans and our own kind.

Arriving in the back garden, I hesitate. Getting her inside is going to be difficult considering the door's are locked. Not to mention all of my stuff is still in the car which is around the front.

Jogging over to the front porch, I hop onto the cushioned bench to change back which allows me to lie her down. Rushing to the car, I grab my keys and hurriedly push the door open - I don't want anyone who may have wandered off the trail to see me in all my glory with an unconscious battered body. That would surely look shady.

Hauling her onto my back once again, I barely manage to move her onto the sofa with the fact that she's a lot taller than I am. Nonetheless, I manage to position her comfortably and drape a blanket over her to prevent a fever from taking hold. I place a glass of water on the table beside her head then dart up the stairs to put some clothes on since they were shredded when I shifted. Now, I'm a pair of shorts down. Thankfully, they weren't important or expensive.

It's possible I've made a huge mistake by bringing a stranger here but she needs caring for rather than dying on the floor of the forest where either blood loss or infection will claim her. I've been through that and don't wish it upon anyone else.

I press my hand against my stomach, desperately concerned that by phasing I hurt my little one's. I can still feel them moving around though. I guess changing form is alright until I get massive enough that I can't walk normally which I guess would make it more difficult and dangerous.

Wiggling into some joggers and a jumper, I message the chat briefly to postpone the call for private reasons. I just know they'll all blow up if I tell them what just happened. Howbeit, I don't regret a thing. I know I've done something right, I can sense it.

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