Tourtured Soul [Completed]

By wildflower0217

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A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Athens Riddle. Daughter of Tom Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort. She hates her father a... More

The Message
Leaky Cauldron
Sirius Black Pt. 1
Sirius Black Pt. 2
James Potter?
Quidditch World Cup
Lost and Found
The Goblet of Fire
More Truth, Less Lies
When Slytherins Party, They Party Hard
Figuring out the Golden Egg
The Very Late Welcome Prank and the Argument of the Year
The Last Task
The Death of The Twin
Dumbledore's Army
Another Death, But Are They Really Dead?
The Death of a Great Man
2 Lockets And A Warning
Telling the difference
The Café
A Broken Nose and Some Fire Whiskey
Godric's Hollow
The Destroying of a Horcrux and a vist to the Lovegood's
Can you stop?
It's about time
Aberfourth Dumbledore
Back at Hogwarts
Too Many Feels and The Battle of Hogwarts
The Finale
A few announcements.......
They're back: Sneak Peek for next book?
One Shot (Basically another chapter)
My Reaction After 2 Years
The Malfoy Affair


220 3 0
By wildflower0217

Since today is my birthday I decided o treat you guys to an extra chapter

Hospital Wing

I laid in the hospital bed while Madame Pomfrey stitched and bandaged me. Draco sat on the bed next to me obviously worried. Than Professer Dumbledore, Professer Snape, Professer McGonagall and Professer Lupin came rushing in.

"What happened?" Dumbledore asked.

"It appears that she was attacked with a knife." Madame Pomfrey told him.

"I-it was only a dream." I told them.

"Can you tell us about the dream?" Professer Lupin asked me.

"My sister, Samara. Came to me in a dream, she told me she was ashamed of me, because I betrayed my parents. She cut my cheek, craved 'blood tratior' on my arm than bloody stabbed me." I explained.

"Sister?" McGonagall asked.

"Twin sister." I stated, than I told them everything that I told Lupin, Fred and George. "I've been having these nightmares for a while, its just never been this bad."

"Athens, are you sure your father was the one who casted the killing curse on you?" Dumbledore asked and everyone was shocked that he asked that question.

"It's what I've always been told but yes, it is possible that it was a lie." I nodded. "But wouldn't it be impossible for my sister to have cast the spell? I was one when I got the scar." Than I heard Draco sigh, I almost forgot he was there.

"It was when you were nine." Draco told me. "It was Samara, I don't know how she came back but she did and she's in hiding, working with Deatheaters to bring your father back. At least that's what I overheard my father say to someone. I also overheard that she Obliviated you and made you think you had the scar since you were one."

"How did you find out your sister was alive, Athens?" Snape asked.

"Lucius is a terrible liar." I simply said.

"Everyone is a terrible liar around you." Draco told me.

"Good point." I shrugged and adjusting uncomfortably.

"How often do you have nightmares?" Dumbledore asked.

"During the summer, one every night. During the school year, so far once a week, depending on the day I had." I explained.

"Headmaster, may I talk to you in private?" Madame Pomfrey asked.

"Yes, of course." Dumbledore agreed walking to the other side of the Hospital wing.

"Draco, you can join the others for breakfast." Snape told him.

"I'd like to stay here with, my cousin." Draco told him. Than Fred and George burst through the door.

"Athens!" The both said, coming over to me.

"Hey boys." I smirked.

"What happened?" Fred asked.

"Oh, the usual." I chuckled. "Samara got in my head and some how attacked me."

"Don't forget the fact that she's been keeping the fact that she survived the killing curse a secret." Snape said.

"Is that the last secret?" George asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. "I've been keeping it a secret for eveyone's own saftey but thanks to Draco I found out it wasn't my father who casted but my sister. She just oblivated it from my memory."

"The important part is that you are okay, this is the second time in the past two school years that you have scared the bloody hell out of us." Fred said.

"Basically he is saying, stop scaring us." George chuckled.

"No more secrets to protect us okay." Fred sighed.

"No more secrets." I promised. Than the Golden Trio came in.

"Athens, what happened?" Heromine, was the first to ask.

"So, who remembers what my bogart was in Defense Against the Dark Arts?" I asked.

"It was yourself." Harry said.

"Nope, my sister, Samara." I sighed and explained everything, again to the point I was getting annoyed of repeating the story so many times. "And don't go around telling people about her. I am just warning you because you three like to get in to trouble and I would hate to see you some how getting tangled up with her."

"So you literally have an evil twin?" Ron asked and I gave him a look.

"Yes. She is worse than my mother and father combined." I said, annoyed. Than Dumbledore came back.

"May I talk to Ms. Riddle alone?" Dumbledore requested. They all agreed and everyone left the Hospital Wing. I almost asked Fred amd George to stay but they have classes and said they would come back during lunch. Madame Pomfrey is keeping me here becuase she doesn't want me to take a chance of opening my stitches which should be heled by the end of the week.

"It's about the scars, isn't it?" I asked.

"Yes, it is Athens." He confirmed. "I can't have you stay with the Malfoy's any more. I fear your life is in danger in that household."

"The only reason I stay, is Draco. Lucius hold him up to unreasonable expectations, he mentally abuses Draco. Before I came to Hogwarts, it was just Draco and I. I can't let Draco be on the physical end of Lucius's abuse. He is the only family member that I have met that I remotely like." I explained.

"Of course, in the end it is your decision but I feel that I must urge you to report him to the Ministry for using one of the Unforgivable Curses."  He told me.

"Whose going to believe me, Voldemort's daughter?" I asked.

"Remus, Professer Lupin told me about the files you gave him and he told me what you said, that you would do anything to free an innocent man. Even if that meant discriminating yourself. Not many would do that, Athens. You do remind me of your cousin, Sirius. While he was here he hated being a Black and was known as a blood traitor, he would have done anything for his friends." He told me. "What I am trying to say is that there are more people than you think, that trust you. I trust you, Remus trusts you, Draco trusts you, Fred and George trust you, Harry trusts you, Ron and Heromine trust you, the while Gryffindor house trusts you. I know many others as well." I smiled and I began to tear up.

"I know I'll never make up for my father's mistakes but I know that doesn't mean I can't redeem my name. I just want to be better, better than my family. I just wish Draco didn't have to go down the path he will go down." I told him.

"Here at Hogwarts, you've already redeemed your name." He told me which made me smile as tears fell from my face, they were tears of happiness. "But I do have to tell you something you will not be happy to hear."

"What is it?" I asked, worried.

"Your mother asked to see you again in exchange for information of all remaining Deatheaters." He told me.

"She's not going to stop requesting to see me untill I go see her, isn't she?" I asked.

"That is what I am guessing." He shrugged. "I'll give you time to decide, take as long as you need. I must be going now, I have buisness to attend to." Than he left.

Hospital Wing

I told Fred and George what Dumbledore had said, everything before the fact my mother want to see me still.

"And my mother still wants to see me but this time in exchange for information about all remaining Deatheaters." I sighed. "And I don't think she is going to stop requesting that I see untill I go see her."

"Sadly, I think you should do it. Get it over with." Fred told me.

"Sadly, I think your right." I agreed.

1 week later
Dumbledore's office

I was back on my feet. There was a scar on my cheek and a scar that will never go away, on my arm.

"Professer. I think I should accept the offer. If she isn't going to stop unless I accept to see her, I want to get it over with." I explained.

"I'll let the Ministry know but are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.

"No, but I want to get this over with." I sighed.

"Have you had anymore nightmares, Athens?" He asked.

"No, thanks to the potion you've been having Professer Snape brew for me." I told him.

"I would like for you to do a solo lesson with Professer Snape to keep your sister out of your head." He requested.

"Professer, is there anyway for me to reverse it?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Is there anyway I can reverse it so I can get inside her head and find out their plan?" I asked him.

"I don't think it's possible." He told me, than Professer Snape came in. "Severus."

"Headmaster." Snape said. "You summoned?"

"Yes, I want you teach Ms. Riddle to block out people that try and access her mind." He told Snape.

"Of course, Headmaster." He agreed.

"Athens, I will let you know when you are going to meet your mother." Dumbledore told me.

Snape's Office

"Sit down, Riddle." Snape ordered I sat down and he pulled out his wand. "I want you to push me out of your mind."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Legilimens." He casted, I imagined a door, closing on Snape but he still got in.

"Crucio." Lucius Malfoy casted. I felt a million knifes stab me, and I felt like all my bones were being crushed, one at a time. I screamed.

Then it went back to reality and Snape looked at me with pity.

"Don't look at me like that." I told him and he gave me a confused look, "I hate it when people look at me with pity." Than I got up and left.

2 weeks later
Second Hogsmead trip aka my date with Fred

I wore a green sweater over a blue dress top, jeans and combat boots. The sweater sleeve covered up the Blood Tratior scar. Fred is going to meet me at the stairwell leading to the dungeons, sense most Slytherins would hate a Gryffindor to go down to the dungeons just to pick up his date. That's were I was at the moment.

"Hey Ath." Fred smiled.

"Hey Freddie." I smiled back.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." I said than extended his arm and I looped my arm through his and we were off.

Madam Puddifoot's

We were having tea. My favortie tea is Earl Gray.

"So, are you nervous about tomorrow?" Fred asked me.

"I am going to go see the world's evilest mother. Yes, I am nervous but I can't let her know that." I told him. All and all the date was fun but awkward here and there. I am just nervous to go see my mother but like I said she can't know that.

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