Lightnings [Completed]

By Zctym33

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After Jesse and his friends leave Sky City World, Aiden, Maya and Gill find themselves defeated and imprisone... More

Chapter 1. Defeated.
Chapter 2. Ground.
Chapter 3. Court.
Chapter 4. Weird.
Chapter 5. Not alone.
Chapter 6. Silence.
Chapter 7. Cows might fly.
Chapter 8. Cliffhanger.
Chapter 9. Grounders.
Chapter 10. Into the woods it's time to go...
Not A Chapter Sorry
Chapter 11. Stories.
Chapter 12. Attack.
Chapter 13. Sister?!
Chapter 14. The Truth.
Chapter 15. The reason I hate prophecies.
Chapter 16. Hard night.
Chapter 17. Believe me!
Chapter 18. The first day.
Chapter 20. Doomed.
Chapter 21. Realisation.
Chapter 22. Farewell.
Chapter 23. Strong.
Chapter 24. The Founder's cry.
Chapter 25. Another problem.
Chapter 26. Run for your life.
Chapter 27. Truth revieled.
Chapter 28. Deadline.
Chapter 29. Dry lands.
Chapter 30. Remember us.
Chapter 31. The Thunder.
Chapter 32. Routes.
Chapter 33. New beginning.
Chapter 34. The temple.
Chapter 35. Match made in Heaven (Epilogue).

Chapter 19. She trusts you.

112 4 7
By Zctym33

I looked up in the sky, staring at constellations. They were so far from me, but so close at the same time. It was still hard for me to believe that here, in this world, stars always seemed to be closer, than in the one I was banished from.

We'd been walking for good ten hours, before Catherine found the glade that was supposed to be three quaters away from the safe point. We decided to rest here, considering how excausted everyone were, so in the next hour people were putting up tents and making bonfires. I shared a tent with Gill, while Maya and Cat shared another one.

I turned around, seeing almost sixty tents on a glade. Luckily for us, it was big enough and it was possible to get a little privacy. I was sitting on a small cliff, apart from the crowd. It was really dark, but the majority of people were still outside, sitting around bonfires, chatting and eating. I didn't want to join any of them, and not only because they still didn't trust me. No, I just felt something weird. It was like I'd forgotten to do something important, but had no idea what it was.

I sighed, laying on the grass. It was a little bit cold, but I was fine with it. Not far from me, under the hill the glade was located on, was a wide, fast river. I liked hearing it, mostly because back in the world I came from I'd been living near the same loud river. Once again, I realised I missed my home. Yes, even though this one was my motherland, the other world still was my home. It'd brought me up. How could I forget about that?

Suddenly something small and warm crushed into me. I gasped and sat up, turning around. To my surprise, I saw The Founder's chicken, looking at me with surprise. I gulped and backed away from the bird - it would be better for me to stay away from it. After all, I wouldn't want being framed of abducting Miss Founder's beloved pet. However, the chicken clucked a little and came closer to me, showing no fear.

- H... Hey there. - I backed away even further. - Where is... Where is your master?
The bird clucked once again.
- Go, go. - I tried to make the chicken go away. - I don't want to get in trouble.

Then the former Eversourse suddenly jumped on my lap. I flinced and froze, looking at it slowly laying down on my legs. Now I couldn't move, the memories about the importance of that small, warm creature were still fresh in my head. I knew that The Founder cared about it, as if that bird was actually her child. And well, I wouldn't want her to think I tried to hurt the chicken. After all, I've experienced enough hate.

Suddenly I heard somebody running towards me and turned around as much as I could. Milo came out from the bushes, worried - even in the twilight I saw the expression in his eyes. He was panting, as if after a long run.
- Aiden! Have you seen... - Then his gaze stopped on the chicken on my lap. - Oh, there she is!

- She just came here! - I explained, ready to put my hands in the air. - I-I-I tried to get away from her, but...
- It's okay. - The blonde ruler chuckled. - I don't think you tried to abduct her.
- Thank you! - I sighed in relief. - Could you, please, take her off me?

Milo smirked and sat down close to me. The chicken clucked again and put its, or rather, her head on my knee. To be fair, at the same time I wanted to get away from her and to pet her, but couldn't do any of that.
- Relax. - The male ruler smiled. - If she is sitting there willingly, it means she trusts you.

- She does? - I stared at the warm bird in surprise. - After everything I've done?
- It's been a year, Aiden. And Benedict is very smart. She wouldn't be here if she thought you weren't trustworthy.
- Oh, okay. - I nodded and sat up straigher, trying to not move my legs. - So, you're not taking her, are you?

- No, until she decides to go somewhere else. - Milo chuckled, staring at the stars. - Isa trusts her, and I just wanted to make sure she didn't run away. Looks like even Benedict knows it's safer to be with us.
- Uh-huh. - I nodded slightly. It was just so strange - to have somebody believing in you. Believing in your capability to save everyone. Especially since I couldn't believe in myself. What if I fail? This time, there wouldn't be any second chances, any opportunities for me to prove myself.

- You've grown up, you know? - Milo suddenly asked, snapping me out from my thoughts. - You've changed.
- Yeah, I think I have. - I smiled weakly. - A year ago I couldn't even imagine having powers to see the future, but here I am.
- I wasn't talking about that. - The blonde leader waved me off. - You've become better.
- Have I? - I sighed. - I really don't think so.

- Aiden, everybody makes mistakes. - Milo said seriously, looking at me. - You just have to get over it and go on.
- Not every mistake is easy to get over. - I shook my head. - I almost destroyed an entire city because of envy. The majority of people still wish Jesse killed me up there.
- Well, if they are majority, it doesn't make them right, does it? - The blonde leader looked back at the sky. - Remember, there were times when the majority believed it was dangerous to build. And who was right in the end, huh?

- Yeah, I remember. - I sighed. - But it took them a journey down the waterfalls to realise they were wrong. What is it going to take for me to prove that I want to change?
- Maybe, your saving everyone? - Milo suggested. - This will probably show people you have remorse.
- But I'm not the one saving everybody! - I rubbed the back of my head. - Cat is the one leading the way, while I only have these stupid visions.
- These "stupid visions" of yours helped us understand what we're against. And I have a feeling, that all of you, including Miragold, Honor and Jordan, will play the most important part in this story.

For a several minutes we were sitting silently, looking at the stars. Both of us had things to think about, and not even Benedict wanted to interrupt us. Up in the Sky City, I'd thought that Milo was just stupid and naive, but now I finally saw how wise he actually was. It was like he knew my feelings, he knew how badly I wanted to prove myself - and could relate. He made me realise that I wasn't alone - my friends were there for me, always.

I chuckled quietly. Could I call three younger guards my friends? I really wanted to. Sometimes they were mean, but I understood that I felt better whenever they were nearby. Even though Jordan still called me "Bruise Boy", I got used to it and that offence didn't even bother me anymore. Miragold seemed to get on well with Maya - after all, now both of them were sitting near a bonfire, and the guard helped my friend repair her sleeveless shirt. Cat, on the other hand, was there as well, staring into the flames. Honor, Jordan and Gill were talking to each other, rather friendly. And that's when I wanted to come to them, to sit with them near the bonfire, to laugh and to talk. That's what people usually do with their friends, isn't it?

The chicken seemed to feel my mood, because the next second she jumped off my lap and, clucking, ran to Milo. He smiled, petting her:
- You want to go to your master, right?
Benedict clucked again.
- Alright, let's go. - The ruler stood up and turned to look at me. - You coming?
- Yeah. - I nodded, standing up. - And, Milo? Thank you.
He smiled and turned around, walking to the crowd. I stretched my legs and followed him.

But that's when I felt it. It was like waves of pure energy came through me, made my heart beat faster, than it was supposed to. Gulping, I turned around and looked at the river. Oh, it was probably the most beautiful thing I've ever seen! The moon light was dancing on the small waves, blinding me for a second. The water itself was dark, and when the light shone through it, it seemed like the river itself was glimmering.

- Aiden? - Milo asked, turning around. His voice was muffeled, and the only thing I could hear was the sound of waves meeting the shore. Slowly, I started walking towards the river, keeping my eye on it. It was hypnotic. I couldn't resist, and I didn't even want to.
- Aiden! What are you doing? - The blonde leader touched my shoulder, but I didn't care.

Once I reached the water, I knelt down on the wet sand and put my hand into the river. It was cool, and that cold somehow gave me some unusual stretngth. I smiled weakly, as my fingers touched something under the water.
- I'll get the others! - Milo said.
Ignoring that, I took my hand out from the water, and saw some leaves stuck between my fingers. They were dark green and wet, but something made me stare at those plants, as if they were the most precious treasure in the whole world. No, in every world!

Somebody ran to me, but I just brought the leaves closer to my face. They smelled wonderfully, and the next thing I knew was the salty taste in my mouth. I closed my eyes in bliss, chewing the crispy plant. Have I ever felt anything so good in my entire life? I don't think so.

I swallowed the treat and gasped, feeling my blood becoming warmer. Every cell in my body was happy, everything I'd been worried about was now gone. I felt dizzy, and smiled with relief. Sadly, the blessedness slowly disappeared, leaving behind only the salty taste of the leaves.

I shook my head and looked around, trying to understand why in a world I'd been feeling so desperate to eat that plant. My senses and contiouns returned back, snapping me out from the unexplainable joy.
- What in the... - I mumbled, standing up from the cold, gray sand and shaking the slimy leaves off my hand.
- Aiden? - I heard Gill's voice and turned around. All of them: Maya, Gill, Miragold, Honor, Jordan, Catherine, Milo, Miss Founder and Reginald were staring at me in surprise, especially the capitan of the guard.

- What happend? - I asked. - Why are all of you staring at me like that? It's... It's making me uncomfortable.
- What was that? - Reginald whispered. - What did you mean?
- Huh? - I looked at him, confused. - What are you talking about?
- Aiden. - Honor gulped. - What do you remember?

Okay, that questions and answers game started really worry me.
- I was going to go to you, but then I felt something and it made me come here. - I rubbed my forehead. - But then, everything seemed so beautiful, especially...
- Wait. - Cat interrupted me, coming to the water and kneeling down to it. - Yes! Of course!
- What is that? - The Founder asked, as the grounder took something from the river and turned around.

In her hand she was holding the same leaves I'd eaten a minute ago.
- Is that... - Maya gasped, grabbing Gill's hand.
- Makes sense. - Jordan nodded.
And that's when I remembered. It was the same plant that had made me say the prophecy about the Savior! Which means...
- I made another prophecy, didn't I?

- I believe you did. - Milo nodded, and I noticed a sheet of paper in his hand.
- Was that a prophecy? - Reginald whispered.
- But, wait! - Honor frowned. - Why would we need another one if we still have the first?
I shrugged, and everyone looked at Cat.
- Was different. - She answered, worried. - Power called. Were meant make another.

- So, that mood when the river and the seaweed seemed so amazing. - I rubbed the back of my head. - Was it because my power called me create a new prophecy? Does it mean the old one doesn't work anymore?
- No. - Gill shook his head. - This prophecy was different, but it also showed the future, just like the first one. Whatever is going to happen, will now happen according to both of these prophecies.
- But it isn't very clear. - Reginald, who had no idea about the first prophecy, said.

- What is it, Milo? - Miss Founder said, looking at the paper.
I came closer and read the prophecy, along with everyone else.
- No! - Miragold gasped. - This is impossible!
I felt the sweat on my forehead. The prophecy was clearer that the first one, but the words made me shudder.
- This is a mistake! - I looked at Milo. - Please, tell me this isn't what I said!
- I'm afraid, it is. - Reginald whispered. - But I hope it isn't as scary as it sounds.
- No. - Cat shook her head. - Worse.

I read the prophecy again, refusing to believe in it. But, deep inside my soul, I knew it was true.

Their fate was clear from the beginning,
Their destiny is bright as day,
They all will play a part in story,
Their lives will never be in vane.
Each one of them will have their moment,
To see, what they are meant to give.
And in the end one can't be changed:
The Three must die and more can live.

Aloha! So, do you like my new prophecy? I've been dying to post it! Ohmygosh, I've got so many things planned for this story, I can barely wait! But, on the other hand, I can't post the chapters too often because I don't want Lightnings to end quick.


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