Chapter 26. Run for your life.

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I knew it was a bad idea to cross that bridge. I mean, I was pretty sure that everyone around me, even the ones who had no idea about any of the prophecies or even the Three knew that this was going to end badly. I looked at the people, and couldn't resist guessing who of them might die. Neither one behaved weirdly, which made me think that our cross will be safe... Or the moment of realisation just didn't come yet. But still I couldn't get that thought out of my head.

Somebody must die tonight. Somebody will not see any more sunrises. Somebody will play their sacrificing, but unevitable part. Somebody I know. Somebody I probably care about. Somebody who deserves to live.

Somewhere deep inside my soul I wished it could've been me. I was willing to give my own life up, if it would mean saving Cat, Maya, Gill and my other friends. But it was clear that my destiny wouldn't lead me to the heroic death like that. And everything I could do was just stand there and hope that none of my friends will be ones if the Three.

- Alright, everybody, on your positions! - Isa commanded to the long line of people in front of her. The youngest and the oldest ones were in front, while the strongest ones remained in the back. Honor was in the very first pair, holding a hand of that girl I had saved the night before. I was standing in pair with the girl's mother, who kinda got used to being near a dangerous criminal.

- Now! - Reginald ordered from somewhere behind me, and Honor with her partner slowly started moving forward. I saw the girl gasping, as she tried to stay away from the edge, and heard Honor whistling some sort of a song to calm her down.

- Not raining. - Cat was standing in front of me, paired with some bald guy who actually tried to stay as far from her as was possible. - Good.
- Yeah, for now. - Maya was as optimistic as always. - I don't think we should pay attention to that yet.
The first couple reached safety, and the black-headed guard waved for others to move.

The line of people barely moved, which made me worried dead. With every passing second I literally felt time running out, slipping through my fingers. Whenever somebody came out to the safety, I couldn't help but sigh in relief, knowing that at least these people won't die.

I watched as Gill slowly crossed the bridge with some brunette girl. Just as another pair stepped onto the bridge, I suddenly felt something I've been afraid to feel. A raindrop.
- Guys? - I have heard Miragold from somewhere behind me. - I think it's about to start!
- Are you scared, shortie? - Jordan teased her from one of the first pairs in the line. - Do you want me to carry you over?

I laughed a little, before the woman next to me flinched.
- What, hey, are you alright? - I asked carefully. - Is something wrong?
- The rain is starting. - She whispered, shuddering.
- Faster! - Reginald ordered to the two that now were crossing the bridge. - As much of us as possible gotta cross that cleft before the rain!

It helped a little. People looked at each other and... Oh, who am I kidding, it only caused panic! The ones on the bridge gasped and one of them nearly fell into the canyon.
- Keep moving! - Isa commanded, as the line of people started moving a little bit faster. But still, here and there, people slowly started to panic, trying to get as close to the safe route as possible.

- Stop pushing! - Catherine hissed, and everyone around her stopped, due to her natural frightening look.
Her pair was the next in line, and my heart started beating faster once my sister and her partner were on the bridge. The bald man decided it was in his best interests to go near the gravel mountain that was ready to bury him. Cat, on the other hand, was walking casually, even relaxed. Her feet stepped a little bit than a santimeter away from the deadly void, but she didn't pay attention even when small rocks fell down in the canyon.

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