Love for Mr.Mafia

By gemsb12

481K 18.9K 1.5K

#16(Romance)on (4/7/2016) He was not supposed to fall in love. He was not supposed to get distracted fro... More

Mundane life
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Untitled Part 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
chapter 25
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32 part-2
Chapter 33
Eid Mubarak
chapter 35
Amore morsus
Are you 'Athesist?'
The path of his dark love

His ways

4.2K 171 44
By gemsb12

           Its risky but I have to do this but I have got to do this. I haven't seem Raftar since morning and its already afternoon but If I want to know what exactly it is Rafatr is hiding from me and most of all what exactly he is trying to me from then I need to do this. I'm not sure if I can find it but giving it a try would be worth it. Trespassi ng is bad.... but cant help it now , can I?
    Heaving  a harsh breath I jump back in fear behind a piller after  from another guard passes by .
Again! Why are there so many guard?! What kind of a stupid life is this!

   Tip toeing I think back, Raftar is my husband and this part of wing is not off limits also Raftar isnt here annnndddd I can just walk around without fear of getting caught but its his guard that I fear the most who is always around Raftar like he is his wife and not me . Maybe he stayed back and is protecting Raftar's stuff in his office. But again he is Raftar's guard and obviously he would be guarding him and not the room...

Uhh ofcourse dumbo! Just get done with this thing already! MS.subconscious growls in annoyance.

    Heaving a breath I walk into the corridor where Rafatr's office is situated . My tense shoulders relax at the sight of the empty corridor . Thankfully I dont have to face th he annoying brutes .

    Every step towards the door that I take makes me nervous and the tension comes back in full swing as quickly as it left and my shoulders tense again.

Is this what I want? What happens whrn Raftar will find out that Im invading his privacy? 

  Screw this I have every right to know something that involves my life. With determination laced in me I push open his office oddor softy and find the dark office illuminated with light that barely escapes the closed curtains.

        Switching on the torch light of my phone , I skip towards his desk and open draws upon draws and start looking into the files... well they look very innocent , hotels, casinos , villas .... nothing on arms dealerships or something along lines of dead bodies.

Huh! Dead bodies? This is his office not some vampire's crypt! What? Is it the netflix effect on you?! My subconscious acoffs at my stupid beliefs.

Yeah! Uhh well I have been watching orignals so probably... 

    File after file and nothing... next I turn towards the lapton that sits on the mahogany desk.. well then...

  Powering it on I'm amazed at the speed! Back home , my laptop was a sloth and this deadly matt black slim one is super sexy and fast!


   A frustrated sigh leaves me as the stupid sexy shit is password protected just like I feared.

"Now what? "

   Yeah .. good question.. now wh-

    My eyes as large as saucers and fear crwaps Into my sight at the deadly image of my husband standing in all his glory beside the door with a dark look on his face. Tg e door seems to be closed and im sure it dint open else I would have noticed but seems like he has been here before I even came.

"What honey? How are you going to unlock it now? Do you want me to do that for you?" His voice dangerous smooth .

"Hmm? "His voice flows like a melody when I don't reply.

"Raftar, I-I just wanted to know the truth." He takes small steps towards me making a wroed noise from his shoes that just increases my anticipation. His grace just like a panther and his eyes on me like a hawk watching its prey. I gulp ib fear to push forward the words from my mouth and he rounds the table and stands beside me with his palm layed flat on the table.

   " Raftar , its not what you- I just want to know the truth raftar... I-I just want to know the truth" I say facing the door with out looking at him.

    A loud bang of a fist banging against the table has me gasping as I take a step back .

"Truth! Truth ! Truth! " he yells at me I take few more steps back in fear and fall onto the office chair as raftar backs me up behind he places his hands on either side of the hand rest making me cover back in fear .

" when I say no, it means NO!" A shiver leaves me as his voice raises . Tears cloud my vision as his anger radiates off , the waves of heat crasing against me in full swing.

  "Every time, every fucking time when I ask you ... specifically ask you not to do , you go straight ahead and do that! How dare you! You disobey me again and again!" veins jutt out from his jaw and neck as he screams at my face.

  Tears flow down and I look into his red angry eyes
"And and every time , everytime its one step forward with you and then ten steps backward raftar. Every single time" defeat roars in my mind as another tear glids onto my skin.

" I -I'm tired Raftar, of -of all this - I -" a sob leaves me as I push Raftar against the table and run out of his office "

  Sobs and heaves its all I can hear as I rush out of the mansion into the pool area.

  Water still as if its a painting and not real.

Obey.. thats all its about. What I want , what I feel is out of bounds. Men have overpowered my life before and they still keep doing it. What am I ? Slave? At every point of my life I keep my spirits high and move forward but im pused back. Like always and raftar hasn't left any chance to prove that notion wrong.
He keeps pusing it again and again just makes worse. What breaks me more is the fact that he does not treat ne as his equal....

    Is this what im ment to do ? Obey?


Hey lovelies, I know long wait and a shot chapter , im sorry about it, I couldn't post earlier . I had soome issues with my laptop. Hope you guys understand. 
Also thank you for supporting Amore Morsus


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