The Sinclair Brothers(Diaboli...

By Nqchristine18

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Yui Komori has been tortured by the sadistic and cruel Sakamaki brothers where she is the sacrificial bride o... More

Shay Sinclair Bio
Roy Sinclair Bio
Aaron Sinclair Bio
Lance Sinclair Bio
Kasper Sinclair Bio
Soren Sinclair Bio
Prologue: When My Life Turns To Hell...
Chapter One: Broken Spirits....
Chapter Two: New Boys
Chapter Three: Redhead Collide!
Chapter Four: Geniuses Collide!
Chapter Five: Cuties Collide!
Chapter Six: Flirts Collide!
Chapter Seven: Loners Collide!
Chapter Eight: Deadbeats Collide!
Chapter Nine: Breaking Point....
Chapter Ten: Escape From This Hell Hole!
Chapter Eleven: The Sinclair Brothers
Chapter Twelve: Purebloods?
Chapter Thirteen: Should I Trust Them?
Chapter Fourteen: The Hunt Is On!
Author's Note
Chapter Fifteen: New School, New Life....
Chapter Sixteen: Dangerous Night....
Chapter Seventeen: I'm Home....
Author's Note 2
Trivia Time!
Bonus Chapter: I'm Coming Home
Chapter Eighteen: My New Home
Chapter Nineteen: Trip To The Mall!
Chapter Twenty: This Is Gonna Be A Pain
Chapter Twenty One: Childhood Trauma
Chapter Twenty Two: Mother's Garden....
Chapter Twenty Three: The Rose...
Chapter Twenty Four: Former Flame....
Chapter Twenty Five: A Hole In My Heart...
Chapter Twenty Six: Sweet Melodies....
Chapter Twenty Seven: Christoph's Vow
Chapter Twenty Eight: Girls Hang Out!
Chapter Twenty Nine: Oh No....
Chapter Thirty: Lazy Deadbeat....
Chapter Thirty One: The Broken Monster
Chapter Thirty Two: Light Up My Fire...
Chapter Thirty Three: You Capture My Heart
Chapter Thirty Four: Roy's Inspiration...
Chapter Thirty Five: A Song For You...
Chapter Thirty Six: Blooming Love
Chapter Thirty Seven: Love Sparks....
Chapter Thirty Eight: Awkward....
Chapter Thirty Nine: Prepare For Battle!
Chapter Fourty One: My True Feelings...
Shay Ending
Roy Ending
Aaron Ending
Kasper Ending
Lance Ending
Soren Ending
New Story!!
My first original story

Chapter Fourty: Fight For My Freedom!

702 22 33
By Nqchristine18

Warning: grab your tissues because this is going to be an emotional chapter

Nobody's POV:
During an intense night, the Sinclair Brothers and the triplets have been fighting and swinging their weapons at the cliff. Aaron is fighting with Ayato, Lance is fighting with Laito, and Kasper is fighting with Kanato. Yui on the other hand is helping with the Sinclair triplets.


Ayato taunted her as he punches her but she dodged it quickly. Aaron then got in front of Ayato and sliced his fire sword at him.


Ayato growled irritably where Aaron gave him a cocky smirk.

"What's the matter Oreosama? Can't take the heat?"

He cockily mocks him.

"Oh I'm not giving up that easily!"

Ayato lunges at Aaron, but Yui quickly got in front of him and blocked his attacks with her two swords. Ayato then backed away while glaring at the blonde girl.

"You're seriously getting annoying right now Pancake!"

He snarls at her.

"I don't give a fuck!"

She retorts him as she swung her sword at him but he dodges it. Ayato formed an arrogant smug at both of them.

"Heh fine, you all wanna mess with Oresama? Then come get me worthless beings!"

He exclaims as he lunges at Yui and Aaron. While Yui and Aaron are fighting Ayato, Kasper and Kanato are in a heated battle when Kanato tries to grab him but failed when Kasper trapped him with his vines and Kanato dropped his teddy bear. Kasper then dragged him to the nearest forest where Kanato is bound to the trees by the vines that Kasper put him through.

"Gah! Let me go! Where's teddy?!"

He snarls while struggling to break free from the vines. Kasper approaches him with a dark cold glare.

"You shouldn't treat others like trash like that."

He harshly spat but Kanato refuses to listen and kept on breaking free from the vines. Kasper looks at him with stoic cold expression.

"No matter how much you struggle, my vines will always overpower you."

He coldly spat but Kanato stopped squirming for a moment and laid quietly before he responds.

"Shut think I would give a damn about your stupid powers you annoying brat?!"

He snarls at him, but Kasper didn't respond and manipulates the vines to grip both of his wrist and legs.


He whines hysterically while struggling to be released as Kasper looks down at him with pitiful purple eyes.

"And you think crying and bitching would get her to come back?"

He asked curiously as Kanato glance at him. Kasper walked closely to him with a calm demeanor.

"Not all people get what they want, most people endured hardships in life...."

Kasper then crossed his arms while giving him a serious gaze.

"You can't get Yui back by taking her by force, you gotta show that you're trustworthy to her."

He assured him but Kanato rebuffs his pity and kept on insulting him.

"That girl wasn't trustworthy to begin with!"

He cried as he breaks down in tears while being bound against the tree.

"...I never had a mother...I never been one pays attention to one loves psychotic creep like me....they only thing I have is teddy...."

He mumbled as he sobs hysterically where he remembers his tragic past when his mother never gave him love and affection. All she does is pressuring him to sing until his voice cracks. She never loves him as her son and she only uses him as entertainment.

Kasper is touched by his enemy's backstory as he pities Kanato's current life. He turns back to Kanato and holds his flower sword.

"Kanato...I know we barely talked but...I'm sorry for your messed up don't deserve it...your brothers don't deserve...but...."

He then raises his sword at him where Kanato widen his eyes in shock and fear.

"This is where your life ends....I'm sorry...."

He apologized as he closed his eyes and struck his sword straight to the heart where Kanato coughs of blood and looks at Kasper one last time with a slight smile before he dies.

Soon after he dies, Kasper pulls his sword out and gazes at Kanato's lifeless body with pitiful eyes.

Sorry Kanato Sakamaki, but this is for your own good....

He thought as he walks away from his dead body where he teleports back to the cliff where he joins brothers and Yui to fight with two remaining triplets.

Aaron noticed Kasper while beating the crap out of Ayato.

"Took ya long enough!"

He stated as he punches Laito in the face. Kasper lightly chuckled.

"Hehe yeah but I'll help you out now."

He grinned his he raised his sword and joins the battle. With Kanato killed off, five brothers are left alive and the three are still fighting the two triplets.

Later, Yui and Aaron are still fighting Ayato and both of them are worn out with a bunch of bruises.

"Damn that punk is strong!"

Aaron grunted as Yui went up to him.

"Don't give up Aaron, we still gotta kicked Oreosama's ass!"

Yui encourages him.

"Excuse me?! Who do you think you're talking to?!"

Ayato asked with a glare.

"A redhead who lacks a brain and has no common sense!"

Yui bluntly taunts him as Aaron chuckles at her roast. Hell even Laito with Aaron's brothers are laughing at this.

"Ooo bitch chan just roasted you!"

Laito teased his brother with Kasper and Lance chuckling as Ayato turns to glare at them.

"Shut up Laito!"

He scolds at him as Ayato dodges one of Aaron's fire attacks.

"Damn you're annoying!"

He growled as he lunges at the fiery redhead, Aaron blocks his kick with his fire sword burning his leg.


He winced as he holds his burnt right leg, Yui came up to him with full confidence and kick him from behind as he groans in pain. As he lies down half injured, Yui steps on his stomach where she looks down at him with contempt.

"You know Ayato from the looks of you, you look pretty pitiful. I do wanna feel bad for you but...this is your life ends Ayato..."

She assures him as she looks at Aaron with a nod, Aaron smirked and walked up to Ayato where he is still squirming, but Aaron steps on his chest to make him stop.

"Gah! Grrrr get off me!"

He growled while trying to get up, but Aaron points his flaming sword at him with an emotionless look.

"Sorry man, but I have to do this."

He declines as he raises his sword to his chest.

"Rest in peace redhead."

Aaron coldly said as he stabs Ayato in the chest, the rude redhead coughs up blood and looks at Aaron and Yui one last time before he dies.


He choked on his last words as he dies from blood loss. Aaron then pulls his flaming sword out of his lifeless body where Yui looks at him with pity.

"You're one pathetic vampire Ayato...."

Yui stated as Aaron patted her shoulder.

"Come on, let's focus on the mission."

He assured her which she nods with a grin until they heard a grunt from Laito when both of them turn to Lance who steps on the beat up pervert and Kasper and looks at down him with disgust.

"You're finished pervert!"

Kasper shouted as he kicks his left hip.

"Damn you guys are fast."

Aaron stated with a smirk as Lance shrugs his shoulders and Kasper chuckling softly.

"What can I say, I'm always get the done job."

He chuckled with a whimsical grin, but Laito chuckles mockingly.

"Wow who ever knew that Ayato and Kanato could die that easily? *sighs* Oh well then, just kill me already. It doesn't matter anyway."

He carelessly stated, but Yui came up to him with a cold look.

"We don't care how you feel, this where you and brothers die. I'm sick of you calling me bitch chan and guess what?"

She then stabs him with her two swords both in the  chest and the neck. Laito then coughs up blood as she pulls them out where he dies from a pool of blood.

"I'm done with your shit and I don't have to see your face no more!"

She harshly sneers as Laito dies from the amount of blood loss, Yui sighs and cross her arms.

"That'll teach them for torturing me...but I pity them...."

She stated, but Kasper pats her shoulder.

"Hey, it's did what you did. It's part of our mission."

Kasper assured her.

"He's right, we gotta go check with the rest of the brothers."

Lance suggested as the three of them nod, all four of them teleport to the Sakamaki mansion to meet up with the others.

Soren's POV:
While roaming around the hallway, I look left and right to find one of the brothers until I heard a growl from behind.

"So you came...."

I then turn to face the white haired boy who shoots me with cold red eyes.

"I have and I'm not surprised to see your face during the verge of your death. Pretty typical for a vampire like you."

I coldly remarked but Subaru retorts my insult.

"Why would I be afraid of dying? Besides, your brothers are dealing with my brothers by now."

He bitterly stated.

"True, but that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you."

I sternly proclaim as Subaru crack his knuckles.

"I never said anything about that, jeez this is such a pain...."

He grumbled as I summon my scythe and pointed it at him.

****Soren's weapon^***

"Don't worry, the feeling is mutual."

I coldly stated as me and Subaru engaged a battle in a brutal night.

Roy's POV:

****Roy's weapon^***

As I heard a loud thump across the hallway, I sighed at the loud noise.

Honestly, how typical of the youngest son of the Sakamaki wonder why this mansion is dreadful and disheartening...

I thought while roaming around the halls, I heard that cold and stern voice from behind.

"Ah there you are, I've been waiting for you arrival."

I turn to see Reiji with his arms fold and I can sense his scent which is nothing apathy and his heart is lukewarm. Oh wait...he doesn't have a heart to begin with....

I shoot him with a cold gaze while pointing my sword at him.

"Clearly you don't have any fear in you, how unimpressive."

I harshly criticized, but Reiji ignores my question and push his glasses.

"I have nothing to fear, however I've always have curiosity about you. So why won't we have some tea in my room?"

Reiji suggested politely.

"And what if I reject your offer?"

I asked coldly, but he sighs irritably.

"Must you always ask questions? And I suggest you that you put your weapon away. It's dangerous to carry that thing around in the mansion.

He demanded as I sighed and put my sword away.

"Shall we go?"

I asked with an emotionless look.

"We shall."

He replied as we walked our way to Reiji's room.

Shay's POV:
As I roam downstairs, I stop walking when I heard a loud thud from above which I can assure it's Soren and Subaru fighting up there.

I hope Soren is okay...

I thought as I sigh, I continue to roam around the dark empty hallway until I saw a doorway.

That must be the living room.

I thought as I enter the living room, I found the lazy blonde sleeping on the couch. I then summon my spear while gazing at the sleeping blonde.

****Shay's weapon^****

So that's the guy I'm going to kill? He doesn't seem to be the type of person to be scared or fight....

I pondered where I remembered the first time we met. He was really apathetic...and really distant too..

Geez..this guy doesn't seem to like associating with other people....hell he's not even afraid of dying....

I soon sweatdropped as I pondered about this lazy ass vampire.

This is so him...just what I expected from a deadbeat vampire....

I thought with an unimpressed face but I snapped out of my train of thought when I heard that loud thud again which causes Shu to wake up.

" noisy....."

He mumbled as he lazily rises up from the couch with an irritated look.

"You people can be so loud these days...."

He grumbles as I cross my arms while giving him an emotionless look.

"You know it's pretty ironic to see a lazy deadbeat to be the oldest of the bunch. Even though he's not doing his job as an older brother."

I dryly remarked but Shu remains unamused and sighs.

"What's the point of doing so bothersome?...I rather sleep and listen to music than some dumb battle..."

He coldly stated while lying the couch like a huge lazy bone he is. I stood there with a deadpan face and sweatdrop.

Should I kill or just leave him here....

I thought while sweatdropping until he looks at me carelessly.

"Listen...I don't care what you came for, so just do it...I can careless about dying...."

He apathetically assured me but that pisses me off when I grab him by the shirt and pushed him against the wall.

"You are such a fool...since the moment I saw you, I thought were some kind of lazy bone my opinion you're not that evil....aren't you?"

I asked curiously as he stood there silently and avert his eyes away from me.

"...I was born like this....I never wanted mother would always pressures me to do the best....but I don't want to be....I want to play and have fun, but that didn't last long....."

He stated as he glance at the red carpet with an emotionless expression but deep down I can tell he's trying to holding back his emotions.

"...I lost my best friend....I have no one....I isolate myself from everyone....I become distant towards my brothers....I didn't care what happens...I didn't care about what other people feel....hell I even don't get along with Reiji, but I don't mother made me like this....and I feel nothing now...all because of her....."

He expressed while suppressing his emotions. Feeling pity, I gave him a light hug despite my goal to kill him.

"I understand Shu....I'm sorry for what your mother has put you don't deserve this pain...your brother doesn't deserve this pain..."

I then let go of his shirt and raise my spear as I point it to his heart which he doesn't care at all. But deep down, I'll he wants is to die.

"So you think dying might solve anything?"

I asked curiously while pouting my spear at him, but he shrugs carelessly.

"Just do it already...."

He mumbles coldly but I can tell he's in pain...all because what his mother put him through. I pity him...but this is where his life ends.

I closed my eyes point my spear to his heart while pitying his pain.

"Goodbye...Shu Sakamaki...."

I stated as I stab his heart with my eyes closed, I can hear him cough up blood one last time before he dies. I pull out my sword and open my eyes where I look at his lifeless body with pity eyes.

Let your soul rest in the afterlife....

I thought while gazing at him. Suddenly the door boom across the living room when I turn to see the triplets and Yui dashing towards me.

"Shay! You okay?!"

Kasper asked with worried eyes, but I gave him a light nod.

"That's good to hear, but...."

Lance and the others peered at Shu's lifeless body.

"What exactly are we going to do with him?"

He asked curiously.

"Yeesh as I expected, he maybe a lazy bum but in the end he meets his cruel fate...."

Aaron affirmed as I saw Yui walking to his body. She kneels down and holds his hand with pitiful eyes.


She uttered as she sighed and stood up. We then flinched when we heard a loud thud from ceiling. Yui glance at us with a serious gaze

"Let's get moving."

She assured us as we nod and left the room to search Roy and Soren.

Roy's POV:
As I heard that loud noise again, Reiji pushed his glasses up in obvious annoyance.

"What a bunch of bothersome brats...don't they know how to be silent?"

He sighed as he took a cup of tea, but I still remain emotionless while giving him a cold look.

"Then why won't you do something about it?"

I coldly asked with an emotionless expression as Reiji puts his cup down to the coffee table.

"Why wouldn't I? Besides, I have other things to do besides dealing with those brats."

He coldly replied.

Wow such a wonderful man he is.

I thought sarcastically with a blank face. Reiji then clears his throat.

"Anyway, please help yourself. I made this tea myself and it might help you eased your stress."

Reiji replied politely as I nod while staring at the teacup. There's something is unusual about this tea...and it has a strange odor as well...

I sigh and put the tea down to the table.

"Hm? Something the matter?"

He asked curiously as I pushed my glasses up and cross my leg to another.

"You know what seem to be very awfully calm for a moment."

I assumed with a suspicious gaze.

"And what makes you think that?"

He asked sternly as he acts like he didn't do anything wrong which I didn't buy at all.

"'s like you're planning to kill me aren't you?"

I point it out as Reiji smirked amusingly at me.

"For a pure blood vampire, you sure are cunning."

He smirked intriguingly.

"And you're quite the intelligent one Reiji."

I flattered him as Reiji got up from his seat.

"I appreciate the compliment, but I never flaunt my intelligence to anyone. It's bothersome."

He replied sternly.

"Really now?"

I asked with a polite tone.

"I can assure you I don't."

He reassured me as he walks to his desk to grab a cup of water, he took a sip of it where I watch him with a serious gaze. Reiji immediately drop the cup and collapse to the floor where he coughed violently and clutch his chest.

"What in the-"

He coughed while clutching his chest, I formed a smirk and stand up as I walk up to him.

"Even though I appreciate your polite mannerisms, I need to finished one job to finished...."

I then summon my sword and point it at his back as I shoot him with a cold and emotionless look.

"Is to end your life Reiji Sakamaki, farewell...."

I stated as I plunged my sword through his back to heart where he lies on the floor and coughs up blood. Before dying, he turns to me with a mocking smirk.

"Such a cunning brat...*coughs* you are...*coughs* *coughs* but....I highly doubt you and your brothers are going to defeat...."

Just as he says his last words, he failed to say one final word as he drops his head to the floor where he final dies from a pool of blood.

As I pull my sword out, I look down at his lifeless body with pitiful eyes.

"You may now rest in hell you pitiful fool...."

I coldly stated as I turn my back and walk out of the room with an emotionless expression. I continue my mission where I begin to search for my brothers and Yui.

Soren's POV:

Subaru winced after I kick him to the wall as he lands on the floor injured.

I then approach him with my scythe and I pointed my blade at him.

"Surrender Subaru."

I coldly demanded which he glares at me.

"Shut up!"

He growls as he kicks my scythe away, but I dodge his attack. Subaru then tried to kick me again, but I dodge it once again.

As I got behind him, I immediately kick his back and crash to the wall again.


He winced as I walk towards him with a stoic look.

"You know...from the moment I saw you...I always thought you have a good side...and I was right..."

I said while reading his mind. I then raised my scythe as I lock eyes on my target.

"'re all alone in your entire see yourself as worthless...."

I empathized which angers Subaru.

"What do you know?...HOW DARE YOU ASK ME THAT?!"

He growled at me, but I remained calm and look down at him with sympathetic eyes.

"Because I can feel your pain Subaru."

I replied which surprises him while I'm still pointing my scythe at him.

"...I get what it's like to feel that way...I see you as an image of myself...I was bullied for reading minds....I always viewed as a monster by everyone...but then I realized what I have...."

I then form a warm smile at the bittersweet memories of my rough childhood.

"...I realized that I have the most amazing and loving family that I brothers were always there and I'm happy to have such wonderful people...."

I expressed while smiling at the heartwarming memories. Just then I noticed Subaru forming tears from his red eyes.

"I envy always have pain throughout your childhood, but...your brothers are the only ones who stood by your side...."

He then grips his fists and clenched his teeth.

"It pisses me off..."

He grumbled while trying to suppress his tears, I felt pity for the albino man and I put my scythe away. Subaru glance up with a puzzled look.

"Why didn't you kill me?..."

He asked confusingly as I shrug my shoulders at him.

"Why would I? can I kill a man without an explanation?"

I replied calmly as I turn my back from back.

"Don't doubt yourself Subaru, you have a chance to move forward."

I assured him as I walk away from him, but Subaru stop me when he said something about Karl.

"If you're looking for that old man, he's fighting at the top of our mansion."

He informed me as I nod and left the hallway to find my brothers and Yui so we can beat Karl together.

Subaru's POV:
Right after that quiet brunette left, I lean my head against the wall as I stare at the ceiling thinking about Yui and the others.

Be careful Yui....kill him for me.....

I thought as I closed my eyes with a sigh and sat there without any care about my injuries.

Nobody's POV:
While Soren is strolling through the hallway, he soon stopped when he heard Roy's voice.

"So you've finished the job Soren?"

Roy asked as he turn to him as shook his head.

"I let him live, I want him to find purpose in his life instead of moping his mother. All of us need to move forward from a loved one."

He replied.

"Hmmm I guess that's reasonable, but I highly doubt that he might do it."

Roy assured him as he shift his eyes down for a bit before he glance back at him.

"Well when some people are in the same situation, you felt trapped and unwelcome. That's how me and Subaru felt but we also need the capability to move forward."

He reassured him as Roy smiled warmly.

"Very true."

He grinned until he noticed the triplets and Yui approaching us.

"My goodness, you look atrocious."

He playfully stated.

"Geez thanks for compliment Roy."

Aaron sarcastically replied.

"Are you guys hurt?"

Kasper asked curiously.

"No, I'm fine. Not a single scratch."

Roy replied politely and Soren rub his arm lightly.

"I only have a few bruises from my arms, but I'm fine for now."

He replied.

"So that's all of them, the only one left is Karlheinz."

Lance informed as Roy tilt his head with his left hand holding his chin.

"Correct and Christoph is fighting with Karl right now, but I do feared for his life."

He said with his left hand holding his chin.

"I wonder where are they right now?"

Yui asked with a worried look, but Soren step in and told them about their location.

"Subaru told me that their fighting on top of the mansion."

He informed them as they flinched when they a loud boom from above. Roy then pushed his glasses up.

"We better get up there."

He informs them as all of them nod, Aaron grab Yui's waist and all of them teleport to the rooftop where the final battle begins....

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