The Sinclair Brothers(Diaboli...

By Nqchristine18

76.6K 1.9K 2.1K

Yui Komori has been tortured by the sadistic and cruel Sakamaki brothers where she is the sacrificial bride o... More

Shay Sinclair Bio
Roy Sinclair Bio
Aaron Sinclair Bio
Lance Sinclair Bio
Kasper Sinclair Bio
Soren Sinclair Bio
Prologue: When My Life Turns To Hell...
Chapter One: Broken Spirits....
Chapter Two: New Boys
Chapter Three: Redhead Collide!
Chapter Four: Geniuses Collide!
Chapter Five: Cuties Collide!
Chapter Six: Flirts Collide!
Chapter Seven: Loners Collide!
Chapter Eight: Deadbeats Collide!
Chapter Nine: Breaking Point....
Chapter Ten: Escape From This Hell Hole!
Chapter Eleven: The Sinclair Brothers
Chapter Twelve: Purebloods?
Chapter Thirteen: Should I Trust Them?
Chapter Fourteen: The Hunt Is On!
Author's Note
Chapter Fifteen: New School, New Life....
Chapter Sixteen: Dangerous Night....
Chapter Seventeen: I'm Home....
Author's Note 2
Trivia Time!
Bonus Chapter: I'm Coming Home
Chapter Eighteen: My New Home
Chapter Nineteen: Trip To The Mall!
Chapter Twenty: This Is Gonna Be A Pain
Chapter Twenty One: Childhood Trauma
Chapter Twenty Two: Mother's Garden....
Chapter Twenty Three: The Rose...
Chapter Twenty Four: Former Flame....
Chapter Twenty Five: A Hole In My Heart...
Chapter Twenty Six: Sweet Melodies....
Chapter Twenty Seven: Christoph's Vow
Chapter Twenty Eight: Girls Hang Out!
Chapter Twenty Nine: Oh No....
Chapter Thirty: Lazy Deadbeat....
Chapter Thirty One: The Broken Monster
Chapter Thirty Two: Light Up My Fire...
Chapter Thirty Three: You Capture My Heart
Chapter Thirty Four: Roy's Inspiration...
Chapter Thirty Five: A Song For You...
Chapter Thirty Six: Blooming Love
Chapter Thirty Seven: Love Sparks....
Chapter Thirty Eight: Awkward....
Chapter Fourty: Fight For My Freedom!
Chapter Fourty One: My True Feelings...
Shay Ending
Roy Ending
Aaron Ending
Kasper Ending
Lance Ending
Soren Ending
New Story!!
My first original story

Chapter Thirty Nine: Prepare For Battle!

737 22 49
By Nqchristine18

Yui's POV:
The next day later after calming Christoph, all of us woke up early in the morning where we ate breakfast and we train nonstop. Christoph is responsible for our practice for battle and kept barking orders during our training.

I know it's a lot of pressure, but I do respect him for helping us out since he's very strict when it comes to training. Hell I even get to used a weapon at last and I never felt so much confidence in my life.

It was stressful and exhausting but we put a lot of effort into our training. While the brothers are training, I went back to the mansion where I went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

"Man it was one hard training...."

I sighed while drinking my water until I heard a loud buzz from my pocket. I pick up my phone and answer it.


"Hey Yui!"

A happy cheery girl greeted where I smiled warmly when I heard Miko's voice again.

"Omg Miko, where were you?! I tried to pick you up but you didn't answer!"

I stated as Miko chuckled a bit awkwardly.

"Hehe sorry Yui, I was attacked by the triplets and I was at the clinic. Then I tried to call you for the next day but I accidentally bumped to Subaru and just like his typical self, he acts all angry and smashed my phone to the ground. Ugh! Rude!"

She huffs as I widen my eyes in shock.

"The triplets beat you up?! Why didn't you tell me before?!"

I shout at her.

"My phone was broke!"

She shout back.

"Then why can't you tell your mom to buy a new phone?!"

I yell at her once again.

"Ummmm I forgot....hehe😅"

She awkwardly chuckled as I groan and face plant on the counter.

"You're an idiot Miko, but...I'm glad you called me."

I stated with a grin.

"Hehe yeah, but that's not what the reason why I called you."

"Huh? What is it?"

I asked curiously.

"Well it happened yesterday. I was walking down the hallway and I overheard one of the Sakamakis that they will battle y'all at the cliff tonight."

She informed me.

"Thanks for the info Miko and be careful with the Sakamakis."

"Same goes for you cuz Ayato ain't gonna take no for an answer."

Miko stated as I grin at her.

"Don't worry, we're gonna kick their asses tonight."

I assured her with a snarky remark.

"You better cuz imma kicked their asses if y'all lose!"

She jokingly stated.

"Hehe we won't, anyway I gotta go back to training. See ya later."

"Okay bye bye!"

She cheerfully stated as I hung up the phone, I put my phone in my pocket and nod in confidence.


I grab my sword and head back to the backyard where I told them about where the battle is gonna be located. All of them nod and we kept on training. As we swung our weapons and going over strategies, we're ready to battle.

Tonight is the day, the day where the Sakamakis are going to die in hell. Speaking of Hell, we also wearing cool and badass outfits that Christoph bought for us.

******Yui's battle outfit^****

*****Shay's battle outfit^****

******Roy's battle outfit^****

******Aaron's battle outfit^****

****Lance's battle outfit^***

******Kasper's battle outfit^****

*****Soren's battle outfit^***

***Christoph's Battle outfit^****

While at the cliff, we waited for the Sakamakis to arrived as we saw a dark portal when the vampire lord Karlheinz appeared upon us along with the triplets.

I wasn't surprised that the other brothers didn't come. Hell even the Sinclair brothers didn't give a single fuck about them. I formed a resentful scowl at the white haired vampire ruler especially the triplets.

Karlheinz however didn't care and smirked at Christoph.

"Well, well, long time no see cousin."

He halfheartedly greeted us.

"We were never cousins to begin with."

Christoph coldly stated as Karl chuckled with a fake polite smile.

"Well that's not how you greet your cousin, speaking of which..."

He turns his gaze at me where I slightly flinched at his gaze but I remain calm while shooting a bitter glare at him.

"Well this is unusual of you, I never expect a useless mortal to participate in this battle."

He dryly stated.

"That's because she IS a useless mortal."

Ayato bluntly remarked which I glare at him for his snide remark, but Soren puts a hand in my shoulder to calm me down.

"Yui, calm down."

He assured me which I nod in response but my glare remains visible to him.

"How pathetically sweet, but...nevertheless..."

He then flip his cap over his shoulder with a confident smug.

"Tonight is going to be entertaining because I'm going to send you along with rest of your army to hell."

Karlheinz boldly exclaimed.

"And I'm gonna get pancake back to the mansion where she belongs!"

Ayato arrogantly proclaims, but I smirked at his bluff and point my sword at him.

"I like to see you try oreosama."

I mocked him with a snide smirk which Ayato frowns in response with Laito and Kanato chuckled at his reaction.

Christoph then steps in and got behind me.

"Roy, Shay, Soren, go find the other men, we'll take care of them."

He ordered them.

"Yes sir!"

The three bowed to him as the three teleport to find the rest of the Sakamakis, Christoph and Karl approach each other face to face.

"Let the battle begin Christoph."

He cockily stated.


****Christoph's sword^***

He boldly replied as he summons his white sword, both men teleport to somewhere they can fight alone. I was then left with Kasper, Aaron, and Lance where we are facing with the triplets.

"~fufu~ this is gonna be fun."

Laito smirked pervertedly with Ayato stepping in.

"You're mine pancake!"

The redhead arrogantly exclaims and Kanato tilts his head innocently.

"I wanna take a sip too please?"

He asked politely with an innocent expression as Lance, Aaron, and Kasper step in like they're my three loyal knights.

"Y'all ain't getting a sip tonight morons!"

Aaron harshly spat as he summons his fire sword, Lance takes his glasses off and puts it in his pocket where he summons his rose whip.

****Aaron's fire sword^***

"You won't touch her again you filthy pervert."

Lance cruelly mocked them with a cold glare.

"I agree! We'll beat you down until you give up!"

Kasper exclaimed as he summons his flower sword.

****Kasper's sword^***

"Like I'm scared of a pipsqueak like you!"

Ayato mocked the purple haired boy as Kasper growls at him.

"Ooo~ careful Ayato kun, this one's a feisty one."

Laito teasingly remarked.

"Enough talk!"

I shout at them as I summon my two pink swords.

*****Yui's sword^***

"It's time to send you guys to hell!"

I exclaimed while pointing my sword at them as Ayato smirked at me.

"Heh I like to see you try pancake!"

We then ran towards each other as we battle cried at the night where the real battle begins.....

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