Bởi blackcoffee84

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In the life of Beyonce Knowles and Justin Timberlake. Their romantic, steamy, dramatic love life. We are The... Xem Thêm



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Bởi blackcoffee84

Italic - inner monologue
bold - past

Chapter sixteen - FUN AND GAMES

Meanwhile (July 11, 2007) - 12:06pm

Justin stood out in front of the stage where the audience would be talking with his manager Johnny Wright and his best friend Trace who were accompanying him on tour. "The concert isn't till nine so we have plenty of time."

"And how many dancers are there again?" Johnny asked.

"Uhhh five. Five dancers and four back-up singers. The seamstress is flying in today before the concert with the uniforms. I just got off the..." Music blasted throughout the stadium, interrupting him.

He quickly looked away to gaze at the stage area to see people walking out. "It's so loud." The familiar voice echoed throughout the room.

Beyoncé walked out on stage in a revealing outfit. The music stopped briefly than began to play again.

"Front row seats." Johnny teased while keeping his gaze on the stage. "This is gonna be an amazing concert. With you and Beyoncé collaborating like this." He added, crossing his arms over his chest.

Justin kept his gaze on her and the dancers as well as they got into position to rehearse for the concert. "I'm feeling sexyyyyy." She song, hearing the music stop again. "Too loud. Aha. I'm gonna go deaf here."

"Might as well stay and watch." Trace spoke, taking a seat on one of the chairs.

The music started to play again and Beyoncé and the dancers rehearsed what they learned earlier. "Tonight, I'll be your naughty girl. I'm calling all my girls. We're gonna turn this party outtt. I know you want my body." Justin's eyes were glued to her. The way she performed. She was like a different person on stage. "Tonight I'll be your naughty girl. I'm calling all my girls. I see you look me up and downnn. And I came to party." The second she met his gaze, he felt a chill shoot up his spine. She kept dancing and singing while looking at him as if she was singing directly at him.

Trace slowly looked back to gaze at Justin who stood there looking as if he was in some kind of trance. "Ohhh love to love you babyyyy. Ohhh love to love you babyyyy." She laid down on the stage, rolling over on her back with the microphone to her lips as she continued to sing. "Ohhh love to love you babyyyy." What was she doing? He knew this was part of her routine but why was it turning him on?

She laid on her back with one of her legs up in the air. The outfit she had on was some sort of one piece, vintage bathing suit specially made outfit for her. It looked like a bathing suit but also something else. He didn't know what it was. All he knew was that he couldn't taking his eyes off her.

Trace got Johnny's attention, redirecting it to Justin who just stood there with his arms crossed over his chest hawking down Beyoncé. "Justin?" Trace called while clapping his hands, immediately waking him out of the trance. "You still with us? Ahahaha." He noticed the two laughing with their gaze on him.

"Ha ha." He laughed phony like.

"Wow. I've never seen you like that. You weren't here. I mean, you were here. You're standing there obviously but you were..."

"Fuck you." He continued to laugh at him.

After Beyoncé finished rehearsing, she headed down the hall towards her dressing room. She happened to walk pass a room with the door cracked open. Being the nosy person she was, she stopped and back tracked, cautiously peering through the crack of the door. She could see two people standing by the sofa talking. It was Justin and some blond woman. Was it Cameron?

He wrapped his arms around her while leaning in to kiss her. Seeing this made her a little jealous. Who was she fooling? She wasn't a little jealous. She was a lot jealous.

The man that she loved was standing there making out with another woman. She wanted to look away but she couldn't. She even regretted looking. "I won't be done here until probably midnight. So I'll call you." He held her in his arms, skimming her back soothingly. "Everything will be fine." As he stood there holding her, he happened to look over at the room door. He wasn't so sure but he thought he saw someone behind the door.

Beyoncé quickly proceeded down the hall towards her dressing room. As soon as she made it to the room, she shut the door, resting her back against it. She shouldn't even be upset about this because she knew he was seeing someone. But SEEING this for herself was different than hearing about it.

A knock on her door startled her.

She quickly turned to open the door, automatically gazing in on a familiar guy. He stood there with that same blond woman. Just as she suspected, it was Cameron. "Hey!" He was the first to speak. "Are you busy? I wanted you to meet someone." Cameron flashed her a smile.

"Hi." She spoke while extending her hand out to shake hers. "I'm a big fan. I've been asking Justin to introduce me to you for the longest."

"Oh..." She returned a smile while shaking her hand. "I'm flattered."

"I was hoping to stick around for the concert but I have a press conference in California tomorrow morning and the earliest flight out is in three hours. Sucks. But I am SO glad I finally met you. This is awesome." Her blondish hair and BLUE eyes. She was so happy for some reason.

"Well it was really nice meeting you." She looked over at Justin who was hawking her down. He quickly took his eyes off her to stare at Cameron. "I wish I could chat more but I have..."

"Oh right! Yes! Of course. I know you're busy and trying to get ready for the concert. I hope to talk again...soon."

"Sure. Take care." Justin waved at her on his way down the hall with Cameron. She shut the door; her eyes burning a hole into it as thoughts wandered her mind. A part of her was angry that he introduced her to his new girlfriend but she knew he didn't mean anything by it. That was probably one of the reasons why he was holding off for so long; trying to avoid introducing them.

That was awkward.

By eight that evening, everyone was at the stadium for the concert. Beyoncé and her crew were in the dressing room getting ready. "La di da da di daaaaa." She song along to the music on the radio as she stood in front of a huge mirror getting ready. "God, I gotta lose some weight." She spoke, eying her thighs and butt.

"Ain't nothing wrong with you. What? You wanna look like a stick figure or something?" Desiree walked by her in her outfit.

"I just wanna lose about ten pounds." A knock on the door got their attention. Lana unlocked the door, yanking it open. To her surprise, Justin stood in the hall with a huge African American guy.

"Hello." She greeted with a smile. "What can I do for you?"

"I need to speak to Bee." He replied, looking pass her shoulder and in the room. He could see a few women walking around in just bras and stockings. "Whoa. What is going on in here?"

"We're getting ready."

"Who is it?!" Beyoncé asked.

"It's Justin. He wants to talk to you." She approached the door. "You look very handsome, by the way." She added while walking off.

"Hey." He took his eyes off Lana to gaze at Beyoncé who stood in the door way.

"Hey. I wanted to talk to you. I see you're...busy."

"I'm on in forty minutes. Gotta get ready."

"Well do you have a minute to talk?" She eyed him in questioning. "It'll only take about five minutes." She stepped out of the room, following him down the hall with his bodyguard.

"What's going on?"

"I wanted to..." He paused while walking pass one of the workers. "Um...I wanted to apologize." She slowly came to a halt in the hall, turning to face him. "Cameron, she's..." She shook her head.

"Don't worry about it. It's...it's okay."

"It's not." He looked around, keeping an eye on their surroundings. "Bee, I know how uncomfortable that was. I felt bad about it too. I mean, I wanted to introduce you to her. But that was only because I was trying to...I was angry. I still am." She returned a baffled look.

"About what?" He kept her gaze, debating on whether to discuss this. Especially right before the concert. He didn't want to make her distracted.

"About you and Jay-Z. I know I have no right to feel this way because we have many opportunities...we've had many opportunities to make this work. Between us. I don't like you being with him and the only reason why I agreed to introduce you to her is to make you jealous." She looked away, a faint laugh escaping her lips. "I know it's childish and I...I've done a lot of thinking. After Cameron left. After you met her. I..." She crossed her arms over her chest while meeting his gaze. He could tell she was a bit upset after hearing this. "I wanna take you out on a real date."

"What?" She shook her head pathetically. "Are you fucking with me right now, Justin?"

"What? No. I..."

"You just introduced me to your girlfriend. You expect me to believe...well I know you didn't end it with her. I know you. So why are you standing here asking me out on a date? If anybody saw us out in the public having dinner they would start to speculate. Is that what you want?"

"I...I just wanna have dinner. With a friend."

"Oh..." She laughed faintly. "Okay. And is Cameron aware of this? Is she okay with you having dinner with a friend?" He held his head down; thoughts wandering his mind. "Is this another one of your pranks?"

"What? No. Why would you think..." She crossed her arms over her chest with this pissed look on her face. "Bee, I just wanna..."

"Justin, I can't go out to dinner with you. Not while you're seeing someone. I have a reputation and you do too. I can't afford for it to be ruined because of your indecisiveness." She turned, immediately feeling a hand grab her arm.

"Bee, hold on a second." He quickly stepped in front of her, blocking her path. "I'm sure you're aware that Cameron and I are not serious. We are seeing each other but it's nothing special. You come first. I tell you this all the time. So please...I'm just asking to take you out to dinner. As friends. Friends hang out last time I checked."

"Beyoncé?" She quickly looked away to gaze at her father who was ambling down the hall towards them. "Did you get the replacement?"

"Uhhh..." Justin released her. "Yes, I did. Daddy, I'm on in thirty minutes. I still have make up and my hair..."

"I'll call Angie and have her come down here now." He met eyes with Justin who stood by keeping quiet. "Justin..."

"How you doing, Mister Knowles? We're...at this again." He referred to the tour.

"I see that." He looked back over at Beyoncé who hadn't cracked a smile since he appeared. And he was quite familiar with her expression. He knew something was going on between the two of them but things were different now. She wasn't a little teen anymore so he knew best to stay out of it. "I'll call you in a few." She rested her hand on her forehead in deep thought.

Justin waited for him to leave before saying anything else. "Bee, I'm asking you out to dinner. Why do you have to make this so complicated? We're always bumping heads. It's like...playing tug of war. Are you gonna let me have my way for once?"

"Excuse me?" She turned to face him. "You have a lot of nerve to pull me out of my room saying that we need to talk. Then you ask me to dinner as if you have no girlfriend?"

"What's the big frigging deal?" He asked, moving in closer to her. "What's up with all the morals now? This innocent act. You weren't thinking about Cameron when we were screwing each other. I'm asking you to dinner and you're making a big stink out of it. As if we've never had sex while we were seeing other people. What is this really about? Are you angry that I brought Cam over to your dressing room?"

"No! Why would I..."

"Stop lying. Stop denying it." He cut her off. "I knew you weren't okay with it. I knew the second I looked into your eyes. When she stood there shaking your hand. I know you better than you know yourself. You're in denial. All I wanna do is make this better."

"And you think taking me out to dinner will? BEHIND your GIRLFRIEND'S BACK!" She raised her voice, getting a few people's attention. He looked around to see a few bystanders looking at them just being nosy.

"Come here." He gently grabbed her arm, pulling her further down the hall. She entered a dimmed room, feeling him push her up against the door. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry it happened. I never meant to...I know you think I was flaunting her around but I wasn't. And I understand how you feel. I have yet to meet Jay-Z but I knew if I did, I would be pissed. Because I know he's touching you...he's making love to you. The woman I love." He leaned in towards her ear. "What do you want me to do?"

"I don't care. I just want...I need to get out of here. I'm on in a few minutes."

"I know." He paused, peering in her brown eyes. The both of them stood there gazing at one another in silence. He was trying to figure out what to do to make this better. They were going to be on tour together again and this time much longer than before. He didn't want her to be angry with him.

"Why are you...why do you care so much about how I feel now?"

"I don't...I'm not sure what you're trying to ask me. I've always cared about how you felt."

"You're standing here apologizing about your girlfriend meeting me. I bet if we weren't on tour and we met at a club or something, you wouldn't have apologized. You're only doing this because you know we're basically stuck together for a year."

"Are you..." He was completely lost of words. "You think I'm apologizing because I need to? Bee, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't care how you felt about this. I'm saying I'm sorry because I am. I AM sorry. And I've also realized that we've known each other for a long time. Almost a decade now and we haven't spent any time together. The only time we're together is when we're alone. I wanted to take you out. Do something special for you for a change. I can't believe you think I'm doing this for my own benefit."

"Justin, you just asked me how you can make this better."

"I care about how you feel. I asked you that because of that reason."

"So if that's true...if I tell you what you can do to make this better, will you make changes? For me?" He reached up, resting his hand against her cheek.

"What do you want me to do?" His fingers grazed her full lips; his face inching in closer to hers. He wanted so badly to kiss her. But she wasn't in the mood. She didn't have time for this. "Bee, I love you." He attempted to kiss her but she held her head down; his eyes meeting up with her forehead. "Bee, I know you're mad at me. That's why I needed to apologize about earlier."

"You wanna know what you can do for me?" She asked while looking up to meet his gaze. "Break up with her." He was confused now. His expression gave it away. "Break up with her and THEN you can take me out to dinner." She reached out to open the door but he stopped her.

"You want me to break up with her?"

"That's right."

"Okay. But I also want you to break up with Jay-Z." She broke his gaze, shaking her head pathetically.

"I just...you really think you have the right to make demands? I didn't bring my boyfriend to your room to introduce you to him as if NOTHING was going on between us."

"I only see that it's fair, Bee. I wanna take you out. On a real date. You don't think the logical thing to do is break up with him? I will end it with Cam. You have my word on that but all I ask is that you do the same with him." She gritted her teeth heatedly. Words couldn't express how angry she was at that moment. She really didn't need this on her conscious before a big show.

"Bye, Justin." She tried pushing him aside but he wouldn't move.

"Bee, what is your problem? Why are you fighting to stay with him? I've agreed to leave Cam so we can go on a real date and you won't even accept my proposal?"

"I don't think you're serious."

"I am!" He raised his voice. "What the fuck do you want me to say? How do I convince you that I'm being serious? Look..." He reached in his pocket for his phone. "I'll call her now."


"No." He held his hand out. "I'm calling her. Apparently, you think I'm just this big liar." She watched him speed dial his girlfriend on the phone. "I'm gonna break up with her. No second guessing."

"Justin, you can't..."

"Watch me." She quickly reached up for his phone but he stepped back, pulling it out of her reach. "Stop it. There's nothing you can do to stop me." He rested the phone to his ear as it began to ring.

"Justin, what are you doing?"

"Cam? Hey, I need to talk to you." She desperately tried taking the phone from him but he kept fighting her off. "Yeah. Well I'm...I hate to do this. I wanted to tell you when you were here but I couldn't risk it. You might think it was a coward move and I agree." She crossed her arms over her chest. At this point, he was standing on the other side of the room with the phone glued to his ear. "I don't think this is gonna work."

"Oh my god." She mumbled. Was he really doing this?

"No. No, it's not you. It's not you. I promise. I just...I haven't been honest with you. There's someone else." He added while looking over at Beyoncé. She stood there shaking her head pathetically. "Yeah. Well I'm not comfortable with saying." She yanked the door open and exited the room. "I gotta call you back." He ended the call, quickly following the way she went. "Bee?" He ran down the hall, catching up with her as soon as she entered her dressing room. "Bee..." He held the door open, inviting himself in.

"I can't believe you did that. Did you REALLY just break up with her?"

"Yes. Why wouldn't you think...I told you I would." He looked away to see Lana, Desiree and Karina standing around watching them. "Um..." He paused, clearing his throat. "Can you ladies give us a moment alone?"

"No." Beyoncé spoke up. "We have to get ready for the show. I can't talk to you right now."

"Well I'm not leaving until we straighten this out."

"What's going on?" Karina whispered to Lana.

"I don't know." She answered, keeping her gaze on the two.

"You wanna discuss this around them?" She turned her back to him. One hand was on her hip and the other in her hair. "I'm not going anywhere until you agree to go out to dinner with me. I don't care about Jay-Z. He's your problem but he will NOT stop me from doing what I want with you." She stood there with her face in her hand; tears building up in her system. "I've always had a thing for you. Since the first tour. You know that. I'm not asking for something serious if that's what you're concerned about. I'm just asking you out to dinner. As friends." He walked around and in front of her. "Bee, I just broke up with Cameron. You still don't think I'm serious about this?" His phone went off in his jeans pocket. "Bee?"

"Is this really happening?" Lana whispered.

He gazed at the screen to read the name. "It's Cameron." He sent the call to voicemail. "You better make up your mind now. I won't take no for an answer. And I'm not leaving until you say yes." She looked up to stare at him; her eyes glistening with tears.

"She is crazy. I would've said yes." Karina whispered.

"No." She shook her head.

"Wrong answer." He took a step closer. "Yes. That's what I wanna hear. Then I'll leave." He glanced at his watch. "You have fifteen minutes and you're not even ready."

"That's because you're not letting me get ready. I..."

"I told you I'm not leaving until you say yes." She looked away; her eyes landing on the three nosy dancers standing there watching them. She could read Karina's mouth and she was telling her to say yes. "So what's it gonna be?" She met his gaze once more, a smirk forming upon her lips.

Before he could blink, he felt a hand fly across his face. He shut his eyes, trying to ignore that stingy sensation on his cheek. The pain. He'd been slapped numerous times by women but hers always hurt the most. "Yes." He fluttered his eyes open to stare at her. "Yes, I'll go with you to dinner. Now leave." He placed his hand on his cheek, rubbing it soothingly.

"Thank you." He walked pass her and towards the door, slowly coming to a halt. "I forgot something." She turned to face him, watching him approach her. He did something that he could never take back. He kissed her. Publicly.

Karina, Lana and Desiree all stood there in shock. Even though they were around last night overhearing the two having sex. This still took them by surprise.

He finally pulled away to gaze into her dazed looking eyes. She was surprised he would do this around anybody. "Now I can leave." He released her, slowly taking a step back towards the door. "I'll call you after the show." They all watched him leave the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Oh my god." Lana whispered, quickly approaching her. "Did that just happen?"

"Are you together now?" Desiree asked nosy like. "This is crazy. Never saw this coming. I mean, we did hear you guys fucking last night but..." She paused, crossing her arms over her chest. Beyoncé slowly turned to face the three women.

"That was hot." Karina spoke while fanning herself. "Y'all should get an award for best kiss. Boy, I'm hot." She continued fanning herself. "I need a cold shower."

"Shut up, Karina." Beyoncé teased. "God, I have no time. I still haven't done my make up."

The following morning (July 12, 2007) - 9:33am

Desiree approached her suite door in a robe. She was awoken by loud knocking. "Who is that?" Karina exited her room, looking around in bewilderment.

"Somebody is knocking like the police." Lana spoke while entering the living room. "Who is it?" The two of them watched Desiree look out of the peep hole.

"It's Justin." She unlocked the door, pulling it open. "Justin...what the hell? Why are you knocking so hard?"

"Where is she?"

"What?" He pushed the door open, looking inside the suite for Beyoncé. When he noticed her leaving her bedroom, he quickly invited himself in. "Justin, what the hell is going on?"

"Justin?" She was confused. She didn't know why he was there. "What happened?" He grabbed her arm, pulling her towards the bedroom. "Justin..." He led her inside the room, slamming the door behind them. She backed away from him, still confused to why he was so angry.

"You're engaged?"


"Jay-Z." Her heart fluttered. "He asked you to marry him?" How did he find out about this? The only people who knew were her and Jay-Z. That was what she thought.

"I...well..." She was speechless.

"Is that why you didn't want to end it with him? Is that why you were so HESITANT yesterday?"

"Justin..." How was she going to say this? He seemed so furious and he didn't look like he would even let her explain herself. "Jay-Z asked me to marry him..."

"And you said yes? Why?!" He raised his voice. Karina, Lana and Desiree stood behind the door eavesdropping on them. "Were you going to tell me this?" He was in tears. He was so hurt and he never thought she would ever hurt him.

"Justin, he asked me. But I said no. I..." She approached him, watching him back away from her. "Justin, I didn't tell you because I didn't agree to marry him."

"So if you didn't agree why are you still seeing him? Why didn't you end it? That's what I would've done." She held her head down, fiddling with her fingers nervously. "You really like him, isn't it? What the hell is going on, Bee? I just...I just saw on the news that you were engaged to him. Now you're telling me you said no. Which one is it?" She felt so bad about this. She never meant for him to find out. "Were you ever gonna tell me?"

"Justin, I didn't tell you because I said no. I don't even know how it got out. He asked me and I told him no. I told him that I wasn't ready."

"So you would've if you were? Even after all we've been through. After I told your father how I felt. How I wanted to marry you. We're both not ready for marriage, right? That IS the reason why we're not together. Right?" She nodded meekly, a tear slowly rolling down her face.

"Justin, you know I only wanna marry you." She ambled towards him. "I told him no because I don't wanna spend my life with him. It's you. I wanna marry you but when I'm ready." She stood in front of him, reaching out to touch his face. "Baby, you know I wouldn't hurt you like that. I don't love him." He looked up to meet her gaze. "I love you. You know that."

"Then end it. Call him and tell him that it's over. I wouldn't feel right taking you out to dinner knowing you're still with this guy. I just...I don't know if I can take it. I thought you betrayed me. We're supposed to marry each other when the time is right. When we're both ready. You know I would put a ring on your finger today."

"You only want me to end it with him because you feel guilty. You won't feel right taking me to dinner if I'm with him. Is that what you're saying?" He laughed faintly. "So after dinner, what do we do? We call them back up and apologize for breaking up with them?"

"I think I'm just gonna be alone for a while. No girlfriends. Just...playmates. And when I'm ready, I will ask for your hand in marriage."

"And what if I'm not ready then?"

"Then I'll keep asking until you are." She chuckled softly. "So do what you have to do to get rid of him. Then afterwards, you can call him back up. Whatever you want. But we're doing this on a clean slate. We both know our dinner date will be in the papers the next day and we don't wanna be seen as cheaters. Now that will probably ruin our reputation."

"Right. Of course. Is this what your publicist told you to do? You gotta love them. Always looking after us. What makes you think Cameron will wanna make it work after seeing pictures of us having dinner together."

"I'll just tell her we went as friends. She knows we're on tour together. And if she doesn't buy it, then screw her. Besides, I told you already. I'm gonna be alone for a while. I have you around if I need some release. So I'm covered in that..." She swung her hand, hitting him on the arm. "Ahaha. What?"

"You're an asshole."

"I know." He wrapped his arms around her, leaning in to kiss her. "But you still love me, right?"

"Mmm hmm." She nodded while untying her robe. She pulled him towards the bed and pushed him, allowing him to fall back on it. "I'm glad you stopped by." He watched her remove the robe, climbing on top of him. "I get so horny in the morning."

"Yeah?" She leaned back in to meet lips with his. "So do I?" He quickly reversed positions, pinning her arms over her head. "You're gonna be my release?" He breathed between her lips.

"Yes." She whimpered softly. "Do whatever you want to me."

"You promise? Whatever I want?" He spoke in her ear, kissing her neck tenderly. "Spread your legs. Let me taste it." She shut her eyes, enjoying his hand caressing her pussy. He slid her panties aside, inserting two fingers inside of her. "Oh...look at that." The way his breath felt on her neck and the sound of his voice was so hot. "Somebody's in the mood."

She whimpered even louder the second he grazed her g-spot. "Oh god. Mmm." She wrapped her arm around his neck, pulling him down to kiss him. "You drive me crazy." She spoke softly while gazing into his eyes. "But I can't get enough of you. Why do I love you so much?"

"I...I don't know. I don't even know why I'm so crazy about you." She shut her eyes tight, feeling a huge explosion throughout her body. She fell back on the bed, arching her back in pleasure. Once again, she was shaking as juices poured out of her.

"Oh...fuck." He met her gaze, a faint chuckle escaping his lips. "Ahaha. What?" He shook his head.

"You just...you make me so hard. You have no idea how sexy you look. How sexy you sound when you climax."

"Yeah?" She reached in between them, unbuttoning his jeans. "I'm tired of waiting. I wanna feel you."

"You will." He grabbed her hand, stopping her in her tracks. "Just be patient." He lifted her arm, pinning it against the bed and over her head. "Just be patient. I promise it'll all be worth it."

"You're such a tease. I want it now." He kissed her cheek, neck and collar bone. "Why are you making me wait?"

"I'm saving the best for last." She once again met lips with his, kissing him deeply. He broke away; her teeth biting down gently on his bottom lip.

"Give it to me." She demanded, wrapping her legs even tighter around him. "Now."

"Be patient. You're so demanding."

"And you're such a tease." He reached in between them, using his hand to unzip his jeans. "Hurry."

"Shut up." He spoke in her ear.

"Make me." She reached in between them to help him pull down his jeans.

"You're being a bad girl." He grabbed her hand, stopping her once again. "Tell me you love me." She lifted her head to kiss him but he pulled away, only teasing her some more. "I wanna hear you say it."

"You know I love you." He bit his lip, enjoying every bit of this.

"How much?" He slid her panties aside, slowly entering the head of his penis into her. But that was all. He wasn't going all the way until he heard her beg some more. "How much do you wanna feel me inside you?" She tried inching down. Even grabbing his waist to pull him further in but he resisted. "I didn't hear you. How bad you want it?"

"Justin..." She trailed her hands up his chest, scratching him with her nails in the process. "Stop torturing me. You know how bad I want it. Please just...give me what I want." He inched a little further in; her walls stretching to accommodate his size. "Justin..." She desperately tried pulling him in some more.

"You love me?"

"Yes." She moaned softly. "I already told you how much I love you. Just give me what I want. Now. I want you to fuck me."

"You do?" She nodded yes. "Okay." She sunk further into her, filling her completely. She whimpered softly, chills shooting up and down her spine. This was what she wanted. What she yearned for. "You're a real asshole."

"I know. Ha-ha." He leaned in, locking lips with hers. "But you still love me, right?"

"I will after this." He laughed in response.

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