The Black Panther (Discontinu...

By creolelady

629K 17.7K 11.1K

You make me the woman, I've always wanted to be. T'Challa x a woman who's an uncanny copy of the storm who o... More

Duchess ( Revamped)
Beginning (Revamped)
Vibranium (Revamped )
Cai Bride ( Revamped)
First Dates (New Chapter)
Mrs. Udaku ( Revamped)
Honeymoon (Revamped)
Behind Closed Doors (Revamped)
Just let go (New Chapter) Pt.1
Just let go (New chapter) pt.2
Not Yours ( Revamped)
Hello Ego (Revamped)
Harper, 2 u ( New chapter)
Homecoming ( Revamped)
The King (New Chapter)
The Press ( Revamped)
King's duty pt.1 (New Chapter)
Sedate Me (New chapter)
Twin Flames ( New Chapter)
The end & beginning ( New Chapter)
Sky Goddess ( New chapter )
Morph ( New Chapter )
Reckless pt.1 ( Revamped)
Lover's Day (New Chapter)
Snap ( New chapter)
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Stages ( New chapter )
Capture me (New chapter)
Reckless pt.2 ( Revamped)
Visions of old ( New chapter)
Thinking ( New chapter )
Ororo's Letter ( New Chapter)
Son of a king pt.1 ( New chapter)
Son of a King pt.2 (New chapter)
Venom Pt. 1 (Revamped)
Venom pt.2 (Revamped)
Harper's Dream ( Revamped)
River (New Chapter)
Interlinked ( New chapter)
Azari ( New chapter)
13 (New chapter)
20 ( Revamped)
Finishline (New Chapter)
Surprise (New chapter)
Naysayers (Revamped!!)
Grace (New chapter)
With a chance of Rain? ( New chapter)

The Dora's ( Revamped)

15.3K 451 151
By creolelady

Please listen to music linked with chapter.

Harper POV (Harper is the main POV)

I woke up to find that he wasn't by my side. He left a message to my Kimoyo bead that he had gone out on a mission and would be back in exactly two days. I brush my teeth and finally tackle my new hair. It had only gotten longer which made it even harder to manage. Thankfully I was able to figure it out . I detangled my hair and put it into two long braids against my scalp. Finally getting a sense of direction, I was able to escort myself down to breakfast despite my chamber maids willingness to help.

" Good Morning ", Shuri beamed at the table eating breakfast.

" Good Morning ", I speak to both her and Romanda.

" Is the King alright ? ", I ask.

" He's sleeping in this morning because he stayed up all night watching African soap operas ", Romanda chuckled, sipping coffee from her mug. I start eating and take one of the pills Shuri formulated for me.

" Interesting ", I chuckled.

" We have to go dress shopping soon. The wedding is in exactly 1 week. We must be prepared. I need your help wedding cake tasting today, out of the way and I'd like you to pick out some colors for the venue . I need an idea of what you'd like ", she explained.

" Honestly Romanda, I don't really like mind anything you pick out. I trust you. I don't know too much about weddings but I trust that the wedding won't be ugly ", I laugh.

" She's giving you full creative direction Mother. You'd better take it now ", Shuri teased.

" Well yes but you have to pick out your wedding dress and your cake. Those are the two things I won't be letting you out of. Cake tasting is after dinner tonight and I expect you to be there ", she prompted.

" And you can count me in ", Shuri sung.

" Until then, I've assigned you an assistant though she is apart of the counsel part time. She will help you prepare for your wedding, interviews, and adjusting to the Wakandan court. Her name is Suko. She will be your adviser and she will give you all the information you need in preparation for your crowning to be a princess. I have just called her down so she should be here any minute - right on time. She is here ", Romanda stood up from the table to greet Suko. I stand up to greet her.

" Hello Princess ", she greets me with her hands and a smile. She is seemingly happy to see me, almost excited as one would say. Romanda offers her seat and insist that she join breakfast.

" I was just telling Harper about you. Her first viewing to Wakanda will be in two days, just in time for T'challa to come back ", Romanda sparked up conversation.

" AH yes...the viewing. I remember when you were in the position Romanda. Time flies ", Suko laughed with Romanda, seemingly old friends.

" They will LOVE her, she's absolutely gorgeous and she's educated. She can even speak Xhosa -fluently. Isn't that just the most flattering thing ! ", Romanda beamed.

" I wasn't informed of a viewing ", I interject.

" Not to worry, I will make sure you are ready and fully prepared for it. The viewing is a self reveal to Wakanda. You'll be put in a room with reporters and they will take pictures of you and ask you questions about yourself and your family. This is Wakanda's introduction to you as Royalty. After that, you're second viewing will be after you're crowned princess of Wakanda. You will go on a victory lap through the city with your husband and greet people. It will be a festival thrown for you both, a celebration of sorts. Aren't you excited ? ", Suko smiled warmly at me.

I knew she asked because my face read fear or uncertainty. The uncertainty didn't stem from not wanting to be with T'challa. The uncertainty came from fear of embarrassing myself. I had a big a problem with failure, something instilled into me since I was born.

" Absolutely ", I force a smile back.

" I have some things planned for you today. I am very excited to start. First things first, we have to get you a new wardrobe. Your clothes from Cai are very different from what we wear here. Not to worry, we will fix that right away. I'll be sure to have a few clothing racks sent to your room, and you'll just pick out whatever you like. That should take about 1-2 hours and then we can get on with our other plans. Are you ready ? ", she

" Of course. I'll see you at Dinner ", I say goodbye to Shuri and Romanda, leaving them at the dining table. Suko and I go to the room that T'challa and I were sharing. It was so strange to call it " Our " room. I knew that one day it would feel right. I knew one day that term " our room " would come naturally to me.

" So, what does your personal style consists of ? What do you wear ", she scrolled through dress options on her Kimoyo bead.

" Well when I'm around my house I really like comfortable things that are easy to take off. I come from Cai, and it's mostly dessert there so I don't like anything too heavy unless the occasion calls for it. So that's short (cloth or jean), tank tops, crop tops, sandals, or thin summer dresses. Wakanda's weather is so moderate now, there isn't a place in Africa this fair all the time. It's the perfect weather, not too hot or cold. So I guess I don't have to change my style that much ", I asses.

" I've already picked ten clothing racks of causal wear for you. Now tell me more about your formal style. What do you like ? ", she pointed her finger at the holographic screen on her bead, ready to basically take my order.

I picked from each style of clothing with a minimum of ten racks. That includes shoe racks, accessory racks and a rack that I never thought I'd have to choose from. Undergarments. These undergarments ranged from matching bra and underwear sets, too something much more scandalous. I looked back at Suko hesitantly but she nodded in approval.

" Not to worry your grace, this is protocol. You are to be a newly wedded woman. You'll need undergarments to match the occasion of consummating the marriage. It's ritual.  ", she encouraged. I turn back around and choose a few skimpy pieces strictly by color. I had no clue what enticed a man like T'challa, but I seemed to work him up on my own just fine.

After picking a couple sets out, she sent the last of the dressing racks out of the room. It was just us now besides for the servants that filled my closet up with all the additional clothes and accessories that I had picked out. I noticed Suko watching my own expression, seemingly amused at my confusion.

" There is something I must talk to you about, though I'm sure your mother already informed you. Now that you are to be an addition to the royal must not fornicate with your Prince until the night of your wedding. Times have changed in Wakanda, but this rule is as old as civilization here began. Your purity is needed for judgement by Bast. You understand this ? ", Suko acknowledged the big elephant in the room.

" A-Absolutely ", I got choked up momentarily but I knew it was coming. She shook her head and went back to scheduling whatever. She left me to gawk at my closet while she set up appointments in advance for me. I was amazed at how much stuff I picked out and also amazed at how much space I still had left.

" We will schedule a shopping trip for you after your event tomorrow . I've noticed that the way you wear your hair is very western. I'll schedule a hair appointment in advanced for your viewing. Here's a magazine with the latest fashions and hairstyles in Wakanda. This will give you some direction in what to wear and how to present yourself here ", she handed me a glossy magazine with a beautiful dark skinned woman in goddess locks covering it.

" Wakandan beauty and what it means ," I read some of the headlines out loud.

" What the Wakandan male likes ", I open up a page, looking around. The servants had left and Suko was just leaving out of the room.

" The Wakandan male asserts himself as the smartest person in the room. He is either the life of the party or the mysterious figure looming around. No matter what, he likes a woman who asserts herself as the most valuable person. She doesn't have to dress flashy for this but she needs to be confident in everything she does ", I read some of the article. This wasn't me and yet T'Challa still looked at me with fascination. Maybe this article was just full of lies to get people to buy it but it did contain valuable information. Apparently the Wakanda male liked a woman who liked to " Dressed to impress ". Updating my wardrobe would certainly help me out in that department.

I was left by myself, giving me a moment to breath. I felt like this was happening all so fast. I had moments of fear every now and then, but then moments of excitement. T'Challa told me that I was free but the bounds of my childhood still coiled around me like a dessert snake. My thoughts were interrupted by a message on my bead. It was a video file, I opened it. Inside revealed a 1st person video footage of him fighting a pirate off the coast of a beach. Somali pirates ran rapid in Cai so it wasn't something I wasn't used to seeing or hearing about. I heard him grunting in the video but truthfully he threw three men with such ease it looked like he was barely struggling. He left a message at the bottom of the screen.

" Is it weird that I'm thinking about our kiss last night instead of the group of men attacking me ? You're throwing me off my game Entle "

It was amazing how he had time to record and caption a video as if fighting bad guys was just another walk in the park for him. He must have been incredibly skilled to pull that off. I couldn't lie and say that it didn't excite me. Everything about him, every possibility excited me.

" Please do not get hurt " I message back.

" Never Entle, I must make it back to you. We never finished volume II. I'll be seeing you "

One thing that threw me off about T'challa was his emotions. He wasn't afraid to show how he felt or let his feelings be known. It was intense sometimes, especially for an easily flustered girl as myself. I pushed those thought aside going about my day. I spent the day in my room mostly. After lunch Shuri wanted to introduce me to some of the Dora's.

" Hello ", I enter the room and the women stand from their seats and wait for me to sit down until they do. This must have been the training room for them, which made sense because they all seemed to go to one place during the night. I looked up the see another floor to the training room where I assumed their sleeping chambers were.

" I'd like to formally introduce myself. My name is Harper. I always see you all around and I couldn't go any longer without knowing your names ", I smile warmly at some of them.

" Well, you've already met me. I am Ayo, that is Okoye, Kenya, Pheme, Oya, Shaka, Akeyo, Akia, Deka, and Pulika ", she pointed to each woman and they vaguely waved.

" And I believe you've met Nakia, she's mostly a war dog but when she comes back she does Dora and Local spy work in surrounding areas. She helps with the less fortunate a lot ", Okoye mentioned the missing face in the room.

" Well I'm happy to meet you all. It empowers me to know that such strong women guard the throne. Wakanda treats women so wonderfully, I've always loved their stance on equality. It's not quite like that in Cai ", I respond to the room.

" Yes we've never put women on the back burner here in Wakanda . It's equal opportunities for everyone here, which raises strong kids ", Okoye smiles at me now, and I noticed the tension in the room die down. 

" Wow, exactly did the Dora Milage become to be ? I've been taught about Wakandan history but I never heard about the formation of the Dora's. Does anyone know ? ", I spark up more conversation.

" Well that's a very long story ", Pheme, one of the Dora's spoke up.

" Well, as you know, we are body guards. We function like the secret service. Each woman in the Dora Milaje is recruited from every tribe in Wakanda. In addition with our protective function, we are also a pool of superior Wakandan women. In ancient tribal tradition, the Dora Milaje women in the past were assembled as potential queens for an unmarried king, maintaining the peace in Wakanda by ensuring that every tribe has the opportunity to put forward one of their daughters for the crown. Dora Milaje traditionally speak only in the Hausa dialect, and only to the king or each other. Of course we talk to everyone but back there things were a lot more uptight.The practice of employing Dora Milaje was discontinued until recent years. We are no longer recruiting more women and we no longer are the Kings potential queens. It's VERY hard to get in and we've gone through extensive hours of physical training to get to this point. We almost NEVER lose which is something we take pride in ", Okoye spoke proudly of her crew. She was the general after all.

" Sounds like it's easier today than it was before. So even the potential queens would still fight ? And train. Like a requirement ?  ", I questioned.

" Yes! ", Ayo beamed.

" Well I can tell you do your jobs well. Such great role models for young girls. When I integrate Wakanda culture with Cai, you ladies will inspire a lot of people ", I ensure.

" We love children ", Kenya blurts from across the table. The women nod in agreement.

" The younger generation always seems to get the best of what we have don't they ? Had I known about the Dora milaje growing up like I do today, I would never want to become a princess. I'd want to be a Dora or a warrior ", I chuckle.

" You spoil us with your compliments your grace. Please tell us about Cai. It is so different from Wakanda. We'd love to know ", Ayo insists.

" Well, in the 1930's the Italians invaded Cai just like they did Ethiopia. Unlike Ethiopia, we didn't win at all and they occupied our home for years. That's why so many of us have these distinguished looks. We resembled Eritrean, Somali, and Ethiopian people but there's minor things that set us apart from the three. Our skin tones usually consist of copper colors or very dark brown. Our eyes are more amber than they are dark brown. Our language and food also sets us apart we well. I've always found our food rather strange because of the Italian influence the foods merged ", I explain.

" So basically, the white man came and colonized your livelyhood and changed up your faces by mating with every moving thing in sight ? ", Oyo questioned.

" That about sums it up ", I laughed along with the table.

I continued.

" I wouldn't exactly say...mate though. It was more like a Christopher Colombus move ", I winced. None of the women really knew what I meant, since Christopher Columbus was more American history. I read about him in the library once before coming here.

After a few hours of talking to the women for a bit, Shuri and I headed down for dinner. Tonight it was just the King and Queen. T'Chaka greeted me and asked me how my stay was so far. He always seemed concerned with how I was enjoying myself and that made me feel very comfortable. Cake tasting went well. I chose between 10 cake flavors and I chose three. One for the main cake and two for the crowd that didn't like the main cake option. I of course asked T what he liked, and he said he wasn't picky. Once that was done, I went to bed.

The day after that was spent in my room trying on everything I picked out. I didn't socialize much but I texted T'challa when I could which was not often. On the morning or the viewing, I expected him to be there but he wasn't. I checked my Kimoyo bead and he let me know he was behind schedule but would be here before the viewing.

My hair and makeup was done professionally. My hair was twisted individually in sections and pulled up into a bun at the top of my hair. My dress was a long beaded gown with intricate hand sown designs.

I was escorted down to the conference room. I heard the mumbling coming from behind the doors. Many people were inside of the room waiting for T'challa and I. I felt my nerves grow, especially since he wasn't here with me yet. I was way too in my head and I had nobody around that could effectively comfort me. After five minutes I felt an arm around my waist and a bouquet of purple roses appeared in front of my face. I gasp at the vibrancy and glow of them. They almost seemed radioactive or glow in the dark. Nothing like that ever grew in Cai.

T'Challa held them and I grabbed them from his hold smiling at the kind gesture. He looked tired but his eyes held an unyielding warmth to them. His suit was paired with a royal shrug to assert his status. He looked and smelled wonderful. I wanted nothing more in the moment than to kiss him but the double doors leading to the conference room flooded open, revealing us exchanging longed glances at one another. Everyone gasped at the sudden reveal and the cameras started snapping at an alarmingly blinding rate.

" This way ", One of the coordinators for the viewing pulled me towards the center of the room.

" Behold. The Princess to be ", The coordinator yelled over the loud chattering and camera flashes in the room. T'Challa held onto my hand bringing me some comfort but it didn't help in such a hostile environment. I wasn't used to the cameras or attention. My shyness was cut short by Nakia. She stood in the entrance of the room where we previously stood. The envy in her eye nearly cut me. I forgot she was even in the palace with her clear motive to avoid me. I squinted through the cameras to see her eyes leave mine and land on T'Challa before she stormed out.

I finally realized that whatever was happening between us, would be no fairy tale. Whatever was going on or is going on between the two of them had to be settled. Sensing my emotions T'Challa snaps his head to look at me.

" Harper ?  "

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