Dear Evan Hansen one-shots!

De phieflo

45.3K 941 703

Send requests! Mostly fluff. Rated PG-13 because of serious topics (self harm, drugs, suicide, etc.) Mais

Is That My Shirt?
Words Fail AU
If I Could Tell Her
A Day In The Life Of...
He's Dead Because of Me
Tell Me You Love Me
Halloween Headcannons
Stop Pretending You're Okay, Because I Know You Aren't
The Get To Know Me No One Asked For
I Haven't Slept in Four Days
Sick Days
Grilled Cheese
A Potential Surprise For You Guys
First Date
Authors Note
Single Parent
Grocery Shopping
The Past
I Don't Need Your Help!
First Day of School
I Can't Feel My Leg
Extended Family
Horror Movies
Imaginary Friend
Wedding (10k shot)
Love Ain't
Adoption (2)
authors note
New Baby
Chilltober 1: Fire
Chilltober 2: Wind
Chilltober 3: Blankets
Chilltober 4: Freeze
Chilltober 5: Overgrown
Chilltober 6: Apple
Chilltober 7: Leaves
Chilltober 8: Nightmares
Chilltober 9: Candles
Chilltober 10: Swing
Chilltober 11: Tea
Chilltober 12: Harvest
Chilltober 13: Baking
Chilltober 14: Thanksgiving
Chilltober 15: Costume
Chilltober 16: Quiet
Chilltober 17: Snow
Chilltober 18: Dizzy
Chilltober 19: Sleep
Chilltober 20: Mitts
Chilltober 21: Rain
Chilltober 22: Hallucination
Chilltober 23: Moon
Chilltober 24: Cookies
Chilltober 25: Blood
Chilltober 26: Scared
Chilltober 27: Party
Chilltober 28: Pumpkins
Chilltober 29: Trees
Chilltober 30: Carve
Chilltober 31: Halloween
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chilltober 1: teeth
Chilltober 2: rodent
Chilltober 3: stars
Chilltober 4: antique
Chilltober 5: ride
Chilltober 6: kite
Chilltober 7: fort
Chilltober 8: fog
Chilltober 9: football
Chilltober 10: harvest
Chilltober 11: filling
Chilltober 12: thanksgiving
Chilltober 13: costume
Chilltober 14: sleep
Chilltober 15: hide
Chilltober 16: snow
Chilltober 17: nature
Chilltober 18: maze
Chilltober 19: bobbing
Chilltober 20: fire
Chilltober 21: pick
Chilltober 22: scarecrow
Chilltober 23: haunted
Chilltober 24: party
Chilltober 25: picture
Chilltober 26: rip
Chilltober 27: patch

See You Again

985 12 9
De phieflo

"Okay sweetheart, I'm gonna give you this carpet. And you're going to walk up all those stairs and my friend Amy is gonna help you out okay?" Zoe said.

The little girl in front of her nodded and Zoe finished rolling the carpet up and she passed it to her. She ran up the stairs and Zoe stuffed her freezing hands into her pockets. She looked up to the top of the slide and saw Amy point at her wrist. Zoe looked at her watch and groaned.

"It's only 7:30!" She yelled. She saw Amy groan and she laughed.

Their boss had decided to keep the park open in the evenings into November. Zoe would've quit but she needed the money. She watched as the little girl slid down the slide and she smiled.

"Awesome job sweetheart! Now you get one more ride? Do you wanna head back up the stairs?" Zoe asked. The little girl nodded and Zoe took the carpet from her. She quickly rolled it up and handed it back to the little girl. The girl ran up the steps and Zoe turned to the gate where she saw two boys who looked about 9 and 6.

"Hey you guys! Do you have wristbands or tickets?" Zoe asked. Both boys showed her their wristbands and Zoe smiled. She opened the gate and handed both of them a carpet.

"Just head on up those steps and my friend Amy will help you when you get up okay?" Zoe said. Both boys nodded and ran up the steps.

"You're really good at this huh?"

Zoe spun around and saw Evan leaning against the gate. She sighed and started to roll more of the carpets up.

"What are you doing here? We broke up. And that means you don't get to come visit me at work anymore." Zoe said. The boys came sliding down and they ran over to Zoe.

"You guys can head on up again if you want." Zoe said sweetly. Both boys looked at Evan.

"Can we Evan!" The younger of the two asked. Evan nodded and both boys ran up the steps again.

"Who are they?" Zoe asked.

"My step brothers. My dad finally told them about me I guess." Evan said. Zoe looked at him.

"How old are they?" Zoe asked.

"Will is 6 and Jackson is 9." Evan said. Zoe nodded and her boss walked by.

"Hey, we're closing early okay Zo? Cold warning. Start shutting down okay?" He said.

"Okay sounds good John." Zoe said. Both boys came off the slide and held their carpets out.

"Guys, Zoe's closing up. Can you two help her?" Evan asked.

"Can you guys just put your carpets in the bin?" Zoe asked. Both boys did as they were asked and Zoe snapped the lid on.

"Amy! We're closing up!" Zoe yelled. She saw Amy fist bump the air and she came sliding down the slide.

"Thank God! Ooh Zoe, who's this?" Amy asked.

"This is Evan. He's an old friend." Zoe said. Amy smiled.

"I'll take the bin back to the chalet if you take the fire extinguisher and the chair?" Amy asked.

"Sure. Thank you!" Zoe said.

Amy blew her a kiss and picked up the bin. Zoe opened the gate and Amy walked out. Zoe laughed as she heard Amy yelling the words to 'Let It Go' and she turned to Evan.

"Sorry, I've got to start cleaning up. But you're welcome to walk to the chalet with me if you want." Zoe said.

"Sure. Sounds fun." Evan said.

Zoe picked up the fire extinguisher and the folding chair. She carried them to the outside of the gate before she set the down and crouched beside the gate, pulling out the lock from her pocket. She locked the gate and picked up the two items before walking towards the chalet. She pushed the gate open and Will followed her. Evan smiled as Will held the chair while Zoe unlocked the door. He opened the door for her and Zoe smiled.

"Thank you." She said. Will beamed up at her and Zoe set the two items down inside the chalet. Will closed the door and she locked it behind her. Will grabbed her hand and Zoe smiled as her phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and answered it.

"Hello? Oh hi Mom. Yeah. No we're closing up. Cold warning. Wait what? What do you mean you can't? Okay, no they're closing the park for the night. It's 7:45 Mom. I'm not walking home. No, Amy can't give me a ride, her mom has to take her to her brothers hockey game. What about Dad? No it's okay. I'll figure it out. Okay. Love you too. Bye." Zoe hung up and shoved her phone into her pocket.

"Everything okay?" Evan asked. Zoe opened the gate and led Will through before closing it behind her.

"Yeah, my mom just can't come to pick me up so I need to figure out how to get home." Zoe said. She ran a hand through her hair and started walking towards the staff room.

"Zo, I'd be more then happy to drive you home." Evan offered. Zoe shook her head.

"No, I can't ask you to do that." Zoe said.

"You're not asking. I'm offering." Evan said. Zoe smiled and felt her stomach flutter.

"Okay. That'd be great. Let me grab my stuff?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah sure. Take your time. We'll meet you outside okay?" Evan said. Zoe nodded and took off running towards the staff room. She opened the door and saw Amy sitting at the table.

"Hey you." Amy said happily. Zoe smiled and grabbed her bag.

"Hey. You good?" Zoe asked. Amy nodded.

"Just waiting for my mom." Amy said. Zoe nodded.

"Are you in tomorrow?" Zoe asked. Amy nodded.

"Unfortunately. Are you?" Zoe shook her head.

"I don't work Friday's!" Zoe said happily.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" Amy said smiling. Zoe smiled.

"Shut up, you love me." Zoe said smiling. Amy laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I do. Is your cute friend driving you home?" Amy asked.

"You hush. I'll text you details when I get home." Zoe said. Amy smiled.

"Ooh okay. Don't keep me waiting though." Amy said smiling. Zoe laughed.

"You'll be the first to know." Zoe promised. Amy smiled.

"Good! Have fun on your car ride home." Amy said. Zoe laughed and blew her a kiss.

"Have fun working tomorrow." Zoe said. Amy groaned in response and Zoe laughed.

"Love you!" She yelled.

"I love you more Murphy!" Amy yelled back. Zoe blew her a kiss and walked out of the staff room. She walked into the Castle and punched out before walking out the front door.


Zoe met Evan in the parking lot. He had a big smile on his face and Zoe climbed into the front seat.

"I just have to drop the boys off and then I'll get you home." Evan said.

"Okay. I'm not in any rush so you can take your time." Zoe said. Evan smiled.

"How's your family?" He asked. Zoe sighed.

"They're... they're okay. My mother and father still fight a lot." Zoe said.

Evan nodded and went to grab her hand. He would've done that when they were dating. But he didn't. They weren't dating.

"Evan! Can we get ice cream!" Jackson asked.

"Jackson, it's late. Your mom said have you home by 8:30." Evan said.

"Aw Evan! It's only 7:45!" Jackson whined.

"Sorry bud. Maybe I'll take you tomorrow. Besides, I have to drop you two off and get Zoe home." Evan said.

"If you want to take them you can." Zoe said softly.

"I don't want to take them. They should be home soon." Evan whispered. Zoe smiled and Jackson sighed.

"Fiiiiinne! Tomorrow it is then." He said. Evan laughed.

"Jackson. When do you guys go back?" Evan asked.

"Mommy said we fly home on the 19th." Will said. It was the 6th. Zoe smiled.

"The 19th or the 9th?" Evan asked. Will shrugged.

"I'll talk to your mom later." Evan said. Zoe smiled to herself.  She looked in the mirror and saw Will smiling at her.

"Did you and Evan date?" Will asked. Zoe's eyes widened and Evan looked in the mirror.

"Will, that's not appropriate." Evan scolded.

"But Evan! You can't just be friends with someone as pretty as Zoe! You should date her!" Will said.

Zoe looked over at Evan. He looked pale and like he might crash the car.

"So Will, what grade are you in?" Zoe asked, trying to change the subject.

"Grade one!" Will said happily.

"Oh my goodness no way! Are you enjoying it?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah! It's so fun!" Will said.

"Do you have a best friend?" Zoe asked. Will smiled.

"Yeah! Her name is Laura and she's 6 too!" Will said.

"So you have a best friend who's a girl like Evan?" Zoe asked.

"What?" Will asked.

"Well, me and Evan are best friends. Just like you and Laura." Zoe said. Will's jaw dropped.

"You guys are best friends!" He asked happily.

"Yeah of course! Why do you think he took you guys to where I work?" Zoe asked. Evan smiled at her.

"Was it so we could meet you?" Will asked. Zoe smiled.

"Absolutely. He wanted it to be a surprise though." Zoe said. Will smiled.

"It was a fun surprise. You're very fun. And you're really pretty!" Will said. Zoe smiled.

"Thank you Will." Zoe said, blushing. Evan smiled. Zoe worked really well with kids.

"Jackson, what about you?" Zoe asked.

"I'm in grade four." Jackson said.

"Really! I thought you were in grade six!" Zoe said. Jackson smiled.

"Really!" He said excitedly.

"Of course. You're so mature!" Zoe said. Jackson smiled brightly and Evan looked at Zoe before pulling into a driveway.

"Okay you guys, we're here. Say bye to Zoe." Evan said.

"Bye Zoe!" Both boys yelled.

"Bye you guys. It was nice meeting you." Zoe said.

Will climbed into the front seat and hugged Zoe before climbing out of the car.

"I'll just be a minute." Evan said.

"Yeah, take your time." Zoe said. Evan smiled and got out of the car.

"Come on guys." Evan said.

Will and Jackson ran after Evan and Zoe smiled. She watched as a blonde woman came to the door and smiled at Evan. Will turned and waved at Zoe before disappearing into the house. Evan waved at the boys before walking back to the car.

"Okay. Now to your house." Evan said. Zoe smiled.

"If you would rather stay with Will and Jackson, I can figure something out." Zoe said.

"No. I can drive you home Zo. Both boys are probably going to get ready for bed anyway." Evan said. Zoe nodded as Evan pulled out of the driveway.

"I haven't seen you in so long." Evan said. Zoe nodded.

"It's been a while." Zoe commented.

"You look happy." Evan said. Zoe hummed in response.

"Are you okay?" Evan asked.

"Honestly, I don't know." Zoe admitted.

"I used to feel everything. And now? I don't know. I still have feelings, but they're different."

Zoe paused and looked down at her hands.

"It's like I know I'm supposed to feel something, but instead of a punch it's a poke. I've gone numb." Zoe murmured.

"And the worst part? I'm not sure I mind."

Evan looked at her.

"When did this start?" Evan asked. Zoe shrugged.

"A little after we broke up I guess." Zoe said sadly. Evan looked at her and grabbed her hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Evan asked, pulling onto a busier road.

"No. Not really." Zoe said. Evan sighed and Zoe looked at him.

"Zoe. I'm here. If you ever need anything." Evan said. Zoe nodded. The pair drove in silence for about ten minutes before Evan cleared his throat.

"Turn here right?" Evan asked.

"Uh yeah, onto Queen Anne." Zoe said. Evan nodded and turned onto the quiet street.

"You're 1690 right?" Evan asked.

Zoe nodded and Evan pulled into the driveway. He stopped the car and turned the engine off. Zoe looked at him and he smiled. She leaned forward and kissed him. She quickly pulled away and Evan looked at her.

"I'm sorry." Zoe said softly.

Evan grabbed her hand and put one hand on her cheek, gently forcing her to look at him. He kissed her again and Zoe instantly wound her arms around his neck. She had missed this.

Zoe pulled away and looked into Evan's eyes.

"Come inside. My family isn't home." Zoe breathed. Evan nodded and both teenagers got out of the car.

Zoe grabbed Evan's hand. She ran up her front step and Evan kissed her again. She smiled and tried to unlock her front door while kissing him. She eventually got the door and Evan backed her into her house, shutting the heavy front door behind him. Zoe pulled her jacket off and Evan's jacket was the next thing off.

"I love you." Zoe whispered against Evan's lips.

Evan kissed her harder and picked her up. Zoe's legs instantly wound around Evan's waist and she cupped his face in her hands. Evan started walking upstairs and he walked into Zoe's room, shutting the door behind him.

Zoe pulled away gently and looked at him. He gently put her down and Zoe smiled.

"Let me change really quickly?" Zoe asked.

Evan nodded and he sat on her bed. Zoe pulled off her shirt and walked towards her closet. She found a larger long sleeved shirt and pulled it over her head. She grabbed a pair of sweatpants and walked into her en suite.

Zoe looked in the mirror and smiled. Her lips were swollen from kissing Evan and her hair was a bit messy. She smiled and pulled her sweatpants on.

She walked back into her bedroom and sat beside Evan. He pulled her into his lap and kissed her again. She smiled as he ran a hand through her hair.

"I love you." Evan whispered. Zoe smiled as he kissed her.

"I love you too." Zoe whispered against his lips.

Evan kissed her again and Zoe smiled as her fingers went to the hem of his shirt. He smiled and looked at her before pulling his shirt off. She smiled and kissed him again.

"I'm really happy that we get to do this again." Evan mumbled against her lips. Zoe smiled and kissed him.

"I am too. Now come on, my parents don't get home for another hour." Zoe said. Evan laughed and pinned her to the bed.

"I love you." Evan whispered. Zoe smiled and pulled her shirt off smiling.

"I love you too." She said. Evan smiled and Zoe kissed him, being internally relieved that her door was already closed.


Okay! So I've got the first 6 days of December done for my Christmas one shots. And there are two things quickly:

1) should I publish the one shots here, or as a separate book?


2) I was talking about this with my friend the other day and I know that the Murphy's and Evan are Jewish and that they don't celebrate Christmas but I thought this would be something interesting to try. I'm not trying to belittle (is that the right word?) the Jewish faith, I just had this idea and I think it would be cool to try out. So if I offend anyone by writing about Christmas instead of Hanukah then I'm just going to apologize right now because it's not my intention to offend anyone, I'm just interested in giving this a try.

So if you guys could answer number one (whether or not I should make it it's own book or not) that would be great! Thank you so so much!


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