Eternal Fantasies 2: Rise of...

By ArwinChua

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Twenty three years had passed since the Holy War came to a halt. Peace had reign once again and people enjoye... More

Prologue: The Dark Angel, Angelica
Chapter 1: The Holy Conference
Chapter 2: Angelica's Lonely Sorrow
Chapter 3: Mutual Feelings of Solitude
Chapter 4: The Devastation
Chapter 5: The Prophecy
Chapter 6: Tyron, the Demonic Savior
Chapter 7: Unexplainable Feelings
Chapter 8: The Emergence of a Hero
Chapter 9: Angelica VS Flugelmina
Chapter 10: The Celebration
Chapter 11: Warm and Positive Inclinations
Chapter 12: Passions
Chapter 13: Steamy Moments
Chapter 14: Start of Tyron's Life on Shadow Realm
Chapter 15: Words from a War Veteran
Chapter 16: A Warrior's Pride
Chapter 17: Angelica's First Sign of Love
Chapter 18: Tyron's Eternal Fantasy
Chapter 19: The Tale of a Demon and Angel
Chapter 20: Artesia, The Unbridled Angel of Darkness
Chapter 21: Entering the Shadow Dungeon
Chapter 22: The Formation of The Shadow Circle
Chapter 23: Passion of an Angel and the Passing of a Demon
Chapter 24: Tyron, the White Flame of the Heavens
Chapter 25: Warmth of a Gentle Kiss
Chapter 26: Tasting the Heavenly Meal
Chapter 27: Ouroboros, the Dragon of Destruction
Chapter 28: Villamore Royal Mansion
Chapter 29: The Jaegers NPC Squad 44's Flight
Chapter 30: The Moon Lovers
Chapter 31: A Death God's Passionate Concern
Chapter 32: Squad 44's Ideal Little Sister, Gellie
Chapter 33: A Clash of Two Demigods
Chapter 34: New Family Members
Chapter 35: The Four Heroes' Reunion
Chapter 36: Tortured Souls
Chapter 37: Final Banquet
Chapter 38: A Night of Memories
Chapter 39: The Final Trial
Chapter 40: The Flames of Heaven VS The Holy YinYang Thunders
Chapter 41: The Furious Black and White Thunders
Chapter 42: The Return of the Seven Heroes
Chapter 43: The Final Preparation for the Holy War
Chapter 44: The Quadra Ultimatum Combinations
Chapter 45: The Golden Angel
Chapter 46: A Father's Unconditional Love
Chapter 47: Bahamut, the Crusher of Dreams and Hopes
Chapter 48: Angelica, the Draconic Purple Thunder of Heaven
Chapter 49: The Hero of Light against the Villain of Darkness
Final Chapter: One Happy and Loving Family

Chapter 50: The Final Stage: Rise of the Super Demigod

38 1 0
By ArwinChua

Tyron POV

As soon as I fell, King Ranseim and Queen Yuki faced Bahamut.

"You won't lay another hand on him.", said Ms. Yuki as she flared up.

"You will go over our dead bodies first!", Lord Ranseim turned to Light Angel and surged up with even more powerful white thunders than I did.

I am now losing consciousness but I saw the three of them fight savagely just before.. Flugel fetched my body.

She gasped as she saw my pitiful state and flew swiftly downwards.

Soon I opened my eyes and saw Angelica and Flugel beside me. Flugel was healing my body and Angelica were ranting some bad words that I couldn't hear much as my ears are damaged by the sound of the explosion earlier.

"You dummy!", shouted Angelica while holding my hand. "You made me so worried!"

"Hold on a bit, Tyron.", said Flugel as she is doing her best to heal me AGAIN.

"I am.. sorry, Flugel.", I mumbled. "I always make myself a.. burden to you."

I slowly looked at Angelica, "And Angelica.. I am sorry.. I make you worry all the.. time."


What she just said made me snicker and I settled down as Flugel heals me.

Above us we can hear so many heavenly warriors taking on Bahamut just to hold him back from killing me because only Artesia, the sword that I and my Mother forged together.. can possibly bring him down. Even Queen Cheska who were so tired from healing Master David and Ms. Mina as well came to help on holding Bahamut up.

Powerful blasts and explosions were heard as they battle altogether against him.

Angelica stood up and activated her dark wings, "I just can't stand here and do nothing. I am helping them."

"DON'T!", I shouted then I coughed blood.

"I have to do this, Tyron.", she summoned her spears and hovered above. "We will all buy you time to recover! Remember I love you!"

"ANGELICA!", I shouted but she went on ahead the skies were filled once again with purple thunders.

"Damn it."

"Don't worry.. she will be fine.", said Flugel as she is too focused on healing me. "Tyron, this is not just your battle. This is everyone's war. That is why we all can't just be idle and watch you battle alone. We are family, right?"

What she just said made all hairs on my body stood on their end.

"Families never abandon even one of their comrades.", said Flugel as she grunted and her healing magic became more powerful. "We are all doing our best for you, Tyron. So don't lose hope just yet! I said we are always on your back and we will always be."

At that moment Flugel made me cry and smile like an idiot.

But as we watched the war, we gasped as we saw Bahamut suddenly overpowering everyone, even Zeus!

"This is bad.", said Flugel in panic. "THEY ARE ALL IN SERIOUS TROUBLE!"

"Urgh.", I tried to stand up but my body just won't listen.

"AAAAAAH!!", we heard Ms. Yuki scream in pain as Bahamut slashed her!

"NOO! MOOOM!!", shouted Flugel as we watch Ms. Yuki being severely wounded!

"Damn.. it!!", I struggled to make my body move but then again I failed.

"AAARRRRGHHH!!", this time it was Lord Ranseim who was impaled as he tried to protect Ms. Yuki from more damage!

I can feel Flugel's power escalating at such level. She is eager to help out her parents!

"Go and help them out, Flu..gel.", I said.

"B-But how about you?!"

"I am fine! You did the first aid on my body and restored my mana so I can take care of the rest for myself to heal up.", I replied.

Flugel wiped out her tears and activated her wings, "Forgive me for this, Tyron! I am worried for my parents!"

"Go.", I smiled at her with hardship. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME!"

She cried, nodded, and flew off to join the battle.

"Fuck.", I grunted as I finally made my body sit up and watched the ongoing war.

I gasped and shouted as I saw some warriors getting killed as they fight.


Even the Squad 44 who was willing to risk their lives were helplessly fighting and soon their aircraft were blasted.

"Noooo!!", I shouted and cried bitterly.

Soon Flugel finally came to the scene and successfully covered her parents who were on the verge of death.

Angelica is fighting with half of her powers restored and couldn't bring Bahamut down with what she did earlier.

Even Ms. Cheska couldn't fight properly anymore as her mana is drained from keeping Master David's spirit leave his body.

I looked at Master David who were getting up right now.

"MASTER!", I forced myself to go closer to him.

"Tyron..", he weakly smiled at me as he activated his dark wings.

"Master.. don't tell me you.."

Master David struggled to get up and black thunders were produced on the dark skies.

"You did well.. my apprentice.", he said as his black thunders boomed and summoned his dark swords. "You made us all proud of you. Don't think that.. you failed."

I can tell that Master David is forcing himself to fight now just by his sheer willpower despite the fact that he is not in the possible condition to do so!

"Things like these are normal.", he said as he lifted his body on the air. "There are many tests in this world. Tests of strength.. hardships.. courage.. and heart."

We watched as we saw most of the warriors fighting Bahamut is now killed!

"There is so much ahead that we will face, Tyron.", Master David said as he forced himself to level 2 of Dark Angel. "But always remember.. what is important."

We watched Angelica and Flugel courageously fighting Bahamut despite every pain they are experiencing.

Master David flew know to the battlefield along with his dark thunders, "THAT IS TO HAVE THE WILL AND THE DRIVE TO NEVER GIVE UP!!"

And so he joined the battle and I watched in awe as he risked his life protecting others.

But even as he joined the battle..

Bahamut easily brought him down with a powerful attack that made him fall to the ground.

"No! MASTER!!", I was shaking with rage as I watched all these people sacrificing themselves until I recover.

"AAAAAAH!", Flugelmina screamed as she is slashed by Bahamut.

"STOP IT!!", I roared at the top of my lungs. "STOP HURTING MY FAMILY!!!"

Angelica tried to bring up more thunders but she was severely slowed up by her lack of mana and Bahamut STABBED HER!

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!! AAAAAAAARRRRRGHHHHH!!!!!", I shouted as all of my anger reached the top limit and I was outraging around with my white flames.


Angelica POV

As soon as Bahamut stabbed my body, we sensed a very powerful surge of power behind us.

Bahamut took of his sword on my body and I screamed in pain. Bahamut smacked me down and I came crushing to the ground close to where my Dad who valiantly tried to hold  Bahamut despite of  being half-dead.

"D-Dad..", I said as I weakly try to reach out my hand to him.

He is still forcing himself to stand up and smiled at me with hope, "It finally happened! Tyron is unlocking it!"

"Hang in there, Angelica! Tyron is almost finished!", said Ouroboros inside my head as he started healing my wounds.

Bahamut too was motionless as we watched Tyron's outrage.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGHHHHH!!! HAAAAAAAA!!!!!", he was shouting out of extreme rage and his power level is increasing to a point that he is almost close to Dad!

Soon Mom went down between me and Dad and tried to heal both of us at once while she is panting hard. Her mana is almost drained to zero..

Flugel went down too and struggled to be close to her heavily injured parents that were being healed by Aunt Mina.

Even Zeus went down and some Archangels are helping him to recover as he is the only one capable now of holding Bahamut back.

Soon the world started shaking by Tyron's raging powers!

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!", his powers are still increasing as of this moment!

"Damn it.. my Dad and my fianceé are monsters!", I gasped and my parents laughed softly.

"Well. Are you saying something?", said Mom and made us all laugh. She is even more monstrous when she was angered. Well, not by powers but at home.

"ARRGHHHHHHH!!!!!", Tyron's roars are now echoing on every corners of the world and his powers are breaking the planet apart.

"It's now.. good as over.", smiled Dad while panting hard. But he's not yet relaxing as his dark wings are still activated.

"I WILL.. NEVER FORGIVE YOU!!! AAAAAAAAARRRRRGHHH!!!!", shouted Tyron as we are shocked to see his overlarge aura turned GOLD and also his flames!!

"I don't believe it!", said Mom as he all witnessed Tyron's hair turned gold as well as his clothed and weapon.

Dad snickered proudly, "Yeah. If there is a Super Angel, there is a SUPER DEMIGOD, AN ENTITY FAR STRONGER THAN ANYTHING!"

"ARRRRRGHHHHHH!!! I WILL KILL YOU! I WON'T WATCH YOU KILL MY FAMILY ANYMORE!!!!!", the world is almost torn to shreds now and every continent is floating!

A hurricane of gold flames scorched the whole world.

"Tyron..", I blushed as saw him being so cool as he appeared so cool with his spiky gold hair and gold aura surrounded with gold flames.

"GRRRRR!!", he grunted and
four gold wings sprouted from his back.

"And here comes the final stage, Bahamut. Kukuku.", snickered Dad as we watched Bahamut shaking from fear as Tyron is now hovering closer to him.

"I CAN NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR EVERY SINGLE THING YOU HAD DONE.", he said with a cool aloof voice and Bahamut is just silently watching in awe.

My boyfriend.. is a SUPER DEMIGOD!

Tyron roared and slashed Bahamut in half in a flash!

"ARRRRGH!", shouted Bahamut in pain.

"You-", he was surprised to see Tyron suddenly in front of him with a speed of a God!

Bahamut gasped and were flying away slowly.

"Your time has come.", Tyron's voice sounded like a complete God over this storm of gold flames. He raised his sword on the skies. "DIVINE SWORD OF JUDGMENT!!"

We all shouted as all those powerful golden flames scorching the world gathered around his sword.

Soon those flames soon formed into a giant sword that can slash even a Sun!

"You've inflicted so much pain and death.", said Tyron as we heard his flames roaring. "And now.. IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO RECEIVE ALL THE RIGHTFUL PUNISHMENT YOU DESERVE!"

Bahamut roared and slashed Tyron but we gasped to see his sword BROKE  INTO PIECES!

Soon all of us can literally see the Great Bahamut shake in fear.

"We could have had a happy family.", said Tyron as we saw his eyes of pure white unlike Dad of pure black crying."I could have protected you too and fight for you like what Angelica and Flugel did. But you are the complete epitome of darkness that plagues the universe. That is why I can't let you live anymore."

Bahamut desperately called out for more power but failed. Soon he shouted as Tyron aligned his giant sword to his right, ready to slash.

"EVERYONE! GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!", yelled my Dad and with all our best, we ensured that every warrior is now far from earth. Soon we settled at the Moon and watched the whole world breaking apart and the sword of Tyron that almost has an unlimited length.

"Go and finish him now.. Tyron.. and Artesia.", I cried and smiled.

"Goodbye, Father.", echoed Tyron's voice. The golden sword shifted. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

Tyron slashed Bahamut along with the planet!

"ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHH! NOOOOOOO!!!", shouted Bahamut as every cell in his body was burned.


The planet completely exploded now and it took all our remaining mana just to stay in place.


We saw Tyron  floating on space and raised his sword, "WE DID IT! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!"

We all shouted out of happiness and went wild on Moon.

"Good work.", smiled Zeus as he floated and stretched out his hand.

Tyron, still on Super Demigod form shook hands with him happily.

Dad and Mr. Ranseim floated beside him and smiled. No more words must be uttered. They are proud of him.

And then..

I came flying towards him and hugged him. I was crying hard to know that is is finally over, "Oh Tyron.."

Tyron hugged me back and reverted to his normal form, "I am sorry Angelica. I made you worry. Its over now.."

Soon he sagged on my body and fell asleep. He must be completely drained from using that transformation and for all the battle he had.

I smiled and carried him on my back.

You did it Tyron.. You made everyone proud.. especially me, as your future wife. I really, really love you.

Thank you for protecting our future!

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