Famous | j.b


59K 2.2K 184

JUSTIN BIEBER. Bad boy and pop star who every woman obsesses over. Everyone but her. But the more she pushes... Еще

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four

twenty five

1.4K 57 3

avalyn sparrow

The curtains were open, allowing a ray of sunshine to enter the bedroom. A breeze captured the air and when attempting to pull the blankets further up my body, I was stopped by a large weight holding me down. Turning my head over my shoulder, I took in Justin holding me against his chest as he slept.

Justin is a heavy sleeper. I don't think an earthquake could wake him. He claims to hate cuddles which is fine because I've never been fond of them either. But every time I wake up, it's in his arms.

I turned my body, pressing mine against his as I softly kissed his face. Even in his sleep he looks like some dangerous being and I love knowing he's far from dangerous but instead a loving, cuddling teddy bear. He's the most nurturing man I've ever encountered and can't imagine not seeing him everyday. I don't have to imagine that because I've gone through it and I hated it. I was scared back then. Really scared to admit how much I liked him and felt it to be easier if I ended things there and then before he could seriously hurt me, but it was too late.

My fingers trailed the tattoos covering his arms and chest. He's got a lot of separate art, but it all pieces together to look like one work of art. I want to remember every bit of ink on his body and maybe one day get something of my own. I've always wanted a tattoo but never know what to get. I'm also scared. Deep down I'm a pussy.

Justin's eyes shot open with his body remaining still like it hadn't fully processed he was awake. Instead of speaking, he kissed me. Rough and possessive like he was trying to steal something from me. Laying me on my back, he came over my body to spread my legs. My mind was on cloud nine, thinking of doing this everyday with him in a different country. He wants to show me the world.

My nails got a hold of his shoulders when he pushed himself into me. A noise deep in his throat was sounded but masked by my mouth. His thrusts were anything but slow and soft. He was drilling into me in search for something and I let him do it because it felt good.

I hate admitting how good it feels when he's rough with me. But I enjoy it because I know he isn't seeking to cause me pain, but only pleasure. I used to be disgusted with myself for enjoying sex with Justin. I thought me accepting sex with Justin meant being okay with the way Seth treated me. That's not true. I've learned I'm allowed to pick who pleasures me and who doesn't. Seth brings me no pleasure and he never will.

"Can you come for me, baby?" Justin whispered as his lips went to my jaw then my neck where he took his time kissing. Bringing my head back, my nails went along the skin of his back when my orgasm shot through me. "Good girl." I didn't know I was one to have a praise kink but fuck. Hearing that made me wanna explode.

I felt him expand in me before his cum filled my body with his groan. He pulled out and before any of him could seep out of me he plugged me with his thumb.

"I like filling you with me, knowing you're mine and walking around with me in you." It came out as more of a growl and it made me move my hips to bring his thumb further into me. He smirked, taking it out and getting out of the bed. Just when I thought he was about to leave, he picked me up for me to wrap around him.

Carrying us to the bathroom, he turned the shower on and waited for it to heat before stepping inside. Stepping down onto my feet, I let the warm water pour down my body.

"I wanna do this with you every morning and night, Ava," Justin lathered my loofah then ran it along my back. Last night I did anything but think about leaving with him. But knowing how badly he wants me to join him makes me want to go just as much as him.

I turned around to face him as my hands rested on his chest. He leaned down to softly kiss my lips. "Will you help me pack up my apartment?" I muttered onto the kiss. He smiled.

"We have two weeks. I'm sure that's enough time," he shared and I nodded, wrapping my arm around his neck to hug him. He was hugging me back like he desperately didn't want to let me go.


Time went by faster than I would've liked it to. But today was the day Justin and I were leaving. I didn't expect for it to be as difficult as it was. Saying goodbye to Elena was hard. I wished I could pack her in my suitcase and bring her with me because I've never done anything without her. This was a whole life jump I was doing alone and it was frightening. But Justin is also my best friend and this is only a new chapter.

As for my parents, I never bothered saying bye. My mother has been contacting me but I haven't bothered to respond to her voicemails. Now that she's seen Justin and I are dating, she assumes I have money and that's the only thing she's concerned about.

Both Justin and Elena helped me pack up my apartment. I sold most of my furniture and packed only clothes I knew I would need. Justin said we could go shopping in LA since that was our first stop for the tour. Just like before, my apartment was empty. I broke my lease, meaning whenever I come back I would have to apartment hunt again. That's a thought and concern for when I get back.

"Avalyn, we gotta go baby," Justin interrupted Elena and I's prolonging hug.

"Kick rocks, Justin!" Elena and I yelled at the same time. He rolled his eyes, walking into the jet. She drove with us all the way to the airport and would be taking a ride back home on her own.

"I'll call you everyday, I promise," I wiped her tears that couldn't stop falling. I couldn't cry because I was happy and excited. It's Justin's tour, but I would be joining him. That's exciting.

"The day you forget to call is the day I'm going to assume Justin kidnapped you and sold you," Elena joked and I smiled kissing her nose. "Have fun," she waved at me as I slowly backed away. With a forced and painful smile, I walked into the jet and had the doors shut behind me.

"I thought you'd change your mind," Justin joked as I sat beside him. When he didn't see me laughing, he got concerned. "You're not having second doubts are you?"

"No," I sounded unconfident but I meant what I said. "I'm just nervous. I've never done something like this before," I spoke as he reached for my hand.

"Well I know you'll have a great time. Do you trust me?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck out of here. Of course I trust you. Don't make me say it aloud."

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