Dear Evan Hansen one-shots!

By phieflo

45.3K 941 703

Send requests! Mostly fluff. Rated PG-13 because of serious topics (self harm, drugs, suicide, etc.) More

Words Fail AU
If I Could Tell Her
A Day In The Life Of...
He's Dead Because of Me
Tell Me You Love Me
Halloween Headcannons
Stop Pretending You're Okay, Because I Know You Aren't
The Get To Know Me No One Asked For
I Haven't Slept in Four Days
Sick Days
Grilled Cheese
A Potential Surprise For You Guys
See You Again
First Date
Authors Note
Single Parent
Grocery Shopping
The Past
I Don't Need Your Help!
First Day of School
I Can't Feel My Leg
Extended Family
Horror Movies
Imaginary Friend
Wedding (10k shot)
Love Ain't
Adoption (2)
authors note
New Baby
Chilltober 1: Fire
Chilltober 2: Wind
Chilltober 3: Blankets
Chilltober 4: Freeze
Chilltober 5: Overgrown
Chilltober 6: Apple
Chilltober 7: Leaves
Chilltober 8: Nightmares
Chilltober 9: Candles
Chilltober 10: Swing
Chilltober 11: Tea
Chilltober 12: Harvest
Chilltober 13: Baking
Chilltober 14: Thanksgiving
Chilltober 15: Costume
Chilltober 16: Quiet
Chilltober 17: Snow
Chilltober 18: Dizzy
Chilltober 19: Sleep
Chilltober 20: Mitts
Chilltober 21: Rain
Chilltober 22: Hallucination
Chilltober 23: Moon
Chilltober 24: Cookies
Chilltober 25: Blood
Chilltober 26: Scared
Chilltober 27: Party
Chilltober 28: Pumpkins
Chilltober 29: Trees
Chilltober 30: Carve
Chilltober 31: Halloween
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chilltober 1: teeth
Chilltober 2: rodent
Chilltober 3: stars
Chilltober 4: antique
Chilltober 5: ride
Chilltober 6: kite
Chilltober 7: fort
Chilltober 8: fog
Chilltober 9: football
Chilltober 10: harvest
Chilltober 11: filling
Chilltober 12: thanksgiving
Chilltober 13: costume
Chilltober 14: sleep
Chilltober 15: hide
Chilltober 16: snow
Chilltober 17: nature
Chilltober 18: maze
Chilltober 19: bobbing
Chilltober 20: fire
Chilltober 21: pick
Chilltober 22: scarecrow
Chilltober 23: haunted
Chilltober 24: party
Chilltober 25: picture
Chilltober 26: rip
Chilltober 27: patch

Is That My Shirt?

2.6K 32 64
By phieflo

*In this oneshot, Evan doesn't have anxiety*

"Zoe Murphy! If you are not ready in 2 minutes you will be late!"

Zoe opened her eyes and looked at her phone.

"Oh my God!" She yelled. It was 7:45. Her first class was in 10 minutes and it was at least a 5 minute drive to her school. She jumped out of bed and ran downstairs in Evan's hoodie and a pair of leggings, which happened to be her pyjamas. She skidded into the kitchen and collided with her brother.

"Ah Connor! Move!" Zoe said loudly.

"Zoe's gonna be laaaaaateee!" Connor sang. Zoe looked in the fridge and smiled. Evan had made her lunch yesterday after school.

"It's easier if you do it the day before." He had said.

Zoe threw her lunch bag over with her backpack and ran upstairs. She pulled on a pair of black leggings and started digging through her closet. She finally pulled on a blue long sleeve shirt that was too long in the sleeves but she didn't care. She ran into her bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth and hair.

"Zoe Murphy! I'm leaving!" Her mother shouted.

"Give me one second Mom!" Zoe shouted back. She grabbed her phone, earbuds, and charger before sprinting downstairs and grabbing her backpack and lunch bag. She grabbed her shoes and ran barefoot to the car. She climbed in the front seat and let out a sigh of relief. Her mother walked out to the car and handed her a coffee mug and an orange.

"You need to eat breakfast." Her mother said. Zoe put the orange in her lunch bag and put the coffee in the cup holder. She pulled her Toms on and grabbed her coffee.

"Zoe, you look like crap." Connor said from the backseat.

"Shut up!" She said.

"That shirt looks a little big." Connor said, pulling at the fabric.

"Leave it Connor! I'm fine!" Zoe said.

"Connor, leave your sister alone." Their mother said. Connor sat back in his seat and Zoe took a sip of her coffee. The hot drink instantly woke her up and she smiled.

"Okay. So I'm going to be home late and so will your father. I know Zoe is going to Evan's and she can drive with him. Okay. I love you both, make good choices!" Their mother said. Zoe got out of the car and grabbed her backpack and coffee mug. She pulled her phone out and saw 4 missed texts from Evan.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

"I didn't think Zoe Murphy would be late."

"Oh my God, you're coming to school right?"

"Zoe. Where are you? I'm getting worried babe."

"Your boyfriend is desperate." Connor said. Zoe shoved him and put her phone away. She walked through the front door and saw Evan pacing. He made eye contact with her and walked towards her.

"I was so worried when I didn't hear from you." Evan said.

"Well I'm here now aren't I?" Zoe said smiling. She went up onto her tippy toes and kissed Evan.

"Hi." She whispered.

"Is that my shirt?" Evan asked. Zoe looked at him and down at the blue shirt she had on.

"Oh my..." she trailed off.

"It's okay Zoe. It looks way better on you then it did on me." Evan said.

"Don't tell anyone. Especially not my brother!" Zoe said, grabbing the sleeve of the shirt Evan was wearing.

"You look adorable." Evan said. He grabbed the bottom corners of her shirt and pulled her towards him.

"Evan." She said smiling.

"Sorry. I'm just admiring my beautiful, adorable, smart, perfect girlfriend." Evan said, he continued to pull her close. They were now so close that their hips were touching. Zoe was blushing and laughing by now. Evan had wound his arms around her waist and he looked at her.

"Hi." He said. Zoe laughed.

"Hi." She said. Evan kissed her and Zoe smiled. She broke away gently.

"Okay as much fun as this is, I need to go to my locker." Zoe said. Evan smiled and grabbed her hand. They walked to her locker and Zoe quickly opened it. She reached up and grabbed her World Religions textbook and notebook and her biology textbook and notebook.

"Ah World Religions," Evan said. "The most boring subject that this school teaches." He said. Zoe nudged him with her elbow.

"I like it. And Miss Harris really likes me so it's okay." Zoe said. Evan laughed and wrapped his girlfriend into a hug.

"So movie and dinner at my place after school!" Evan said excitedly. Zoe nodded.

"Your mom won't be home will she?" Zoe asked. Evan raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you liked my mom-"

"No of course I do. I just haven't been alone with you in so long." Zoe said. Evan laughed and kissed her.

"My mom will not be there, she has the night shift tonight." Evan said. Zoe smiled as the bell rang.

"Shit." She mumbled. She kissed Evan once more.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you too." Evan replied. She smiled before walking down the hall towards the steps to her class.


"I hate her!" Zoe said. She threw her backpack down at the lunch table that Evan, Jared, and Alana were sitting at and she sat beside Evan and put her head in her hands.

"What's the matter Zoe?" Alana asked.

"I hate her I hate her I hate her!" Zoe said. Evan put a hand on her back and for the first time, Zoe pulled away from any contact.

"Hate who?" Jared asked.

"Miss Harris. She's such a bitch!" Zoe said.

"What happened? Did you deface a bible?" Jared asked.

"No. She is a terrible human." Zoe said, tears welling up in her eyes. She buried her face in her hands and Alana and Jared gave Evan a look.

"Zo, do you want to take a drive? Get your mind off it?" Evan asked gently. Zoe looked up and towards her boyfriend. She smiled gently.

"Yes. I don't need to go to English or Anthropology. Let's go for a drive." Zoe said. She grabbed her backpack and Evan turned to Jared and Alana.

"If any of our teachers ask, Zoe felt super light headed so I took her home." Evan said. Jared nodded and Evan took Zoe's hand and they walked out of the school.


"I'm sorry about lunch today." Zoe said looking at her hands.

"What are you talking about?" Evan asked. Zoe sighed and looked at her boyfriend.

"When you touched me and I pulled away. It wasn't anything you did." Zoe said. Evan looked at her for a quick second before turning back to the road.

"I know Zoe. You were stressed out. I know how you get when you're stressed. You don't like people touching you." Evan said. Zoe turned to him and grabbed his free hand.

"I love you." Zoe said. Evan smiled and glanced at her.

"I know you do. I love you too." Evan said. Zoe smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Where are we?" Zoe asked. Evan smiled and turned onto a dirt road.

"You'll see in a minute." Evan said. Zoe smiled and Evan made a few right turns, followed by a left turn.

"C'mon Evan! Please tell me?" Zoe asked.

"No way José." Evan said. Zoe laughed quietly and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I love you." Zoe said.

"I love you too," Evan said. "I also hope you aren't trying to make me tell you. Because I won't." Evan said. Zoe sighed in irritation.

She always had to know what was going on so that she wouldn't miss out on anything important. Evan always joked and said she had FOMO (fear of missing out) and Zoe agreed with him. She liked having her way and knowing what was happening. And around her parents, that had gotten fairly easy.

"Okay we're almost there." Evan said. He parked the car and got out. Zoe got out and looked around.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"The orchard." Evan said. Zoe's eyes welled up with tears and she turned to Evan.

"You brought me here? But this is your special place." Zoe said. Evan grabbed her hands and pulled her away from the car and into the grass.

"Now it can be special between you and me. It can be only us." Evan said. Zoe smiled and kissed Evan.

"You are the best boyfriend in the world." Zoe said. Evan blushed and smiled.

"I mean I try." He said. Zoe kissed him three times quickly and looked around.

"Evan it's beautiful." Zoe said. Evan smiled and watched as she spun in circles in the grass. She giggled and laid back in the grass.

"I never want to leave." Zoe said. Evan smiled and laid back beside her.

"Okay. We'll get drones to fly us survival materials and we can send our twins to school in our place." Evan joked.

"Okay perfect. I can get behind something like that!" Zoe said happily. Evan grabbed her hand and they looked up at the clouds.

"It's nice out here. It's quiet and peaceful and you can't see anything from the city for miles and miles." Zoe said. Evan smiled.

"Yeah. All you see are the clouds and the trees and the sky." Evan said.

"There's no civilization anywhere near here. And I love it." Zoe said.

"Perfect. Then we can live here. We'll live in the trees and you can wear my shirt every single day." Evan joked. Zoe giggled as he wrapped his arms around her and the two of them started rolling down the grassy hill.

"Okay." Zoe said.

"Then it's settled. Everyday Zoe will wear one of my shirts and we will live in the trees with a steady diet of leaves and breadcrumbs and acorns." Evan said. Zoe smiled and kissed him.

"That sounds perfect." Zoe said. Evan smiled and kissed her.

"I love you." He said. Zoe smiled.

"I love you too." Evan kissed her one more time before sitting up.

"Okay, we should get going. My mom isn't working tonight and if we aren't back by 4 she'll throw a fit." Evan said. Zoe looked at her phone and then at Evan.

"Evan. It's not even 1:30." Zoe said, not getting up.

"I know. There are other places I want to go." Evan said.

"Paper clip museum?" Zoe asked.

"What the hell? No." Evan said. Zoe laughed and sat up.

"Can we stay here for a little longer?" Zoe asked, giving Evan puppy dog eyes.

"Stop it! That's not fair!" Evan said laughing. He pulled Zoe into his arms and she laughed.

"We can stay here for a bit. But I still want to take you other places." Evan said.

"Okay. Can we stay for 15 more minutes and then go?" Zoe asked. Evan kissed the top of her head.

"Yes. We can stay for 15 more minutes." Evan said. Zoe rested her head on his chest and sighed in content.

"I wish I could freeze this moment and just live in it forever." Zoe said.

"You can. It's called a photo." Evan said. Zoe pulled out her phone and turned on the camera. She quickly snapped a photo and smiled.

"I like us." She said. Evan laughed.

"I like us too." He said.


15 minutes passed quickly and soon they were on the road again.

"Where are we going now?" Zoe asked. Evan had a smile on his face and her hand in his.

"It's a surprise. You'll love it though." Evan said. Zoe leaned back in her seat and rolled her window down. The wind blew her hair around and she laughed. She put her feet up on the dash and sighed.

"You look happy." Evan said. Zoe nodded and closed her eyes. The sun was warm on her face and she smiled.

"I am happy. I don't think I've been this happy in a while." Zoe said.

"Don't say things like that." Evan said.

"Like what?" Zoe asked.

"That you haven't been happy in a while. It makes me sad." Evan said. Zoe sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"I don't know. I mean you make me happy. Alana and Jared make me happy, at least, Alana does. But my family. And Connor." Zoe stopped and grabbed Evan's hand.

"Don't worry about me." She said. Evan smiled and kissed her fingers.

"I'm your boyfriend. It's my job to worry about you." Evan said. Zoe smiled.

"I know. But I'm okay." Zoe said. Evan smiled.

"Did I tell you that you look adorable in my shirt?" Evan said. Zoe smiled.

"Good, because you're never getting it back." Zoe said. Evan chuckled and Zoe sighed happily.

"I love you." Zoe said. Evan pulled into a parking lot and stopped the car.

"I love you too. Okay, we're here." Evan said. Zoe got out of the car and looked up.

"Evan, where are we?" She asked.

"The tallest building in Columbus." Evan said. (A/N: all my oneshots are set in Columbus Ohio, because I haven't seen the show so I don't know where it's actually set.)

"What are we doing here?" Zoe asked.

"Trust me Zo, the view from the top is amazing." Evan said. He took her hand and walked into the building. Zoe looked around and then back to Evan.

"Babe, this is a high end office building." Zoe said.

"Faith does not makes things easy, it makes them possible." Evan said, walking towards the receptionists desk. Zoe closely followed and grabbed onto Evan's arm. Evan smiled at the receptionist.

"How can I help you?" The lady behind the desk was short and blonde and was wearing a headset.

"Yeah hi, my mother works on the top floor of this building. I don't have a key card for the elevator but I need to pick something up from her. Is there anyway you could tell security to let me and my girlfriend up? It's very important." Evan said. The receptionist tapped a few buttons on her computer and looked back at Evan.

"Okay, do you want me to call your mother-"

"No, no. She knows I'm coming, I just need a key card for the elevator." Evan said. The receptionist nodded and handed Evan a key card. Evan thanked her and grabbed Zoe's hand. They ducked into the elevator and the doors quietly shut.

"I cannot believe you just did that. You lied to the receptionist!" Zoe said. She had a huge smile on her face and Evan's hand in her own.

"I've done it a million times. I'm surprised that she hasn't figured it out yet." Evan said.

"So what's on the roof?" Zoe asked. Evan kissed her.

"I've already told you. The view is incredible." Evan said. Zoe smiled and the elevator dinged. The doors opened and they ducked around a group of business men and women and Zoe giggled softly.

"Okay, there should be a door... found it!" Evan said. He opened the door and took Zoe's hand. The two of them ran up the stairs and Evan opened the door at the top. a blast of wind hit Zoe and she gasped. Her hair blew back and she started laughing.

"Evan!" Zoe said happily. Evan took her hands and led her out of the doorway and she gasped.

"It's so beautiful." She breathed.

"It's okay. You're so beautiful." Evan said. Zoe blushed and looked over the edge of the building.

"You can see the entire city from up here!" Zoe said. Evan looked at her. She had the biggest smile on her face and Evan smiled. Zoe looked at him.

"You know what." Zoe said.

"What baby?" Evan asked, wrapping her in his arms.

"I think that if this is what happens when I oversleep and end up wearing your shirt to school, then I'm going to do it more often." Zoe said. Evan chuckled and looked over the city.

"I love you." Zoe whispered. Evan looked at her and kissed her forehead. She beamed up at him and he kissed her.

"I love you too."

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