I Will Protect You # 4

By snow302

7.4K 222 180

Elsa and Hiccup defeated Noah and are now recovering from their injuries. One day there's an attack on Berk... More

Tick Tock # 4
Chapter 2: realization
Chapter 4: I don't know you
Chapter 5: decisions
chapter 6: beating heart
Chapter 7: old friends
Chapter 8: web of lies
Chapter 9: I'm sorry
Chapter 10: good bye
Chapter 11: where are you
Chapter 12: new home new friends
Chapter 13: promises
Chapter 14: friends and fights
Chapter 15: not backing down now
Chapter 16: problems that are unsolved
Chapter 17: closer and closer to your fate
Chapter 18: things are not what they seem
Chapter 19: accidents happen
Chapter 20: rules were meant to be broken
Chapter 21: Fear (part 1)
Chapter 22: Fear (part 2)
Chapter 23: not much time left
Chapter 24: Antidote
Chapter 25: not now
Chapter 26: Never let go (Part 1)
Chapter 27: Never let go (Part 2)
Chapter 28: Let her go
Chapter 29: Problems
Chapter 30: power hungry
Chapter 31: Treaties
Chapter 32: Last Time With You
Chapter 33: Control yourself
Chapter 34: Her Broken Heart
Chapter 35: I love U
Chapter 36: When i need you
Chapter 37: Not what it seems
Chapter 38: Trust
Chapter 39: I'm lost
Chapter 40: Pain
Chapter 41: Never letting go
Chapter 42: This isn't happening
Chapter 43: surprises
Chapter 44: Should i know you
Chapter 45: The rumors
Chapter 46: some things are best left alone
Chapter 47: I'm sorry
chapter 48: You were here all along
Chapter 49: Keep trying
Chapter 50: Its so hard to keep fighting
Chapter 51: I'm Yours and Your Mine
Chapter 52: The mistakes we make
Chapter 53: Do you Really Have to Go
Chapter 54: Spit it out already
Chapter 55: Its my fault

Chapter 3: War against my dad

163 6 4
By snow302

Hiccup POV

That night i could tell Elsa was hiding something but what i didn't know. i fell asleep with her in my arms. when i woke up she was still breathing heavily. i get up quietly not trying to wake her up. i walk out of her house and i run into my workshop and start making a heart-shaped necklace for Elsa. and make it into a locket, i draw in our pictures. when i'm done i close it and put it in my pocket, i grab a rose and run back to Elsa's house.

Elsa POV

When i wake up Hiccup isn't there. i get up and put my hair in its normal side braid. i look at myself in the mirror i'm pale. why couldn't it have been a normal arrow i say to myself. "can i come in? i turn around and see Hiccup his hands behind him. "ya i was just getting up" i reply. "close your eyes i have something for you" he says smiling. "okay but it better not be something scary" i say closing my eyes. "you ready? he asks me. "yes" i answer back. "okay open your eyes" he replies. i open my eyes and look at his hands, he holds a necklace in one hand and in the other a rose. "Hiccup you didn't have to make that for me" i say to him. "i made it for you because i love you" he replies. i hold the necklace in my hands, "open it" he says to me. i open it and see our pictures drawn in. i take the rose. "thank you, i don't know what to say" i reply. he wraps his good arm around me. "i knew you would" he says kissing my cheek.

"help me put it on" i say giving it to him and holding up my braid. "there" he says letting go. i look at it. "i love it" i say smiling. he leans in and kisses me.

we both pull back and he holds up the rose. "here i know where to put it" i say, i fill a vase with water and put the rose inside. "there now i'm gonna put it...oh here near the window sill" i say  walking over there. "wait!" he yells looking down at the floor. i look down and see a small white bunny shivering.

"are you okay little guy" i say beding down to touch him. the bunny hops over to my hand and nuzzles it. i pick the poor thing up and cradle it in my arms. "how'd he get here? Hiccup asks as while petting the bunny. "i don't know but he's freezing" i say wrapping a blanket around him. "here hold him i'll get some food and milk for him" i say handing him to Hiccup.

i walk down the stairs and over to the kitchen and pour some milk into a bottle. i grab some carrots and cut them into slices, when accidentally i cut myself. i ignore the pain and carry both of the bowls back to my room. when i come in a see Hiccup cradling the bunny in his arms, the bunny falling asleep. i smile and set the carrots down on the table beside the bed, "here hand him to me" i say still holding the bottle of milk.

he hands him over to me gently not trying to wake him up. i hold him in my arms and put the bottle near his mouth, he soon starts to drink from it. he soon falls asleep. i put him down on the bed, the bunny still wrapped in blankets. "we have to keep him safe i don't want anybody hurting him" i say stroking his fur. "don't worry he'll be fine as long as he's here" replies Hiccup. "you wanna go with me to get some stuff for my dad? he asks me, "sure" i reply getting up.

we walk out the door and start to walk when suddenly a herd of rampaging vikings start chasing people. "Hiccup" i say looking up at him. i know he's thinking what i'm thinking. then i let the words spill out of my mouth. "help the people" we both say in unison.

a man with an axe is about to hit a woman with a child in her hands, i run and get my bow and arrows. i shoot an arrow right above the man's head. he looks at me and comes running after me. i run but its no use the man pins me down, holding on tightly to my wrists. "you'll be a good prize for my leader" he says. suddenly Hiccup shoves him away from me, his grip on my wrists loosens and he lets me go.

"you okay? Hiccup asks me a sword in one hand. "ya just my wrists hurt" i say rubbing my wrists gently. suddenly the same man shoves Hiccup away from me. he falls on the ground on his injured arm.

i run to the man and tap his shoulder, he tries to hit me but i dodge it. i hit him in the face, then i hit him again in his side making him fall. After he falls, i look at Hiccup he's on the ground holding on to his arm. "Hiccup are you okay? i ask him. "watch out! he yells but before i can take notice, someone hits me in the face making me fall. i look up and see my father.

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