Chapter 34: Her Broken Heart

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Hiccup POV

as i say I do, i look over my shoulder i can see Astrid. Betrayal and Broken Heart in her eyes. she's holding in the tears. i look back, "You may now kiss the bride" says my dad. i don't want to kiss Heather but i have to. so we both lean in and we kiss. everyone around us applauds and whistles.

Astrid POV

as i see him kiss her i get dizzy again but its goes away quickly. while Aaron, June, Eret and my mother are not watching i run out of the great hall and don't look back.

i run into the deepest parts of the woods, hoping no one saw me or even heard me. when i finally get tired i stop running. i walk around looking at my surroundings. my dress starts to glow. i lean up against a tree then slump down on the ground.

i don't cry, then that flaming circle that my mother had appeared at on the boat starts to create itself again. and my mother emerges from the flames, she sits down next to me. "Honey are you okay?" she says worriedly. "I just couldn't be there watching him kiss her, i just couldn't" i say looking down.

"its okay come on lets go back i promised you i'd help you" she says soothingly. i get up and walk with her back to the great hall where they're celebrating the "newly wedds".

i sit with Aaron and June Eret is off dancing with someone else. "Astrid come on lets dance maybe that'll cheer you up" he says with food in his mouth. "no i don't dance" i say. "Come on i saw you dance with Hiccup in training" he says extending out his hand. "Fine" i finally say.

we walk to the dance floor. we start dancing to the music. "You got mom's graceful moves" he says giggling never thought i guy would giggle. "so you can dance too" i say. someone taps Aaron's shoulder. "May i ?" says a boy a bit older than me. "Ya sure" says Aaron passing me to the boy. "hi i'm Joe" he says as we dance. "whats your name?" he asks me cheerfully. "Astrid" i reply hesitantly. he looks at me perplexed, "you don't seem very happy" he says looking worried, "no i don't do i" i reply. "its okay i can make you laugh" he says walking up to the stage pulling me with him. and the boy starts to sing.

"All i need is a little love in my life all i need is a little love in the dark a little but i'm hoping it might kick start me and my broken heart"

he sings and dances with me at the same time. until he leans in and kisses me right infront of everyone when he pulls back i notice he has a bottle of liquor in his hand.

i get off the stage, and go sit down with June, Aaron and my mom. "You okay we saw what happened up there" says June. "i think so i'm gonna go wash up" i say getting up.  "i'll go with you" says June winking at Aaron.

June and me walk back to our house, when i get inside i change. "you should've seen Hiccup he was about to hit that guy but his dad stopped him" says June as she washes her hands. "i'm tired i think i'm gonna stay here" says June. "Tell Aaron so he doesn't get worried" she says as she goes upstairs. "okay" i say heading out the door. i run back to the great hall and sit with Aaron and tell him where June is. when the party is done we all head home except me, i get Misty and ride around Berk. when a flash of black, comes out of nowhere. Misty lands in a meadow. "whats wrong girl?" i say patting her head.

then Toothless lands next to Misty. i quickly get on Misty and try and fly away but before i can, Hiccup tugs on my arm. "Astrid" he says gently. i get off Misty and look at him. "what do want Hiccup?" i ask him. "What was that on the stage?!" he says angrily. "what i didn't know he was gonna kiss me plus he pulled me up there!" i snap at him. he gives me look i don't like, "fine if you don't beleive me goodbye" i say getting on my Misty and flying away. But he still keeps following me. "what do you want Hiccup your mad at me aren't you?!" i yell at him.

"i'm not mad i just need to tell you something!" he yells back. "and what is that exactly?" i snap at him. "lets just land" he says switching Toothless's tail. "Fine" i say and follow him. when we both land we both get off our dragons and walk to each other. "so what do want to tell me?" i say giving him a questioning look. "come closer" he says gesturing, "closer" he says it

more slowly now. when i'm finally close enough he plants a kiss on my cheek. i blush. i punch his arm, "ow! what was that for?" he says rubbing his arm. "that was for yelling at me" i say smirking. then i grab a fistful of his shirt and kiss him, "and that was for being so cute" i reply as we pull away. he smiles.

Hiccup POV

when she kisses me, i kiss her back. we end up watching the starry night, this is the girl i fell in love with. when she's finally sleepy i walk her back to her house. After i walk her back to her house i ride Toothless back to mine.

When i open the door, Heather is sitting in a chair. "Hiccup your finally back now, tommorow morning were going to the stupid orphanage then were going shopping i can't wait" she squeals. "You really don't like children, do you?" i say a bit harshly. "Well i don't because they're just brats that ruin your life" she says without even a mark of regret in her voice.

"Well then were going tommorow anyway" i say going up the stairs, she follows me up. "Heather just because were married doesn't mean i love you or even want to sleep with you" i say closing my eyes. "Come on Hiccup just give me a chance" she says undoing her bun, "i'm sorry but i've made up my mind i love Astrid" i say as i drift off to sleep. "Good night" i mumble, and fall asleep.


okay so how was it?




tell me in le comments also i might update again so be ready. thats it for now my dragin riders/ pepitos.


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