Chapter 5: decisions

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Hiccup POV

I walk out the door. i walk to the great hall, when i open the door only Elsa's dad is there. he motions for me to sit down, "hello sir" i say trying to sound nice, even though i'm mad at him for hurting Elsa.

"boy, how much money do you want to leave my daughter alone so i can take her home" he says while his arms are folded. "what i can't leave her, i love her" i say my hands becoming fists. "ever since she introduced you to me i don't trust you, i'm afraid you'll abandon her and she'll do something stupid to herself" he says angrily. "well then i'm sorry but i'm not going to leave her for anything in the world" i say to him.

"if you love her as much as you say, i want you to leave her now!!" he yells at me. "never i love her she loves me and that'll never change" i say getting up. he stands up grabs a fistful of my shirt and punches me in the jaw.

i punch him back, he falls back hitting the ground. "you made a big mistake, you don't know her like i do what she loves what she can do, you don't know a thing about her" i yell at him. "so what i want my is family safe, not being with cowards like you" he says starting to leave. "then see her sing tonight here in the great hall, see how amazing she is see what she can do see who she truly is" i yell at him, he stops and turns around to face me. "fine but you'll have to leave her sooner or later". he says and leaves the room.

Elsa POV

i clean up Hiccup's house then leave. when i walk out the door Hiccup is there his lip bleeding. "what happened to you? did he hit you? i ask him. "i'm fine he hit me, he wanted something" he says looking down. "and what was that something? i ask him worried. "he asked me how much money i wanted to leave you" he says holding my hand. "And what did you say? i ask him afraid. "i said i don't want money.... i want you" he says kissing my cheek.

i smile. i stand on my tippy toes and kiss him. he kisses me back. "ow" he says pulling back. "sorry i forgot about your lip" i say to him. "come on lets go inside, and you can patch me up" he says wrapping and arm around me and pushing the door open.

he sits down, i get a wet towel and gently dab his lip careful not to hurt him. "you ready to sing tonight? he asks me. "kind of i'm nervous" i reply. "don't worry you'll do great" he replies. i smile, "well then i better get going" i say getting up. "wait come here" he says motioning for me to come closer to him. he leans in and kisses me, i kiss him back.

we both pull back. i wave good bye and run to the great hall.

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