Chapter 18: things are not what they seem

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Hiccup POV

when i wake up Elsa isn't laying next to me. i can hear shouts and someone screaming. i dont know who it is but it might be Elsa. i get up, my leg and side sore. i remember what she told me last night. "Hiccup you don't have to risk your life for me" i run outside everyone gathered around something.

i shove my way through since asking nicely isn't an option here with people like this. when i get to the front i see Aaron fighting Dagur, Elsa and June being held back by some of his friends.

i make the night fury call and Toothless comes to me. "hey bud wanna have some fun?" i ask him getting on him. "plasma blast!" i yell. Toothless throws a fireball which hits Dagur. he's flung back and hits a tree, i run to Aaron. "you okay?" i ask him. "ya fine just tuckered out" he says catching his breath. i walk over to where June and Elsa are.

i point to the men, Toothless is about ready to throw another plasma blast. they release both of them, "you guys okay?" i ask them both. "fine just sore" replies June.

"what happened?" i ask them. "Dagur wanted me so Aaron tried to fight him off some of his friends grabbed us and we couldn't break free" replies Elsa. "i'm glad your both okay lets go" i say turning around and getting on Toothless.

"hey Hiccup come over here and face me like a man" yells Dagur. "don't Hiccup" says Elsa touching my shoulder.

Elsa POV

i tell Hiccup to ignore Dagur but Dagur is just trying to annoy him. "Dagur just cut it out or i swear i'll hit you" i say pointing icicles at him. "try to hit me then" he says smirking. i cant hurt anyone i tell myself. i lower the icicles and shoot them at the ground. "see your a coward" he says at me. "grab her!" he yells and his friends grab me. he comes close to me, so close i can hear him breathing. "now you will be my girlfriend, your a prize know one can take there eyes off." he says kissing my cheek.

Hiccup kicks him making him fall. "Hiccup.......its.......okay......i'" i say. oh know not again i tell myself. i can see Hiccup pin Dagur to the ground punching him multiple times. i can feel myself start to collapse, but i can't let Hiccup risk his life for me again i don't want to lose him.

i freeze the men grabbing me and get free. Dagur grabs my injured arm and pulls me with him. "" i say breathing heavily. "maybe i will if you kiss me" he says looking at Hiccup. "no she wont do it" says Hiccup. i know inside i dont want to but if i do it'll only hurt Hiccup. "" i say gesturing for him to come closer.

when he gets close enough i kick him even though my legs burn and slip out of his grasp.  i run to Hiccup, he catches me in his arms.

"i'm sorry" i say softly. he smiles and kisses my forehead. "he deserved that" he says keeping me in his arms. "your gonna get it, both of you" he says pointing at me and Hiccup. i feel something sharp poke me. i turn around and see one of Dagur's friends pointing a sword at my side.

"put it down or you'll regret it" says Hiccup with his own sword in hand. "stop fighting all of you save it for training" says a man separating Dagur from me and Hiccup.

"i'll be your instructor for training my name is Chris now today's lesson is hand to hand combat" he says smiling. "today i'll see how strong you are and your weaknesses, now i have all your names so how about June and Astrid start this off" he says looking around. June touches my shoulder, "i signed you up as Astrid is that okay?" she asks me. "sure i kind of like that name" i reply. we both walk up to the front and get in positions. "ready set go!" he yells. June pins me down to the ground, but i kick her and punch her in the jaw. i try kicking her but she dodges all my kicks. when finally she gives up. "never give up" he says kicking June. "stop it she's just tired" i yell at him.

he walks toward me and whispers in my ear. "be brave little girl"he says teasingly. i help June up, "you did great" i say trying to sound gentle even though i hate being called little girl its a name to me that means weakling. "do you like the name Astrid?" she asks me weakly. "ya i do" i say smiling. she smiles, "knew you would" she says collapsing in Aaron's arms. "next is Astrid and Hiccup" says Chris. i look at Hiccup who is just a few inches away from me. he starts walking to the front, i follow. we stand now face to face, "ready set go!" yells Chris. i try and kick Hiccup but even if it hurts me to i have to do it, he grabs my leg and pulls me to him. he smiles, i smile back. i kick him making him stumble back.

he gets up and tries to punch me, i dodge it. he runs towards me and pins me down. i try and struggle from his graps having no result he's stronger than me. "Hiccup let me show you how to pin someone down" i can hear Dagur say it teasingly to Hiccup. "Hiccup wins this round" says Chris shouting it out at the others. Hiccup gets up and extends a helping hand out for me. i take it, "sorry about that" i say putting my hair back in its original side braid. "were both sorry" he replies kissing my cheek.

"now tommorow we'll keep going with training but for now all the boys go lift weights while the little girls go gossip or something" says Chris directing all the boys to a building. "bye Hiccup see you later" i say kissing his cheek. "see you later but i think they'll let the girls visit" he says walking away.


hi peeps so if you people are wondering why i haven't been on its because i've been busy lately with tests, fieldtrips etc.

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