Chapter 40: Pain

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Astrid POV

i try and break free from Dagur's grasp but his grip is too strong. "Dagur just let me go!" i snap at him. "I'm sorry Astrid but your coming with me" he says pulling me with him.

i look up at the sky, Stormfly is ready to shoot. i signal for her to shoot, she does and one of those spines hits Dagur in the arm. making him lose his grip on my arm, i break free and run faraway.

Hiccup is holding Toby's hand as i disappear into the woods, when i try to stop i slam into trees and rocks.

"Astrid!!!" i hear someone yell. i can't tell if its Hiccup or Alex or Dagur so i just keep running. until i slam into another tree making me fall. "Astrid are you okay?" i hear Hiccup ask me. Toothless has Toby on top of him.

"I-I'm fine" i say trying to get up, Hiccup comes over to me and helps me up. i try and get up but my legs don't wanna move.

i try and get up but every attempt is helpless. "Here" says Hiccup sitting me down. he sits down next to me, "I'm sorry" i say looking at him. he looks confused, "For what?" he asks me. "For dragging you into this mess" i say trying to hide my face.

"You didn't drag me into this mess i dragged myself into it" he says hugging me. i dig my face into his shirt, not wanting anyone to see me. "Astrid i'm never going to let anyone hurt you, and i'd never stop loving you" he says hugging me tighter.

"I wouldn't stop loving you either" i say looking up at him. he kisses my forehead, then we both hear the flapping of wings. "Go hide" whispers Hiccup. i get up and hide behind a tree. i take a peek and look at Hiccup. June is scolding him.

Hiccup POV

"June i'm sorry i didn't tell you where me and Toby were but we had to run" i explain. "No Hiccup, you have to tell me where your going next time" she scolds me like a child.

"Can i at least show you the reason why we ran without telling you" i say calmly, "Fine" she says annoyed.

Astrid POV

Hiccup walks over to me, "Come on" he says grabbing my hand. "Hiccup i can't they'll hate me" i say holding in the tears. "Please" he says looking into my eyes. i take a deep breath, "Okay" i say staring into his emerald eyes.

he takes my hand and walks over to them, the whole way i stay behind him. "June, Aaron this is the reason i ran" he says stepping aside so they can see me.

i look up and when they see me, June starts to cry and walks over to me, "Astrid" she says looking at me, "Its me" i say starting to cry myself. she immediately hugs me, i hug her back.

"Your okay" she says hugging me tightly. "Sort of" i say as she pulls away from the hug. "What do you mean?" she says wiping away the tears. "My vocal cords are damaged" i say pointing to my neck.

Aaron walks over and hugs me, i hug him back. "Don't tear up on me" i say a bit teasingly. he laughs, "I missed you sis" he says pulling away from the hug. "I mean look at you, you got an axe clipped to your skirt" he says surprised. "You'd be surprised how much i have to use it" i say laughing a bit.

"How'd you find her?" my brother asks Hiccup. Suddenly a knife is thrown almost hitting me. "Oh no" i mutter. June, Aaron, Toby, and Hiccup look at me. i whistle for Stormfly, she lands next to me. Hiccup walks over, "I know what your thinking and i'm not letting you do it" he says grabbing my hand. "Hiccup i have to lead them away, Besides they've been after me for two years and haven't succeeded" i say getting on Stromfly.

"Hey Alex over here" i snap at him.

he runs over to me, "This time i'll get you" he says menacingly. "Think again loverboy" i say throwing my axe at him. he dodges it and runs after me.

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